
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

'IV The Emperor' and Disciplining Myself So I Can Be More Creative

Tuesday, June 21, 2016.  Dreams of serpents, more specifically, snakes, likely rattlesnakes, two of them to be exact.  Someone lying on a sofa or maybe a lawn chair seemed to have them as pets.  One rattler, coiled up seemingly on the guys calf and ankle, the other rattler near the guys head.

The next thing I know I'm in bed slightly awake and one of the rattler's was at the foot of the bed.  My hands are flailing about and my partner is fast asleep and we're sleeping on the opposite sides of the bed than how we actually sleep.  Then I kind of awoke and slipped quickly back to sleep.

Today's Tarot Energy is “IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”

Ok.  I completely understand that for me to really move forward and make significant progress in achieving my goals I should be "Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”  Discipline, discipline, discipline...I really need to take charge of my desires to do something with my life and get them working for me so I can do just that...make something of myself.

I'm reading and studying which is good however, I need to be more active in moving my life forward and this is where I get hung up as I end up being too worried about my financial situation to take the leap necessary or even the smallest of baby steps forward on anything and this irks the heck out of me.  Although, I can say this is a bit less these days since I've embraced the Spiritual Guidance Counsellor title as my true role in life.

I need to unleash more of my creativity in order to be myself.  Now I seem to be getting somewhere.  Writing all of this and having all of you read it and be inspired by it is filling me with great feelings of love and freedom.  My creative juices are thawing and beginning to flow again...Thank You All!

I'm signing off now so I can get work!  Wizard Oron is calling...

Thank You Spirit.


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