
Friday, April 18, 2014

VI The Lovers, the 5 of Wands, and XIII Death

Friday, April 18th, 2014.  Good Friday.  A statutory holiday, a much welcomed day off from work.  It has been a trying week and it’s so nice to awake and relax in the morning without having to rush off to a job.

Last night was quiet and relaxing.  I reflected on wrote about yesterday’s visiting Tarot Card and played around with different ideas for my model railroad layout.  All in all a good finish to a day that started out with a firestorm…

…Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.”

I need to become more self aware and figure out what love means to me and how I see my relationship, what value I give to it, what I expect out of it and where I want it to go from here.  Am I truly happy being in a relationship.  Our day to day lives are so busy these days do we really ever know or ever get to know what our relationship is, what it’s about and why we entered into it in the first place?

What I need to attend to today is represented by the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

Am I at odds with myself and are the apparent problems in my life merely a reflection of me?  I think, no, I know that I need to learn how to and strive to co-operate more and live in harmony with my partner, family, friends, and co-workers.  Also, is what I want and desire out of life truly what I need or desire?  Is this how I am at odds with myself, my purpose in life?  When I think about this, I think not and that where I am at odds with myself is in not giving my full attention to or a firm belief in and a true hard desire to live out my dreams, goals, and desires.  When it comes down to it my truest desire is to be mobile in life hence my purchase of and desire to live, travel, and work from the confines of an RV.  I want to be in constant motion, exploring all that there is to see on this planet, especially here in North America.  And it’s not like I’d be driving blindly and without a purpose.  I strongly feel that I’d be traveling to areas that I need to see, that have some meaning for me and for others that I can then communicate with them through social media such as my blog or YouTube.  My sense of exploration and driving is filled with a deep desire and sense of important purpose.  Do I need to simply give into this deep desire instead of fending it off until I can do it-the right time, the right amount of money, etc?

Things that may arise today in terms of feelings and desires are represented by “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”

This is about my confusion about where I need to go from here.   I may even fear change enough that it is blocking the change that I need to take place in my life.  A phase is over and I need to embrace the coming change or changes in my life.  I need to move forward with great optimism and cheer.  I welcome change and a new direction.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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