
Saturday, June 4, 2016

The '7 of Coins', and 'XIII Death' and Getting Rid of My Fearful Self

Saturday, June 3, 2016.  The family visit is over and although it was a quick one we thoroughly enjoyed the company and the time we spent together.  Our family was picked up and returned to the airport in less than a 24 hour period but we managed to go out for dinner last night (Bob Likes Thai Food), enjoy a hike to Quarry Rock in North Vancouver, a quick jaunt around New Brighton Park in Vancouver and a great lunch at the Tacofino Commissary, also in Vancouver.

After our run to the airport we zipped over, picked up Serenity then made a beeline to Martin's Furniture to pick our new dining chairs and stools, then returned Serenity to her spot in storage.  Unfortunately, Serenity's "Check Engine" light came on during our drive and she started to pull mostly to the left during braking albeit once or twice to the right before the storage lot--another repair.  Such is one of the "joys" of owning a vehicle--unexpected repairs and other surprises.  But I still love Serenity all the same.  

Friday's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Coins: Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new.”

Today's Tarot Energy is “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”

"A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness” stands out to me today.  As does "Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new” from the “7 of Coins" yesterday.

 My somewhat pessimistic self has to go as does the worrier in me.  I need to continue to wrap myself up in Spirit's embrace and recharge every atom of my being through a closer relationship with Nature.  Nature is such a gift and today I truly felt like a part of Nature, the trees, the rocks, plants, birds, creeks and streams filled me with much energy and life.  I fell in time with Nature and could often feel the rush of energy of the other people on the trail getting their workouts in or quick hike in before the rest of their day's activities.  I could have spent all day up on Quarry Rock, the view is splendid and time disappears altogether, utterly beautiful, inspiring, and life giving.

We need to, I really need to slow down and get in time and in tune with Nature, slow down and enjoy the ride of life.  No need to rush and speed through it.  There is just too much to enjoy in and of life rather than always spending our time rushing from one thing to another.

I need to slow down and truly connect with Spirit, Nature, and Tarot so I can then do a better job of connecting with all of you.  I need to be of service to others because I want to and find a way to make a living while doing this.  I need to exit the rat race and get back onto the slow road of life that I enjoy so much.  Not to be lazy and sit around all day but rather to interact with people, nature, and spirit.

The part of the me that is unnecessary is the part of me that hasn't taken a risk in awhile, that part of me that's holding me back and not letting me get on with the life I've always wanted to lead and live--life on the road.

Time to meditate so I can immerse myself in universal consciousness and see where it leads...

Thank You Spirit.


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