Friday's Tarot Energy was the "Ace of Arrows, The Breath of Life: By breathing life into a thought and pursuing it to its material creation in the real world, we engage in an ancient and unique relationship with the universe and the divine. Our minds are linked to a greater consciousness, its power and effectiveness waiting only for the question. As the first formation of an idea or concept crystallizes in your mind, the primal creative energy connects you to the Breath of Life. This energy can be summoned and applied to achieve your conscious desire. Clarity of purpose is the key. Sometimes an unconscious impulse or drive makes you aware of a hidden issue or need. Such issues may appear in dreams, often signalling their presence in this way because of a lack of confidence in our own processes and abilities. Our unique connection with the universe ensures that those issues are brought into our everyday awareness."
Today's Tarot Energy is "18 The Moon on Water heralds a time of inner transformation, initiation, or awareness. This may take the form of a seemingly random situation based on the emotional or spiritual spheres, but your inner voice may have been whispering for some time and gone unheeded. Now your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious. This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit, or the wish to explore the untapped sexual energy and experience a tighter spiritual bond with a partner through honesty and the expression of your hidden desires. From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."
Meet Edith and Eugene Tokalot, my ventriloquist friends:
We must strive and try, and try, and try again to get our lives on track, and on the path we wish to be going. We must never give up the pursuit of our dreams and desires and we must continually find new ways of achieving them if we are faced with obstacles and detours. We must turn such obstacles and detours into opportunities toward success.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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