
Saturday, April 26, 2014

The 10 of Swords, XVIII The Moon, and the 5 of Wands

Saturday, April 26th, 2014.  One of my favourite days of the week, a time to relax and enjoy more of what life has to offer in addition to the joys or lack thereof, working the five other days of the week.  My work life is busy but a decent job and for a decent company, a small owner operated business that relies on the people that work there.  I enjoy my work for the most pert and now that got about five weeks under my belt I’m more comfortable with and less stressed about my job.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction.”

I am enlightened and seeing through self created illusions.  My life is decent, purposeful and now more actively lived by yours truly, me.  I have much to be thankful for and know full well that while I do have goals in mind and want to take a certain direction in life that I am now more flexible than before to allow for detours and/or a complete change of direction.

“XVIII The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative.  A sense of mystery.  Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious.  Sexuality or sex.”

A realization came to me that perhaps I’ve been more engaged in my imagination than my intuition for years now and that I’ve been more or less deluding myself in how my life was and how it was proceeding.  Spirit has always been involved in my life but I’ve only tapped into Spirit more accidentally rather than purposefully and engaged enough for it to make a difference.  I’ve also put too much emphasis on my emotions and feelings as to fully appreciate the fact that the decisions I was making were based more on assumptions and speculation on my part than fact.

So be on guard as to whether or not it is your intuition that is carrying your forward or merely your possibly “wild” imagination that could be leading you astray.  Don’t be afraid to confront such an illusion as it will only be of benefit to you and your ability to move forward on a more solid foundation with realistic plans as to how to change your life for the better as well as reaching your goals.

“5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

Be wary of picking fights that are not worth fighting and unnecessary to begin with.  At times we may be simply fighting with ourselves.  Well, if this is the case, it’s time to STOP!  Let’s all settle down and tap into our true priorities and stop fooling ourselves.  Be realistic but don’t beat yourself up if you are not where you want to be at this point in your life.  Draw up realistic plans with short-term achievable goals that will lead you to your ultimate goal and then work on it will all of your energy while being flexible enough to realize that a better opportunity may also open up to you.  Co-operate with yourself so that you can co-operate with others as this sense of harmony is where Spirit is strongest and that we are more able to see our plans through in a realistic light rather than the illusion of our imaginations.

Don’t try so hard to get ahead or get what you want and see what happens.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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