
Sunday, October 18, 2015

'9 The Hooded Man' and Being Absorbed by Nature and Spirit

Sunday, October 18th, 2015.  Yesterday was a nice relaxing and successful day even with driving for one of us to get a haircut and the other to pick a few orders related to his model railroading hobby.  And we even did our weekly grocery run before returning home mid-afternoon.

The evening was quietly spent watching the 'Rick Mercer Report' and 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes'.  I piddled around with my model railroad layout for a bit, then flipped through a couple of model railroad magazines, before settling down with my Wild Wood Tarot cards.  Then it was off to bed.

I slept well and slept in this morning perhaps due to the dreams I was having (can't remember much about them but it was like watching a long movie on TV or something) or maybe it's the bag of stones and crystals under my pillow: dumortierite, labradorite, hematite, tiger eye, quartz, celestite, unakite, malachite, prehnite, and chrysoprase.  It was nice to awake later than usual and I even hit he sack early.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "9 The Hooded Man: The time of the Hooded Man is here.  Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest.  After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed.  This is the beginning of understanding - not just of yourself, but the universe.  The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone.  Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being."

Today is a time to remove ourselves from our own humanity, if you will.  A time to be secluded and allow ourselves to absorbed by nature and Spirit alike so we shed off the old and are reborn anew.  Refreshed and ready for the next legs of our respective journeys.

As we partake in this oneness of being with nature and Spirit we allow every atom of our beings to be penetrated and permeated by the wisdom and knowledge needed that will help us move forward on our journeys.  This newfound inner knowledge and wisdom will assist us in our daily living and each and every one of relationships and interactions in life whether at home, at work or on the street.  Take time away from life, invest in yourself and the seclusion of being with nature and Spirit for it will only enrich your life, strengthen your spirit and empower you to be a better human being.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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