
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IX The Hermit and Find Time For A Time-out

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014.  I slept well last night and awoke feeling pretty good but then the work day began and it went downhill from there.  Well work was another day of hearing about mistakes I’ve made and the day just became depressing.  Stupid, stupid, stupid mistakes.  How can one not enter information from a piece of paper, to then print another piece of paper, then confirm that the information is the same yet fail to see an omission or a different product than what is ordered?  I’ve never made so many mistakes at a job that I can remember.  I don’t what else to do to be better at the job…

…we’ll see what tomorrow brings…another chance to hear about my mistakes or will it be for the most part an error free day?  I did my best to double and triple check everything so I hope I didn’t mess anything else up.  Will I be looking for a new job after tomorrow?  It is what it is, I suppose so what comes and I’ll deal with it then.  For now it is my home time and I need leave work at work and get on with my home life here.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study.”

I need some serious alone time, I need solitude and meditation and reflection.  I need to just be and allow Spirit in to fill me with enlightenment and purpose.  Maybe this weekend is a weekend of needed solitude for all of us.  We need to withdraw from the world and find ourselves a cave where we can have one or two days of privacy and simple living.  Time to ask questions, listen for answers and learn how to be better people, for ourselves and more importantly for family and friends.  Let’s all take a time-out and really disconnect from the world for a day or two.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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