
Sunday, November 8, 2015

The 'Two of Vessels, Injustice' and Being a Defender of the Truth

Sunday, November 8, 2015.  We took care of our weekly grocery shopping yesterday morning as the heavy rain fell but that did not deter us in the least bit and now we can relax today.

I had the day off from making dinner so dinner was a real treat, a chick pea soup with chicken meatballs, very scrumptious.  So with no dinner chore on my plate I piddled around with my model railroad.  I added a couple of more pieces of cork roadbed to the track that will be covered by a mountain, hence the track passing through the mountain via a tunnel of which there are three on my layout.  Two railroad tunnels and one highway tunnel.  I also added some plastering material to  the farm corner of the layout as I wanted to cover up some of the pink foam insulation as it is proving to be a distraction to my creative juices.

Now that some the pink has disappeared from the layout I'm able to visualize more clearly what I want some of the geography and topography to look like.  I've also covered a few of the bridge abutments with gray paper so that I can better get a handle on creating realistic looking bridge piers and support of which I'm creating for my "Airline Route", again out of paper.  It's really beginning to look like a realistic layout now.  I'm quite pleased.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot and Tarot Energy is the "Two of Arrows, Injustice: False conclusions and unjust decisions, based on disinformation, motivated by fear, greed and prejudice, can cause innumerable problems.  Either mistakenly or deliberately distributed to pervert the course of natural justice and the revelation of the facts by those who fear the truth and wish to manipulate the situation for personal control or gain, this propaganda will not survive honest, wise and impartial scrutiny.  In many worldly situations the truth becomes hijacked and twisted to become a false message, designed to confuse and instill fear in those seeking clear insight.  The wise seeker questions and tests false messages and discerns the validity of a harmful accusation.  Perversions of the truth will always bring frustration and bitterness to the individual or group that deploys such dishonourable tactics.  The perpetrator of lies and falsehoods will always be judged as an unreliable source, bent on mischief and destructive interference. For the victim of injustice, the best defence of the truth is always more truth."

The "Truth" is such a fundamental foundation on which to build our lives that we must never let the truth escape us.  If our lives our built on a foundation of "Truth" then our relationships, careers, and dreams, goals, and desires have a better chance of meeting our expectations.  This "Truth" must always start with ourselves each and every day of our lives and the best way to do this is to take a long hard look in the mirror.  Look in your mirror every morning and ensure that you are starting your day on a foundation of "Truth".  Be honest with yourself, be brutally honest and unmask the truth regardless of how difficult it may be to face.  Breaking through false truths can only make us better people and more capable of handling the daily machinations of life.

Never see the truth as a sacrifice for the "Truth" will always reveal itself in some form or fashion and you always want to be on the right side of the "Truth".  Never hid from it and always face it head on.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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