
Saturday, October 24, 2015

The 'Four of Arrows, Rest' and Having a Quiet and Somewhat Lazy Day

Saturday, October 24, 2015.  I watched "The Goonies" as I piddled about.  Not really doing much of anything but none-the-less fiddling with my model railroad or handling a deck of Tarot cards.  I slid into bed some time after 11:30pm and slept well for the most part.  I awoke slightly here and there throughout the night and when I finally did open my eyes it appeared that I had more hours to sleep as it was ever so dark out.  But I bravely looked at the time only to discover that it was just past 6:30am, time to slide back out of bed.

I glanced out the window and noticed that the morning is darker than usual because of a slightly cloudy sky and a thick blanket of fog that is obscuring our view of the river and is likely hiding what I'm sure is another beautiful sunrise.  How can a sunrise not be beautiful?  If were alive to enjoy it, it's beautiful.

I made myself an instant coffee and played around with my model railroad, emptied the dishwasher, and then communed with Spirit and Tarot after lighting a couple of candles and some incense.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Four of Arrows, Rest: In this stressful and demanding world, we sometimes forget that rest is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle and sleep a vital part of recuperation and the healing process.  This primal mechanism is not just for the well-being of the body but the mind and imagination as well.  Muscles need time to repair and rebuild after strenuous exertion, and the functions of the human psyche need dreams and sleep to aid the process, bringing order to what sometimes seems chaos and random machinations of daily life.  Sometimes, inspiration and insight can also come through restful meditation and lucid dreaming.  Welcome these insights joyfully and take note of what your subconscious is saying to you.  One of the first human instincts when confronted with a survival situation in any wild environment is to find or build a shelter to provide protection from the elements and act as a safe place to rest and sleep in safety.  Without that basic human security requirement, survivors often become disoriented, make poor decisions and become unable to physically complete simple and necessary tasks, eventually losing hope. Rest and sleep are vital to restore stamina and vitality."

And I must say that today is a perfect day for me and maybe for many of us to "REST" and "SLEEP" so we can "restore stamina and vitality".  I'm doing a good job at this, this morning as it's 8:31am and I just finished breakfast.  I simply allowing myself the time to enjoy the morning without the worry or stress of what I'd like to do today or what I think I need to stress and worry about.  Today is all about "REST".
Few of us seldom take time to be quiet and still.  We're always fidgeting about and trying to keep busy as we play guilt trips on ourselves if we find ourselves with apparently having nothing to do.

Let's "STOP" that and "REST" for a day.  There is nothing wrong with having nothing to do or doing nothing for a day.  Let's take the day off and make this a truly "Do Nothing" kind of day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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