
Sunday, July 17, 2016

The 'Elder of Wands' and Morning Dew Drops

Sunday, July 17, 2016.  We had a very quiet day yesterday.  We did bring some stuff down to our storage locker and go out for a walk but that's all we did outside our home.

Most of the day was spent quietly.  I piddled around with my model railroad, read a few more pages from The Wizard Within and Communion as well as from the RV Dreams Blog only taking a break to eat lunch and dinner as well as take a shower.  Lunch was from the new Vietnamese sub sandwich downstairs.  We can see ourselves eating lunch from there a lot on the weekends as their prices are phenomenal, only $5 for their large house special--yummy!  Dinner was leftover beef stew and spaghetti with tomato sauce and Ukrainian sausage.

Sleep was deep and meaningful.  One of the longest dreams was about working at a school, college or university and trying to find my way around.  Although, an interesting aspect of this dream was of me assisting a young woman get about her room.  Her legs did not function so I lifted her up and carried her into whiteness...the scene was not complete.  Then I was speaking to a young man about being happy with my job but I was still struggling to find my way around the university as it was very large building with or two or three wings and I had to find way to several classrooms located throughout this vast building.

I again walked down to the river and found my way to another park bench arriving around 7:18am.  And again quite a few people were walking or jogging on this beautiful welcoming morning.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Elder of Wands: The suit of Wands and it's corresponding element, Fire, is passionate and dedicated to the task at hand, so an older man with gray hair represents this Elder.  He wears a long orange robe, an ornate ritual stole, and three necklaces.  He holds a large ritual wand and a green leather bound Book of Shadows.  Nearby are a ritual fire and large basket containing an impressive variety of flowers and herbs.  This Elder can be someone of great will, determination, and drive.  He has an amazing talent for knowing the right thing to do in many situations and can lead with great charm and charisma.  If he is not careful, he can become bossy or intolerant of others' ideas."
Today, the "Elder of Wands" is letting us that many of us have "an amazing talent for knowing the right thing to do in many situations and can lead with great charm and charisma".  However, the best way for us to lead is welcome "others' ideas" and the best way we can do this is to use our ears more than our mouths.  We need to be experts in the art of listening for this is the best we can lead and help others to help themselves as they are best sources to the answers they seek, not us!

And as I was in a state of Tarot Spirituality, I noticed that the email address I used on my business card is the not the same one I have on my website and blogs, a minor glitch but I had to correct this error all the same and it was an easy fix.  So now both my website and blog have been updated with my new email address:

One last thing as I was relaxing and soaking up all the world has to offer as one sits on a park bench, I happily noticed the morning dew drops on the plants in the planters that frame the park benches situated along this old piece of blacktop and former parking lot.  Very cool!
Oops, one more thing I definitely will try and park Serenity on the piece of blacktop that remains as both short term and long term parking.  It'll be very nice to have so close by.

Thank You Spirit.


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