
Friday, April 4, 2014

The 2 of Swords and Taking Our Blindfolds Off

Friday, April 4th, 2014.  Sleeping over the past few nights has been kind of odd.  I’m sleeping but awake at the same time, not through the entire night but portions of it.  I’m aware that I’m sleeping without being anywhere near awake yet at the same time sleeping but not really.  Does this even make any sense?  Last night was like this.  I felt awake but never moved a muscle or opened my eyes, simply slept with a bit of consciousness thrown in there.  But I was not awake enough to go through my spiritual ritual that I sometimes do when I’m almost fully awake at the odd time through the night.  I still manage to awake and get on with my day so I’ll accept it as it is…

…thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”

Am I avoiding a difficult situation or reality?  Am I avoiding emotional intimacy?  Am I putting up defensive barriers to avoid getting close or to avoid getting hurt?  Or do I seriously need to meditate and seek some inner wisdom and divine guidance?

I think it’s all of these.  I’ve been sailing through the last couple of maybe last three years with blinders on—focused so intently on what I want and not doing anything to help myself achieve anything while at the same time allowing things to slide in my personal, family, and work life.  This pattern has been doing me more harm than good and I’m thankful I’ve seen the light, so-to-speak.  Thank goodness for some gentle persuasion from Spirit.

I’m more focused on my personal, family, and work life while at the same time still aiming for my goal but doing so without sacrificing these other important areas of my life.  My goal is real and quite achievable.  I did err slightly during my brief period of unemployment (two weeks) but things will work out in the end anyway.  Have to trust my intuition or gut instinct more…

…I think I need to spend more time in and with nature.  Something is telling me to get out and experience the outdoors a lot more than I have in the past…an RV will be a good way to do this…hhhmmm.  I’m going to make a phone call this coming week to find out some information and see what I can make happen regarding the mechanical needs of my RV.  I’ll see what the weekends look like in terms of having a diagnostic completed on the RV.  An outfit called “Wrench Patrol” will come to you.  There’s a location in Burnaby that I called in between jobs but did not follow through with as I was intent on finding a job and not serious enough about having my RV looked at.

So, yes, the “2 of Swords” is about barriers and blindness to the facts and realities of our lives and we need to address difficult circumstances in order to heal and improve our lives and our connection with the cosmos.  Meditation is a good place to start but not a place to run to and hide in order to avoid the reality that exists outside our doors and beyond our walls whether inside or outside our homes.

Ask for help, there are many avenues to explore in terms of finding what we need in order to open our eyes, hearts, minds, and spirit to areas of our life where difficulties and that we have chosen to avoid for one reason or another.  Spirit is a good place to start…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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