Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
'XV Self-Hatred' and Transcending Difficult Circumstances to Be Truly Myself
Another beautiful summer day to enjoy while on the job. Not my favourite to spend such a day but such is life...for the moment. I'd much rather be meeting all of you and the many people who are seeking a little bit of kindness, respect, and guidance in their lives.
Had somewhat of a sleepless night last night and my dreams were convoluted and mixed in with many a worried thought...was unaware I still had worry left in me but it reared its ugly head last night. I think I quashed it but will be prepared if tries to weasel its way in again.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem."
I think I suffer from "Unconsciously accepting societal norms" as sometimes because of my impatience and inaction, transitioning to a more independent lifestyle seems like a hurdle I cannot overcome so I tend to relinquish such a desire and fall back into thinking I'll simply work. Working at a job that does not suit or my inner self that's itching to leap out into the world and make his presence known. This is not a good thing and I've been holding him back for far too long.
So tomorrow morning after awaking I'm heading down to one of the park benches along the Fraser River to experience nature, to experience Spirit, to experience Tarot and be open to spiritually and energetically connecting with another...
Thank You Spirit.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
'I The Magician' and Getting a Push to Be More Active in Living Life
The summer heat is upon us but what glorious weather this is. Another miracle this day as I awoke yet again to experience this wonderful gift of life I've been given.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
It's time to make something happen and likely I need to be doing more to create my life as I'm apparently still reacting to life more than living it! I'm passively acting on my desires where instead I need to be actively acting on them so I'm out there on the road, not tomorrow, or today but yesterday. I need to get moving!
So, then that means I need to get Serenity looked at and fixed up so I can take her out on the road even if it's just here around town, town being metro Vancouver, at least for now. I do invite you or invite anyone you may know to take a closer look at my blog here and website to see what I have to offer.
I'm a Spiritual Guidance Counsellor through and through.
As I look back on my life and in particular my interactions with others I can see now in hindsight that many people not only came to me for help, assistance, or advice in one form or another because they trusted that I'd hold everything we spoke about in confidence but that I also had words worth listening to and that I could if only through energy and spirit provide them with the help, assistance, or advice they needed to hear.
I remember a regular customer (S) that came into Pizza every week, maybe even twice a week. Can't remember the specific day but she only came in when I was working. It must have been a quiet evening because I could spend quite a bit of time chatting with her as I went about my daily duties. And she always felt better leaving the restaurant than when she came in. She always order a personal pan pizza and a coffee.
When I worked at the Carib Theatre I had two or three people drop by fairly regularly to chat with me. One (B) in particular stood out as he reached out with more than just words, he also used his spirit and energy to communicate with me.
I wonder how these two (S and B) are doing?
Along with my in-person chats I also volunteered for the Quesnel Crisis Line, answering many phone calls over the years. Doing my best to refer callers to the help and resources they might need to deal with the personal situation or circumstance that led them to call the Crisis Line in the first place. I think I had maybe two or three calls that pushed me to my limits and caused me much grief and anxiety. Thankfully, I could debrief with the Crisis Line Manager and Co-ordinator.
Thanks for the "pep talk". I do have what it takes to be Spiritual Guidance Counsellor, now, don't I.
Thank You Spirit.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
The 'Youth of Swords', Computers, Email, and Curiosity Fuelling My Desire to Live Life on the Road
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
"Computers, e-mail" stand out to me today. And as I write this " Curiosity" has also jumped out at me. It's my curiosity that fuels me desire to be on the road driving to here, there and anywhere the roads and the winds take me. Curiosity fuels my desire to interact with and get to know people and what better to get to know someone than through a spiritual connection hence my acceptance that my purpose is to be "Your Local Spiritual Guidance Counsellor on this Road of Life". And in order to reach and guide as many people that contact me computers and emails will play a big role in doing just that. As I cannot be everywhere and nor can I necessarily travel great distances quickly when I driving a camper van.
If the parking lot down by Pier Park here in New Westminster is still open when I finally get around to it, and may this be sooner rather than later, I'll be parking myself and my van in that said parking lot setting up shop hanging out my Spiritual Guidance Counsellor shingle off the side of my van, make that my office ready to welcome you, my cherished clients.
Thank You Spirit.
Monday, June 27, 2016
'XXI The World' and Enjoying the Miracles That Life Offers Us Each and Every Day
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you. Transcending your circumstances by changing them or accepting what can’t be changed.”
"Transcending your circumstances by changing them" is the message I'm hearing today. And actually life for me today is a "joyful one". And I'm sure this is because I reminded myself as I walked into work, that I'm Wizard Oron, Spiritual Guidance Counsellor. This thought, this knowledge stayed with me all throughout this workday and continues now into my evening here at home.
In fact, I find that I'm much more engaged in the conversations I'm having throughout the day. Engaged in the sense that I'm actively listening with every atom of my being. I'm listening with my heart, mind, body, and spirit. And I'm finding that not only do I understand and appreciate the conversation more but I also have a better understanding and appreciation of the person I'm talking with. I also recognize that I'm not only actively listening but I'm actively engaged in and with life. I love it!
I'm transcending my circumstances by being more actively involved with life. My connection with the natural world and Spirit is much stronger and healthier today than it has been in a long time. I'm engaged with the world and with society in the best way possibly simply by understanding and being more engaged with my purpose in life. I truly am a people person and need to be engaged with people through meaningful conversation, mutual understanding, and a desire to grow and become a better participant in life.
Thank You Spirit.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
I'm "Your Local Spiritual Guidance Counsellor on This Road of Life"
This as I've mentioned before is my camper van, Serenity, she is also my Spiritual Guidance Counsellor mode of transportation and office. This is at the Westbay Marine Village just outside of Victoria:
I'm "Your Local Spiritual Guidance Counsellor on This Road of Life."
I'm here to help you reveal the mystery/mysteries of who you are...let us together unwrap the person you show to the world and reveal the person that you truly are...show the world the real you, heck show yourself the real you...you are likely to be amazed!
Oh, my Spiritual Guidance Counsellor "Road Fund" sits at about $950.00. Thank You for your donations and support!
Thank You Spirit.
The 'Novice of Pentacles' and Knowing That I Have Much More Hard Work To Do
Seeing Cindy so happy with her new to her RV filled me with true happiness. I was so happy for her as her spirit and aura lit up with the pure joy one gets with the profound sense of love they feel and are filled with from Spirit. Cindy is experiencing "Nirvana".
Thank You Spirit and Thank You Cindy for Sharing This Experience With Me!
I slept great last night although oddly my dreams were filled with images of British politicians and the whole Brexit issue that now faces them, Europe, and even the rest of the world. I had the sense that my Spiritual Guidance Counsellor skills were being put to good use.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Novice of Pentacles: The suit of Pentacles and its corresponding element, Earth, is feminine and is the mother of comfort, security and a solid foundation of grounding, so a young female with long, curly dark hair represents this Novice. She wears a long brown robe and a pentacle around her neck. She intently examines an altar pentacle. Nearby is a basket of fruit. This Novice can be someone who has worked particularly hard for someone in her situation. A rest may be needed. This person should be wary, though, of resting on her laurels and stagnating."
Although we need to rest on occasion we can't become way too comfortable with our resting that we forget to get back up and back into doing what we need to do in life. If we wish to live whole and complete lives we need to be active participants and not passengers of life. Otherwise, we relinquish control of our lives to everyone and everything outside of ourselves. Then we become powerless and dependent on someone else telling us what to do thus robbing us of fulfilling our purposes and living life to the fullest and with the thanks this deserves.
Thank You Spirit.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Saying Good-Bye to My First RV, Miss Lucille Esmerelda Tokalot
I let my little RV go for a whopping $1.00 but wow what great energy Cindy and I exchanged. This was the perfect time for this deep, meaningful and fully spiritual transaction to take place. Buying Miss Lucille Esmerelda Tokalot was something I had to do back in 2006 and even though I never got to take her out on the road or experience life on the road with her the experiences I've had in working on trying to make her my home were exactly what I needed and I have no regrets.
She is now in good hands and Cindy is going to experience the life she most needs to experience now.
Thank You Spirit.
The 'Ten of Swords' and Taking Control of My Life Back
Last night I had dreams about my model railroad and a crazy track plan that simply would not work. This dream stayed with me awhile. Then I was dreaming about talking to spirit's maybe not me specifically but perhaps a woman that was talking to her husband that passed on. She was embarrassed by this however I did my best to let her know that I, was it really me, also talked to spirits. Then either my sister or partner appeared in the picture and then the dream disappeared into a mist when the woman was mentioning how engaged the two of us have been with each other.
I donned my ritual garb, lit a candle and incense and sat at my working altar. I picked up the Pagan Tarot and shuffled the cards as my eyes closed and the flickering candle flame and smoking incense carried me into the ether...
...today's Tarot Energy is the "Ten of Swords: Determined to spend no more sleepless nights, our Witch takes on her problems head on. The broken swords represent problems or situations that needed handling. Some need to be broken down for easier handling, some needed to be thrown in the garbage. She has learned that she has far more control over her life than she ever realized. You, too, have control over your life and the way you think about and approach things. Whether external circumstances control you and your happiness is up to you. How much power are you willing to give other people or insignificant situations? Magick is largely intent or will. Make up your mind to be strong and in control of your life and your magick."
The "Ten of Swords" is really highlighting "How much power are you willing to give other people or insignificant situations? Magick is largely intent or will. Make up your mind to be strong and in control of your life and your magick."
I'm taking of life and magick back. This belongs to me and me only. No one else needs such control over me nor should they ever have it. My life and my happiness must always be determined by me as happiness really does emanate from within us. If I'm unhappy or even bored this has more to do with me than anything outside of myself. Since I'm in control and have control over my life, I choose to be happy and realistically it's not even a choice, happiness just is when one is truly connected with Spirit.
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, June 24, 2016
The '4 of Cups' and Auditioning To Be One of Spirit's Representatives Here on Earth
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “4 of Cups: The Audition. A new opportunity or choice presents itself. Everything hangs in the balance. Nervousness, excitement.”
"The Audition." What am I, what are we auditioning for? What makes it necessary for us to have to audition in the first place? When and how and will we find out how we did? And what happens if we're successful? Then what?
More questions than answers about today's “4 of Cups" visit. But it is "The Audition." that stands out for me with this “4 of Cups". I'm feeling a bit perplexed by it.
Aha! I got it!
Spirit is auditioning me to see how well I will be at representing Spirit as Wizard Oron and through my interactions with others in this role. How am I doing? Okay. But have much I can do to be better and not simply better but much better. And I started being better yesterday when role played a client visit by myself. It was very revealing and helped me a great deal in finding my natural voice and how emotionally grounded I will likely be when I become more involved with people through my Spiritual Guidance Counselling journey.
I give my thanks to all of you!
Thank You Spirit.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
The 'Guide of Cups' and Being on the Right Path by Following My Heart
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
My thoughts are well aligned with the “Guide of Cups" as when I was driving to work I sensed I was driving with door magnets on my car advertising my name and the services I offer. As the day progressed I was developing a strategy for moving forward with my goals especially in regards to how I will assist people with their needs. I'm here for others and I'm glad to offer my knowledge, skills, and years of experience to assist people better their lives.
I not only have faith that I'm on the right path in pursuing a spiritual career I also know deep within my heart and soul that I'm on the right path. Spirit is with me all the way!
Thank You Spirit.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
'XVI Revelation' and a Revealing Tarot Reading
I do not recall any dreams from last night although I did have some job related images float through my mind but sense that my brain was more attuned to Wizard Oron related activities.
I also made a blog post direct from my phone last night as yesterday was National Aboriginal Day.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “XVI Revelation: While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience. A necessary destruction of the status quo. Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth. A new idea which upsets others.”
Coming through loud and clear from today's “XVI Revelation" is "A necessary destruction of the status quo." As things cannot remain the same. I cannot continue down this same path or I'll simply end up nowhere, goals and dreams unrealized and a big heap of misery to greet me when I decide to retire or just call it quits.
Upon arriving home I set up a simple working altar on the dining room table, lit a candle and some incense and gave heartfelt thanks for all I have in life especially this precious gift of life.
I then started my quick reading, shuffling the cards and splitting the deck into four piles, taking one card from each pile:
"What's At Hand" - “3 of Wands: Leaving the nest. Seeing progress. Something or someone you have nurtured must now strike out on their own.”
I, Wizard Oron must now strike out on my own.
"Past Influences" - “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation. Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others. Altruism. Pride. Self-acceptance.”
I'm finally accepting myself for who I am. I'm no longer embarrassed to be spiritual person, believing in the power of Spirit in this world and in our lives. I also recognize, accept and am proud to be Métis. I'm also more in tune with and love the idea of helping others, with or without financial reward.
"Ponder This" - “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting."
It's really time for me to act for this is the only way for me to realize my dreams and goals and this ties in nicely with:
"What To Do" - “8 of Wands: Movement. Everything is falling into place. People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals. Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion. A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality.”
You see acting or action bring about the energy and support needed for us to achieve our goals and everyone can assist and facilitate all of this without losing themselves in the process. and We all end up being better people as a result.
Thank You Spirit.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
National Aboriginal Day
What a treat it was to turn the radio onto the CBC station and hear the stories of so many successful first nations people.
Tonight I started the process of applying for my Metis status. I'm proud to be a descendant of first nations ancestors.
My dad's father's ancestors came from France and as best I can tell his mom is a descendant of Cree ancestors out of North Dakota.
Thank You Spirit for bringing this part of my life to life!
'IV The Emperor' and Disciplining Myself So I Can Be More Creative
The next thing I know I'm in bed slightly awake and one of the rattler's was at the foot of the bed. My hands are flailing about and my partner is fast asleep and we're sleeping on the opposite sides of the bed than how we actually sleep. Then I kind of awoke and slipped quickly back to sleep.
Today's Tarot Energy is “IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot. Organization. Taking charge. An authority figure. Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”
Ok. I completely understand that for me to really move forward and make significant progress in achieving my goals I should be "Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.” Discipline, discipline, discipline...I really need to take charge of my desires to do something with my life and get them working for me so I can do just that...make something of myself.
I'm reading and studying which is good however, I need to be more active in moving my life forward and this is where I get hung up as I end up being too worried about my financial situation to take the leap necessary or even the smallest of baby steps forward on anything and this irks the heck out of me. Although, I can say this is a bit less these days since I've embraced the Spiritual Guidance Counsellor title as my true role in life.
I need to unleash more of my creativity in order to be myself. Now I seem to be getting somewhere. Writing all of this and having all of you read it and be inspired by it is filling me with great feelings of love and freedom. My creative juices are thawing and beginning to flow again...Thank You All!
I'm signing off now so I can get work! Wizard Oron is calling...
Thank You Spirit.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Midsummer, Summer Solstice, and a Full Moon (the Strawberry Moon)
For a few as I said previously, this is the middle of summer. This does make sense if you think about it, that this is Midsummer for the days will now grow ever shorter until the Winter Solstice where we'll experience the longest night of the year and realistically speaking celebrate the middle of winter, Midwinter, I suppose.
For my partner and I we estimate the beginning of summer should start somewhere in early May, perhaps, the 5th or 6th of the month. As this is the midway point between Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.
It's a wonderfully sunny day here in New Westminster, the eight o'clock hour is mere minutes old and the sun is still shining. Here in the condo the African Violet is in full bloom, and Peace Lily is standing tall and proud, leaves stretching mightily toward the sky. Or in this case the big, bright southwest facing window.
Time to sit back and relax with my books, my stones and crystals, Tarot Cards, and enjoy Spirit's energy.
The 'Youth of Swords' and Allowing My Curiosity Get the Best of Me
Oh, and here is a shout out to Pandit, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and leave a comment. Greatly appreciated!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
"Curiosity" and "Research" stand out for me as this “Youth of Swords" gets me to thinking about what his visit represents for me, for us today. My "Curiosity" helps me do more research and read a lot more than I usually do. As is the case over the past week or so where I'm reading two intriguing and compelling books, "The Wizard Within" and On Becoming a Counselor". In fact, I believe because of my desire to do more for people I'm reading with every atom of my being, with mind, body, and spirit as I immerse myself onto the pages and into the words. The words intermingling with all that I am. Reading is leading to yet even more curiosity blossoming in my thoughts as I aim to take a leap to become all that I can be.
Thank You Spirit.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
The '7 of Wands' and "Winning Against the Odds"
And as I sat in from my working altar with candles lit, a natural and well guide and meaning pride filled my heart and soul as I recognised and took ownership of my "Métis" heritage.
I'm Métis and I'm proud to be Métis.
We hung out with one friend in the early afternoon and another in the early evening and we still had time to ourselves to close out the night by ourselves and with our own activities--a bit of reading, some TV, and then a glass of milk each and a small sampling of the brownies I made. Then it was off to bed.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind. A Quixotic struggle. Winning against the odds. Confrontation.”
The “7 of Wands" is letting us all know that each of us is "Winning against the odds". Although it is "A Quixotic struggle" we have what it takes to make something of our lives, to become who we are meant to be.
For me, it's not only embracing my Métis heritage but also being Wizard Oron, Spiritual Guidance Counsellor for all of us traveling this road of life.
Thank You Spirit.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The 'Sage of Cups' and Returning to a More Natural State of Being
...Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Sage of Cups: Emotional maturity. A good mediator or counsellor.”
And as it's Saturday, the day is ruled by "SATURN" and represents "longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, and houses" as is stated in Llewellyn's 2016 MAGICAL ALMANAC. As is the Moon being in "SAGITTARIUS: Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic Moon sign. Favors expansion and growth."
As I fell asleep last night my thoughts centered around how I can best forward in and or with creating my own life rather than living the life I've been living as it is most definitely a reaction to and result of societal influence more than a true reflection of me and who I am. I was also reflecting on how at one time I desired to be a writer...no idea as to what I would write but oh, to be a writer I thought, what a grand idea!
Then the “Sage of Cups" appears and I immediately think out loud that yes indeed I have always been "A good mediator or counsellor.” Untrained as far as schooling goes but does that really matter? My training has been life itself as well as the power and grace of Spirit in my life. And many people appreciated how much I lent them my ear and shoulder providing them with someone willing to listen and willing to support them as they let out all of their frustrations. I had many people come talk to me whether it was my time at Pizza Hut or the Carib Theatre, they appreciated the time I gave to them. And I truly appreciated the confidence and the trust they had in me.
I am a spiritual counsellor of sorts, lending my ears and shoulders to people help them discover the answers they see or to relieve themselves from some of the anxieties, worries, and fears troubling them.
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, June 17, 2016
'II The Intuitive' and Being Told in No Uncertain Terms To Meditate For Crying Out Loud
I got up trying to shake things off however I was not successful as I tossed and turned pretty much until the alarm was serenading us. I was in what seemed to be a dream-like state but was also keenly aware that I was not really sleeping especially when the alarm sounded...and then I stumbled out of bed barely conscious and really not want to do anything but knowing I've made the choice to work at a job I don't much like so I got the coffee going and awoke my Tarot Deck and started to get myself in tune with Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “II The Intuitive: To be true to oneself, one must know oneself. Looking within for answers. Meditation. Intuition. Exploring that which is normally hidden.”
I must do more by continuing to look within through meditation so not only will I enhance my intuition but so that I can better be true to myself. I still have much to learn if I want to make it easier on myself in creating the life I want.
As I'm writing this a thought is twirling around in my mind about me driving along roads here and there and neither here nor there and talking to people along the way at each stop I make. These interactions propel me ever forward and finances never seem to be an issue. I just keep on driving and interacting with people and buying gas and food along the way without worry of credit card bills or a vehicle loan or even a line of credit to worry about. Money is a non-issue for me as I travel throughout Canada and the United States. I'm in a perfect state of being.
And now that I read what I've written I remember that this thought was growing in the back of mind earlier today as I was driving to and from Abbotsford and Langley, twice in a single day. Some of the roads I drove along today popped images of Serenity into my mind, making me think that I'm likely to be driving her, my beautiful camper along these same roads doing a little stealth boondocking of sorts.
But I'm possibly getting ahead of myself here as I need to give more time to meditation and Spiritual Guidance than the daydreams of the day. However, these daydreams may very well be might be just the Spiritual Guidance I speak of. Meditation will only strengthen my connection with Spirit and will really allow me to get to know in ways I never thought possible or can ever dream of.
Thank You Spirit.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
'XVIII The Moon' and Being Enticed By a Non-Rational World
However, dreams about camping and driving Serenity here and there also filled my mind as I slept. Serenity, home sweet home! I'm tempted to bring her into Canadian Tire to get her back up and running 100 percent so I can have peace of mind as well as be able to drive her when I like.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is --“XVIII The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative. A sense of mystery. Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious. Sexuality or sex.”
I truly enjoy being pulled into "a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative". The whole "sense of mystery" that this creates is energizing, enticing, and very uplifting! And how can it not be since it's a "non-rational world" which in and of itself is full of wonderment and surprises. How very exciting! This just fills me with a sense of curiosity and the need to explore. Hence, my desire to live on the road. It fills this need to explore and see what is around the next bend in the road. What will the next stop have in store for me?
Thank You Spirit.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
'I The Magician' and Creating a Real Life For Myself
And with Spirit's grace, love, presence and guidance today's Tarot Energy is "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
Another reminder that I need to get acting and creating my life the way I want it to be. Surrender to Spirit, I say. Yes, indeed, I surrender to Spirit, Spirit's Love, Spirit's Will and Spirit's Guidance. I trust Spirit. I know Spirit. I love Spirit. I am one with Spirit.
And maybe I'm already creating my life, my way. As of late, I feel no anxiety, worry or fear. Things feel and are as they should be at the moment. However, I'm still not satisfied with my job nor will I ever be. Wizard Oron is who I am and I'm dreaming more and more about me being who I truly am and that is, Wizard Oron.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The '5 of Swords' and Living Life For All and Not as a Competition
I am me and this is all I can be with improvements of course, all guided by Spirit, mind you. No need to classify ourselves as winners or losers, we should be happy with doing our best, no need to compete with anyone else as life is not a competition. It's a gift that we need to live well for all, loving ourselves and loving others even more. We need overcome this incessant need to classify each other as winners or losers or haves and have not's.
Lets live our lives to the fullest and ensuring that everyone in our lives can also do the same!
Thank you Spirit.
Monday, June 13, 2016
The '7 of Cups' and Getting Ready to Force Myself to Take Action
Sleep was fulfilling and satisfying however not precursor to wanting to fully awake or even get out of bed. I had a dream or two related to co-workers but then I had Serenity related dreams, I do believe with maybe even an appearance by people I do not know and some that I do such as Edith and Eugene Tokalot.
Spirit is and today's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting."
This appears to be the underlying of the year: "Contemplating choices when you should be acting." Directly or indirectly Spirit through Tarot is telling me to act, to simply act and be done with it. Hints are coming in all the time for me to quit think and start acting. Whether it's crows flying by or giving me a look, my dreams, articles in magazines, or a snippet out of a book or piece from a blog I'm being guided to act...quit whining and get on with it and do something about making my life what I need it to be.
Create the life I want by making a decision and then acting on it.
What kind of life do I want? A life of travelling the roads of North America.
What drives me to wanting to live such a life? My passion lies in driving and living a life of Spirit. So why not combine the two passions.
How will I finance this journey? By working on the road providing coaching, Tarot, Chakra and spiritual services to the people that I meet along the way. I'm a spiritual awakener through the wonderful presence, guidance, power and blessing of Spirit. As well, I have two great ears and a keen desire to listen to people and truly hear their stories.
Where will I go first? Kamloops, to see Dad and his wife as well as all the sights and sounds around this small interior city. Sitting on park benches in the hopes that someone might like a Tarot reading or two. Then I'd make my to Quesnel to visit my sister and her family and again all the sights and sounds in the area. Again looking also to engage spiritually with people from my hometown. From there a tour of the rest of the province of British Columbia.
Time for me to start acting...acting...I need to fully immerse myself into being who I truly am. I'm Wizard Oron, a spiritualist, a Wiccan, a Tarot Intuitive, a Chakra Tuner and a great listener...how may I be of service to you?
Thank You Spirit.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
The 'Sage of Swords' and Needing to Make an Informed Decision and then Act On It
We had a quiet morning before heading out to meet a couple of friends for coffee and pastries. We enjoyed our visit and walked along Main Street for a bit before parting ways. We headed out and got our weekly grocery run complete before returning home, relaxing a spell before getting dinner. Then we headed out around 9:30pm to catch the ten o'clock showing of "Alice Through the Looking Glass". I enjoyed the movie but the other half did not.
Edith beat me to our shared working altar this morning so I did what I do during the work week and sat on the sofa to converse with Spirit, Nature, and Tarot. Edith is studying 'III The Empress from 'Tarot, The Complete Kit'.
Spirit is today's Tarot Energy is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgmental. Mediating a dispute.”
I'm still needing to make "a mature, informed decision" regarding my life on the road particularly how I'm going to get there. The decision is a seemingly easy one as I can go ahead and just do it however I'm holding myself back because of the financial pressures I feel. But with having said that I also feel that Spirit is urging to make the leap and trust in the cosmos having my back, so-to-speak. Spirit will not let me down.
Besides, working where I'm working rubs me the wrong way and I'm becoming the wrong type of person by remaining there. The answer is quite clear that I must not stay at this job otherwise I'll be sacrificing too much of myself to remain there.
I've mentally given my notice at least I did so in my dreams so I'm halfway there it would seem now I simply need to make and take the final step and do it!
Thank You Spirit.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
The '6 of Cups, 'IX The Hermit' and a Whole Lot of Introspection and Discovering Ourselves
Once home, we showered and relaxed the remainder of the evening, me reading "The Wizard Within" and the other practising piano.
Reading the few pages I did out of the "The Wizard Within" got me to thinking about why I want to live life out on the open road. As in am I missing something in life? Is this desire something that can be fulfilled if I look within myself, really look into myself and get to the know the real me? Or have I already done that? I have a book, "Camping British Columbia and Yukon" by Jayne Seagrove and on the front cover is a photo of a Class A motorhome and a truck with camper driving down a highway with a beautiful mountain backdrop finishing off the scene behind them. I see myself driving down that highway, that image feels like home to me.
I've likely said this before but I feel most comfortable driving down roads and highways where nature is all around me. I'm totally immersed in nature as the landscape changes with each kilometre driven. No destination, no clear destination ahead, I simply need to be moving and stopping where the urge hits me.
Last night more odd dreams filled my mind as did thoughts or were they dreams of me giving notice at work that I was leaving the company and my job behind. I was camped in a rustic campground somewhere with Serenity's awning out and over a picnic table. Apparently it had been raining as my sister and her family were suddenly in the picture with my brother-in-law lifting up the awning to get rid the rain that was pooling in a low spot. It was near dusk as not much light filled this scene. In another thought/dream I was helping someone balance their chakras. This person was lying down on a table as I help the appropriate crystals and stones in my hands as I moved from one chakra to the next. And all the while all I felt was that I was simply known as Wizard Oron. I also remember a brief image of me driving down the said highway in that photograph on a hot sunny day, her windows down as nature and I connected and conversed as the blacktop passed by underneath Serenity's wheels.
Spirit Is and Friday's Tarot Energy is the “6 of Cups: Happy Birthday. Fond memories. A gift given in friendship or love.”
Today's Tarot Energy is "IX The Hermit - Hermits have typically been considered reclusive, but the hermit does not run from society out of fear; instead, the Hermit needs seclusion in order to hear the voice of the Goddess within. We must seek out a quiet place, either physically or through meditation, in order to hear the voice within."
Seeing "IX The Hermit" drop by for a visit got me to thinking of how nice it would be to have Serenity parked nearby. She's my little oasis in this sea of life that is often filled with chaos, turmoil, confusion, fear, and even loathing. It's nice to have a place that shelters us from the often fractious living we call life.
Many of us often rise above this cacophony of life but on occasion we fall right back into this heap of chaotic living and become like everyone else--lost and confused, drifting through life like automatons--not really living life but rather floating through unaware of the potential that it and we have if we stop and get to know ourselves and slowing down an learning how to really enjoy our lives rather than speeding through life because we think we have so much that we need to accomplish before this particular phase of life is over.
So the Hermit's message to us today is to slow down, make time for ourselves, look within ourselves and really get to know ourselves. We need to understand who we are so we can better live our lives and not only do so for ourselves but also for those who are important and around us. Take a break, take a breather from life, if only for a moment. Realize that this break and inward introspection will only make us stronger and better connected with Spirit and our true selves thus bringing out the best in us and all that we can offer.
Thank You Spirit.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The 'Youth of Wands' and Solidifying my Foundation
Spirit is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Wands: Focusing attention on something. Reaching for a goal from a possibly unsteady foundation.”
Yes, I am focusing attention on something and that is how I can help others by being me and living and working all things spiritual as I've always wanted to do, likely for longer than I know. The foundation I'm is not particularly unsteady but more likely shifting as my mind races a lot and I waffle a lot about which direction I should take or whether or not I should get another job rather than create the life I want.
However, I think the foundation I'm on is finally solidifying as I've really decided to take the risk of living and working a spiritual life for I know Spirit has my back and I will always have what I need, I never need doubt this ever again!
Anyone willing to wager $2500 on me with little to chance for a financial return on your investment?
Thank You Spirit.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
'XIX The Sun' and Celebrating the Ordinary and Boring
...sleep is more relaxing and awaking is a great feeling of being refreshed and well rested. Worry is gone. Fear has subsided. And a sense of knowing is growing within me...
...knowing and welcoming today's Tarot Energy, “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary. Contentment. Optimism. Ordinariness. Satisfaction from a job well done. Familiarity.”
"The best moments in life are" indeed "rooted in the ordinary." And my "Optimism" is riding high these days...it's from that underlying deep sense of knowing dwelling within me. Travel, travel throughout BC and then a turn south and into California...keeps twirling about my mind...I'm surprised as I'm usually preoccupied with other thoughts. And I'm not sure where this idea of traveling to California came from and what it's all about. BC, I can understand, my home province and lots to see close to home and opportunities to see family so it makes sense to travel here.
A plain, simple, ordinary life--boring to some as I'm sure I've said before but so rich and fulfilling to me even if I have desires and plans to be doing something different. It's all relative, it's about perspective and how relate to the people in our lives and the world around us and how open-minded we are to learning, understanding, adapting, of being flexible and willing to bend in order to calm the waters and keep everything on an even keel. No need to rock this boat of life unnecessarily.
Thank You Spirit.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
The Mind Revealed '8 of Cups' and an Inkling of Travel
Didn't make any time today for Tarot however, I did express much gratitude and thanks to Spirit for this day and for feeling much better today than I have the last little while. A part of ageing I'm told. Although, I reached my fifth decade I do not really feel nor even apparently look it so the aches and pains have been a bit of a surprise to me but maybe a result of too much sugar and cholesterol in my diet. Easy to change. I did it before and can do it again starting now.
And although, no Tarot revealed itself through the cards today, in my mind I saw the “8 of Cups" and had a strong sense of travel on my mind and an inkling of travelling to what I perceived to be California with visions of winding highways through canyons and mountains and a southward movement.
Additionally, my Chakras feel great. I feel a strong, unified, harmonious, and loving connection with every aspect of myself as well as the cosmic life force that is us all. We are the cosmic energy of the universe and we touch one another in all ways so I extend every loving aspect of myself to all of you. I extend my spirit to you and open every atom of my being up to you...Thank You Spirit...Namaste.
Monday, June 6, 2016
The 'Sage of Swords' and Making Right Decisions
Slept rather or so I thought but on the drive back to the office I was struggling to fend off sleep and caught myself closing my eyes several times. I remember having very active dreams this weekend though and last night was no different. Can't quite remember what any dreams were about last night but I do remember that they involved small kitchen appliances possibly, reconnecting with a friend and travelling.
Today's Tarot Energy is “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgemental. Mediating a dispute.”
The “Sage of Swords" is guiding us into "Making a mature, informed decision."
This might be off topic here however, I just wanted to put it out there that I've lost all sense of worry, dread or fear. And now that I've written it done I understand why. This is to allow me to look at a situation without emotions getting in the way and then making an emotionally detached decision about what's at hand.
Take Serenity for example. Her "Check Engine" light is on but I'm not worried. I have to get her repaired, end of story. No need to fret about it. It has to be done. It's as simple as that. Related to this is my bank account. I'm no longer worried or constantly fretting about the money I have. I have what I have and must do my best to make my funds work for me. Decisions were made now I must get on with it.
My job is no longer a cause of anxiety for me. I'll work there while at the same time focusing more of my energy on what I'm passionate about--Spirit, Nature, Tarot, and the Magic of the Universe, the universal energy that connects us all.
I've surrendered to Spirit, releasing all of my angst, worry, fears, anger and all that ails me. My life is not simply my own, my life is universal as are all of ours. Our lives are universal and we are all connected and what I do matters, and should matter to you as your lives matter to me.
Decisions made for the rights reasons are the right decisions.
Thank You Spirit.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
The '3 of Cups', a Park Bench, Pier Park and the Mighty Fraser River
I awoke early again this morning and as hard as I tried I could not get back to sleep so I simply slipped out of bed and got on with the day. I sat for a spell with my first morning coffee, contemplating and being thank for life and my life while also give thanks for the gift of living and enjoying a life of freedom, opportunity, love, happiness and so much more.
I then got dressed and walked down to Pier Park situated along the mighty Fraser River, flowing seemingly slow and quite high. I took a seat on a welcoming bench where I listened to the birds, the river, the sun, and life as I shuffled Tarot cards. A few people walked or jogged by, the energy calm, serene, peaceful, happy, my mind clear...
...today's Tarot Energy is the “3 of Cups: A Good Time. Happy, comfortable times together. Quiet enjoyment. Celebration."
Our lives have been quite peaceful, happy, quiet, loving and full of the energy of Spirit and Life. We've become more harmonious with each other, with each other's energy and needs as well as with Nature and Spirit. We're more in tune with living life fully appreciating how much we have and the joys of living in a beautiful home.
Thank You Spirit.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
The '7 of Coins', and 'XIII Death' and Getting Rid of My Fearful Self
After our run to the airport we zipped over, picked up Serenity then made a beeline to Martin's Furniture to pick our new dining chairs and stools, then returned Serenity to her spot in storage. Unfortunately, Serenity's "Check Engine" light came on during our drive and she started to pull mostly to the left during braking albeit once or twice to the right before the storage lot--another repair. Such is one of the "joys" of owning a vehicle--unexpected repairs and other surprises. But I still love Serenity all the same.
Friday's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Coins: Chores. Resting after a job well done. Contemplating life's cycles and changes. Planning your next move. Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new.”
Today's Tarot Energy is “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings. A phase of life is over. Allowing time to mourn. A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”
"A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness” stands out to me today. As does "Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new” from the “7 of Coins" yesterday.
My somewhat pessimistic self has to go as does the worrier in me. I need to continue to wrap myself up in Spirit's embrace and recharge every atom of my being through a closer relationship with Nature. Nature is such a gift and today I truly felt like a part of Nature, the trees, the rocks, plants, birds, creeks and streams filled me with much energy and life. I fell in time with Nature and could often feel the rush of energy of the other people on the trail getting their workouts in or quick hike in before the rest of their day's activities. I could have spent all day up on Quarry Rock, the view is splendid and time disappears altogether, utterly beautiful, inspiring, and life giving.
We need to, I really need to slow down and get in time and in tune with Nature, slow down and enjoy the ride of life. No need to rush and speed through it. There is just too much to enjoy in and of life rather than always spending our time rushing from one thing to another.
I need to slow down and truly connect with Spirit, Nature, and Tarot so I can then do a better job of connecting with all of you. I need to be of service to others because I want to and find a way to make a living while doing this. I need to exit the rat race and get back onto the slow road of life that I enjoy so much. Not to be lazy and sit around all day but rather to interact with people, nature, and spirit.
The part of the me that is unnecessary is the part of me that hasn't taken a risk in awhile, that part of me that's holding me back and not letting me get on with the life I've always wanted to lead and live--life on the road.
Time to meditate so I can immerse myself in universal consciousness and see where it leads...
Thank You Spirit.