Saturday, October 31st, 2015. 'Blessed Samhain'. Happy Halloween.
It's so nice to awake and not have to rush out anywhere. Weekends are such a privilege and a blessing. I enjoy my job however as I've said many time before I would much rather just pursue spiritual endeavors and somehow, otherwise earn my keep.
Awaking in the morning and devoting as much time to Spirit and Tarot as I want fills me with an abundance of love and creates a deep and intimate connection with the world. I really cannot say more than this because it's an experience that must be experienced in order to be understood and appreciated. Besides, trying to describe it and finding the appropriate words in my opinion diminishes the experience and realistically speaking cannot even come close to describing what one feels when he or she finds and holds onto their relationship with Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "King of Stones, Wolf: Love of the land and of the natural world guides much of what you do. You look often to the wisdom of others and to traditional values to colour your life choices. Security brings pleasure; loyalty crowns every endeavour. Trading, speculation, Mathematical ability, Loyalty and conservation, Steadfastness, Robust health, Determination."
It's a dark, rainy morning and where would I like to be? In my van. In my van listening to the rain hit the roof as I revel in Spirit and the coziness that my van can offer in such weather as this.
My van, Serenity creates the ability to be like a 'wolf' as she offers a place of comfort, security, and serenity as I go out to explore and experience nature and being able to do so almost regardless of the type of weather we're having in southwestern British Columbia.
Nature is one of my best teachers followed by the wisdom of others and then the analysis of traditional values and how one or more may fit in or help shape my way of thinking and outlook on life. Being amongst soaring trees, or in the presence of and hiking through mountainous terrain or simply hearing the waves of the mighty ocean or the rushing waters of a river or creek can teach us so much if we only dare to listen and to experience. Then as we converse with others and get know them and their view of the world can offer us new ways of thinking and the ability to see the world through another person's eyes if we open ourselves to the experience that is. And finally traditional values can glean much wisdom and offer sage advice if we transcend our often judgemental ways when it comes to traditional values.
Be open to learning and educational opportunities as well as new ways of thinking or of experiencing life and our interaction with others or even ourselves.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
The 'King of Stones, Wolf' and Receiving Knowledge and Wisdom from Nature
King of Stones Wolf,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron©
Friday, October 30, 2015
The 'Six of Bows Abundance' and Sharing With Others, Even a Smile
Friday, October 30th, 2015. TGIF! This has been one heck of a busy week. I had three busy and intense had me out of the office until it was time to go home. I'm tired but I still managed to get in a workout at the gym. I feel better but still exhausted. My legs especially so after yesterday's old fashioned way of bringing a couple of heavy machines to the second floor of a new account. That old-fashioned way being lugging them up a flight of stairs. But we did it! Did it and survived.
I slept well again last night. I believe that Spirit is prodding me along the path I need to go on and a journey I need to take, while I'm sleeping. I feel nurtured upon awaking, feeling quite satisfied and ready to get on with my day.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Six of Bows, Abundance: The Wheel turns and the time to enjoy the fruits and rewards of the summer season has arrived. Patience acknowledges the plentiful bounty which delivers gifts and rewards for your efforts. Now is the time to allow this generous feeling of well-being to flow freely through and around you, and to enjoy the pleasures and sustenance these healing and revitalizing gifts can offer. Sometimes, after a period of stress and hard struggle, the process of healthy relaxation is vital to re-arm and re-energize the spirit in preparation for the challenges of the coming winter. The joy of sharing and gifting your own abundance with others is also a natural part of the process and brings its own inner peace and satisfaction. Your gifts to others will bring solace during the coming seasons and remind everyone that the Wheel continues to turn on its inevitable and stoical journey. Give thanks and accept the blessings of the changes that occur in life at this time. We share the bounty of the forest and commune with the Wildwood denizens in our everyday life."
Today was a day of abundance, an abundance of good feelings, an honest day's work and of recharging the body with a good physical workout. Oh and there were an abundance of smiles and Halloween revelers on the street and Halloween parties in a variety of offices. And the sun even came out briefly to make it an even better day.
And with that I'll let the "Six of Bows, Abundance" guide you the way you need to be guided this day.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Six of Bows Abundance,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, October 29, 2015
The 'Seven of Stones, Healing' and Freeing Ourselves From Guilt and Doubt
Thursday, October 29th, 2015. I missed the Full Moon on Tuesday. Last week I had plans to celebrate in ritual but with the way my work week started and being a bachelor seems to have scrambled my brain a little. However, with Samhain being on Saturday I know without a doubt I'll be celebrating this the Witch's New Year in a humble ritual honoring all life that has come and gone as those who have parted this life and gone on to a new one.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Seven of Stones, Healing: One of the deepest stages of healing and recovery after any emotional trauma or physical injury is forgiveness. If the healing is from a relationship issue, we often hold onto the pain, mistakenly believing that it keeps us close to the source of that pain. Sometimes, we hang onto a sense of loss, loneliness, and betrayal associated with the failure of the relationship. Regret can also be associated with these feelings as one questions one's own motives and actions. Yet, if you have acted with integrity and sincerity, there is no need for regret; it is a waste of energy and healing focus. If regret is present, more work may be required to understand its underlying causes. One of the elements inherent in bringing healing and closure to any situation is acceptance along with self-forgiveness. We are neither perfect or omnipotent and, therefore, we make mistakes. The acceptance of these simple truths can bring healing to the suffering soul."
We need to accept our humanity, our weaknesses, doubts, fears, and feelings of guilt and put it all to rest through the "healing focus" of the "Seven of Stones". Acceptance and forgiveness provide us with great healing and set on a path of new hope, opportunity and beginnings. Let's all get past the ruts we keep ourselves in by focusing on things that are best let go off and put behind us. For where we put our energy is where our lives will go. If we want and expect our lives to change, improve and go the way want them to then we must focus on the hope and optimism of living a better life.
I have nothing to feel guilty about and I have nothing to regret. I've lived my life and I accept that my decisions in the past have played a role in bringing to where I find myself today. As the last two days have indicated my life is in a period of transition and change and the "Seven of Stones, Healing" is a part of this process.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Seven of Stones, Healing: One of the deepest stages of healing and recovery after any emotional trauma or physical injury is forgiveness. If the healing is from a relationship issue, we often hold onto the pain, mistakenly believing that it keeps us close to the source of that pain. Sometimes, we hang onto a sense of loss, loneliness, and betrayal associated with the failure of the relationship. Regret can also be associated with these feelings as one questions one's own motives and actions. Yet, if you have acted with integrity and sincerity, there is no need for regret; it is a waste of energy and healing focus. If regret is present, more work may be required to understand its underlying causes. One of the elements inherent in bringing healing and closure to any situation is acceptance along with self-forgiveness. We are neither perfect or omnipotent and, therefore, we make mistakes. The acceptance of these simple truths can bring healing to the suffering soul."
We need to accept our humanity, our weaknesses, doubts, fears, and feelings of guilt and put it all to rest through the "healing focus" of the "Seven of Stones". Acceptance and forgiveness provide us with great healing and set on a path of new hope, opportunity and beginnings. Let's all get past the ruts we keep ourselves in by focusing on things that are best let go off and put behind us. For where we put our energy is where our lives will go. If we want and expect our lives to change, improve and go the way want them to then we must focus on the hope and optimism of living a better life.
I have nothing to feel guilty about and I have nothing to regret. I've lived my life and I accept that my decisions in the past have played a role in bringing to where I find myself today. As the last two days have indicated my life is in a period of transition and change and the "Seven of Stones, Healing" is a part of this process.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Green Woman,
Seven of Stones Healing,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron©
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Transition, Change, and Doing Right By and For All
Wednesday, October 28th, 2015. Spanish class last night and packing up my brother's car as I sent all of my card making and scrapbooking supplies with him as I'm giving them to my niece and he is spending a few days looking after her and her brother, our nephew as my sister and her husband take their first ever vacation without the kids.
I've been going to bed relatively early and sleep very well and almost right through the night most times until the alarm serenades me out of my slumber. This morning I awoke at 5:30am, laid in bed for a few minutes then got up. Getting up a little earlier makes my mornings less rushed as I am making my breakfast and lunch whereas it is most times prepared for me. Spoiled, I know!
Spirit Is and Tuesday's Tarot Energy was the "Six of Arrows, Transition: The primal impulse here is to move beyond old boundaries and personal thought processes and deploy new methods of reasoning to resolve important issues. Some obstacle may challenge older methods, and new, more dynamic responses are required to adapt to a new set of paradigms. This can be an exciting process. The journey may be scary, since letting go of old and previously effective processes can be unsettling, but the unseen tides that drive the need to evolve are already pulling you to a new experiences and places. Trusting in your own instincts and skills to absorb change is essential to overcome new situations. Take advantage of your subconscious forward momentum and ride the new wave with an open heart and positive mental attitude. Welcome any new process with confidence and apply your skills to effect healing renewal. Embrace well-tried experiences also, as the Wheel inevitably turns, and enter into these personal changes with a stoical enthusiasm."
My mind has been wondering about exactly how and where I should direct my life. I know I wish to delve full time into all matters of Spirit however something I heard last week struck a nerve with me, if I can call it that. At least that's the phrase comes to mind. However, my point is that what I heard last week was that one should not seek money when using their spiritual gifts or they risk losing them. I've always wanted to just do Tarot Readings and what not with money exchanging hands however I thought this necessary in order to finance, if you will, my travels around North America. I wish to seek out new friends and see the vastness and beauty of this continent as well as all the people fortunate enough to call this place home.
So I welcome change and transition with open and arms with a willingness to seek as well as see where change will take me as I embark on a spiritual career where I do it not for money but the common good of all I encounter, including myself. I look forward to meeting the parts of me revealed as I embark on and as this journey unfolds.
Today's Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
Yesterday we saw transition and today we are seeing realignment. Change is most definitely afoot. I've felt it for the past several days. And I'm truly open to whatever change must come in order for me to better my life or find ways to do that is right by and for all.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I've been going to bed relatively early and sleep very well and almost right through the night most times until the alarm serenades me out of my slumber. This morning I awoke at 5:30am, laid in bed for a few minutes then got up. Getting up a little earlier makes my mornings less rushed as I am making my breakfast and lunch whereas it is most times prepared for me. Spoiled, I know!
Spirit Is and Tuesday's Tarot Energy was the "Six of Arrows, Transition: The primal impulse here is to move beyond old boundaries and personal thought processes and deploy new methods of reasoning to resolve important issues. Some obstacle may challenge older methods, and new, more dynamic responses are required to adapt to a new set of paradigms. This can be an exciting process. The journey may be scary, since letting go of old and previously effective processes can be unsettling, but the unseen tides that drive the need to evolve are already pulling you to a new experiences and places. Trusting in your own instincts and skills to absorb change is essential to overcome new situations. Take advantage of your subconscious forward momentum and ride the new wave with an open heart and positive mental attitude. Welcome any new process with confidence and apply your skills to effect healing renewal. Embrace well-tried experiences also, as the Wheel inevitably turns, and enter into these personal changes with a stoical enthusiasm."
My mind has been wondering about exactly how and where I should direct my life. I know I wish to delve full time into all matters of Spirit however something I heard last week struck a nerve with me, if I can call it that. At least that's the phrase comes to mind. However, my point is that what I heard last week was that one should not seek money when using their spiritual gifts or they risk losing them. I've always wanted to just do Tarot Readings and what not with money exchanging hands however I thought this necessary in order to finance, if you will, my travels around North America. I wish to seek out new friends and see the vastness and beauty of this continent as well as all the people fortunate enough to call this place home.
So I welcome change and transition with open and arms with a willingness to seek as well as see where change will take me as I embark on a spiritual career where I do it not for money but the common good of all I encounter, including myself. I look forward to meeting the parts of me revealed as I embark on and as this journey unfolds.
Today's Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
Yesterday we saw transition and today we are seeing realignment. Change is most definitely afoot. I've felt it for the past several days. And I'm truly open to whatever change must come in order for me to better my life or find ways to do that is right by and for all.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 The Stag,
Six of Arrows Transition,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron©
Monday, October 26, 2015
'3 The Green Woman' and Learning to Co-operate with Nature
Monday, October 26th, 2015. I crawled into bed around 9:30pm and read for a spell and shut the lights out around 10pm and lo and behold wouldn't you know it I slept through the night and was sweetly serenaded by the alarm.
Since I'm a bachelor this week my mornings are a bit busier as I have to do everything myself so working with Tarot comes if I have the time and I had time this morning and I really liked the energy I was feeling and the uplifting mood that swept over me.
Spirit Is and Today's Tarot Energy is "3 The Green Woman: Appearing at a time of rich nurturing and protection, of learning and initiation, when loving and fertile relationships, both human and universal, abound, the Green Woman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth's soul and can show the path to understanding and communion with nature. But with this blessing comes responsibility. Remember that this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing. Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self."
Today we must follow "the path to understanding and communion with nature". And we can best do this by realizing, respecting, understanding and with much humility see that we are not masters of nature but rather only a small piece of her. And that we need nature much more than she needs us. Let's take ourselves off our almighty throne and take our rightful place and work co-operatively with nature so that we extend our time here rather speed ahead to our own mass extinction.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Since I'm a bachelor this week my mornings are a bit busier as I have to do everything myself so working with Tarot comes if I have the time and I had time this morning and I really liked the energy I was feeling and the uplifting mood that swept over me.
Spirit Is and Today's Tarot Energy is "3 The Green Woman: Appearing at a time of rich nurturing and protection, of learning and initiation, when loving and fertile relationships, both human and universal, abound, the Green Woman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth's soul and can show the path to understanding and communion with nature. But with this blessing comes responsibility. Remember that this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing. Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self."
Today we must follow "the path to understanding and communion with nature". And we can best do this by realizing, respecting, understanding and with much humility see that we are not masters of nature but rather only a small piece of her. And that we need nature much more than she needs us. Let's take ourselves off our almighty throne and take our rightful place and work co-operatively with nature so that we extend our time here rather speed ahead to our own mass extinction.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
3 The Green Woman,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The 'Queen of Stones, Bear' and Letting Generosity Rule the Day
Sunday, October 25th, 2015. I kind of had a lazy day yesterday. As was suggested by the "Four of Arrows" I did a whole lot of nothing and simply rested. Although, I did manage to get a few projects started that I need to finish before next Sunday. I hope I can make and see some real progress.
Today's Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Stones, Bear: Richness and plenty surround you. Your bounty and welcoming nature make you popular with all. Many depend on you, and your natural sensuality makes you powerfully attractive to others. Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point. Power and generosity, Punctiliousness, A demanding individual, Confidence, Frankness, Assurance, Prosperity."
The key point I'm getting with the "Queen of Stones" Energy is that "Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point" with a reminder that pragmatism is "a reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories". (
So lets' look at specifics and be as generous as is reasonable and possible in each of own given circumstances. Generosity does not always have to involve money as it can be time, a smile, food, a helping hand or even as simple as holding the door open for someone.
Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Stones, Bear: Richness and plenty surround you. Your bounty and welcoming nature make you popular with all. Many depend on you, and your natural sensuality makes you powerfully attractive to others. Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point. Power and generosity, Punctiliousness, A demanding individual, Confidence, Frankness, Assurance, Prosperity."
The key point I'm getting with the "Queen of Stones" Energy is that "Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point" with a reminder that pragmatism is "a reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories". (
So lets' look at specifics and be as generous as is reasonable and possible in each of own given circumstances. Generosity does not always have to involve money as it can be time, a smile, food, a helping hand or even as simple as holding the door open for someone.
Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Merriam Webster Dictionary,
Queen of Stones Bear,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The 'Four of Arrows, Rest' and Having a Quiet and Somewhat Lazy Day
Saturday, October 24, 2015. I watched "The Goonies" as I piddled about. Not really doing much of anything but none-the-less fiddling with my model railroad or handling a deck of Tarot cards. I slid into bed some time after 11:30pm and slept well for the most part. I awoke slightly here and there throughout the night and when I finally did open my eyes it appeared that I had more hours to sleep as it was ever so dark out. But I bravely looked at the time only to discover that it was just past 6:30am, time to slide back out of bed.
I glanced out the window and noticed that the morning is darker than usual because of a slightly cloudy sky and a thick blanket of fog that is obscuring our view of the river and is likely hiding what I'm sure is another beautiful sunrise. How can a sunrise not be beautiful? If were alive to enjoy it, it's beautiful.
I made myself an instant coffee and played around with my model railroad, emptied the dishwasher, and then communed with Spirit and Tarot after lighting a couple of candles and some incense.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Four of Arrows, Rest: In this stressful and demanding world, we sometimes forget that rest is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle and sleep a vital part of recuperation and the healing process. This primal mechanism is not just for the well-being of the body but the mind and imagination as well. Muscles need time to repair and rebuild after strenuous exertion, and the functions of the human psyche need dreams and sleep to aid the process, bringing order to what sometimes seems chaos and random machinations of daily life. Sometimes, inspiration and insight can also come through restful meditation and lucid dreaming. Welcome these insights joyfully and take note of what your subconscious is saying to you. One of the first human instincts when confronted with a survival situation in any wild environment is to find or build a shelter to provide protection from the elements and act as a safe place to rest and sleep in safety. Without that basic human security requirement, survivors often become disoriented, make poor decisions and become unable to physically complete simple and necessary tasks, eventually losing hope. Rest and sleep are vital to restore stamina and vitality."
And I must say that today is a perfect day for me and maybe for many of us to "REST" and "SLEEP" so we can "restore stamina and vitality". I'm doing a good job at this, this morning as it's 8:31am and I just finished breakfast. I simply allowing myself the time to enjoy the morning without the worry or stress of what I'd like to do today or what I think I need to stress and worry about. Today is all about "REST".
Few of us seldom take time to be quiet and still. We're always fidgeting about and trying to keep busy as we play guilt trips on ourselves if we find ourselves with apparently having nothing to do.
Let's "STOP" that and "REST" for a day. There is nothing wrong with having nothing to do or doing nothing for a day. Let's take the day off and make this a truly "Do Nothing" kind of day.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I glanced out the window and noticed that the morning is darker than usual because of a slightly cloudy sky and a thick blanket of fog that is obscuring our view of the river and is likely hiding what I'm sure is another beautiful sunrise. How can a sunrise not be beautiful? If were alive to enjoy it, it's beautiful.
I made myself an instant coffee and played around with my model railroad, emptied the dishwasher, and then communed with Spirit and Tarot after lighting a couple of candles and some incense.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Four of Arrows, Rest: In this stressful and demanding world, we sometimes forget that rest is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle and sleep a vital part of recuperation and the healing process. This primal mechanism is not just for the well-being of the body but the mind and imagination as well. Muscles need time to repair and rebuild after strenuous exertion, and the functions of the human psyche need dreams and sleep to aid the process, bringing order to what sometimes seems chaos and random machinations of daily life. Sometimes, inspiration and insight can also come through restful meditation and lucid dreaming. Welcome these insights joyfully and take note of what your subconscious is saying to you. One of the first human instincts when confronted with a survival situation in any wild environment is to find or build a shelter to provide protection from the elements and act as a safe place to rest and sleep in safety. Without that basic human security requirement, survivors often become disoriented, make poor decisions and become unable to physically complete simple and necessary tasks, eventually losing hope. Rest and sleep are vital to restore stamina and vitality."
And I must say that today is a perfect day for me and maybe for many of us to "REST" and "SLEEP" so we can "restore stamina and vitality". I'm doing a good job at this, this morning as it's 8:31am and I just finished breakfast. I simply allowing myself the time to enjoy the morning without the worry or stress of what I'd like to do today or what I think I need to stress and worry about. Today is all about "REST".
Few of us seldom take time to be quiet and still. We're always fidgeting about and trying to keep busy as we play guilt trips on ourselves if we find ourselves with apparently having nothing to do.
Let's "STOP" that and "REST" for a day. There is nothing wrong with having nothing to do or doing nothing for a day. Let's take the day off and make this a truly "Do Nothing" kind of day.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Four of Arrows Rest,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
The Goonies,
Wizard Oron
Friday, October 23, 2015
Let things be as they may
Friday, October 23rd, 2015. This morning was an off morning for me as I awoke in the middle of the night with a headache that held it's for a good 45 minutes before the over the Tylenol kicked in. Then I awoke with the singing alarm, exactly what I didn't want to hear. But I survived the day and am about to enjoy a fine piece of Tourtière pie from Meridian Meats.
I don't know if I was feeling lazy this morning or Spirit in fact sent me a message through the night but I forwent working with Tarot and simply whispered the phrase "let things be as they may".
And the day was just...I let the day play out as it wanted to. I had no other thoughts than to simply "go with the flow" and enjoy the ride and you know what? The day went by and I was calm, serene, and focused on my job. I loved the day and am still enjoying it for the night still has time left to go.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I don't know if I was feeling lazy this morning or Spirit in fact sent me a message through the night but I forwent working with Tarot and simply whispered the phrase "let things be as they may".
And the day was just...I let the day play out as it wanted to. I had no other thoughts than to simply "go with the flow" and enjoy the ride and you know what? The day went by and I was calm, serene, and focused on my job. I loved the day and am still enjoying it for the night still has time left to go.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Let Things Be As They May,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, October 22, 2015
'9 The Hooded Man' and Taking a Time Out
Thursday, October 22, 2015. I had a bit of a sleepless night. I usually do when my partner is away however last night was compounded by the way my work day ended. A couple of people were let go for abusing company time and the rest us then had to pick up the fallout of their departures. But things turned out pretty darned well today and this I attribute to my honesty in not having the experience necessary to undertake training a new hire.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "9 The Hooded Man: The time of the Hooded Man is here. Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest. After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed. This is the beginning of understanding - not just of yourself, but the universe. The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone. Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being."
I had a lot plans for the next eight or nine days however I feel the need for quiet solitude and contemplation. I see images of candles burning and wafts of incense smoke rising and filling the air with sweet aromas. But then I'm also driven by the this urge to do more things than I likely can accomplish so I just let things unfold with the energy of the day such as with today's Tarot Energy of "9 The Hooded Man" and relaxation and let both my mind and body rest for the evening.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "9 The Hooded Man: The time of the Hooded Man is here. Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest. After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed. This is the beginning of understanding - not just of yourself, but the universe. The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone. Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being."
I had a lot plans for the next eight or nine days however I feel the need for quiet solitude and contemplation. I see images of candles burning and wafts of incense smoke rising and filling the air with sweet aromas. But then I'm also driven by the this urge to do more things than I likely can accomplish so I just let things unfold with the energy of the day such as with today's Tarot Energy of "9 The Hooded Man" and relaxation and let both my mind and body rest for the evening.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
9 The Hooded Man,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The 'Two of Bows, Decision' and Consciously Being With Spirit
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015. I had a very good night's sleep. Between Spanish lessons and a cup of tea that helps one sleep I slept almost to the singing of the alarm.
I'm on my own for about ten days as my partner takes a short vacation in Spain and a visit with a friend not seen in over ten years. Should be a nice trip. I'm lonely already...
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "Two of Bows, Decision: The bow represents not just the potential energy latent within any situation, but the need to direct and manage that energy to achieve your goals. This can mean first movement towards reinvigorating and reforming the relationship with life. It requires the decisive will to step across a threshold and take control in a positive and proactive manner. Sometimes this may require a reclaiming and remaking of the mental and emotional tools and energies that are required to move on in life. By preparing to step up and through the gateway and make a choice to allow forward momentum to flow naturally, the fashioning of a new mental discipline or processes, or the reawakening of a previously effective but abandoned one, may be required. By summoning and directing the powerful, healing energies available to you, the rough-hewn bow stave can be grasped and the process of shaping and crafting your destiny can begin. You stand at a crucial crossroads from which you can now move forward with confidence. Once the decision to take control of these elements and harness and direct your power is made, a new paradigm of possibilities is released. These energies will need skilful harnessing and responsible management to reach their full and effective potential."
We need to consciously choose where to direct our energies for doing so will determine the success of our pursuit of our dreams, goals, and desires. This conscious direction of our energies can re-energize us when and as we witness how our dreams, goals and desires really come true especially so when we realize it was our effort along with the support and guidance of Spirit that got us here.
The best way to do this is to always be with and align one's self with Spirit. As we open ourselves to healing powers of Spirit we then are better able to direct the powerful energies of Spirit that dwell within each of us toward the attainment of are most cherished dreams and goals.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I'm on my own for about ten days as my partner takes a short vacation in Spain and a visit with a friend not seen in over ten years. Should be a nice trip. I'm lonely already...
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "Two of Bows, Decision: The bow represents not just the potential energy latent within any situation, but the need to direct and manage that energy to achieve your goals. This can mean first movement towards reinvigorating and reforming the relationship with life. It requires the decisive will to step across a threshold and take control in a positive and proactive manner. Sometimes this may require a reclaiming and remaking of the mental and emotional tools and energies that are required to move on in life. By preparing to step up and through the gateway and make a choice to allow forward momentum to flow naturally, the fashioning of a new mental discipline or processes, or the reawakening of a previously effective but abandoned one, may be required. By summoning and directing the powerful, healing energies available to you, the rough-hewn bow stave can be grasped and the process of shaping and crafting your destiny can begin. You stand at a crucial crossroads from which you can now move forward with confidence. Once the decision to take control of these elements and harness and direct your power is made, a new paradigm of possibilities is released. These energies will need skilful harnessing and responsible management to reach their full and effective potential."
We need to consciously choose where to direct our energies for doing so will determine the success of our pursuit of our dreams, goals, and desires. This conscious direction of our energies can re-energize us when and as we witness how our dreams, goals and desires really come true especially so when we realize it was our effort along with the support and guidance of Spirit that got us here.
The best way to do this is to always be with and align one's self with Spirit. As we open ourselves to healing powers of Spirit we then are better able to direct the powerful energies of Spirit that dwell within each of us toward the attainment of are most cherished dreams and goals.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Essence,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Two of Bows Decision,
Wizard Oron
Monday, October 19, 2015
'8 The Stag' and Taking Ownership of My Life
Monday, October 19th, 2015. Election Day in Canada! I hope everyone here in Canada has or is exercising their right to vote. This is the 42 federal election in Canada.
We had a decent day yesterday as we joined a couple of friends and took a look at the Animals Inside Out exhibit at the Telus World of Science most well known as Science World. The exhibit is very similar to or the same as the Body World's exhibit that came to Vancouver several years ago. Then we had a late lunch at Red Truck, our meals were much better than our first visit. Then we returned home and relaxed for the remainder of the day.
Today's Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I'm responsible. I'm a responsible person. I'm responsible for my own life. I take my responsibility seriously and take full control of my own life. My life is my own to live and I need to take ownership of it and make decisions about my life that are best for me. I am doing so right now as I write this and I'm moving my life in the direction I wish to, no make that I want to go and am going.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
We had a decent day yesterday as we joined a couple of friends and took a look at the Animals Inside Out exhibit at the Telus World of Science most well known as Science World. The exhibit is very similar to or the same as the Body World's exhibit that came to Vancouver several years ago. Then we had a late lunch at Red Truck, our meals were much better than our first visit. Then we returned home and relaxed for the remainder of the day.
Today's Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I'm responsible. I'm a responsible person. I'm responsible for my own life. I take my responsibility seriously and take full control of my own life. My life is my own to live and I need to take ownership of it and make decisions about my life that are best for me. I am doing so right now as I write this and I'm moving my life in the direction I wish to, no make that I want to go and am going.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 The Stag,
Animals Inside Out,
Canadian Federal Election,
Federal Election,
Science World,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Essence,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, October 18, 2015
'9 The Hooded Man' and Being Absorbed by Nature and Spirit
Sunday, October 18th, 2015. Yesterday was a nice relaxing and successful day even with driving for one of us to get a haircut and the other to pick a few orders related to his model railroading hobby. And we even did our weekly grocery run before returning home mid-afternoon.
The evening was quietly spent watching the 'Rick Mercer Report' and 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes'. I piddled around with my model railroad layout for a bit, then flipped through a couple of model railroad magazines, before settling down with my Wild Wood Tarot cards. Then it was off to bed.
I slept well and slept in this morning perhaps due to the dreams I was having (can't remember much about them but it was like watching a long movie on TV or something) or maybe it's the bag of stones and crystals under my pillow: dumortierite, labradorite, hematite, tiger eye, quartz, celestite, unakite, malachite, prehnite, and chrysoprase. It was nice to awake later than usual and I even hit he sack early.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "9 The Hooded Man: The time of the Hooded Man is here. Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest. After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed. This is the beginning of understanding - not just of yourself, but the universe. The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone. Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being."
Today is a time to remove ourselves from our own humanity, if you will. A time to be secluded and allow ourselves to absorbed by nature and Spirit alike so we shed off the old and are reborn anew. Refreshed and ready for the next legs of our respective journeys.
As we partake in this oneness of being with nature and Spirit we allow every atom of our beings to be penetrated and permeated by the wisdom and knowledge needed that will help us move forward on our journeys. This newfound inner knowledge and wisdom will assist us in our daily living and each and every one of relationships and interactions in life whether at home, at work or on the street. Take time away from life, invest in yourself and the seclusion of being with nature and Spirit for it will only enrich your life, strengthen your spirit and empower you to be a better human being.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
The evening was quietly spent watching the 'Rick Mercer Report' and 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes'. I piddled around with my model railroad layout for a bit, then flipped through a couple of model railroad magazines, before settling down with my Wild Wood Tarot cards. Then it was off to bed.
I slept well and slept in this morning perhaps due to the dreams I was having (can't remember much about them but it was like watching a long movie on TV or something) or maybe it's the bag of stones and crystals under my pillow: dumortierite, labradorite, hematite, tiger eye, quartz, celestite, unakite, malachite, prehnite, and chrysoprase. It was nice to awake later than usual and I even hit he sack early.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "9 The Hooded Man: The time of the Hooded Man is here. Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest. After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed. This is the beginning of understanding - not just of yourself, but the universe. The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone. Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being."
Today is a time to remove ourselves from our own humanity, if you will. A time to be secluded and allow ourselves to absorbed by nature and Spirit alike so we shed off the old and are reborn anew. Refreshed and ready for the next legs of our respective journeys.
As we partake in this oneness of being with nature and Spirit we allow every atom of our beings to be penetrated and permeated by the wisdom and knowledge needed that will help us move forward on our journeys. This newfound inner knowledge and wisdom will assist us in our daily living and each and every one of relationships and interactions in life whether at home, at work or on the street. Take time away from life, invest in yourself and the seclusion of being with nature and Spirit for it will only enrich your life, strengthen your spirit and empower you to be a better human being.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
9 The Hooded Man,
Ricker Mercer Report,
This Hour Has 22 Minutes,
Tiger Eye,
White Sage
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The 'Ace of Arrows, Breath of Life' and '18 The Moon On Water'
Saturday, October 17th, 2015. The work week is finally over. It was an awfully busy and long week for being only a four day work week however it was a good week overall. Besides, we ended the week hosting a couple of friends for dinner last night and it was another evening of great food and conversation. We had a pan-fried yucca with a garlic, olive oil, lemon, lime, and orange dipping sauce, a salad and for the main course Arroz con Pollo. For dessert it was a Pumpkin Flan.
Friday's Tarot Energy was the "Ace of Arrows, The Breath of Life: By breathing life into a thought and pursuing it to its material creation in the real world, we engage in an ancient and unique relationship with the universe and the divine. Our minds are linked to a greater consciousness, its power and effectiveness waiting only for the question. As the first formation of an idea or concept crystallizes in your mind, the primal creative energy connects you to the Breath of Life. This energy can be summoned and applied to achieve your conscious desire. Clarity of purpose is the key. Sometimes an unconscious impulse or drive makes you aware of a hidden issue or need. Such issues may appear in dreams, often signalling their presence in this way because of a lack of confidence in our own processes and abilities. Our unique connection with the universe ensures that those issues are brought into our everyday awareness."
Today's Tarot Energy is "18 The Moon on Water heralds a time of inner transformation, initiation, or awareness. This may take the form of a seemingly random situation based on the emotional or spiritual spheres, but your inner voice may have been whispering for some time and gone unheeded. Now your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious. This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit, or the wish to explore the untapped sexual energy and experience a tighter spiritual bond with a partner through honesty and the expression of your hidden desires. From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."
I need to get on with it, with it being my life as a travelling wizard, a spiritual nomad. This morning as I worked with Tarot, shuffling the deck, and enjoying my first cup of coffee, ventriloquism came to mind. I've been dabbling in ventriloquism on and off for the past five or six years yet not doing anything substantial with it. I seem to be skirting my desire to be a ventriloquist along with being a true spiritual nomad. Perhaps, its time I combined the two and put into practice my truest desires...traveling, ventriloquism, and spiritual living.
Meet Edith and Eugene Tokalot, my ventriloquist friends:

Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Friday's Tarot Energy was the "Ace of Arrows, The Breath of Life: By breathing life into a thought and pursuing it to its material creation in the real world, we engage in an ancient and unique relationship with the universe and the divine. Our minds are linked to a greater consciousness, its power and effectiveness waiting only for the question. As the first formation of an idea or concept crystallizes in your mind, the primal creative energy connects you to the Breath of Life. This energy can be summoned and applied to achieve your conscious desire. Clarity of purpose is the key. Sometimes an unconscious impulse or drive makes you aware of a hidden issue or need. Such issues may appear in dreams, often signalling their presence in this way because of a lack of confidence in our own processes and abilities. Our unique connection with the universe ensures that those issues are brought into our everyday awareness."
Today's Tarot Energy is "18 The Moon on Water heralds a time of inner transformation, initiation, or awareness. This may take the form of a seemingly random situation based on the emotional or spiritual spheres, but your inner voice may have been whispering for some time and gone unheeded. Now your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious. This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit, or the wish to explore the untapped sexual energy and experience a tighter spiritual bond with a partner through honesty and the expression of your hidden desires. From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."
Meet Edith and Eugene Tokalot, my ventriloquist friends:

We must strive and try, and try, and try again to get our lives on track, and on the path we wish to be going. We must never give up the pursuit of our dreams and desires and we must continually find new ways of achieving them if we are faced with obstacles and detours. We must turn such obstacles and detours into opportunities toward success.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
18 The Moon,
18 The Moon on Water,
Ace of Arrows Breath of Life,
Ace of Swords,
Edith Tokalot,
Eugene Tokalot,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The 'Six of Stones, Exploitation' and What We Can Do to End It!
Thursday, October 15th, 2015. Another day. Sleep was elusive for the first part of the night however once I fell asleep I slept well and quite deeply. I did awake a couple of times but I quickly returned to sleep so they were not really even noticeable interruptions.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Six of Stones, Exploitation: Selfish or foolish overuse of non-sustainable resources implies imbalance in work or business that is damaging to yourself or the environment. The human race's capacity to exploit planetary resources to our detriment is motivated by a flawed belief that we have the right to do so. As we begin to come to terms with the profound effects of global climate change and irreversible effects this will have on our children's lives, the human race still struggles to deal with the unresolved issues of how to feed the billions of new human beings born every year. How we will resource the education, health and social service requirements of entire generations to come seems like a question too painful to even think about. With the world financial systems and safeguards breaking down, and faith in any government's ability to tell the truth and act with integrity severely damaged, our social moral codes and once-familiar cultural 'norms' appear under enormous st(r)ain. We all need to be aware of the price our children will pay for our exploitation of the planet's resources."
What are you exploiting in your life? Or where can you make changes to reduce your impact on the planet? Where and how can we change to be better stewards of these gifts we've been give? Life is a gift? The natural beauty of this planet is a gift. People to share it and share with are gifts. the ability to grow food and sustain ourselves is a gift?
And then I must ask what are we giving back in thanks and gratitude for such enormous and valuable gifts as these?
I'm doing my best to walk lightly on this magnificent planet, Mother Earth. I'm doing my best to conserve water. We're doing our best to recycle and minimize waste, even food or compostable waste ad we're doing our best to live and maintain healthy lives and lifestyles and truly appreciating nature in as many ways as we can.
The strongest energy I'm receiving and what I'll leave you with from the "Six of Stones, Exploitation" is this:
"The human race's capacity to exploit planetary resources to our detriment is motivated by a flawed belief that we have the right to do so."
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Six of Stones, Exploitation: Selfish or foolish overuse of non-sustainable resources implies imbalance in work or business that is damaging to yourself or the environment. The human race's capacity to exploit planetary resources to our detriment is motivated by a flawed belief that we have the right to do so. As we begin to come to terms with the profound effects of global climate change and irreversible effects this will have on our children's lives, the human race still struggles to deal with the unresolved issues of how to feed the billions of new human beings born every year. How we will resource the education, health and social service requirements of entire generations to come seems like a question too painful to even think about. With the world financial systems and safeguards breaking down, and faith in any government's ability to tell the truth and act with integrity severely damaged, our social moral codes and once-familiar cultural 'norms' appear under enormous st(r)ain. We all need to be aware of the price our children will pay for our exploitation of the planet's resources."
What are you exploiting in your life? Or where can you make changes to reduce your impact on the planet? Where and how can we change to be better stewards of these gifts we've been give? Life is a gift? The natural beauty of this planet is a gift. People to share it and share with are gifts. the ability to grow food and sustain ourselves is a gift?
And then I must ask what are we giving back in thanks and gratitude for such enormous and valuable gifts as these?
I'm doing my best to walk lightly on this magnificent planet, Mother Earth. I'm doing my best to conserve water. We're doing our best to recycle and minimize waste, even food or compostable waste ad we're doing our best to live and maintain healthy lives and lifestyles and truly appreciating nature in as many ways as we can.
The strongest energy I'm receiving and what I'll leave you with from the "Six of Stones, Exploitation" is this:
"The human race's capacity to exploit planetary resources to our detriment is motivated by a flawed belief that we have the right to do so."
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
6 of Coins,
6 of Pentacles,
Mother Earth,
Six of Coins,
Six of Pentacles,
Six of Stones Exploitation,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The 'Knight of Vessels, Eel'
Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Another evening of Spanish lessons has come and gone and I'm actually learning the language one baby step at a time. Gracias.
I'm sleeping quite well considering I'm back at work and not able to simply sleep in and not worry about the day as we did last week. I thoroughly enjoyed the week especially knowing that I had more to focus on the spiritual: Spirit, Tarot, the Sun, the Moon, and Crows along with the spirits of others and how I wish to engage with others' spirits around North America...this is my ultimate goal, my perfect job, my most rewarding career, my surest path to success that cannot and can never be measured in dollars and cents. I give much thanks to the great conscious that "IS" for enriching my life and bringing such realizations as these into my life.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Knight of Vessels, Eel: With purity of intent, your destiny defined, you are able to bring wisdom and maturity to your tasks. Embarking on a quest of personal revelation, your vision leads you onward. Your deep feelings are expressed at every turn. Attraction, Conquest, Seduction, A welcoming, Compliance, Agreement, Induction, Coming together, Union, Arrival."
For now I feel a need to simply let the "Knight of Vessels, Eel" define and represent itself where you can allow its energy fill and guide you as needed without any words coming from me. For me I feel like I've come upon and am about to open a long lost treasure...I wonder what it might be...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I'm sleeping quite well considering I'm back at work and not able to simply sleep in and not worry about the day as we did last week. I thoroughly enjoyed the week especially knowing that I had more to focus on the spiritual: Spirit, Tarot, the Sun, the Moon, and Crows along with the spirits of others and how I wish to engage with others' spirits around North America...this is my ultimate goal, my perfect job, my most rewarding career, my surest path to success that cannot and can never be measured in dollars and cents. I give much thanks to the great conscious that "IS" for enriching my life and bringing such realizations as these into my life.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Knight of Vessels, Eel: With purity of intent, your destiny defined, you are able to bring wisdom and maturity to your tasks. Embarking on a quest of personal revelation, your vision leads you onward. Your deep feelings are expressed at every turn. Attraction, Conquest, Seduction, A welcoming, Compliance, Agreement, Induction, Coming together, Union, Arrival."
For now I feel a need to simply let the "Knight of Vessels, Eel" define and represent itself where you can allow its energy fill and guide you as needed without any words coming from me. For me I feel like I've come upon and am about to open a long lost treasure...I wonder what it might be...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Knight of Cups,
Knight of Vessels Eel,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Essence,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading
Monday, October 12, 2015
'0 The Wanderer' and Following Your Heart Into the Future
Monday, October 12th, 2015. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had or will have a great Thanksgiving Celebration and Dinner.
We entertained family and friends yesterday. A bit of a last minute gathering decided upon our coffee get together Saturday afternoon. But it turned out very well and each dish received rave reviews: ham, sweet potatoes, carrots, stuffing, salad and even the seemingly much hated brussel sprouts. The Costco Pumpkin Pie went down well with the good old fashioned homemade whipped cream.
Thank You Spirit.
Crows, crows, crows...crows and my future seemingly go hand in hand. I'm not exactly what kind of transition took place within me during our travels however what I do know is that the crows we saw along our travels really stood out for me especially as we sat enjoying our coffee and snack at the Tofino Coffee Company where three of four wood carved larger than life crows took roost. And as today's Tarot Energy revealed itself the first image or word that came to mind...crow or a flock of crows.
And with that, today's Tarot Energy is "0 The Wanderer: You have come to a junction or turning point in your life. It may be an unconscious state in which you feel the tide has turned or sense something is going to happen. In a way it already has. Your spirit must move on and the desire to leap into the unknown beckons. This may mean leaving behind or giving up some baggage or burden that you have carried with you from the past. Now is the time to be clear and not let fear of falling or sad disillusion with the universe hold you back. Let your imagination carry you into a new set of possibilities. It is a time to travel hopefully and open your arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe."
Today is about taking a leap of faith, to follow where your true heart has already gone. Let your imagination soar and take you into a new world of possibilities and maybe even achieving the impossible. Don't hold yourself back with fear or doubt. Take the leap of faith...just do it and let the universe lead the way...cross that rainbow and meet your heart in the future that beckons you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
We entertained family and friends yesterday. A bit of a last minute gathering decided upon our coffee get together Saturday afternoon. But it turned out very well and each dish received rave reviews: ham, sweet potatoes, carrots, stuffing, salad and even the seemingly much hated brussel sprouts. The Costco Pumpkin Pie went down well with the good old fashioned homemade whipped cream.
Thank You Spirit.
Crows, crows, crows...crows and my future seemingly go hand in hand. I'm not exactly what kind of transition took place within me during our travels however what I do know is that the crows we saw along our travels really stood out for me especially as we sat enjoying our coffee and snack at the Tofino Coffee Company where three of four wood carved larger than life crows took roost. And as today's Tarot Energy revealed itself the first image or word that came to mind...crow or a flock of crows.
And with that, today's Tarot Energy is "0 The Wanderer: You have come to a junction or turning point in your life. It may be an unconscious state in which you feel the tide has turned or sense something is going to happen. In a way it already has. Your spirit must move on and the desire to leap into the unknown beckons. This may mean leaving behind or giving up some baggage or burden that you have carried with you from the past. Now is the time to be clear and not let fear of falling or sad disillusion with the universe hold you back. Let your imagination carry you into a new set of possibilities. It is a time to travel hopefully and open your arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe."
Today is about taking a leap of faith, to follow where your true heart has already gone. Let your imagination soar and take you into a new world of possibilities and maybe even achieving the impossible. Don't hold yourself back with fear or doubt. Take the leap of faith...just do it and let the universe lead the way...cross that rainbow and meet your heart in the future that beckons you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
0 The Fool,
0 The Wanderer,
Canadian Thanksgiving,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, October 11, 2015
The 'Page of Stones, Lynx' and Spending Thanksgiving with Family
Sunday, October 11, 2015. We had a busy day yesterday. A friend came by for a visit and a bite to eat. The visit was enjoyable as usual and the food was great. We opted for Filipino food and headed 'Cucicna Manila', a fantastic new addition to New Westminster's lacklustre restaurant options. We have okay restaurants here mind you but we need more...
Then we hit Tre Galli at the quay for coffee with my brother, dad and his wife. We then invited them over for an afternoon of photo viewing at our place. We'll see them later today as we're hosting them for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Another morning of sleeping in for me. I've been sleeping in for the past week most times past 7:00am and a few days past 7:30am. I'm glad that I've been able to relax to the point of just sleeping and not awaking worrying about things, most of which are things not worth worry about. I firmly believe and realistically know without a shadow of a doubt that this past week is a period of transformation for me.
My camper van Serenity is a great investment and a new home away from home, and a place of Serenity for me, for us. She is a great option for long distance travel and a comfortable choice for quick getaways. I'm glad she came into my life. Now that we spent six days using the van it has given us a good idea of how to pack and what to bring. This has also given me a realistic understanding of how I can transition to using it as a fulltime accommodation.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Essence is the "Page of Stones, Lynx: Pay attention to the physical realm, and be aware of the effects generated by everything you do. A strain of wildness and lack of forethought can sometimes hamper your forward passage, but careful consideration redresses the balance. Study and scholarship, School, Apprenticeship, Starting out, Carefulness, Reflection, Meditation, Observing others."
Today should be a day that involve some meditation and communion with Spirit so that we temper any leanings of wildness that could possibly throw us off track and off course of where we wish to be going. We need a nice healthy balance of spiritual and physical activities today so that we build a nice equilibrium in our day and realistically speaking in our lives. A nice way I do this is to be aware of my physical and spiritual life and composition of my life. I do my best to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming a healthy diet, having a good balance of physical activity and exercise, and spending time and communing with Spirit.
This last week was a good example of this as we spent time in beautiful natural settings that soothed and rejuvenated our spirits that encouraged and allowed us to walk about and enjoy the natural beauty of Vancouver Island. Being on the road uplifted my Spirit and made me feel at home with myself and all that I am and believe myself to be. The week allowed me to make new discoveries about myself and how I further support myself on the road and how the mere fact of being on the road could itself be a means of financial support.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Then we hit Tre Galli at the quay for coffee with my brother, dad and his wife. We then invited them over for an afternoon of photo viewing at our place. We'll see them later today as we're hosting them for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Another morning of sleeping in for me. I've been sleeping in for the past week most times past 7:00am and a few days past 7:30am. I'm glad that I've been able to relax to the point of just sleeping and not awaking worrying about things, most of which are things not worth worry about. I firmly believe and realistically know without a shadow of a doubt that this past week is a period of transformation for me.
My camper van Serenity is a great investment and a new home away from home, and a place of Serenity for me, for us. She is a great option for long distance travel and a comfortable choice for quick getaways. I'm glad she came into my life. Now that we spent six days using the van it has given us a good idea of how to pack and what to bring. This has also given me a realistic understanding of how I can transition to using it as a fulltime accommodation.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Essence is the "Page of Stones, Lynx: Pay attention to the physical realm, and be aware of the effects generated by everything you do. A strain of wildness and lack of forethought can sometimes hamper your forward passage, but careful consideration redresses the balance. Study and scholarship, School, Apprenticeship, Starting out, Carefulness, Reflection, Meditation, Observing others."
Today should be a day that involve some meditation and communion with Spirit so that we temper any leanings of wildness that could possibly throw us off track and off course of where we wish to be going. We need a nice healthy balance of spiritual and physical activities today so that we build a nice equilibrium in our day and realistically speaking in our lives. A nice way I do this is to be aware of my physical and spiritual life and composition of my life. I do my best to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming a healthy diet, having a good balance of physical activity and exercise, and spending time and communing with Spirit.
This last week was a good example of this as we spent time in beautiful natural settings that soothed and rejuvenated our spirits that encouraged and allowed us to walk about and enjoy the natural beauty of Vancouver Island. Being on the road uplifted my Spirit and made me feel at home with myself and all that I am and believe myself to be. The week allowed me to make new discoveries about myself and how I further support myself on the road and how the mere fact of being on the road could itself be a means of financial support.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Cucina Manila,
Page of Stones Lynx,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Tre Galli,
Vancouver Island,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Nanaimo, Tofino, Victoria, and Other Stops Along the Way
Saturday, October 10, 2015. We've returned from a successful and enriching trip to Vancouver Island and back. We enjoyed our stays in Nanaimo, Tofino, and Victoria and even discovered a new friend along the way.
I tried to write as we travelled so I might repeat myself here and there but hopefully you enjoy reading about our little adventure...
We unpacked Serenity last night, she's our camper van, returned her to the storage lot, picked up the car and returned home, caught a bit of the news while we unpacked and organised ourselves before grabbing a bite at AandW.
As I sat and relaxed last night, organizing receipts from the trip and gathering my thoughts about the week that was...I realised that I missed being in the van, the camper van is indeed a place of Serenity, and is aptly named.
I slept. missing Serenity and awoke missing her even more. My cute little camper van, Miss Serenity is now a part of the fabric of my being and an integral part of my life.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Bows, Hare: A companion through life, sympathetic and understanding, leading you to a deeper awareness of what is needed to bring success to your every enterprise. Wise and witty, gentle and kindly, the Queen supports you and strengthens your resolve. Kindness and responsibility, An offering of peace and love, Helpfulness, courtesy, understanding, Enchantment, Success in business."
We have the support, guidance, and strength needed to help us identify and become aware of what we need to do and how we need to shape our lives in order to have success become part of the fabric of being. The "Queen of Bows" is our constant companion and we must strive to keep her top of mind this day so we can move forward with confidence and a quiet resolve to accomplish our innermost desires.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
And now back to our trip...
We've been to Nanaimo before so on our first full day (Sunday, October 3rd) we took a quick hike along the trails around Living Forest before embarking on a trip into town (Nanaimo) via transit and walked along the harbour, enjoyed a coffee along the quay at "Javawocky Coffee House" and returned to our home away from home in the Living Forest Oceanside Campground around 5:30pm after a quick shopping trip to the Country Grocer and to Rona. Oh, we did discover a few new reads at the "Well Read Books" before catching the bus back home. I picked up, well actually Edith picked up "Communion" by Whitley Strieber and "Report on Communion" by Ed Conroy and my partner picked up "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown.
It's now Monday, October 5th and time to depart the picturesque Living Forest Campground and RV Park and make our way to Tofino and the Bella Pacifica Campground. Our first stop took us to Piper's Lagoon Park, Nanaimo, a lovely walk along a trail to the rock outcropping and lovely views of the harbour and the many fisherman's cabins on Shack Island. Our second stop took us to Beachcomber Regional Park, district of Nanaimo. This was my favourite of the day as a tree invited me in for a visit. I squeezed in through the narrow open doorway and enjoyed the living presence of this warm, welcoming, friendly, funny and engaging tree. More about this in the next couple of paragraphs.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Awoke around 7:30am after our third night in Serenity, She's everything I expected and more. Yes, the smaller confined space takes some getting used to but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. So far the only difficulty is showering in the cubbyhole of the bathroom as the shower curtain gets in the way of having a comfortable shower. I'm devising a solution in my head.
Other than that I have no other complaints. She is easy to drive and maneuver and is a cozy, comfortable place to relax and enjoy nature. It's been an enriching experience having a home wherever we go. As experienced during our beachcombing excursions yesterday. The trees, sand, shoreline, and sea/ocean were warm and welcoming. My physical body may have stopped walking at the water's edge but my spirit kept going. Yesterday my spirit soared to be with the sun, took root in the earth beneath my feet, and became a part of the sea. Then rising up to be in the clouds and take it all in. What an experience!
I like this rustic campground, Bella Pacfica as we're close to the beach, can hear the waves and our sided by only one neighbour, it's a nice cozy nook for our short stay. As I walked along the beach and let the energy of this amazing coastline fill me I made an amazing discover of a hidden spiritual gem of a place hollowed out the by the crashing waves over many years. I took many photographs of this beach and this spiritual oasis however photographs will be more secondary if I take any at all on future trips as I just want to experience these places more than be photograph taking hound.
Tofino is a small cute seaside village nestled in a geography that truly soothes and nourishes the soul. We walked the return trip of about 9 kilometres to and from the village along a bike and walking path that parallels the highway into Tofino.
Wednesday, October 7th, 2015. Two of Arrows: Injustice. We left Bella Pacifica Campground around 9:40am and arrived at West Bay Marina RV Park at 4:40pm. We stopped for gas and lunch in Port Alberni and then at Cathedral Grove so I could have a quick walk through and a quick moment with a few forest giants that are well over 300 years old. Ladysmith was a quick afternoon coffee break at McDonalds.
Friday, October 9th, 2015. Spirit, physical, spirit, loss or sorrow, distortion of the truth, love at first sight, and rest are the Tarot Energies and/or Tarot Essence of the week that was. The week that was our shakedown cruise, our maiden voyage in Serenity, of new home away from home, our place of serenity and security outside of the condo.
Being in Serenity for me is a very spiritual experience. Spirit is strong and a powerful and creative energy fills her space, every nook and cranny of it.
One worry about her that I have is that she might have a leak on the rear passenger side below the window. Oh and the black holding tank needs to be cleaned top to bottom from toilet all the way down. I've created a list of RV chores I'd like to get done before the next extended trip with her. One such chore or work of love is to clean her inside and out.
It'd be very nice if I could park her close to home so I could easily spend time with her and give her the time and attention she deserves unlike the lack of attention I paid to the other one. Such a shame!
Onto new and better things...
...such as my fascination with crows and how prevalent they are on this trip and how celebrated they appeared to be in Tofino!
I love crows or ravens, either or, both in equal measure...
I feel and know how blessed I am and how rich my life is and how much sacrifice the cosmos/the world has made for me so I can be where I am today...on a ferry with a loving partner after our six day adventure on Vancouver Island in Nanaimo, Tofino, and Victoria. And making an new friend along the way. Thank You Spirit!
Also, among meeting a new friend I met a couple of new books "Communion" and a book about the book "Communion", the name of which escapes me (here it is: "Report on Communion. The Facts Behind the Most Controversial True Story of Our Time"). I've rediscovered the joy of reading as well as of doing crossword puzzles.
Also, I really desire to sit and spend time in Serenity working the Tarot. Serenity feels like a great place, a great space to be spiritual and do spiritual works, Tarot being one of many. Writing is another avenue I wish to explore. Tarot, writing, candles, incense, the Sun, the Moon, crows, and magic...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I tried to write as we travelled so I might repeat myself here and there but hopefully you enjoy reading about our little adventure...
We unpacked Serenity last night, she's our camper van, returned her to the storage lot, picked up the car and returned home, caught a bit of the news while we unpacked and organised ourselves before grabbing a bite at AandW.
As I sat and relaxed last night, organizing receipts from the trip and gathering my thoughts about the week that was...I realised that I missed being in the van, the camper van is indeed a place of Serenity, and is aptly named.
I slept. missing Serenity and awoke missing her even more. My cute little camper van, Miss Serenity is now a part of the fabric of my being and an integral part of my life.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Bows, Hare: A companion through life, sympathetic and understanding, leading you to a deeper awareness of what is needed to bring success to your every enterprise. Wise and witty, gentle and kindly, the Queen supports you and strengthens your resolve. Kindness and responsibility, An offering of peace and love, Helpfulness, courtesy, understanding, Enchantment, Success in business."
We have the support, guidance, and strength needed to help us identify and become aware of what we need to do and how we need to shape our lives in order to have success become part of the fabric of being. The "Queen of Bows" is our constant companion and we must strive to keep her top of mind this day so we can move forward with confidence and a quiet resolve to accomplish our innermost desires.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
And now back to our trip...
We've been to Nanaimo before so on our first full day (Sunday, October 3rd) we took a quick hike along the trails around Living Forest before embarking on a trip into town (Nanaimo) via transit and walked along the harbour, enjoyed a coffee along the quay at "Javawocky Coffee House" and returned to our home away from home in the Living Forest Oceanside Campground around 5:30pm after a quick shopping trip to the Country Grocer and to Rona. Oh, we did discover a few new reads at the "Well Read Books" before catching the bus back home. I picked up, well actually Edith picked up "Communion" by Whitley Strieber and "Report on Communion" by Ed Conroy and my partner picked up "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown.
It's now Monday, October 5th and time to depart the picturesque Living Forest Campground and RV Park and make our way to Tofino and the Bella Pacifica Campground. Our first stop took us to Piper's Lagoon Park, Nanaimo, a lovely walk along a trail to the rock outcropping and lovely views of the harbour and the many fisherman's cabins on Shack Island. Our second stop took us to Beachcomber Regional Park, district of Nanaimo. This was my favourite of the day as a tree invited me in for a visit. I squeezed in through the narrow open doorway and enjoyed the living presence of this warm, welcoming, friendly, funny and engaging tree. More about this in the next couple of paragraphs.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Awoke around 7:30am after our third night in Serenity, She's everything I expected and more. Yes, the smaller confined space takes some getting used to but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. So far the only difficulty is showering in the cubbyhole of the bathroom as the shower curtain gets in the way of having a comfortable shower. I'm devising a solution in my head.
Other than that I have no other complaints. She is easy to drive and maneuver and is a cozy, comfortable place to relax and enjoy nature. It's been an enriching experience having a home wherever we go. As experienced during our beachcombing excursions yesterday. The trees, sand, shoreline, and sea/ocean were warm and welcoming. My physical body may have stopped walking at the water's edge but my spirit kept going. Yesterday my spirit soared to be with the sun, took root in the earth beneath my feet, and became a part of the sea. Then rising up to be in the clouds and take it all in. What an experience!
I like this rustic campground, Bella Pacfica as we're close to the beach, can hear the waves and our sided by only one neighbour, it's a nice cozy nook for our short stay. As I walked along the beach and let the energy of this amazing coastline fill me I made an amazing discover of a hidden spiritual gem of a place hollowed out the by the crashing waves over many years. I took many photographs of this beach and this spiritual oasis however photographs will be more secondary if I take any at all on future trips as I just want to experience these places more than be photograph taking hound.
Tofino is a small cute seaside village nestled in a geography that truly soothes and nourishes the soul. We walked the return trip of about 9 kilometres to and from the village along a bike and walking path that parallels the highway into Tofino.
Wednesday, October 7th, 2015. Two of Arrows: Injustice. We left Bella Pacifica Campground around 9:40am and arrived at West Bay Marina RV Park at 4:40pm. We stopped for gas and lunch in Port Alberni and then at Cathedral Grove so I could have a quick walk through and a quick moment with a few forest giants that are well over 300 years old. Ladysmith was a quick afternoon coffee break at McDonalds.
Friday, October 9th, 2015. Spirit, physical, spirit, loss or sorrow, distortion of the truth, love at first sight, and rest are the Tarot Energies and/or Tarot Essence of the week that was. The week that was our shakedown cruise, our maiden voyage in Serenity, of new home away from home, our place of serenity and security outside of the condo.
Being in Serenity for me is a very spiritual experience. Spirit is strong and a powerful and creative energy fills her space, every nook and cranny of it.
One worry about her that I have is that she might have a leak on the rear passenger side below the window. Oh and the black holding tank needs to be cleaned top to bottom from toilet all the way down. I've created a list of RV chores I'd like to get done before the next extended trip with her. One such chore or work of love is to clean her inside and out.
It'd be very nice if I could park her close to home so I could easily spend time with her and give her the time and attention she deserves unlike the lack of attention I paid to the other one. Such a shame!
Onto new and better things...
...such as my fascination with crows and how prevalent they are on this trip and how celebrated they appeared to be in Tofino!
I love crows or ravens, either or, both in equal measure...
I feel and know how blessed I am and how rich my life is and how much sacrifice the cosmos/the world has made for me so I can be where I am today...on a ferry with a loving partner after our six day adventure on Vancouver Island in Nanaimo, Tofino, and Victoria. And making an new friend along the way. Thank You Spirit!
Also, among meeting a new friend I met a couple of new books "Communion" and a book about the book "Communion", the name of which escapes me (here it is: "Report on Communion. The Facts Behind the Most Controversial True Story of Our Time"). I've rediscovered the joy of reading as well as of doing crossword puzzles.
Also, I really desire to sit and spend time in Serenity working the Tarot. Serenity feels like a great place, a great space to be spiritual and do spiritual works, Tarot being one of many. Writing is another avenue I wish to explore. Tarot, writing, candles, incense, the Sun, the Moon, crows, and magic...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
2 of Swords,
Port Alberni,
Queen of Bows Hare,
Queen of Wands,
Report on Communion,
Two of Arrows Injustice,
Two of Swords,
Saturday, October 3, 2015
'Page of Bows, Stoat' and Being Free Spirited and Having Freedom of Spirit
Saturday, October 3rd, 2015. I slept right through the night and as soon as the five o'clock hour rolled around sleep became elusive so I quietly slipped out of bed and greeted the predawn morning with humble thanks for the gift of another day and in turn the cool yet comfortable morning welcomed me to a new day with it's warm embrace.
I picked my deck of cards and spent time with Tarot and Spirit. I shuffled the cards and as I did so I could feel pulses of energy in my hands that then emanated from my entire body as I acknowledged and recognised it...the energy of Spirit moving through me...time ceased and all senses of form, body, and shape faded away. Then the "Page of Bows" fell from the deck of cards, thus introducing itself as the Tarot Energy of the Day.
"Page of Bows, Stoat: Often, you are seen as an emissary and, as such, your gifts are widely recognized and honoured. Your ability to perceive the truth in almost any matter is vastly helpful and your freedom of spirit marks you out as an original and unique personality."
Acknowledge, recognise and be thankful for your free spirit and freedom of spirit and do not let it go to waste. Whether you know it or not people see you as a gifted, unique, and original person and look up to you. Use this gift wisely and with much humility and gratitude.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I picked my deck of cards and spent time with Tarot and Spirit. I shuffled the cards and as I did so I could feel pulses of energy in my hands that then emanated from my entire body as I acknowledged and recognised it...the energy of Spirit moving through me...time ceased and all senses of form, body, and shape faded away. Then the "Page of Bows" fell from the deck of cards, thus introducing itself as the Tarot Energy of the Day.
"Page of Bows, Stoat: Often, you are seen as an emissary and, as such, your gifts are widely recognized and honoured. Your ability to perceive the truth in almost any matter is vastly helpful and your freedom of spirit marks you out as an original and unique personality."
Acknowledge, recognise and be thankful for your free spirit and freedom of spirit and do not let it go to waste. Whether you know it or not people see you as a gifted, unique, and original person and look up to you. Use this gift wisely and with much humility and gratitude.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Free Spirit,
Free Spirited,
Page of Bows Stoat,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Friday, October 2, 2015
'1 The Shaman' and '15 The Guardian
Friday, October 2nd, 2015. Another week at the job is under my belt and not a bad it was. I'm finding my groove at the job and it is becoming less annoying to me and I am no longer just tolerating the job, I'm actually enjoying it more often than not. Yes, I'd like more free time to focus on my spiritual life and career but debts must be paid and until such a time comes where I feel more comfortable in taking a risk I'll leave the job and simply be a spiritual guide in the here and now.
Last night we saw our last movie at VIFF, a compilation of international short movies, all worth the evening out. We then had a spicy yet mild meal at the Noodle Box on Hastings before heading home. I showered and relaxed a short bit before crawling into bed and a good night's sleep.
Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy is "1 The Shaman: You may hear the beat of a drum or the song of the wind. It may be the dancing of light on water or the midnight barking of the fox, but whatever awakens your desire to return to the wild, the Shaman in you is ready for initiation into the mysteries. This may manifest itself in the form of a desire to study esoteric science or philosophy and apply what you learn to the world. It may involve travel for the sake of gaining confidence and experience. But however the desire to begin a new spiritual chapter emerges, you are now in an emotional and intellectual position to bring forth real change in your life for the benefit of everyone. This process of focusing, mediating and applying wisdom from the otherworld to everyday reality is the true work of the Shaman."
Today's Tarot Energy is "15 The Guardian: A challenge has arrived in your life. The situation may be very complex. It may even have profound implications for your life and how you deal with the world. It may manifest itself in the form of a profound inner realignment or the facing of some physical outer predicament. Whether from the labyrinth that is the human mind or from some external source, the challenge that presents itself now must be seen for what it is: an opportunity. If something has been hidden or repressed, if a situation has been left to decay or become unhealthy, now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity. Always be aware that however threatening or difficult this situation is, you can only become stronger and more resilient from the experience of understanding and accepting inner darkness."
Let's look within, let's be guided by Spirit, let's be guided by all life here on Earth so that we can learn to give to ourselves so that we may give to others. A key component of this is the ability to face and overcome our own fears, for we must understand that the most fearful thing we have is our own imaginations. If we face challenges as opportunities then we can learn, grow, and work real magic into our lives.
Speaking of magic tomorrow, we leave on our shakedown or maiden voyage in Serenity. I've been somewhat nonchalant about the trip and can even go so far as to say the I was nervous and fearful of the trip. When I drove over to the storage lot to pick her (Serenity) up I was wondering to myself what the heck I was doing. However, once I unlocked the van and put the few items away inside I was feeling quite good about it all. The only nerves coming from driving on metro Vancouver roads but we made it back home to the condo and she is now safely parked on the street waiting for us to get started tomorrow.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Last night we saw our last movie at VIFF, a compilation of international short movies, all worth the evening out. We then had a spicy yet mild meal at the Noodle Box on Hastings before heading home. I showered and relaxed a short bit before crawling into bed and a good night's sleep.
Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy is "1 The Shaman: You may hear the beat of a drum or the song of the wind. It may be the dancing of light on water or the midnight barking of the fox, but whatever awakens your desire to return to the wild, the Shaman in you is ready for initiation into the mysteries. This may manifest itself in the form of a desire to study esoteric science or philosophy and apply what you learn to the world. It may involve travel for the sake of gaining confidence and experience. But however the desire to begin a new spiritual chapter emerges, you are now in an emotional and intellectual position to bring forth real change in your life for the benefit of everyone. This process of focusing, mediating and applying wisdom from the otherworld to everyday reality is the true work of the Shaman."
Today's Tarot Energy is "15 The Guardian: A challenge has arrived in your life. The situation may be very complex. It may even have profound implications for your life and how you deal with the world. It may manifest itself in the form of a profound inner realignment or the facing of some physical outer predicament. Whether from the labyrinth that is the human mind or from some external source, the challenge that presents itself now must be seen for what it is: an opportunity. If something has been hidden or repressed, if a situation has been left to decay or become unhealthy, now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity. Always be aware that however threatening or difficult this situation is, you can only become stronger and more resilient from the experience of understanding and accepting inner darkness."
Let's look within, let's be guided by Spirit, let's be guided by all life here on Earth so that we can learn to give to ourselves so that we may give to others. A key component of this is the ability to face and overcome our own fears, for we must understand that the most fearful thing we have is our own imaginations. If we face challenges as opportunities then we can learn, grow, and work real magic into our lives.
Speaking of magic tomorrow, we leave on our shakedown or maiden voyage in Serenity. I've been somewhat nonchalant about the trip and can even go so far as to say the I was nervous and fearful of the trip. When I drove over to the storage lot to pick her (Serenity) up I was wondering to myself what the heck I was doing. However, once I unlocked the van and put the few items away inside I was feeling quite good about it all. The only nerves coming from driving on metro Vancouver roads but we made it back home to the condo and she is now safely parked on the street waiting for us to get started tomorrow.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
1 The Shaman,
15 The Guardian,
I The Magician,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
XV The Devil
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