
Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Ace of Coins with Support from XIX The Sun, and the Sage of Swords

Sunday, April 6, 2014.  We had a fairly busy yet productive early start to the day that didn’t see us return home until about 3pm having the left home around 10am.  Today as a result is a more relaxing day.  We may even go out and catch a movie.  I slept well and slept in so I’m feeling quite good and quite refreshed.

As part of the process of developing my own Tarot Consulting and Reading Service I’ve decided to when I can do a three Card of the Day Reading for myself.  Today is one of those days.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security.  Starting to build or construct something.  A fertile environment.”

This is about focusing on achieving real results by using the knowledge and skills I have to invest in myself and my future as well as doing what I can to improve my skills and knowledge so that I am not only proficient in what I set out to do but it is very much a part of the very fabric of my being.

The supporting Tarot Card if the Day and what personal issues I should attend to are brought forth with the “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary.  Contentment.  Optimism.  Ordinariness.  Satisfaction from a job well done.  Familiarity.”

So I should focus today on being content with what I have, enjoy the ordinariness of the day, be optimistic about my future and the attainment of my goals and strive to the best job possible at my new workplace.

And things that might come today (feelings, desires, reactions) are represented by the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision.  Being too judgmental.  Mediating a dispute.”

I may need to be articulate and intellectual today where reason and logic are more important about the feelings I may have yet I need to be careful about emotional issues that may arise.  I must also ensure that I do not abandon my principals and that the truth must dispensed with a great deal of tact and impartiality.

This was a great exercise, one that I look forward to doing each and every weekend and one that I will expand upon as my comfort and knowledge expands and grows in ways that will be of great benefit to me and others.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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