
Monday, November 30, 2015

'8 The Stag' and Our Call to Action

Monday, November 30, 2015.  Sunday's are an odd day for me as I like to stay home and just be lazy but then I sometimes get depressed because the weekend is quickly coming to an end.  By the time Sunday rolls around I've just gotten onto a roll of accomplishing things and don't want to stop however a work day follows and a decent bedtime is a must.  Aaarrrggghhh...

I had fun this weekend having a nice outing on Saturday that was balanced with working on a hobby that has been coursing through my veins since I was about seven years old...model railroading.  And if this wasn't enough I also interacted with Tarot and Spirit along the way...

...I am Wizard Oron, after all.  And Wizard Oron is on the move.  I'm getting more and more proactive and active in driving toward a more self-reliant lifestyle however it come to be.  By self-reliant I meant working for myself and living as frugally as possible.  My aim is to work every day of the month with a goal of earning anywhere from about $75 to $100 per day.

How do I plan to earn this money?

After much thought it is by offering spiritual coaching, intuitive and chakra balancing services all rolled into one deal.  My goal is of providing clients an initial 2-3 hour session with 3 to 4 thirty minute follow up sessions over the next one or two months following their initial session.  I'm here to help and help in as many ways as I can.  An objective spiritual voice guided by Spirit...our connection with the universe and to each other...

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place.  The key word here is 'responsibility'.  We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change.  Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due.  This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation.  Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."

It's time for us to awaken from our slumber, awaken to the fact we are abusing our host, dear planet Earth and it's time for us to clean up our act or she'll have something to say about it...and likely not in a good way.

Each of us must rise to the challenge of the coming changes and face them with honesty, integrity and trust and do our part to find solutions in the balancing act of maintaining the economy and saving ourselves from the consequences of our actions by minimizing our impact on the climate.  "8 The Stag" is our call to action.

Let us all do what we can.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

'XV The Devil' and Finding Ways to Clear Our Mind

Sunday, November 29th, 2015.  By late morning, we were on the train headed downtown to take a walk around Stanley Park for however long the mood to walk carried us.  First however we had to find a place for lunch.  We decided on Steamrollers, a quick and decent lunch before heading off to the park for our walk.  The day was cold and crisp for Vancouver but the sun was shining and a short walk and the sights and sounds of the park beckoned us.

We didn't end up walking all that far however we managed about three kilometres along the seawall and however long our walk through the city too us.  Before heading home we stopped for an afternoon coffee and pastry at Baguette and Co and a quick walk through TOPMAN.  Our only layout of cash was for our food and the transit fare to and from downtown but we had a great day out were back home around 5:00pm.

The evening for me was spent working on my model railroad and the other half practiced piano.  Then by 11:00pm we were crawling into bed.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "XV The Devil.  Matter overpowers mind.  Desires rule.  Beware of your dark side.  The pursuit of materialistic or sensual pleasures may taint your ability to think clearly.  Cleanse yourself of behaviors and habits that are doing you no good.  When reversed: Things are unclear for you now.  Don’t let yourself be intimidated and don’t judge others too harshly.  Others seem uptight, set in their ways.  Are you?  Don’t let past issues cloud today’s progress."

Do what you can to clear your mind if you find our thoughts scattered or find it difficult to concentrate.  Perhaps, spend a moment or two with one of your houseplants, if you have any or a quick trip out into your backyard.  Or even grab a gemstone or crystal that can ground you and help clear your mind.  A moment or two with eyes closed and in silence can do wonders to settle and clears one's mind.

Do your best to bite your tongue before speaking, keep an open mind and look at yourself, take a long hard look in the mirror before casting judgment on someone else. Our thoughts and words can come back to bite us if we don't show restraint when we know we should.

We all need to do more and keep our minds in check as well as keep them healthy and clear of the muck and mire that can pollute them when we allow the worst of our own humanity get the better of us.

Hug a tree and clear your mind!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

'XVII The Star', 'The 5 of Wands, The Hockey Game' and Challenges Become Opportunities

Saturday, November 28, 2015.  The day job is becoming busier, more stressful, and more demanding, still enjoyable however my wages do reflect the responsibilities I have.  I make a decent wage but when I weigh my wages against what I do to earn them the dollars I see deposited in my account pale in comparison.  But for now I'll stick with but come the new year I'll have to have a conversation with my employers.

Last night we hosted a dinner party that was more successful than we ever could have imagined and compliments about the meal from the appetizers all the way to dessert flowed from our guests all evening and trailed off as they walked through the door and onto the elevator.  Thank You Spirit.  We are deeply humbled to have made such an impression...

Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy is “XVII The Star: Spirit is Real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying spirit.  A dream becomes real.”

Today's Tarot Energy is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace."

As I explore the options of bettering the success of my spiritual career my thoughts go to how others have accomplished this same challenge and what wisdom I can glean from their success but without copying what they are doing.  I observe well laid out and good looking websites as well as very thoughtful advertising campaigns.  Everyone appears to match their websites and ads to their natural talents as well as the type of clients they wish to work with.

I believe that I can do the same and provide yet another option for those seeking spiritual guidance, Tarot observations or chakra balancing from another unique, objective, and caring voice of the world.  Healthy competition is good for all especially when we respect and promote each others' works and/or offerings.  We cannot allow envy or jealousy get in the way of our good works.  And this is much less likely to happen when we appreciate and understand how real and power Spirit is and good work that Spirit can do in our lives when we allow Spirit to guide us i all that we do.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

'12 The Mirror' Let Go and You'll Be Ready

Thursday, November 26th, 2015.  I had a great night of sleep.  I had a mug of Neocitran Extra Strength Cold and Flu and slept like a baby.  A beautiful sleep indeed.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "12 The Mirror: Patience and prudence are the keywords here, although trust plays a large part in the process of crossing to the island where insights into our own unconscious workings may be revealed.  This process differs from the journey of the Hooded Man, who makes a conscious decision to withdraw and contemplate the universe.  In the Mirror, a surrender of will is required.  Insights may come from dreams and meditations, but now is the time to force the pace or drive on with a plan or desire until you have heard what your soul has to say, and your bruised and wounded spirit has been healed.  Be patient.  Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy, ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises."

"Be patient.  Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy, ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises."  Be at ease.  Rest, relax, and let Spirit lead the way.  The journey will commence when we have fully surrendered ourselves and all control over to Spirit.  Do not be anxious. Do not worry.  Let the journey be as it must be.  

Let go and you'll be ready...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The 'King of Stones. Wolf' and Being Guided by Nature and Tradition

Wednesday, November 26, 2015.  Another evening of piddling around and doing a whole lot of nothing.  I really have no idea what I did last night...oh, wait a minute I was designing a new business tool.  But I need to take a new higher resolution photo in order to make a more crisp looking product.

Sleep was better last night however when I became more conscious after being serenaded by the alarm and crawled out of bed I felt quite nauseas and ill...oh no, the flu...however a hot cup of tea gave me a nice recovery.  Whew!

Today's Tarot Energy is the "King of Stones, Wolf: Love of the land and of the natural world guides much of what you do.  You look often to the wisdom of others and to traditional values to colour your life choices.  Security brings pleasure; loyalty crowns every endeavour.  Trading, speculation, Mathematical ability, Loyalty and conservation, Steadfastness,  Robust health, Determination."

"Love of the land and of the natural world guides much of what you do.  You look often to the wisdom of others and to traditional values to colour your life choices."

I've been thinking about these two sentences for a few minutes and finally had an epiphany.  I do look to the land and the natural for guidance and in unusual ways find glimmers of wisdom from others and look at traditional values from new angles.  I like to put a new twist on tradition and look at things from a multitude of perspectives and with a very open mind, heart, and spirit.  By doing this I believe that I have a true and truly spiritual understanding of whatever traditional value I may be thinking about at any given moment.

But by far it is my love of the great outdoors that guides me in most of what I do.  Whether it's spotting a beautiful sunrise or sunset, flocks of birds flying overhead or birds scampering along the beach or listening to the patter or rain on the window I like to lose myself in each of these and simply be and allow the knowledge and wisdom to seep into every atom of my being.

Be as comfortable as the wolf is in the wild, on a dark and stormy winter's night.  Your strength comes from the very land you came from, where we all came from so allow nature to wrap her arms around you as you look at those traditional values from a new perspective and round out the guidance given to each of us who allow nature to be our guide.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

'19 The Sun of Life' and Recognizing Our Connection with the Universe

Tuesday, November 24, 2015.  Another night of on and off sleeplessness.  I awoke a few times then again about 30 minutes before the alarm.  I guess my sleep is more or less over around the 5:30 mark as I strongly believe that I awake every day at this time.  Can't be certain as I do not always look at the time but I pretty certain this has become my natural time to awake to the world.  I'm sleeping with stones and crystals under my pillow as I said yesterday and I think changes are taking place within me.  I can't really elaborate but something new and exciting is at work in my life.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "19 The Sun of Life: A powerful symbol of light and fertility, the Sun of Life heralds a season blessed with joyous enlightenment, robust health and emotional harmony.   As the glorious rays of cleansing sunlight spill into the shadows of your heart and life, so the warmth reaches into your very bones and energizes your spirit.  It is time to let the inner sun at the core of your being shine for all to see, bringing warmth, light and harmony to others, and by doing so to connect with the consciousness of the universal mind.  The Sun of Life beckons you to see beyond the noise and clatter of human reality and become aware of the vastness and generosity of the cosmic soul."

We are being asked to recognize where we come from and exactly how intricately connected we are to the universe that although seems so distant and vast is intricately interwoven in our lives and nearer than we think as it dwells within us.

It is indeed time to allow ourselves receive the cosmic gifts being offered to us as the "Sun of Life heralds a season blessed with joyous enlightenment, robust health and emotional harmony."  And the best way to have this happen is to let "the inner sun at the core of your being shine for all to see, bringing warmth, light and harmony to others..."  And from personal experience I can say that by letting my inner sun shine I've brought smiles to the faces of co-workers and provide a more lighthearted and even handed energy in many job related conversations.  When we allow it, the ball of fire in the sky brings out the best in us and allows a truly meaningful interaction amongst a variety of individuals.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The 'Nine of Vessels, Generosity' and Allowing Our Natural Selves Rule the Day

Monday, November 23rd, 2015.  A seemingly sleepless night is what I had overnight.  I awoke many times throughout the night feeling more awake than asleep on more than one occasion.  Perhaps, it was the bag of gems and crystals under my pillow or the thoughts of being true to being "Wizard Oron" and then thoughts turning to work and then finances.  Thankfully, my thoughts returned to my career as "Wizard Oron" and I quickly fell asleep until the alarm.  This was sometime after 3:00am.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "Nine of Vessels, Generosity: Nature's open-hearted, spiritual cauldron has a welcome for those who approach the waters of knowledge with compassion.  They are blessed by regeneration.  It can be easy to forget, when  we reach the pinnacle of our prowess, power and security, that life is cyclical and what we enjoy during the times of plenty are the products of previous toil and effort.  Just like the wise farmer, we must manage good fortune by planting seeds for the future and by helping those facing hard times.  This generosity will always come back to you a thousandfold if it is gifted with selfless goodwill and a common humanity.  To recognize and acknowledge that you are merely a conduit for this abundant enriching blessing, and to let it flow through you and into others' lives, allows your good fortune to circulate and your positive momentum to carry others with you.  By freely giving of your time, support and energy, the blessing of the divine surrounds you.  In this cynical and material world, such things may seem to have little value, but those who have experienced the process in their own lives understand that, in the words of Theodore Rubin: 'Kindness is more important than wisdom, and recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom'."

This is the energy of the day:

"By freely giving of your time, support and energy, the blessing of the divine surrounds you."

And the best way to remember this is to adopt this phrase from Theodore Rubin as a frame of mind and a continual thought throughout our lives:
"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."

Let us not become victims or prisoner's of fear.  Fear paralyzes our thoughts and ideas, our creativity and our energy.  Fear weighs us down and creates ever more fear and the spiral down continues from there to states of hatred and panic.

Let's instead let our natural selves rule the day so that we truly give be it time, support, energy, or even money.  Give, give without pretense or need for recognition or some form of payback.  Just give!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

'10 The Wheel' and "By your own actions you can change your life"

Sunday, November 22, 2015.  I had the car in for an oil change and to get the winter tires put on but then had to authorize the installation of a new battery...unexpected but had to be done.  Then we headed out to check out the Simon's store that opened up in Park Royal in West Vancouver.  When we were in Montreal we browsed this store and found the clothing selection much different than what we see here in Vancouver so we were waiting for this store to open up for some time.  The salesperson who assisted us with our purchases in Montreal informed us that the store was going to open in Vancouver in a few years and so it did.

We picked up a few sweaters and some socks before enjoying a coffee beverage and some pastries in their cafe, Eve.  Very good espresso and scrumptious pastries.  Then we were off for a spot of tea at a friend's place for a quick visit, to drop off a small gift and to pick up my hoodie we lent one of them about a year ago.

We headed home about an hour later and arrived home around 6:00pm and relaxed and did a whole lot of this and that between dinner, showers and bedtime.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "10 The Wheel: The Wheel has turned; change is at hand.  In all nature there is a time and tide.  The cyclic laws of birth, death and rebirth are ever revolving and, without change, all things stagnate.  How you deal with this change is the issue here.  Within the tangled and tightly woven fabric of chance you have the power to make a difference.  By your own actions you can change your life.  You are not a prisoner of fate, but an integral part of it.  Remember, this is not a dress rehearsal!  Life is what happens to you while you are waiting for it to begin.  Whether on the surface the change appears to be for better or for worse, welcome it, be at peace with it and take control of your actions within it.  All things must pass."

Let this be the mantra of the day:

"By your own actions you can change your life"

You, we have the power to make our lives happen so let's this responsibility and make something of our lives.  Let's not dwell on wishful thinking or regret.  Let's instead create and build the future of our dreams right here in the present.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The 'Page of Arrows, Wren' and Realizing Goals Through Study and Application

Saturday, November 21st, 2015.  My sleep pattern is a bit off so I took a sleeping aid last night and although I did awake several times throughout the night I slept until 6:30am so I'm happy.

We watched a bit of television but I multitasked and did some paper crafting work for my model railroad.  I'm trying my best to enjoy the hobby while at the same time complete my railroad so I can enjoy operating it.  So far, so good.

Spirit Is and today‘s Tarot Energy is the "Page of Arrows, Wren: Study and application brings wisdom and understanding which can be applied to most situations.  Your youth and determination will carry you forward and your nascent skills bring you to a dynamic realization.  Watchfulness, Mystery, Determination, Work, Scholarship, Wisdom, A vigilant guardian."

As I awoke and slipped out of bed this morning and slowly became more conscious as I moved about I realized that I need to focus more time and energy on developing skills that will carry me toward better achievement of my dreams and goals.  A part of this includes the construction of my model railroad world.  When I‘m working on my layout I need patience, creativity and foresight in order to accomplish the tasks and projects at hand.  This in turn aid my Tarot work as now instead of trying too hard or forcing insight on the Tarot Energy of each day I let the energy fill me with its knowledge and wisdom for that particular day.

My desire is to work and travel however before I get to that point I need to ensure that I have the foundational skills to carry and support me along my journey.  Skills development, financial management, drawing up a roadmap so I know where I‘m going and persevering and following through no matter  what will get me to where I wish to be and to where a part of me is already waiting.  Waiting for the rest of me to get there.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The 'King of Arrows, Kingfisher' and Letting Go of the Chains That Hold You Back

Friday, November 20, 2015.  Another work week come and gone.  Whew!

The job is going well unfortunately though I'm getting tired of having a schedule and not doing more spiritual work.  I've often wondered what would happen if I took a big risk and simply quit the job and see where life takes me considering I've always wanted a spiritual career.  And not simply spiritual.  I'd like to teach, inform, and assist people in opening themselves to the universal knowledge and wisdom that dwells within all of but is simply hidden in the depths of our being.

But enough of me this is more about Spirit and how Spirit works in each of our lives...

Today's Tarot Energy is "King of Arrows, Kingfisher: You may need to exercise judgement, power, force of will.  The king is impartial and helps you see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto.  Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down.  Intelligence, Strength, Watchfulness, Counselling, The ability to judge true from false."

And for now I'm at a loss as to what I can and need to cut from my life especially since it is weighing me down in ways I'm not even consciously aware of.  Hhhmmmmm...

Yes, indeed, I'm really at a loss for words as to where to go with the "King of Arrows, Kingfisher".  This requires some deep thought, meditation and a good night's sleep.  And perhaps, another Tarot card.

The "King of Arrows, Kingfisher" is a card that each of us must reflect on individually and come to terms with in relation to what we need to get rid of so it no longer weighs us down.  I've got some ideas for my own situation and how I can deal with letting go of a few things that are holding me back in what are likely self-imposed chains.

But then again as I reflect on this idea I have of what I need to let go of, I actually feel joy and happiness when I think about doing such things and pain and anxiety when I envision giving them up.  I'm talking about my plans to blend work and travel in the coming years.  It's possible but is it taking up too much of my energy, energy that I can focus on other areas of my life.

Hhhmmmmm...yeah more thought, meditation and sleep is required...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The 'Three of Vessels, Joy'

Thursday, November 19th, 2015.  It's been a nice quiet evening at home.  Lots of chit chat happening and a great appreciation for one another and our presence in each other's life.  A change from going to the gym as planned...

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Three of Vessels, Joy: The ability to connect directly to joy allows the healing and empowering energies to flow through you and is a gift from the universe.  Being able to be joyful and celebrate life fully in gratitude for the amazing gifts we share is a uniquely individual blessing but is also recognized by those who feel its warmth radiating from us.  To be able to embrace love, life's achievements and the fulfillment that comes with selfless dedication to a shared cause or belief is to be the conduit from which the unseen breath of the divine flows.  One of the most common reasons why people lose the ability to feel authentic joy i their lives is the fear associated with loss or grief at the passing of the emotion.  Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to be completely fulfilled and to experience joy again and be strong and stoical enough to understand that all of life's trials and tribulations, as well as the blessings and gifts, are cyclical by nature."

And what a day of joy I had.  A full day on the job, a visit to my RV and a quiet evening at home encouraged by someone who thought I should stay home rather than go to gym for an hour.  Love filled and tender words expressed through a sincere heart and a pure partner, my love and joy.

Let a smile move across your lips, love fill your heart, joy fill your spirit and tender words slip through your lips.  There is joy to experience this day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

'4 The Green Man', the 'Four of Stones Protection' and Extending a Helping Hand

Wednesday, November 18, 2015.  Spanish lessons are over.  Last night was the eighth and final class of level one and included a potluck.  Dinner was great and the flan I brought received rave reviews and requests for the recipe.

Now I need to put everything I learned into practice.  And I will by combining what I learned with a Spanish book picked up a few years back.  I'm quite excited to be learning a new language.  One odd thing I noticed though over the course of this eight week class is that the odd French word came out when I engaged in dialogue with other students or the instructor.

Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy is "4 The Green Man: The Green Man is generous in his bestowal of creative, fertile energy and he will move you to a new level of confident and assertive dynamism.  This is a time for both giving and receiving the natural flow of life both inwardly and outwardly.  Be prepared to find a new and thriving drive to begin projects, relationships and even new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world.  Now is the time to experience being at the apex of the cycle of life.  Enjoy it!"

Today's Tarot Energy is "Four of Stones, Protection: Many trials and tribulations surface during our lifetime, and being able to endure such times is the sign of a strong heart and healthy spirit.  Finding a personal place of emotional safety may require patience and a stoical dedication to the quest, but for those who have weathered adversity and know loss, the light of life will always burn brightly within them.  By building on a foundation of ethical beliefs, boundaries and skills, we can be assured that when the test comes we are secure in our self-knowledge and confidence.  The human ability to recognize and feel compassion for those who need help is just as important.  However the storm may tear at our own inner place of protection, we must keep the faith that the sun will rise again for all those in peril and offer fresh opportunities and spiritual rewards.  Such is the law of karma, that each act of selfless protection and mercy for those in need revitalizes the spiritual warrior with a sense of peace and divinity rarely found in common practice."

I believe that we are being reminded that in spite of all the violence going on around the world and in particular the latest attacks in Paris that we cannot turn away from seeing and helping those in need despite the risks involved.  We need to extend a helping hand regardless of the perceived threat that some of these people may pose.

I hearken it to coming upon an accident scene and not helping the victim or victims because he/she or they might be for example a murderer or murderers or someone who committed some other heinous crime.  We should not be weary of others or their intentions as it only creates unnecessary fear.  If we behave this way then we cannot get upset when someone does the same to us.

Extend a helping hand, extend your spirit and extend your heart to those in need.  Do not let fear get the better of you.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 16, 2015

'10 The Wheel' and Accepting The Power of Change in Our Lives

Monday, November 16, 2015.  We had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating eleven years together with an afternoon at the symphony and then dinner with friends that was only planned as a get together over coffee and pastry.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "10 The Wheel: The Wheel has turned; change is at hand.  In all nature there is a time and tide.  The cyclic laws of birth, death and rebirth are ever revolving and, without change, all things stagnate.  How you deal with this change is the issue here.  Within the tangled and tightly woven fabric of chance you have the power to make a difference.  By your own actions you can change your life.  You are not a prisoner of fate, but an integral part of it.  Remember, this is not a dress rehearsal!  Life is what happens to you while you are waiting for it to begin.  Whether on the surface the change appears to be for better or for worse, welcome it, be at peace with it and take control of your actions within it.  All things must pass."

Take charge of your life.  You are in control.  Fate can be in your hands a good part of the time if you take up the challenge of taking responsibility for your life and the direction you take with your life.  Believe that you have the power to change your life...because you do!  You can do a lot more with your life than you give yourself credit for being able to do.

I'm in the same boat.  I have the ability to implement some changes in my life but I'm in a comfortable place in my life and do not wish to rock the boat so much, if you will.  So I'm going about change by taking baby steps although I haven't taken any lately so perhaps this is the reason for "10 The Wheel" making an appearance today.  Change is coming in ways I likely have not even given thought to however I welcome the change.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The 'Four of Stones, Protection' and Offering a Helping Hand

Sunday, November 15th, 2015.  We had a lovely day yesterday.  We stayed indoors for the better part of the morning and afternoon before heading out to our friends' place for dinner.  We opted for transit and I'm glad we did.  I was more relaxed and able to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine before and during dinner and on top of that I didn't have to drive in rainy weather or on wet dark roads.

Dinner was okay and dessert scrumptious...a chocolate quinoa cake with persimmon compote on the side.  Conversation flowed well and we all had an enjoyable evening.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "Four of Stones, Protection: Many trials and tribulations surface during our lifetime, and being able to endure such times is the sign of a strong heart and healthy spirit.  Finding a personal place of emotional safety may require patience and a stoical dedication to the quest, but for those who have weathered adversity and know loss, the light of life will always burn brightly within them.  By building on a foundation of ethical beliefs, boundaries and skills, we can be assured that when the test comes we are secure in our self-knowledge and confidence.  The human ability to recognize and feel compassion for those who need help is just as important.  However the storm may tear at our own inner place of protection, we must keep the faith that the sun will rise again for all those in peril and offer fresh opportunities and spiritual rewards.  Such is the law of karma, that each act of selfless protection and mercy for those in need revitalizes the spiritual warrior with a sense of peace and divinity rarely found in common practice."

If any of us have suffered, endured and overcome adversity then we can easily walk in the shoes of those who may be going through the same journey now so it is incumbent on us to look out for and offer whatever assistance we to assist through their time of need.  We might always to rescue someone but rather give them the tools and skills necessary for them learn and become wiser from their experience.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The 'Queen of Stones, Bear' Demanding Through Respect and Kindness

Saturday, November 14, 2015.  A quiet Friday evening made for a great night's sleep and an early morning arising.  I first opened my eyes around 4 then again just before 5.  I closed my eyes again however sleep did not return so I quietly slipped out of bed around 5:15.

Today's Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Stones, Bear: Richness and plenty surround you.  Your bounty and welcoming nature make you popular with all.  Many depend on you, and your natural sensuality makes you powerfully attractive to others.  Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point.  Power and generosity, Punctiliousness, A demanding individual, Confidence, Frankness, Assurance, Prosperity."

It's a day to be smart, realistic, and thoughtful.  We must strive to think before we speak or act and to be level headed when dealing with others.  We must rise above base reactions and allow our natural generosity and kindness to rule the day.  We can be demanding without being rude or bossy about it.  We do this through leading by example and our giving spirits.  Let's be generous with our time and our ears by spending time with someone and listening to and really hearing what they have to say.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 13, 2015

'11 The Woodward' and Strength Out of Weakness

Friday, November 13th, 2015.  Another work week has come to an end however the day has become a day of violence and mourning as Paris has again come under attack.  May we all send our healing and loving light and energy to the Parisian's who need all the support they can get in their time in need.

Sleep was kind to me last night although I wanted to staying sleeping even with the sweet serenade of the alarm and the soft awaking it provides us.  But as always we slipped out of bed and got on with our day.  Besides, the job is not all that bad and is at times somewhat relaxing and dare I say enjoyable.

However, with having said that, I must admit and maybe even lament the fact that I'm not actively working with Spirit or Tarot during the day and this is something I simply love to be doing.  Soon it will be so!

Oh, and it is once again Lucky Friday the 13th.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "11 The Woodward: Through adversity or the process of rebalancing in life, we find courage within ourselves that flows from an unknown source.  Sometimes that courage has to do with facing unavoidable truth or dealing with a person or problem that no amount of physical confrontation or emotional bravery will resolve.  The Woodward's strength, drawn from nature's inherent power to renew and overcome, is needed if we are to foresee what is to come and wait upon the turning of the seasons. Sometimes, when faced with a challenging situation, we must find our own inner backstop, the point from which we will not retreat or from which we can move forward with quiet confidence.  The Wildwood ethos has to teach humanity about calm, resolute strength."

I'm not a victim.  I demand and deserve to be treated with respect and my passivity is not and should not be perceived as weakness.

Strength comes in many forms and one is a quiet resolute strength we can learn and adopt from and synchronize and harmonize with nature and tap into when we need it most.  I'm sure many if not all of us have experienced this type of strength that seemingly comes from nowhere when we are ready to or have given up because our own strength is tapped out.  And we think to ourselves that we have nothing more to give and then this burst of energy comes out of nowhere and helps us give that one extra push that is just enough to accomplish the seemingly impossible.  Sometimes even going so far as to sacrifice their own lives to save another.

The best lesson that nature has to teach us is for us to simply "BE".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

'19 The Sun of Life' and '12 The Mirror' and Light and Shadows

Thursday, November 12, 2015.  Yesterday we had an early morning even though we could have slept in all so we could spend the day with a friend with a trip across the border.  We made a quick jaunt down to Edison, Washington and picking some baked goods at the Bread Farm Bakery.  Then we returned the same way we came and made stops in Fairhaven and Bellingham, two cool little towns that we love to visit every now and then as they have cute, charming, and historic downtowns.  I was not planning to purchase anything but returned home with a small paper bag full of goodies-incense, candles, incense and candle holders, and a t-shirt and hoodie.  Oh, I picked these things up at Third Planet in Bellingham.

After a walk along the Fairhaven boardwalk we stopped for a delicious lunch at Dos Padres, a great little Mexican restaurant we discovered a few years ago.  We stopped for coffee a little later at Woods Coffee in Bellingham.  A couple of more stops and then we were on our way home and across the border in no time at all.  We arrived home around 7:00pm so we spent a little less than twelve hours in the Us and as a result had a great visit with our friend.

Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy is "19 The Sun of Life: A powerful symbol of light and fertility, the Sun of Life heralds a season blessed with joyous enlightenment, robust health and emotional harmony.   As the glorious rays of cleansing sunlight spill into the shadows of your heart and life, so the warmth reaches into your very bones and energizes your spirit.  It is time to let the inner sun at the core of your being shine for all to see, bringing warmth, light and harmony to others, and by doing so to connect with the consciousness of the universal mind.  The Sun of Life beckons you to see beyond the noise and clatter of human reality and become aware of the vastness and generosity of the cosmic soul."

Today's Tarot Energy is "12 The Mirror: Patience and prudence are the keywords here, although trust plays a large part in the process of crossing to the island where insights into our own unconscious workings may be revealed.  This process differs from the journey of the Hooded Man, who makes a conscious decision to withdraw and contemplate the universe.  In the Mirror, a surrender of will is required.  Insights may come from dreams and meditations, but now is the time to force the pace or drive on with a plan or desire until you have heard what your soul has to say, and your bruised and wounded spirit has been healed.  Be patient.  Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy, ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises."

Surrender of will is the energy of the day.  Give yourself over to Spirit and allow your inner shadows to be revealed and see the light of day.  Listen intently to the voice of your soul and allow yourself to washed, cleansed and purified.  Allow the realignment that is necessary take hold in your life and give you the wherewith all to awaken and face a new day of change and the gift of life for yet another day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The 'Three of Arrows, Jealousy' and Feeling Yet Transcending Pain, Loss, Suffering, and Setbacks

Monday, November 9th, 2015.  I spent most of my day yesterday piddling around with my model railroad and in a certain way being spiritual too!  I was cutting many pieces of paper in an effort to make a bridge or trestle and some supports for whatever form the crossing will take.  I quite enjoyed doing it and look forward to getting back to it.

Then it was off to bed after a great dinner and a relaxing evening.  I slept well although I did awake a few times throughout the night.  I was sleeping though when the alarm sang us awake.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "Three of Arrows, Jealousy: The origins of jealousy can be infinitely varied, uniquely subjective and deeply rooted in socio-economic or psychological soil, but whether born of a broken heart, a broken dream or a broken economic system, beware of surrendering humility and forgiveness to feelings of envy or jealousy.  The most commonly associated emotional drive linked to jealousy is loss.  However perceived by the individual it behoves both the 'victim' of jealousy and the subject suffering feelings of envy to look deeply into the nature of their own motives and responsibilities.  For the jealous or possessive, there is also sometimes a feeling of 'entitlement' attached to the issue.  This can be attributed to concepts of social or familial expectations born of ill-conceived peer guidance, or the failure to enforce social responsibilities and parameters.  As we mature, we discover that there will always be some who seem to have more, or are gifted with copious good fortune.  The healing balm for envy is humility, acceptance and forgiveness, even in the face of bitter rivalry and angry, just as the constant refocusing of your energy into a positive and creative momentum in your own life is the best healer for the effects of jealousy."

A reminder to be humble and forgiving in all that we do.  We are all human after all.  And regardless of our view of ourselves we likely have just as many human failings as everyone else does.  So if we are seeking understanding and forgiveness we must be willing to be just as understanding and forgiving as those who understand and forgive us.

Yes, we can acknowledge pain, loss, suffering and setbacks, allow ourselves to feel it but we must deal with and transcend it and move forward with our lives.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The 'Two of Vessels, Injustice' and Being a Defender of the Truth

Sunday, November 8, 2015.  We took care of our weekly grocery shopping yesterday morning as the heavy rain fell but that did not deter us in the least bit and now we can relax today.

I had the day off from making dinner so dinner was a real treat, a chick pea soup with chicken meatballs, very scrumptious.  So with no dinner chore on my plate I piddled around with my model railroad.  I added a couple of more pieces of cork roadbed to the track that will be covered by a mountain, hence the track passing through the mountain via a tunnel of which there are three on my layout.  Two railroad tunnels and one highway tunnel.  I also added some plastering material to  the farm corner of the layout as I wanted to cover up some of the pink foam insulation as it is proving to be a distraction to my creative juices.

Now that some the pink has disappeared from the layout I'm able to visualize more clearly what I want some of the geography and topography to look like.  I've also covered a few of the bridge abutments with gray paper so that I can better get a handle on creating realistic looking bridge piers and support of which I'm creating for my "Airline Route", again out of paper.  It's really beginning to look like a realistic layout now.  I'm quite pleased.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot and Tarot Energy is the "Two of Arrows, Injustice: False conclusions and unjust decisions, based on disinformation, motivated by fear, greed and prejudice, can cause innumerable problems.  Either mistakenly or deliberately distributed to pervert the course of natural justice and the revelation of the facts by those who fear the truth and wish to manipulate the situation for personal control or gain, this propaganda will not survive honest, wise and impartial scrutiny.  In many worldly situations the truth becomes hijacked and twisted to become a false message, designed to confuse and instill fear in those seeking clear insight.  The wise seeker questions and tests false messages and discerns the validity of a harmful accusation.  Perversions of the truth will always bring frustration and bitterness to the individual or group that deploys such dishonourable tactics.  The perpetrator of lies and falsehoods will always be judged as an unreliable source, bent on mischief and destructive interference. For the victim of injustice, the best defence of the truth is always more truth."

The "Truth" is such a fundamental foundation on which to build our lives that we must never let the truth escape us.  If our lives our built on a foundation of "Truth" then our relationships, careers, and dreams, goals, and desires have a better chance of meeting our expectations.  This "Truth" must always start with ourselves each and every day of our lives and the best way to do this is to take a long hard look in the mirror.  Look in your mirror every morning and ensure that you are starting your day on a foundation of "Truth".  Be honest with yourself, be brutally honest and unmask the truth regardless of how difficult it may be to face.  Breaking through false truths can only make us better people and more capable of handling the daily machinations of life.

Never see the truth as a sacrifice for the "Truth" will always reveal itself in some form or fashion and you always want to be on the right side of the "Truth".  Never hid from it and always face it head on.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The 'Nine of Bows, Respect'

Saturday, November 7th, 2015.  On my way from work yesterday I was in quite a tense mood and wanted to get home more quickly than traffic was flowing.  My impatience got the better of me and started to complain about everyone else's lousy driving.  I knew I was stirring up a stormy cloud of negativity but the disrespectful words and thoughts kept much as I wanted to stop I couldn't keep myself quiet.

Thankfully, I made the effort to go for a workout and worked the day's stress right out of my body and at some point last night I was in a lucid state so I made amends for my actions.  I acknowledged my angry outburst and disrespect for others and as soon as I did I felt a great sense of relief.  And here I publicly acknowledge the error of actions last night on the roads and apologize to the half dozen or so driver's who never heard my words but who were none-the-less hurled insults by me.  I am truly sorry for they may not have heard the words but their spirits surely did.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Card and Tarot Energy is the "Nine of Bows, Respect: When nearing the heat of the sacred quest, motivation and integrity of human desires are challenged.  Ancient wisdom demands the seeker be humble and forgiving.  Respect for others and for the environment is required to proceed along the path to enlightenment.  There is no completion without overcoming the challenge.  To follow the path through the Wildwood is not without its  challenges and demands.  When entering any such environment, one must be prepared to face the dangers and natural perils that abide there.  Having empathy for the environment and being ready to deal with it respectfully and in a practical manner is to learn another lesson and take away fresh insight.  If we look deeper for meaning in the forces blocking our way, we often see how we have contributed to the problem and how we attracted these negative energies through lack of self-discipline, or mistakes made in the past.  The sign of an evolved spirit is someone who can acknowledge past failures or defeats without bitterness and self-torment and move forward through life with a positive outlook and wisdom gathered through struggle.  The Wodwose reminds us to treat the challenges of the Wildwood with patience and compassion, marking each scar or wound suffered during the struggle as a badge of honour, earned and overcome by inner courage, dedication and faith in the lore of natural justice."

Right off the bat, considering my impatient ways last evening while driving home I'm struck by this sentence:

"Respect for others and for the environment is required to proceed along the path to enlightenment."

And this one also hits home:

"If we look deeper for meaning in the forces blocking our way, we often see how we have contributed to the problem and how we attracted these negative energies through lack of self-discipline, or mistakes made in the past."

And in realizing my mistakes and the error of my ways, I hope that I'm "an evolved spirit" as I "can acknowledge past failures or defeats without bitterness and self-torment" and not only hope but undoubtedly know that I can "move forward through life with a positive outlook and wisdom gathered through struggle".  As I let my fingers stumble along the keys of this keyboard I'm filled with a feeling of "patience and compassion" as Spirits helps me make "patience and compassion" a deep rooted and integral part of my being.

I'm in a good place right now.  I have a great understanding of what I need to do in order to not only get on the path to where I need to go but start moving along it too!  I'm pretty much on the path now if I really think about it but I'm not moving.  I haven't started moving yet.

So a plan has been hatched so that I can get moving and the plan is this...over the course of the next six to nine months maybe even the next year I will psychologically prepare myself and my partner for my eventual move into my van, Serenity.  As part of this preparation I must divest myself of my many possessions that do not contribute in any way to my life.  Clothes, books, knick knacks, and the 1001 pieces of paper that are crammed into boxes and drawers that obviously have no meaning to me if they are stuffed into and overflowing many of these boxes and drawers.  As well, I'll clean out the storage locker that is likely filled with many things I do not need to keep as I have no use for any of them.

My relationship is strong enough to the point where we will both be comfortable with and accepting of my move into the van.  We are not separating or breaking up as there is an understanding that this is a long held dream of mine and something I need to pursue.  I'm not taking off on the down the highway or anything as I still have a job that I'm committed to for the next 12 to 24 months at least as the company is in a good period of transition and growth that I've become an integral part of.  So I will stealthily urban camp in my van as so many others are already doing around the metro Vancouver region.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 6, 2015

The 'Page of Bows, Stoat' and Releasing Our Spirits

Friday, November 6th, 2015.  Yesterday was a day and today another one. Sleep was a bit of a toss-up as I slept well until about 4:00am and then sleep became elusive.  I was asleep though when the alarm serenaded us from our slumber so my sleep was most likely quite complete.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Page of Bows, Stoat: Often, you are seen as an emissary and, as such, your gifts are widely recognized and honoured.  Your ability to perceive the truth in almost any matter is vastly helpful and your freedom of spirit marks you out as an original and unique personality."

I'm at a loss for words regarding the Stoat's appearance today.  I read the words, understand them and feel very much a part of the energy that this card imbues however I cannot find any words to add to what is written by the authors and creators of the Wildwood Tarot and what may gleaned by each of you who read this and take the "Page of Bows, Stoat" as your Tarot Card of the Day.

For me, my spirit is yearning to be freer than it is today.  My spirit and I yearn to heed the call of the open road as we long to see the roads and highways of North America open up before us we sail on into the great unknown.  We yearn to meet the many wonderful people who live on this  wonderful continent that offers a great abundance of nature that we get to experience every day of our lives.

I need to see and experience more of North America as soon as I can possibly can.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

'Six of Vessels, Reunion, Queen of Bows, Hare and 18 The Moon on Water'

Thursday, November 5th, 2015.  Although, it's nice to have friends visit, it sure puts a dent in what one is used to doing when your time is your own.  So, it's nice when they leave and you can return doing what you like to do that you put off doing while company staying with you.  Glad they came to visit, it was an enjoyable visit but now things are back to normal.

Sleep has been hit and miss over past five or six days but I'm hoping it's just the result of getting ready for company, hosting said company, and hoping they also enjoyed their stay as much as you enjoyed theirs.

Spirit Is and Tuesday's Tarot Energy is "Six of Vessels, Reunion: An emotional reunion can sometimes refer to the mystical  Karmic cycles that bring lover back through time, space and lifetimes.  The purpose of this 'soul reunion' may be manifold but it can be to complete unfinished business or to teach new lessons from old actions or wrong choices.  It can also refer to the coming together of a band of comrades, tribal or clan members or a brotherhood of loyal friends, gathering for the acknowledgement of their shared bond.  It may also refer to the reunion of the individual with their own true nature, in terms of a forgotten or rejected history or experience.  By meditating on a past issue with new wisdom and insight and an acceptance of personal responsibility and forgiveness, reclamation may take place.  A spiritual re-amalgamation of a facet of the individual's personality, for the purpose of clearing and self-empowerment, may be possible, and a healthy union in the soul the result.  Reassurance is gained from a reunion of this nature, revealing whether the correct path was taken and your decisions based on valid and honest instincts and motivations."

Wednesday's Tarot Energy is "Queen of Bows, Hare: A companion through life, sympathetic and understanding, leading you to a deeper awareness of what is needed to bring success to your every enterprise.  Wise and witty, gentle and kindly, the Queen supports you and strengthens your resolve.  Kindness and responsibility, An offering of peace and love, Helpfulness, courtesy, understanding, Enchantment, Success in business."

And today's Tarot Energy is "18 The Moon on Water heralds a time of inner transformation, initiation, or awareness.  This may take the form of a seemingly random situation based on the emotional or spiritual spheres, but your inner voice may have been whispering for some time and gone unheeded.  Now your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious.  This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit, or the wish to explore the untapped sexual energy and experience a tighter spiritual bond with a partner through honesty and the expression of your hidden desires.  From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."

For some strange reason I started to think about living life in the van and how much I could save by doing so.  I would not have to put storage fees for storing the van or the winter tires and other automobile related goodies for the car, and I would not have to pay for insurance on the car.  This amounts to a savings of almost $400.00.  Of course, I'd have to take of my own groceries but I'd have upwards of $400.00 to put toward my food costs.  Hhhmmm...I've never put any real numbers together before and now that I've put some though into it has become a very appealing idea.

But then I'm also faced with the need to pare down my possessions as I surely could not cram them all into the small, confined space of the van.  Something to think about in the back of my mind...

So with that idea out of the way I find myself wanting to put more energy into my studies of Tarot and Chakras.  I need to allow my energy to intertwine more intimately with both of these areas so that they are or maybe more accurately so that I become one with all of 78 Tarot and the 6/7 Chakras.  I am Tarot and I am Chakra.

And then maybe I'll begin to explore more fully and in more detail the idea of transitioning my life into a more nomadic life and take up home in my van.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 2, 2015

'0 The Wanderer' and Shedding Our Old Skin and Our Old Ways

Monday, November 2, 2015.  Another early night as I crawled into bed sometime before 10:00pm and was soundly sleeping throughout the night only to be awoken an hour early before the alarm as I forgot to change the clock in the bedroom that shines on the ceiling and according to it we were sleeping in.  Oops!

And now the work day has come to an end and a theme that played itself last night is continuing this evening.  This is about relaxing, relaxing and not worrying so much about doing things, feeling compelled to have to complete my model railroad...NOW...or having to constantly be thinking about Tarot or spiritual matters...or always thinking about ways to be able to quit my job and somehow become financially independent so I live, work, and travel on the road.  All this worry and franticness at the expense of truly relaxing and enjoying my life.

So last night I spent 90 minutes watching the 'Walking Dead' and thoroughly enjoying myself.


How nice it was to just relax and not think about anything.

And tonight as I was getting out of my gym clothes I had this same feeling of needing to learn how to relax.  I can still enjoy my model railroad, work with Tarot and be as spiritual as I want to be and in fact may even be more spiritual through by relaxing.  And on top of all of this if I relax I'll open myself to new possibilities and opportunities and thus find a true and meaningful path and the fulfillment of my dreams, goals, and desires.

I cannot, not live and enjoy life.  I must enjoy and cherish each and every second, minute, hour, day, month and year of my life and there are days where I missed out on living and enjoying my more!

I'm not giving up on anything to do this either.  I'm simply enjoying life and everything I love about life and everything that makes my life enjoyable such as Tarot, Spirit, Model Railroading, RVing, reading books (not just those related to Tarot, Spirit, model railroading and the like), crosswords, and sharing my life and love with my partner as well as with family and friends.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "0 The Wanderer: You have come to a junction or turning point in your life.  It may be an unconscious state in which you feel the tide has turned or sense something is going to happen.  In a way it already has.  Your spirit must move on and the desire to leap into the unknown beckons.  This may mean leaving behind or giving up some baggage or burden that you have carried with you from the past.  Now is the time to be clear and not let fear of falling or sad disillusion with the universe hold you back.  Let your imagination carry you into a new set of possibilities.  It is a time to travel hopefully and open your arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe."

I release all of my guilt, anxiety, doubt, fears, and false ideas I have of myself and what I think my future should behind me as I take a leap of faith into the unknown.  I need to shed this facade I've used to cover my true self and free myself from the chains I wrapped around myself that have held me back for too long and all the pre and ill conceived ideas I've had about life, about my life and move on.  Imagination and infinite possibilities await's now my turn to "travel hopefully and open" my "arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

'11 The Woodward' and Finding Strength and Maturity to Move Forward

Sunday, November 1st, 2015.  All Saints Day.

I hope everyone had a safe and blessed Samhain.  I had such a busy day that by the time I could rest it was almost bedtime so I performed a quick and simple Samhain Ritual that went relatively smoothly considering how droopy with sleep my eyes were.  And you, it felt great.  I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to my next ritual, likely for the next Full Moon.

Why and how could I be so busy?

I cleaned house, washed, dried, and folded laundry, quickly did some last minute shopping so I could bake a few batches of peanut butter cookies,  I drove to Serenity (camper can) to drop off the bedding we use in the van and I also dyed a white cotton/linen (doctors medical) jacket brown.  It's not as I dark brown as I wanted but for now it's fine and I'll see if I can dye it darker another time.  This jacket is going to be my 'Ritual Robe'.  And finally I also had to make time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  The day certainly disappears fast when one is busy, that's for sure.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "11 The Woodward: Through adversity or the process of rebalancing in life, we find courage within ourselves that flows from an unknown source.  Sometimes that courage has to do with facing unavoidable truth or dealing with a person or problem that no amount of physical confrontation or emotional bravery will resolve.  The Woodward's strength, drawn from nature's inherent power to renew and overcome, is needed if we are to foresee what is to come and wait upon the turning of the seasons. Sometimes, when faced with a challenging situation, we must find our own inner backstop, the point from which we will not retreat or from which we can move forward with quiet confidence.  The Wildwood ethos has to teach humanity about calm, resolute strength."

I awoke with a desire to move to a more rural area yet still be within a reasonable driving distance from Vancouver.  The city of Chilliwack came to mind as did working in the RV or an RV related industry.  I'm not sure where this idea stems from however I did awake in the middle of the night to grab my Wildwood Tarot and bag of stones and crystals and crawl back into bed with them   I slept very well and awoke close to 6:30am, Standard Time.  I slept in as I was in bed around 10:30pm Daylight Savings Time.

I can have all I desire if I just find the emotional strength and maturity with which to move forward and truly pursue my dreams and goals.  I'm being held back by the fear of taking a risk, a risk on myself and the future I desire.  I'm close but I still have not found my "own inner backstop" from which I will not retreat.  I'm doing much to get there but I still have yet to take that one final leap of faith that will take me to where I wish to go.

I see and know what I must do!

Do you?

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.