
Sunday, June 19, 2016

The '7 of Wands' and "Winning Against the Odds"

Sunday, June 19, 2016.  Another glorious day of sleeping in and awaking at one's own natural time.  Although, I was semi-conscious around 6 this morning I laid in bed and did my best to sleep, maybe meditate as well as direct my thoughts toward what it means to me in being Wizard Oron.  Doing so brought about the words "Spiritual Guidance Counsellor" and images of a sign saying as much, hanging from the house door of Serenity.

And as I sat in from my working altar with candles lit, a natural and well guide and meaning pride filled my heart and soul as I recognised and took ownership of my "Métis" heritage.

I'm Métis and I'm proud to be Métis.

We hung out with one friend in the early afternoon and another in the early evening and we still had time to ourselves to close out the night by ourselves and with our own activities--a bit of reading, some TV, and then a glass of milk each and a small sampling of the brownies I made.  Then it was off to bed.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”
The “7 of Wands" is letting us all know that each of us is "Winning against the odds".  Although it is "A Quixotic struggle" we have what it takes to make something of our lives, to become who we are meant to be.

For me, it's not only embracing my Métis heritage but also being Wizard Oron, Spiritual Guidance Counsellor for all of us traveling this road of life.

Thank You Spirit.


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