
Thursday, June 2, 2016

'II The Intuitive' and Time For Some True Introspection

Thursday, June 2, 2016.  Another work day down and one more to go before the weekend, a weekend with a quick family visit from a relative and afternoon of choral music with a couple of friends and maybe a bite to eat after.  But still this is another weekend of relaxation and building a stronger relationship with Spirit and keeping myself in tune with the universal consciousness and consciousness of love as well as my chakras balanced and well aligned with infinite energy of the cosmos.

Today's Tarot Energy is “II The Intuitive: To be true to oneself, one must know oneself.  Looking within for answers.  Meditation. Intuition.  Exploring that which is normally hidden.”

I spent minutes laying on a yoga mat with chakra stones and crystals lined up with my chakra centres with my eyes closed to begin a more thorough look within so I can better understand my mind, body, spirit connection and how to keep everything centred and balanced as well as continue to be one with Spirit.  Time for some good and honest introspection.

What I want or as I like to think need to do and what I'm doing are still at odds.  I'm holding myself back because of debt but is this a good even valid reason for me not to be doing what I've long dreamed of doing?

No, it's not!

I'm Wizard Oron and I do need to be on the road as I have many things to learn, many people to meet, many people to assist and much to see!  I'm on the road more and more in my dreams and I'm more and more conscious of being Wizard Oron and a helping hand in this wonderful world.

Thank You Spirit.


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