
Monday, July 25, 2016

The 'IV The Emperor' and Getting Pulled Back Into Action

Monday, July 25, 2016.  Had a better night's sleep and few dreams/nightmares about the job.  I was actually surprised by the number of thoughts, dreams, and notions I had of being Wizard Oron and true to my real identity and authentic self.  I felt great!

And I awoke with no doubt about who I am, Wizard Oron.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”

Another reminder to me about "Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity" as I've kind let my forward momentum wane in a time where I've needed to keep it going and build up speed instead of letting it slow down.  Now how can I do this?  Hhhmmm...

I can continue to flesh out how I can best spiritual guide people to find that which they are looking for.  To help them turn their attention within and discovering themselves.  Discovering not only themselves but that they themselves hold the answers they seek within themselves.  helping them help me so we all understand that what will each of us great is lifting each other up and understanding and ensuring that all of our lives count!

Thank You Spirit.


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