
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

XX Beyond Judgement and Moving Beyond the Past and On Into the Future

Wednesday, April 30, 2014.  My sleep was decent but interrupted with worry and anxiety both personal and work related.  Personal things as regrets over missing opportunities and not doing enough to work toward my goals and dreams when I had sufficient time to do so.  Work wise simple worry about forgetting to order enough supplies for today’s deliveries.  I’ve got to move beyond my regrets over what I’ve missed or not done in the past and instead look to the future and all that I can and will do if I simply put my mind to it.  At work I think I’m finding my groove and things are humming along as my experience at the company increases with each passing day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation.  Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others.  Altruism.  Pride. Self-acceptance.”

I need to face facts and make decisions accordingly.  A big part of this is to live for myself more than I live for others and this is where the big part of my problem lies.  I also need to move beyond the past and keep my eyes and focus on the present and into the future as this is where my life is going—into the future.  Allowing myself to be bothered by and haunted by past mistakes and regrets is holding me back and I’m spinning my wheels and going nowhere fast.

I am where I am and I need to accept this knowing full well I have more than one opportunity to get to where I want to.  All I need to do is take one step at a time and continue to dream about my future, through my goals and dreams as I work one day at a time to get there.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The 5 of Cups and Tunring Our Eyes From Loss to Better Things Ahead

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014.  I had a decent night’s sleep although I awoke at 5:00am and then simply dozed until 6:00am.  I worked with Tarot shortly after getting out of bed and then ate breakfast before quickly heading off to work.  The work day is behind me and was smooth and dare I say somewhat relaxing.  This work week so far seems to be going rather well although, it’s been only two days.  However, personally, I’d still like to be somewhere else but I need to be real here and understand that I need to have a two year plan to get to where I want to be.  I am a Tarot Professional, a spiritualist.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath.  Regret over past actions.”

Loss is gain as much as gain is loss.  We may have regrets and losses however we also have celebrations and gains in our lives sometimes they even go hand-in-hand.  Let go of fear and often what we perceived as a loss was never really a loss in the first place.  Fear is what we need to lose most as it brings about so much harm to our lives that we can really do without it.  Although, this card may be about loss we may also find new insights and opportunities if we cast our eyes away from this loss into a new direction where the sun is shining and it’s a much brighter day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, April 28, 2014

VII The Chariot and Finding Success

Monday, April 28th, 2014.  Ah, another work week begun and another work day finally over.  No, work isn’t so bad I just had dreams of Tarot Cards and driving as I slept last night and these same images stayed with me throughout the day.  The weekend was so enjoyable that I found it far too short but there is another weekend ahead so something to look forward to.

Work went well and all of the driver’s came back happy and no customer complaints came in through the telephone so I’m assuming all is good.  And today’s order entries seemed to go quite well so we’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Cards is “VII The Chariot:  Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

Spirit is influencing me on one side and the rest of society and expectations of family, friends, and loved ones are influencing me on the other.  My motivation is strong to live how I want to live but is it strong enough to overcome the influence of family, friends, etc?  Do I have the will power to be what I want to be?  I hope the answer is yes to both of these questions.

Achievement can be ours but it takes some effort on our part to make it happen and opportunities are sometimes barely visible to us and can come to us in very unsuspecting ways.  Let’s be mindful of this and keep our minds, hearts, eyes, ears, and spirits open to see what may come our way and change our lives for the better.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sage Coins, Sage of Swords, and XVII The Star

Sunday, April 27th, 2014.  We met up with a friend at 10:00am to go t what we thought was an art exhibit, an exhibit that was outdoors but lo and behold it is not even an art exhibit.  It’s simply a condo pre-sale masquerading as an art exhibit, the art exhibit eventually taking place as the condo tower and surrounding developing grow up out of the ground between the three arms of the north end of the Granville Street Bridge in downtown Vancouver.

We parted company with our after going through the “art exhibit” as he had an afternoon art class.  We had lunch at “The Mexican” on Granville Street before doing a bit of shopping at H&M and Central Hobbies and then heading home for a short while.  We had dinner plans with my family—my sister, husband, and two children were in town this weekend to buy a gently used truck.  So we met them, my brother and uncle for dinner at Red Robin in Coquitlam.  I really enjoyed the visit as I had a great conversation with my nephew about his love and passion for all things RC.  We’re meeting again this morning for brunch so I’ll do my best to have a conversation with my niece about our shared love of trains, and model trains especially.

I want to see my family more, more than having a regular job will allow so I need to work on how best to earn an income and see my family more often.  Oh, and having a van conversion will also make this a much easier undertaking too!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather than trying to control them. A mature appreciation of the natural world.  Patience.”

I have resources within me that can help me achieve more success than I’m giving myself credit for and I likely can go farther using these resources harmoniously and co-operatively with the other skills and talents I have at my disposal.  Also, having a firm knowledge of and relationship Spirit is one of the greatest resources I have at my disposal.

The “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision.  Being too judgmental.  Mediating a dispute.” provides me with the power of my knowledge and intellect to move forward with the confidence of success and if I combine this with emotional sensitivity I can be very charming and convincing and move things my way—not by being deceptive but by being more articulate in my conversations with others.

I’m learning to trust and believe in myself more and this is supported by the visit of “XVII The Star: Spirit is Real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying spirit.  A dream becomes real.”  Things revealed are indicated and things will be revealed in a very nice way.  This card indicates renewed motivation, peace of mind, and better sense of knowing who I am and where I’m going.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The 10 of Swords, XVIII The Moon, and the 5 of Wands

Saturday, April 26th, 2014.  One of my favourite days of the week, a time to relax and enjoy more of what life has to offer in addition to the joys or lack thereof, working the five other days of the week.  My work life is busy but a decent job and for a decent company, a small owner operated business that relies on the people that work there.  I enjoy my work for the most pert and now that got about five weeks under my belt I’m more comfortable with and less stressed about my job.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction.”

I am enlightened and seeing through self created illusions.  My life is decent, purposeful and now more actively lived by yours truly, me.  I have much to be thankful for and know full well that while I do have goals in mind and want to take a certain direction in life that I am now more flexible than before to allow for detours and/or a complete change of direction.

“XVIII The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative.  A sense of mystery.  Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious.  Sexuality or sex.”

A realization came to me that perhaps I’ve been more engaged in my imagination than my intuition for years now and that I’ve been more or less deluding myself in how my life was and how it was proceeding.  Spirit has always been involved in my life but I’ve only tapped into Spirit more accidentally rather than purposefully and engaged enough for it to make a difference.  I’ve also put too much emphasis on my emotions and feelings as to fully appreciate the fact that the decisions I was making were based more on assumptions and speculation on my part than fact.

So be on guard as to whether or not it is your intuition that is carrying your forward or merely your possibly “wild” imagination that could be leading you astray.  Don’t be afraid to confront such an illusion as it will only be of benefit to you and your ability to move forward on a more solid foundation with realistic plans as to how to change your life for the better as well as reaching your goals.

“5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

Be wary of picking fights that are not worth fighting and unnecessary to begin with.  At times we may be simply fighting with ourselves.  Well, if this is the case, it’s time to STOP!  Let’s all settle down and tap into our true priorities and stop fooling ourselves.  Be realistic but don’t beat yourself up if you are not where you want to be at this point in your life.  Draw up realistic plans with short-term achievable goals that will lead you to your ultimate goal and then work on it will all of your energy while being flexible enough to realize that a better opportunity may also open up to you.  Co-operate with yourself so that you can co-operate with others as this sense of harmony is where Spirit is strongest and that we are more able to see our plans through in a realistic light rather than the illusion of our imaginations.

Don’t try so hard to get ahead or get what you want and see what happens.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, April 25, 2014

7 of Wands and Battling Your Own Fears to Move Forward

Friday, April 25, 2014.  Again I awoke several minutes before the alarm so now I’m thinking that this is happening for a reason.  I do believe that I’m being nudged awake by Spirit so I can begin my morning ritual, if you will, of communing with Spirit so I have quality time with Spirit while I’m in a semi-conscious state.  This is a good time to have new insights, thoughts, ideas, solutions, or what have you that can be of good to us in the day that follows or in making or adjusting plans with better alternatives.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”

I’m having a battle within myself.  I’m in a state of self-discovery of learning what I really want and expect out of life and what my real intentions and desires are.  I’m doing my best to be more present in the present as well as a fully active participant in my own life.  I’m adjusting to living in the here and now as opposed to living in dreams and wishful thinking.  It’s amazing how great my life is now that I’m more actively involved in it and thankful for all that I have.  However, a battle still rages on within me as to what exactly it is that I’m expecting of my life, where I truly want to be and where I want to go.  I’m battling my fears and evaluating my convictions.

My work day is a good distraction for me and is busy enough to keep my mind occupied and my thoughts focused on the work at hand.  More than that though, my job is teaching me valuable lessons and is helping me to realize my dreams, dreams that are coming to fruition right now—I just have to open my eyes to see all that I have and where I’m going and where in time I’ll be right where I’m supposed to be in a couple of years time.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24th, 2014.  I slept quite well last and awoke just a few minutes before the alarm so I got out of bed fairly happy.  I am quite grateful to be working, working for a decent company, working for a decent wage and working close to home however I still have goals and plans for a different way of working and living albeit quite flexible ones.  I want to work toward my goal with plans that allow me to change course and navigate a new direction should a better way of doing things and/or living come to me.  I’m quite happy to be where I am and it does get easier working at this job as I’m left alone for the most part and it’ll allow me to bank money into savings as well as allow me to pay off my debt more quickly.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.   Ability.  Making something happen.”

If I dig deep down and truly communicate with myself I’ll understand myself better and thus be able to be more positively active in creating my life rather than merely living it.  I need to know and understand my deeper values and needs and really get to know and understand my true intentions in order to move forward and live my life in a more positive and active manner.  The road ahead may be a bit difficult but if I am to live more for myself than others as well as being more active about the direction my life takes, I may need to, likely will have to make changes in and to my life that may shock a few people and ruffle the feathers of others.  My life is has to be of my own doing and I am confident that with Spirit as my guide I will do well for myself and make it easier for others to understand why I’m making certain choices and doing what I’m doing in and with my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4 of Coins and Realizing Just How Stubborn We Can Be

Wednesday, April 23, 2014.  I had a decent sleep until I awoke about 30 minutes before the alarm.  I hate awaking like that as I know full well that the alarm sounding is not too far off.  However, my day went well for the most part except I made a boo-boo on customers order that went out today, the same error I made for the same customer a couple of weeks ago.


Other than that the day proceeded along quite smoothly.  I think I’m starting to get into a comfortable rhythm of doing my job in a timely and accurate fashion.  But I never really know until the day after so tomorrow will tell me how well I did today.  It’s always an anxious day for me no matter what as the driver’s always make the boss aware of problems with their orders.  Can never really relax until I get home and this is for a few short hours that I can relax I the evening.  But I’m managing and always know with thankfulness that Spirit is always with me no matter what.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

This “4 of Coins” is telling me to smarten up and get my head out of the sand.  I’m so focused on one thing that I’m missing opportunities to find much success in my life and an easier path to realizing my dreams, goals and desires.  I’m being too stubborn and possessive of the way I want or think my dreams should be realized that I’m blocking off better ways of getting to where I want to be.  With this being said I surrender all of dreams, desires, and goals to Spirit and let be what will be.

I accept my life for what it is now and will do all that I can to enjoy the journey I’m on while knowing full well that  Spirit has my best interests at heart and I will be living the life of my dreams very soon.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

XV Self-Hatred and Taking Our Lives Back

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014.  I slept much better last night and the day at seemed to go quite well however I won’t know for sure until tomorrow pretty much comes and goes.  My day’s work is not really reflected back to me until the next day when all of the orders have gone out and/or the driver’s noticed an error or omission with my work.  Taking my lunch break away from the office is a really good move on my part.  I get to breathe and relax for an hour.

With all of this being said, I’m still not comfortable with my job.  Also, I’m working at a traditional job that is not how I was hoping to spend this year.  But I need stability and a stable income in order to take care of my debt, debt I am solely responsible for so I need to pay it off and then move on and this is my hang up, I suppose.  My job is neither hard nor easy but not what I want to be doing at this point.  I classify myself as a Spiritualist, a Tarot Professional and spirituality is where I want my focus to be.  I have a two year debt repayment plan and will do everything I can to stick to it.  But I’d also like to dabble in professional Tarot Card readings and spiritual study research, and teaching.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem.”

Am I deceiving myself and accepting a traditional role and a traditional job for the sake of fitting in and meeting family, partner, and friends’ expectations?  Or am I deceiving myself in what I think I want to be doing in and with my life.  Is fear crippling me more than it should be?  Who is to say that if I drop everything now and follow my dreams, my intuition and gut instinct that I will fail miserably and fall flat on my face?

When I do think about dropping everything and simply taking off I don’t feel anxious or worried but feel kind of relieved.  Finally, I made the decision and just did it-not thinking, no holding back, just taking off and going for broke-no job, no money no real prospects, simply a feeling that this is what I need to do.

“XV Self-Hatred” is here today to tell us to believe in ourselves and our futures.  If we can just go for it today, let us all put real plans into place where we have a goal, an end date where we no longer live for others but instead live for ourselves.  Let’s all do our best to find out what makes us tick, what makes us happy and where we want to go in life.  Let’s all turn off the world and exterior noise for a moment so we can hear our won voices, our thoughts, see ourselves as who we really are and then break free of the fear that is holding us back and take our lives back.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, April 21, 2014

XIX The Sun and Moving From the Shadows Into the Light

Monday, April 21, 2014.  I awoke after a night of dozing.  I did not have a real good, wholesome, or deep sleep last night.  I was feeling a bit groggy throughout the day and had a sense of unease about me all day, almost a sense of dread, not feeling all that well.  However, my work day ended well and nothing seemed to be amiss with any of the work I completed last Thursday and no calls or emails came in today regarding missing items or orders and even the drivers arrived back without a complaint.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary.  Contentment.  Optimism.  Ordinariness.  Satisfaction from a job well done.  Familiarity.”

A good card to see this morning and one that reaffirms ideas running through my mind these days.  Still need a bit of clarity though as I have had a couple of competing thoughts runs through my mind regarding my RV as well as desire to perhaps move into a van conversion instead.  My RV still has life left in her I’m sure of it however a van conversion could allow more immediate travel not just for myself but more importantly for my partner and myself.  Although, I’ve had significant dreams about my RV.  I’m almost convinced that I travelled astrally to my RV one day last week of the weekend before.

But back to “XIX The Sun”.  Success is in the cards so-to-speak.  The energy of my relationship has improved significantly and the idea of traveling in a van conversion with my partner has great appeal as then road travel will be less uncomfortable for us as we have our home on wheels and can practically stay anywhere.  I guess what I see with the “XIX The Sun” is that I can have the best of both worlds in the sense that I can maintain my relationship as well as engage in RV travel with my partner on occasion and even by myself if my partner has no desire to go the great distances that I might wish to travel in order to see the sights and sounds of North America.

The light is bright and the shadows are dim.  The cosmos is lighting the way for me so that I can live in two worlds so-to-speak where I can have and maintain a stable relationship, work at a well paying job, pay off my debts and then travel when the mood strikes, within reason, of course.

Thank You “XIX The Sun” and Thank You Spirit.

Let the light shine upon you this day!

Blessed Be.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

V The Priest, 9 of Swords, 7 of Wands

Sunday, April 20, 2014.  I awoke a little earlier than I thought I would but I dozed for about another 30 minutes.  When I first opened my eyes it was 6am and I finally crawled out of bed around 6:30am, I think.
Yesterday we made a jaunt over to one of the local malls where I picked a pair of jeans, some casual pants, and short-sleeve button up shirt.  Although, I enjoyed spending the day out with my partner being in the mall depressed me.  I don’t like the rat-race.
Once back home we did a few chores (I got rid of a few items of clothing) before settling in the for the evening.  My thoughts often turned to living in a van conversion and not my motorhome.  A van conversion was in my thoughts as it is smaller than my RV and would be less conspicuous if parked on the street with me living in it.  And this is where my thoughts were going—trading in the car and getting rid of the RV and moving into a van conversion.  Although I am comfortable with my life and do genuinely love my partner and enjoy my relationship I feel that something is missing, something is wrong with this life I find myself living.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.  Wisdom.  Advice.  A ceremony or ritual.”

Although this card somewhat signifies traditional paths or traditional patterns of behavior it also points to the possible need of a teacher, guide, or guru so I’m opening myself up to receiving a teacher, guide, or guru into my life in whatever form it takes.  Paying more attention to my dreams, taking note of passages from a book or magazine that strike me as having significance or running into a person that touches me as being an important person to welcome into my life at this moment.

The “V The Priest” is not alone in his message to me to search for answers as the “9 of Swords: Unquiet Dreams.  Stress.  Worries.  Mental tapes which play over and over.”

is also pointing in this direction.  I need to break through, break free of this illusion that I think is my life and get down to the dirty little details of my life that are causing me some anxiety and worry.  What do I have hidden in the deep recesses of my mind that I haven’t dealt with that now need to come to the surface and be taken care of once and for all?  I need to wake up and face the face the facts.  A time to refocus and make a tweak her and tweak there so my goals are more than just within reach but something I’m living and experiencing in the here and now.

What do I personally want in life?  What are my convictions?  Am I stopping myself from living my life my way for the sake of others?  Am I placing more importance on what others think and believe rather than on what I believe and want out of life?
These are the questions that the repeat visit of the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”

is asking me to confront and answer.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Man of Cups, Guide of Coins, and 7 of Wands

Saturday, April 19th, 2014.  An odd night of dreams but I slept well.  In one I was driving my old RV into my hometown with my eldest brother who passed away many years ago and in another I was living in a van conversion while still working at my present job.  I have a faint recollection of another dream however it’s too hazy for me to put into words how to best describe it—although I think it had to do with nature, a natural formation of some kind.  Could be something like the Devil’s Tower in Wyoming as I was thinking about that briefly, yesterday.

Yesterday was decent day where I ran a couple of errands and made some progress on one of my longest desired hobbies that is finally coming together after many decades of wishful thinking but I had to change scales in order to do it.  Who would of thought, that’s all it would take?  I also did a few home chores and even found time to relax as the day wore on and it was soon evening and time for dinner.  We watched a movie, “The Iron Lady”, a good movie and a great performance by Meryl Streep as always.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Cups: An emotional adventurer.  Tendency to want to emotionally rescue others.  Drawn to emotional crises.”

A day where emotional sensitivity is the feature of the day.  Could involve new flirtations and new love/romance however it can also be a time to be more creative in an existing relationship and re-ignite the love affair that started it all in the first place.  Become more sensitive to your own as well as your partner’s emotions and see the unlimited possibilities and potential to rekindle romance and strengthen your relationship.  But the warning is not to allow yourself to become too sensitive to the emotions of others where you want to fix their problems for them.  Focus more on yourself and your existing relationship first before coming to the rescue of others-be objective and detached don’t let it become your problem.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card brings along with it the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”

Nurturing, enjoying the ordinariness of simple living.  No need or desire for extreme living or adventures, simply enjoying a mundane lifestyle and appreciating all that I have while living life instead of simply living it.  Confused?

It’s about living with purpose, living with control over one’s life rather than merely reacting to it.  About writing your own story and appreciating your place in life and actively living it rather than moping about and wanting more.  Give to your life, actively live it.  Yes, this can be hard to do and I struggle with it every day however when I actively participate in my life I enjoy each of those days more than any other.  Thursday was like this as was yesterday.  I’m living the life I desire now, am I doing all that I desire to do?  Heck, no!  But I’m living my life with the knowledge that I’ll get to where I want to be soon enough and am simply enjoying the journey before I get there so I’ll do home chores like laundry, dishes, or scrubbing the sink-it’s therapeutic and time to spend with Spirit.

What may come about today is represented by the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”

I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to seeking out and achieving my goals, dreams, and desires.  I’m the biggest opposition I face in terms of living the life I most desire and cherish or that I think I most desire and cherish.  I’ve opened myself to other possibilities and am doing my best to be flexible and as open-minded as possible as t what my life can and has yet to become while still trying to be in the driver’s seat.  Sometimes absolute surrender can be the best choice to make.  Maybe this is what today may bring-absolute surrender to divine wisdom and direction for my life.  Or do I fight for what I believe in, fight to maintain my morals, principles, and ethics.  To fight for what I want my life to be?

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, April 18, 2014

VI The Lovers, the 5 of Wands, and XIII Death

Friday, April 18th, 2014.  Good Friday.  A statutory holiday, a much welcomed day off from work.  It has been a trying week and it’s so nice to awake and relax in the morning without having to rush off to a job.

Last night was quiet and relaxing.  I reflected on wrote about yesterday’s visiting Tarot Card and played around with different ideas for my model railroad layout.  All in all a good finish to a day that started out with a firestorm…

…Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.”

I need to become more self aware and figure out what love means to me and how I see my relationship, what value I give to it, what I expect out of it and where I want it to go from here.  Am I truly happy being in a relationship.  Our day to day lives are so busy these days do we really ever know or ever get to know what our relationship is, what it’s about and why we entered into it in the first place?

What I need to attend to today is represented by the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

Am I at odds with myself and are the apparent problems in my life merely a reflection of me?  I think, no, I know that I need to learn how to and strive to co-operate more and live in harmony with my partner, family, friends, and co-workers.  Also, is what I want and desire out of life truly what I need or desire?  Is this how I am at odds with myself, my purpose in life?  When I think about this, I think not and that where I am at odds with myself is in not giving my full attention to or a firm belief in and a true hard desire to live out my dreams, goals, and desires.  When it comes down to it my truest desire is to be mobile in life hence my purchase of and desire to live, travel, and work from the confines of an RV.  I want to be in constant motion, exploring all that there is to see on this planet, especially here in North America.  And it’s not like I’d be driving blindly and without a purpose.  I strongly feel that I’d be traveling to areas that I need to see, that have some meaning for me and for others that I can then communicate with them through social media such as my blog or YouTube.  My sense of exploration and driving is filled with a deep desire and sense of important purpose.  Do I need to simply give into this deep desire instead of fending it off until I can do it-the right time, the right amount of money, etc?

Things that may arise today in terms of feelings and desires are represented by “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”

This is about my confusion about where I need to go from here.   I may even fear change enough that it is blocking the change that I need to take place in my life.  A phase is over and I need to embrace the coming change or changes in my life.  I need to move forward with great optimism and cheer.  I welcome change and a new direction.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

3 of Swords and Creating One's Own Emotional Storm

Thursday, April 18th, 2014.  I slept surprisingly well last night.  I did awake on occasion and was fully aware that I did however I was not fully conscious and was likely back to sleep in seconds.  The mornings as usual are a bit rushed but I’m managing to deal with the up and out of bed and almost as quickly scarping down breakfast and running out the door.
Walking into work this morning was like what I imagine to be like walking into a firestorm.  It was dark, intense, and heated.  I felt like my life was over as I knew it however the as the day ticked by the day ended very calmly and peacefully, ended on a high note I would have to say.  No apparent customer complaints, no complaints from the drivers and relatively minor complaints from the owners, not really complaints, more like constructive criticism.  I look forward to walking into work on Monday and for now this Easter long weekend is all about relaxing and enjoying my relationship and my hobbies and other interests.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage.  Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm.  Feeling hurt or betrayed.”

When I saw the “3 of Swords” I knew instantly that it appeared because I was betraying and hurting myself through my sloppy workmanship on the job.  My attention span and ability to look at and cross-check my work were lacking in due care and attention.  This was quickly brought to my attention by the owner of the company yesterday afternoon.  When he left my office after a positive chat with me I proceeded to cross-check all of the work I did up until that point and continued on doing the same today and it works!

So sometimes we do not need another person’s involvement to feel hurt and betrayed and emotionally drained because of some situation or circumstance in our life.  We can do this to ourselves.  As much as I thought I was doing a good job I was proven to be wrong and this is a good thing.  I’ve been given the chance to and encouraged to change and succeed at this job and this is exactly what I intend to do.  It’s not simply a job but a career, a short-term career that will allow me to succeed in all areas of my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IX The Hermit and Find Time For A Time-out

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014.  I slept well last night and awoke feeling pretty good but then the work day began and it went downhill from there.  Well work was another day of hearing about mistakes I’ve made and the day just became depressing.  Stupid, stupid, stupid mistakes.  How can one not enter information from a piece of paper, to then print another piece of paper, then confirm that the information is the same yet fail to see an omission or a different product than what is ordered?  I’ve never made so many mistakes at a job that I can remember.  I don’t what else to do to be better at the job…

…we’ll see what tomorrow brings…another chance to hear about my mistakes or will it be for the most part an error free day?  I did my best to double and triple check everything so I hope I didn’t mess anything else up.  Will I be looking for a new job after tomorrow?  It is what it is, I suppose so what comes and I’ll deal with it then.  For now it is my home time and I need leave work at work and get on with my home life here.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study.”

I need some serious alone time, I need solitude and meditation and reflection.  I need to just be and allow Spirit in to fill me with enlightenment and purpose.  Maybe this weekend is a weekend of needed solitude for all of us.  We need to withdraw from the world and find ourselves a cave where we can have one or two days of privacy and simple living.  Time to ask questions, listen for answers and learn how to be better people, for ourselves and more importantly for family and friends.  Let’s all take a time-out and really disconnect from the world for a day or two.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Youth of Swords and Objectivity

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014.  I didn’t sleep very well last night—thinking too much about my job and what I may have screwed up yesterday however the work day today has ended and nothing came up in the way of an error.  Today’s work day was hectic and productive, calming down just enough at the end of the day for me to wrap things up and double-check my work.  The energy of the workplace is calming down now that I’m less of a new hire and not so green in terms of job knowledge and my place within the company.  I’m even staying late and not thinking twice about it and I take my time driving home.

I’m not getting as excited or frustrated about driving as I used or being in a rush to get home.  I’m becoming more chill, calm, cool, and collected about everything.  I think this has to do with my desire to be a Tarot Professional, mobile and on the road zig-zagging across the continent helping people find themselves and become more independent thinkers.  I say this because last night I had a dream about driving my RV or someone’s RV although I did feel like the owner in the dream.  The RV was rather large when I was parked and receiving my brother and partner as guests but then it became more like a mobile home and I could see my RV outside the window parked beside the unit I was in.  The odd thing was that I was traveling with a dog and at least a couple of cats.  The dog was sitting on a stool trying to recover from motion sickness or something of that nature.  Kind of odd but I’ll accept it as a dream I had and a dream with meaning.  Oh, and a voice has been whispering away in my mind telling me that at least my “RV runs”.

RV travel is in my future.

Thank You Spirit.

And Spirit Is and today’s visiting card is still here visiting from yesterday, the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking").”

Moving forward with open eyes, clear and objective thinking and open communication is the message of the day.  This is both in my personal and work lives.  I’ve got much to do to be successful in both of these areas.  A successful work life will provide me with a successful personal life as I can then have a road map to being debt free and having the freedom to travel.  I have a two year goal.  I’d like it t be less however the amount of my debt is such that I need to give myself two years to pay it off.

So we need to be open to learning, developing new and/or improved communications skills and we need to sometimes free ourselves from our emotions so we can engage in more objective and clear thinking so we are more realistic about our lives and goals.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Youth of Swords and Learning the Hard Way

Monday, April 14, 2014.  We had a pleasant day yesterday as we helped a friend celebrate his 4oth birthday.  We strolled along one of seawalls in Vancouver, enjoyed a meal at Le Parisien and made it home by about 9:30pm.

I slept rather well last night but walked into a frustrating day at work.  I totally messed up on making an order for delivery today for the driver’s that need the product for our deliveries today and then I was emailing people that don’t need to make orders until next week.  I’m trying to be very careful and conscientious about what I’m doing but I continue to make stupid and avoidable errors.  Tomorrow is a new day so I will leave today’s work day behind me.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking").”

A day of challenges it was.  A day of harsh learning was also on the menu for today.  Eyes were opened and errors brought to light.  Discoveries were made on how to do some things easier than I was before.  Much learned albeit with much frustration tagging along for the ride.  I feel almost crushed but know these are lessons I need to learn and take to heart.  I’m learning through mistakes as a well as research into who the customers are that we serve at work as well as by looking at the daily schedules of each of the drivers.

Much learned and a realization just made.  I need to be an adult here and react like one too!  Time to move on make tomorrow a better day!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sage of Coins, Man of Cups, and 2 of Swords

Sunday, April 13, 2014.  Yesterday turned out to be quite the fine day.  We relaxed through the morning and then head out and enjoyed the sights, sounds and atmosphere of Steveston.  We walked about the quaint village before enjoying a coffee and snack at a local coffee bar, Rocanini Coffee Roasters Cafe.  We then headed home via a quick stop or two to run an errand and complete our weekly grocery run.  The evening was relaxing…

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather than trying to control them. A mature appreciation of the natural world.  Patience.”

Using resources rather than trying to control them and this is what I’ve just learned how to do.  Use what I have the best way possible and life is runs a little smoother and naturally.  I use the talents I have as well as the inspiration of others to achieve success and do the best job possible.  This even applies to my desire to RV—use the RV I already have.  Invest the time and money necessary to get her back into shape and she’ll one finely tuned RV that will have me criss-crossing this fine continent for many years.

The “Sage of Coins” is influenced by the “Man of Cups: An emotional adventurer.  Tendency to want to emotionally rescue others.  Drawn to emotional crises.”

I need to guard myself from trying to get to emotionally involved in other people’s live and/or their relationships and need to instead focus on my own and how I’m influencing the relationship I’m in.  Also, emotions have no place in managing resources and trying to achieve and enjoy the successes that life has to offer.  Emotions can colour our view of the world and distort reality in ways that can be more harmful than good so we must check our emotions “at the door” on occasion so we are things in black in white where we can evaluate them more objectively.

Today things that may arise are influenced by the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”

Meditation is good and does serve a purpose however we must also decisions as hard as they may sometimes be.  Action is required in life if we expect to live a purposeful and fruitful life.  Living life requires action especially if we have desires, dreams, and goals that we want to have and/or experience.  Life cannot be lived in a reactionary way.  We need to be active and actively participate in life if we want to get something out of it, if you will.  Life’s purpose is much easier to realize, understand and achieve when we are active participants in living our lives and merely reacting to it.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

10 of Swords, XX Beyond Judgement, 2 of Cups, and Youth of Coins

Friday, April 11th, 2014.  I had a decent night’s sleep and although the work day started somewhat intensely it calmed down into a nice smooth rhythm and ended calmly where come Monday I’ll be looking forwarded to getting back to work.  Can’t believe I said that!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction.”

I’m not sure what happened but the appearance of the “10 of Swords” made something click inside of me where I decided that I’m better at doing the job I’ve been hired to do and that I cannot wallow in the mistakes I’ve made but instead strive to better by being focused with intent at the job at hand taking things one step at a time and not trying to multitask so much.  As a result I had a much better day and was glad to hear that nothing was amiss for any of the driver’s as they made their daily deliveries.

After work I had to do a quick shopping trip to finalize our dinner for and with friends for the evening.  The shopping list was on my phone that went dark and shut off do to a lack of battery charge so I had t make two trips into the store so I could pick up the items I missed the first time through.  No big deal.

Dinner and conversation were great and the sleep that followed was very much welcomed and I even slept in…

…Saturday, April 12th, 2014…so as I mentioned I slept in this morning.  Awaking after 7am, what treat!  It’s now approaching 9:30 and breakfast is long past, some clothes have been folded and another load is in the dryer or hanging out to dry.  And I’m writing this…

…thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation.  Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others.  Altruism.  Pride. Self-acceptance.”

To accept and get to know others we must accept and know ourselves first.  Who are we and what makes us tick?  Step back and look at yourself as honestly and objectively as you can without guilt or blame and get a sense of who you are.  See the facts of your life straight up and without fear, anxiety, or worry.  Remove the emotion from what you see and then strive to make changes if what you find of yourself is not quite to your liking.  But strive to change with laying blame or feeling guilty about what your find and now accept of yourself.  I’m doing the same—difficult but doable with the strength of Spirit on your side.

Things to attend to today are represented by the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue.  A balanced relationship.  Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”

This ties into “XX Beyond Judgement” in the sense of getting to know and accept yourself so you and I can be better partners and spouse in our respective relationships.  Again it is best to take a step back and look at things through non-emotional eyes and have an honest look at what our relationship is, what it represents to us, what we expect out of it and what we are contributing to it.  Honesty, objectivity, and acceptance of what we find will allow us to have a better relationship with our spouses as well as ourselves where conversations are real, honest, non-judgmental, and candid.  Is it time to invest more time into the relationship or do we need to walk away from it.  Love can work both ways in this regard.

And the feelings, desires, and reactions that could arise today are represented by the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

I must not be so self-absorbed in myself or my desires that I lose sight of the relationship I’m in and what my responsibilities are.  I must guard against being so intently focused on my things and the way I want things to progress that ‘m blind to new and better opportunities to do things differently or that might take me in a new and brighter direction than the one I have in my sights now.

Also, I must also continue to take care of the mind, body, and spirit, through good nutrition, exercise, and time with Spirit.  Key factors in living a purposeful and purpose driven life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The 10 of Wands and Taking a Moment to Enjoy Life

Thursday, April 10th, 2014.  I slept right through the night only being somewhat aware that I awoke ever so slightly once or twice as I slept.  I awoke mere minutes before the alarm and did not feel like getting out of bed but I did and not even reluctantly.

The day was a bit rough, had to deal with a few mistakes at work and do my best not to make any today.  I’m actually struggling with doing a good job.  I’m not sure why I’m making the errors I do as they are really stupid and avoidable mistakes.  Where is my mind and what are my eyes looking at when I’m supposed to be aiming for accuracy and have a redundancy in place to avoid these types of mistakes?  I’m hoping my efforts today are proven to be error free.

But before my work day began and even before breakfast I worked with Tarot and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Overcommitting yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life.”
Sometimes the burdens we have or the even the responsibilities that we think we are responsible for are not as burdensome or as time consuming as we make them out to be.  Maybe taking a time-out and looking at things with fresh eyes in a day or two can give a fresh perspective and the mindset and energy needed to tackle a given situation or circumstance that was giving us a headache the day before.  And we may then even wonder what we were fussing about in the first place.  So it is at times like this when we should focus our attention on the lighter side of life and not feel guilty about it.

Not procrastination merely a time-out, a time to breath, to relax, to enjoy a moment or two of peace and serenity and just be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The 5 of Swords and Overcoming Living Life as Winners and Losers

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014.  Another early morning, awaking some 20-30 minutes before the alarm, too tired to get out of bed but knowing full well I will not get anymore sleep.  I’m okay with this though as maybe tomorrow it’ll happen and I’ll simply get out of bed and get on with the day or perhaps I’ll pay attention to those semi-conscious thoughts that come to mind as we awake.  I know I’m awaking for a reason.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Swords: The Tennis Game.  Being overly competitive.  A game which gets out of hand.  A pattern of always needing to win, or to lose.”

I have no need to win at all costs and I have no desire to make a point of winning and to the point of seeing another person as the loser.  Life is not, nor should it be a competition.  Yes, we have society we must do our best to live in and fit into however that does not mean we have to be like everyone else in doing so.  I’m at a point in my life where getting ahead is no longer important to me.  I simply want to live a decent quality life where I do not chase after money yet have enough to live the life I enjoy.  Never will I put money ahead of helping others where, when, and how best I can.

I’m humbled to have a roof over my head, food on my plate and money in the bank.  I ache to see others suffering and struggling just to live.  So being competitive is not in my genes.  Neither is the need or desire to win.  My interests are no better than or more important than someone else’s.  We need to build and lift each other up so we all succeed in life.

But this “5 of Swords” is here today to tell me that I might be falling into this trap of living life as a competition so I see this card as a wake-up call to watch myself, my thoughts, and my actions.  Life is not about winning or losing or leaving anyone else behind, it’s about succeeding in life together, as many parts of a much greater whole where we are all important pieces of the puzzle and the puzzle cannot stay together if a single piece is missing so let’s work together in creating a better world where all of us matter, nor just a select few.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The 3 of Swords and the Need for Logic and Reason

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014.  Another somewhat decent night of sleep as I awoke a few times and again maybe 15 to 20 minutes before the alarm.  I’d much rather sleep and be awakened by the alarm but then maybe I awaking for a reason.  Perhaps, to give me more time with Tarot.

Speaking of Tarot, today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage.  Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm.  Feeling hurt or betrayed.”

The appearance of the “3 of Swords” surprises me however when I read more about it I realize that it also points to using logic and reason to overcome most often unfounded fears, jealousies or worries.  Sometimes it’s necessary to be more logical than ruled my emotions or feeling as they can get in the way or colour things in ways that often lead our emotions astray.

This is where meditation comes in handy or even a good dose of nature where we can clear our minds and take a look at things more honestly and objectively so that we create a bit of separation between ourselves and the situation that may be causing us a bit of grief or heartache.  Oftentimes clarity of mind and thought combined with a good dose open eyes allows us the honest look that is necessary to get to the heart of any matter affecting us.  Hence, the need for more logic and reason—oh, to be a Vulcan sometimes…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Intuitive, Meditation, and Intuition

Monday, April 7th, 2014.  I awoke throughout the night and awoke an hour before the alarm.  I did not like this at all and I do not feel very good throughout the day as a result and I think my mental acuity is also quite fuzzy as a result.  But I survived the work day and this is all that matters.

Thank You Spirit.

Oh, I realized I made an error yesterday and my intuition was even trying to tell me this as we headed downtown to run an errand and check out a movie.  Yesterday’s Tarot Card of the Day is actually the “Ace of Cups”, not the “Ace of Coins” as I wrote.  I knew this as each time I thought of the card of the day, the “Ace of Cups” is what came to min d.  I have no idea how I got onto the “Ace of Coins”.

And moving on to today, today’s visiting Tarot Card of the Day is “II The Intuitive: To be true to oneself, one must know oneself.  Looking within for answers.  Meditation. Intuition.  Exploring that which is normally hidden.”

And when “II The Intuitive” appeared I knew right off the bat that I needed to meditate and trust my intuition more.  My intuition in hindsight has been correct 100% of the time over the past few months.  I’ve got to trust, respect and utilize the innate knowledge that is coming to me through ideas, thoughts, and words and phrases whether they come from a conversation, a television show or words in a book, magazine, tweet, or blog.  Life is coming is coming alive in many wondrous ways for me and it’s time I paid attention.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Ace of Coins with Support from XIX The Sun, and the Sage of Swords

Sunday, April 6, 2014.  We had a fairly busy yet productive early start to the day that didn’t see us return home until about 3pm having the left home around 10am.  Today as a result is a more relaxing day.  We may even go out and catch a movie.  I slept well and slept in so I’m feeling quite good and quite refreshed.

As part of the process of developing my own Tarot Consulting and Reading Service I’ve decided to when I can do a three Card of the Day Reading for myself.  Today is one of those days.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security.  Starting to build or construct something.  A fertile environment.”

This is about focusing on achieving real results by using the knowledge and skills I have to invest in myself and my future as well as doing what I can to improve my skills and knowledge so that I am not only proficient in what I set out to do but it is very much a part of the very fabric of my being.

The supporting Tarot Card if the Day and what personal issues I should attend to are brought forth with the “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary.  Contentment.  Optimism.  Ordinariness.  Satisfaction from a job well done.  Familiarity.”

So I should focus today on being content with what I have, enjoy the ordinariness of the day, be optimistic about my future and the attainment of my goals and strive to the best job possible at my new workplace.

And things that might come today (feelings, desires, reactions) are represented by the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision.  Being too judgmental.  Mediating a dispute.”

I may need to be articulate and intellectual today where reason and logic are more important about the feelings I may have yet I need to be careful about emotional issues that may arise.  I must also ensure that I do not abandon my principals and that the truth must dispensed with a great deal of tact and impartiality.

This was a great exercise, one that I look forward to doing each and every weekend and one that I will expand upon as my comfort and knowledge expands and grows in ways that will be of great benefit to me and others.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Youth of Coins and Creating a Healthy Lifestyle to Achieve Success

Saturday, April 5th, 2014.  It’s so nice to awake and relax in the morning without worry of having to get moving too fast in order to go to a job.  Don’t get me wrong though as I am thankful and full of gratitude about having a well paying job.  I do enjoy the work I am doing however, it is my goal to be self-employed and earning my own keep in whatever fashion I can.  I am a Spiritualist, a Spiritual Nomad, if you will and knowing this I know that I need to be on the road and earning my keep.  This is my primary goal however I am also a crafts person and will do what I can take this on the road with me so I have many avenues with which to ear an income.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

Although this particular card is more about physical health I also see it as focusing on my overall mental, physical and spiritual health as I see these as inseparable and dependent on one another.  To be healthy I need to keep mentally active, physically fit and spiritually alive and involved.  This then leads into pursuing financial independence through self-employment and being quite independent on others in terms of my financial health and well-being.  I have a great business idea, the skills and talents needed to pursue such an idea, and I’m on the path to putting it altogether and bringing my business idea to life.

This card is about going beyond wishful thinking and putting pen to pen in order to develop and flesh out our ideas for our futures.  Where do we want to go and what do we want to be and what do we want out of life?  Exercise, eating healthy and having a positive and loving spiritual life are great stepping stones to bring these ideas to life.  A clear mind and a healthy body as well as great spiritual strength are best to have to make our ideas a reality.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The 2 of Swords and Taking Our Blindfolds Off

Friday, April 4th, 2014.  Sleeping over the past few nights has been kind of odd.  I’m sleeping but awake at the same time, not through the entire night but portions of it.  I’m aware that I’m sleeping without being anywhere near awake yet at the same time sleeping but not really.  Does this even make any sense?  Last night was like this.  I felt awake but never moved a muscle or opened my eyes, simply slept with a bit of consciousness thrown in there.  But I was not awake enough to go through my spiritual ritual that I sometimes do when I’m almost fully awake at the odd time through the night.  I still manage to awake and get on with my day so I’ll accept it as it is…

…thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”

Am I avoiding a difficult situation or reality?  Am I avoiding emotional intimacy?  Am I putting up defensive barriers to avoid getting close or to avoid getting hurt?  Or do I seriously need to meditate and seek some inner wisdom and divine guidance?

I think it’s all of these.  I’ve been sailing through the last couple of maybe last three years with blinders on—focused so intently on what I want and not doing anything to help myself achieve anything while at the same time allowing things to slide in my personal, family, and work life.  This pattern has been doing me more harm than good and I’m thankful I’ve seen the light, so-to-speak.  Thank goodness for some gentle persuasion from Spirit.

I’m more focused on my personal, family, and work life while at the same time still aiming for my goal but doing so without sacrificing these other important areas of my life.  My goal is real and quite achievable.  I did err slightly during my brief period of unemployment (two weeks) but things will work out in the end anyway.  Have to trust my intuition or gut instinct more…

…I think I need to spend more time in and with nature.  Something is telling me to get out and experience the outdoors a lot more than I have in the past…an RV will be a good way to do this…hhhmmm.  I’m going to make a phone call this coming week to find out some information and see what I can make happen regarding the mechanical needs of my RV.  I’ll see what the weekends look like in terms of having a diagnostic completed on the RV.  An outfit called “Wrench Patrol” will come to you.  There’s a location in Burnaby that I called in between jobs but did not follow through with as I was intent on finding a job and not serious enough about having my RV looked at.

So, yes, the “2 of Swords” is about barriers and blindness to the facts and realities of our lives and we need to address difficult circumstances in order to heal and improve our lives and our connection with the cosmos.  Meditation is a good place to start but not a place to run to and hide in order to avoid the reality that exists outside our doors and beyond our walls whether inside or outside our homes.

Ask for help, there are many avenues to explore in terms of finding what we need in order to open our eyes, hearts, minds, and spirit to areas of our life where difficulties and that we have chosen to avoid for one reason or another.  Spirit is a good place to start…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The 8 of Swords and Releasing Yoursel From Your Own Trap

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014.  I slept quite well but awoke ten or twenty minutes before the alarm.  I didn’t look at the time but felt that it was almost time to get up.  So I allowed myself to doze while trying to commune with Spirit and Tarot as I was in a semi-conscious state.  My mornings are a bit rushed still but awaking any earlier is something I do not wish to do, not yet anyway.  Could change my mind but for now 6:00am is early enough.

The day went along very smoothly and I only made a couple of stupid errors at work, nothing that could not be fixed in a couple of minutes and overall I get the impression that I’m doing a good job.  I’m still enjoying my work and this is a good thing as I would like to get rid of my debts as quickly as I can.  I drove to work in dry weather and drove home in the rain and very slow traffic.  No big deal though.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction.  Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices.  Feeling lonely in a crowd.”

Am I restricting myself, trapping myself and continually setting myself up for failure?  I have been but now I do believe that I’m on a better path with a singular goal and purpose and this has brought along the great energy of the cosmos and Spirit to help me realize and achieve this goal.  Even today mere minutes ago I realized that I’m quite proficient with my favourite deck of Tarot Cards and moving along quite well with my second favourite deck so I have nothing to fear in reading for others and doing so for money.  Money is not a bad thing and neither is charging people a fee for my services.

My goal is well within reach and I need only move along step-by-step with each passing day to realize it, and realize sooner than I’ll know.

Open your heart and mind to Spirit, the cosmos, the truth—open your eyes to the life you find yourself in and living each day and make an honest assessment of it.  Are you impeding your own success?  Have you created a trap for yourself?  Look in the mirror and have a conversation with yourself, get to know yourself and see if you are indeed trapped by circumstances that you, yourself have created and then release yourself.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The 4 of Cups and Appreciating What You Having by Not Losing Sight of Opportunities

Wednesday, April 2, 2014.  Another decent day that followed a pretty decent night’s sleep.  Awaking and having to get on with the day so quickly is a bit daunting but I’m doing it.  One thing I noticed though is that I really do miss the relaxed mornings when I was not with a day job and could spend a bit more time with Tarot and reflecting on the day’s Tarot Card.  I find that mornings work great for me spiritually speaking as I can be very reflective and raise Spirit quite well as I burn incense and a tea light candle in my Circle of Friends candle holder.  I was doing my own daily ritual during the time I was in between jobs.  I quite liked it.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Cups: The Audition.  A new opportunity or choice presents itself.  Everything hangs in the balance.  Nervousness, excitement.”

I know what I want.  I need to know more about myself though.  I need to build a relationship with myself so I can move forward in a more positive manner.  I can meditate however I must not allow myself to turn away from new opportunities or appreciating all the good I have in my life these days.

So the message of the day is to appreciate all that you have, be introspective but so much as to lose sight of the opportunity or opportunities that be right before your eyes.  Get to know yourself and move forward with courage and confidence.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

XV Self-Hatred and Opening Up to and Seeing Reality For What it Really Is!

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014.  April Fool’s Day—anyone get fooled?

I slept well and even awoke an hour before the alarm to grab my phone so I wouldn’t miss the alarm.  Surprisingly, I fell back to sleep and was awakened by the alarm.  I liked that!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem.”

I still need to become more aware and more aware of me, who I am and what makes me tick.  What do I want out of life and what do I need to do to be where I want to be?  Am I letting fear get in the way of my potential, my purpose in life?  Do I have limitations that I am not aware of?  Do I need to break free of things that are holding me back?  Am I living a lie?  Much to think about and meditate upon.  Spirit works with us so we can clear our energy and live freer and better quality lives?

I’m on the right path but have much to learn and more to see.  I need to open myself up spiritually and energetically so I am on the same wavelength as Spirit, as the cosmos and allow the great energy that is wash over and cleanse me, uncover my eyes so I can open them to what I need to do to make improvements in my life.  I am open and willing to do that—it is done!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.