
Thursday, April 10, 2014

The 10 of Wands and Taking a Moment to Enjoy Life

Thursday, April 10th, 2014.  I slept right through the night only being somewhat aware that I awoke ever so slightly once or twice as I slept.  I awoke mere minutes before the alarm and did not feel like getting out of bed but I did and not even reluctantly.

The day was a bit rough, had to deal with a few mistakes at work and do my best not to make any today.  I’m actually struggling with doing a good job.  I’m not sure why I’m making the errors I do as they are really stupid and avoidable mistakes.  Where is my mind and what are my eyes looking at when I’m supposed to be aiming for accuracy and have a redundancy in place to avoid these types of mistakes?  I’m hoping my efforts today are proven to be error free.

But before my work day began and even before breakfast I worked with Tarot and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Overcommitting yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life.”
Sometimes the burdens we have or the even the responsibilities that we think we are responsible for are not as burdensome or as time consuming as we make them out to be.  Maybe taking a time-out and looking at things with fresh eyes in a day or two can give a fresh perspective and the mindset and energy needed to tackle a given situation or circumstance that was giving us a headache the day before.  And we may then even wonder what we were fussing about in the first place.  So it is at times like this when we should focus our attention on the lighter side of life and not feel guilty about it.

Not procrastination merely a time-out, a time to breath, to relax, to enjoy a moment or two of peace and serenity and just be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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