
Friday, November 13, 2015

'11 The Woodward' and Strength Out of Weakness

Friday, November 13th, 2015.  Another work week has come to an end however the day has become a day of violence and mourning as Paris has again come under attack.  May we all send our healing and loving light and energy to the Parisian's who need all the support they can get in their time in need.

Sleep was kind to me last night although I wanted to staying sleeping even with the sweet serenade of the alarm and the soft awaking it provides us.  But as always we slipped out of bed and got on with our day.  Besides, the job is not all that bad and is at times somewhat relaxing and dare I say enjoyable.

However, with having said that, I must admit and maybe even lament the fact that I'm not actively working with Spirit or Tarot during the day and this is something I simply love to be doing.  Soon it will be so!

Oh, and it is once again Lucky Friday the 13th.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "11 The Woodward: Through adversity or the process of rebalancing in life, we find courage within ourselves that flows from an unknown source.  Sometimes that courage has to do with facing unavoidable truth or dealing with a person or problem that no amount of physical confrontation or emotional bravery will resolve.  The Woodward's strength, drawn from nature's inherent power to renew and overcome, is needed if we are to foresee what is to come and wait upon the turning of the seasons. Sometimes, when faced with a challenging situation, we must find our own inner backstop, the point from which we will not retreat or from which we can move forward with quiet confidence.  The Wildwood ethos has to teach humanity about calm, resolute strength."

I'm not a victim.  I demand and deserve to be treated with respect and my passivity is not and should not be perceived as weakness.

Strength comes in many forms and one is a quiet resolute strength we can learn and adopt from and synchronize and harmonize with nature and tap into when we need it most.  I'm sure many if not all of us have experienced this type of strength that seemingly comes from nowhere when we are ready to or have given up because our own strength is tapped out.  And we think to ourselves that we have nothing more to give and then this burst of energy comes out of nowhere and helps us give that one extra push that is just enough to accomplish the seemingly impossible.  Sometimes even going so far as to sacrifice their own lives to save another.

The best lesson that nature has to teach us is for us to simply "BE".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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