
Monday, November 2, 2015

'0 The Wanderer' and Shedding Our Old Skin and Our Old Ways

Monday, November 2, 2015.  Another early night as I crawled into bed sometime before 10:00pm and was soundly sleeping throughout the night only to be awoken an hour early before the alarm as I forgot to change the clock in the bedroom that shines on the ceiling and according to it we were sleeping in.  Oops!

And now the work day has come to an end and a theme that played itself last night is continuing this evening.  This is about relaxing, relaxing and not worrying so much about doing things, feeling compelled to have to complete my model railroad...NOW...or having to constantly be thinking about Tarot or spiritual matters...or always thinking about ways to be able to quit my job and somehow become financially independent so I live, work, and travel on the road.  All this worry and franticness at the expense of truly relaxing and enjoying my life.

So last night I spent 90 minutes watching the 'Walking Dead' and thoroughly enjoying myself.


How nice it was to just relax and not think about anything.

And tonight as I was getting out of my gym clothes I had this same feeling of needing to learn how to relax.  I can still enjoy my model railroad, work with Tarot and be as spiritual as I want to be and in fact may even be more spiritual through by relaxing.  And on top of all of this if I relax I'll open myself to new possibilities and opportunities and thus find a true and meaningful path and the fulfillment of my dreams, goals, and desires.

I cannot, not live and enjoy life.  I must enjoy and cherish each and every second, minute, hour, day, month and year of my life and there are days where I missed out on living and enjoying my more!

I'm not giving up on anything to do this either.  I'm simply enjoying life and everything I love about life and everything that makes my life enjoyable such as Tarot, Spirit, Model Railroading, RVing, reading books (not just those related to Tarot, Spirit, model railroading and the like), crosswords, and sharing my life and love with my partner as well as with family and friends.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "0 The Wanderer: You have come to a junction or turning point in your life.  It may be an unconscious state in which you feel the tide has turned or sense something is going to happen.  In a way it already has.  Your spirit must move on and the desire to leap into the unknown beckons.  This may mean leaving behind or giving up some baggage or burden that you have carried with you from the past.  Now is the time to be clear and not let fear of falling or sad disillusion with the universe hold you back.  Let your imagination carry you into a new set of possibilities.  It is a time to travel hopefully and open your arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe."

I release all of my guilt, anxiety, doubt, fears, and false ideas I have of myself and what I think my future should behind me as I take a leap of faith into the unknown.  I need to shed this facade I've used to cover my true self and free myself from the chains I wrapped around myself that have held me back for too long and all the pre and ill conceived ideas I've had about life, about my life and move on.  Imagination and infinite possibilities await's now my turn to "travel hopefully and open" my "arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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