
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The 'Youth of Swords', Computers, Email, and Curiosity Fuelling My Desire to Live Life on the Road

Tuesday, June 28, 2016.  Pies, the pies had to be done just right.  This is what a customer told me in one of my dreams last night.  I'm not sure what happened in the rest of the dream or if it even continued after that scene played out but that's what I semi-consciously awoke to in the middle of the night.  Speaking of night, I vaguely recall a dream that was dark, may be outdoors but can't recall much else.  Oh, I was also working with a few clients in my dreams, I' think it's more appropriate to refer to them as friends but the dream has fizzled from my memory for the moment.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking").”

"Computers, e-mail" stand out to me today.  And as I write this " Curiosity" has also jumped out at me.  It's my curiosity that fuels me desire to be on the road driving to here, there and anywhere the roads and the winds take me.  Curiosity fuels my desire to interact with and get to know people and what better to get to know someone than through a spiritual connection hence my acceptance that my purpose is to be  "Your Local Spiritual Guidance Counsellor on this Road of Life".  And in order to reach and guide as many people that contact me computers and emails will play a big role in doing just that.  As I cannot be everywhere and nor can I necessarily travel great distances quickly when I driving a camper van.

If the parking lot down by Pier Park here in New Westminster is still open when I finally get around to it, and may this be sooner rather than later, I'll be parking myself and my van in that said parking lot setting up shop hanging out my Spiritual Guidance Counsellor shingle off the side of my van, make that my office ready to welcome you, my cherished clients.

Thank You Spirit.


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