
Friday, November 30, 2012

3 of Cups

I slept right through the night.  I’m so happy with this.  I awoke early and have some quiet time to myself that I cherish so much.  I cannot wait to move into mobile home, my RV.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Cups: A Good Time.  Happy, comfortable times together.  Quiet enjoyment.  Celebration."  I think that this is more about me, myself, and I more than about me and another person as I enjoy time to myself it seems more than I enjoy time with other people.  Hence my desire of life in an RV and on a homestead.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

10 of Swords?

I did not sleep all that well last night.  I’m sure I was having thoughts that kept me awake however I am at a loss as to what they may be as I do not remember them.  Perhaps, they were subconscious thoughts that will eventually percolate to the surface and make themselves known to me but for now I simply know that I awoke many times and failed to get a real good night’s rest.

However, Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction."  For now I am at a loss as to why the ’10 of Swords’ is visiting today but he is here and is here for a reason so I’ll not let it bother me so much as meditate and allow the energy of card fill me with the reason or reasons behind its message.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

9 of Wands

I fell asleep quickly as usual and even got up to go pee in the middle of the night that happens more often than not and I awoke briefly again maybe an hour or so before the alarm.  I awoke twice with lying on my back with my right leg bent at the knee.  I wonder if this is a subconscious movement to alleviate pressure on my back?

Spirit is and in quickly working with Tarot, today’s visiting Tarot card is the ”9 of Wands: Don’t Mess With Me.  Defensiveness.  Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy.”  

Maybe I am putting up barriers to avoid being intimate. I never thought is was I who was the one doing this but maybe I’ve been looking at the wrong person and should instead be looking at the man in the mirror.  I do need to find more of my groove as I need to feel more love and happiness than I am now and I think I am the only one who can fill my need of these.

Thank You Spirit!

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

IV The Emperor

I slept well last night even with getting up to go pee sleep quickly enveloped me once I returned to bed.  I awoke briefly again but have no idea as to when that was as I wanted to sleep more and more sleep came until about 7:08am.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”  This is exactly what I a doing to myself in order to finish my 100 card order by the end of this week.  I told my customers I should have their orders to them in two weeks and I need to keep to that statement or promise.  And in relation to yesterday’s card I need to focus on my work and creativity as well as my Spirit, my physical desires need to be put on hold for the time being.

Thank You Spirit!

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 26, 2012

XIII Death

Spirit is strong, real, and very present this morning and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”  “Death” last appeared I think on November 9th and is now making another appearance today.  As well, Spirit’s presence is quite strong, does this allude to an impending physical death?  Or is this simply a notice that I need to let go of and shed the dark and ugly side of myself, get rid of the negative emotions and energy and allow the love and positive light to shine through again?  More will come to me as the day progresses. . .

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Spirit Is

Thank You Spirit.  We hosted another successful dinner, hosting five friends who politely ate and complemented us on the meal we prepared of spicy meatloaf, mashed potatoes with bacon, green onion, sour cream, and butter, and a salad.  For dessert we had raisin bread pudding with a warm amaretto sauce.  And after our guests went to their respective homes, we clean house and got into bed somewhere between 12:30 and 1am.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVII The Star: Spirit is real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying spirit.  A dream becomes real.”  I’ve was thinking about this card yesterday but more to the point I’ve been quite focused on Spirit these last several days, that and the fact I am, we are Spirit encompassing physical bodies.  

Thank You Spirit!

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Moving On

I'm sleeping very well these days and I think it has to do with the contentedness I feel in and about life, about my life.  I'm comfortable with what myself and the path that I want to now lead in life.  I am slowly turning toward the journey I want to be n i life and ready and willing to take the next step necessary to make it all happen.  Timing is everything they say and the time for me to fully embark on this journey is not now but soon.  I get a sense that I need to tie up a few loose ends first.

Spirit is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the "3 of Wands" and things are ready to set free to set out on their own.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Taking the Next Step

Often when we desire something or are in pursuit of our dreams and goals we get to a point where the next step is likely the hardest one we'll have to take.  I think I'm kind of at this point in my pursuit of my own dreams and goals.  A fear of loss and security are holding me back from just doing what needs to be done to see my dreams and goals to come to fruition.

I've been chasing this significant dream of mine for years, the goal has always been the same but fear has always kept me back.  Have I reached a turning point?  Perhaps?  But only time will tell what I make of this realization I am having this morning.

Spirit is Great and today's visiting Tarot Card is the "4 of Coins".  I need to move on in and with my life and let others think what they may.  I need my life to be by own for once.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just Because

I've been doing a lot of crafting over the past several days and my spiritual energy is soaring.  I'm taking more time to enjoy my bedside altar of sorts each and every day and notice that life is a whole lot smoother these days.

Spirit is the visiting Tarot Cards the last two days are:

Tuesday, November 20th - 8 of Coins
Wednesday, November 21st - Guide of Coins

These two cards are quite the reflection of what is going on in my life these days and are perfect reminders that no matter what, life is good.

Spirit is.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Busy But Great Weekend

It's been a busy weekend as we had a dinner with friends on Friday, met friends again on Saturday for lunch and the Eastside Culture Crawl and I'm busy making handcrafted cards from orders placed during our Friday night dinner.

The culture crawl was a great experience this time around.  Years back we tried to follow it but we ended up hating it because it was raining and only seemed to be in people's homes spread through the east side of the city.  This year we tagged along with friends and discovered that it is also housed in several larger reclaimed industrial buildings and that turned it into a great experience for us.  We only walked through one building, four floors of one building and we had our fill of art.  Great to see so much variety but it was enough to see for one day.

Making cards for me is a great way to wile away the day and I've been going since Friday night and am loving it.  Thankfully, I do not have too many different styles to make so I can replicate the cards fairly easily and on top of this it is proving to be great therapy both mentally and spiritually speaking so I'm more than glad to being doing this.

Spirit is and the visiting Tarot cards for the past couple of days are:

Sunday, November 18th - Youth of Swords

 and today is "V The Priest", meaning that I need to spend more time making cards as well as meditating so I can cleanse my mind, soul, and spirit and see my future more clearly.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sage of Coins

Yesterday was an awesome day because my partner had co-workers over for dinner and by the time dinner was over and they headed out the door to their respective homes I had orders for almost one hundred handcrafted Christmas Cards.  I’m flabbergasted and honoured by their appreciation of my efforts and quite humbled to receive such a large order of cards from as few as five people.  Now I have to get to work and make all of these cards.  They also love the name of my little enterprise, "Odds n Ends Scraps and Crafts".  Finally, I get to earn a bit of income from something I love to do, love to do just because.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather trying to control them.  A mature appreciation of the natural world.  Patience."  I get a sense that I need to work more with trying to communicate with Spirit and Tarot than trying to get them to communicate with me.  They are already talking to and with me, it is I who am not hearing what they are saying.  I have a blockage that comes and goes and is more often in the way than out so I need to meditate and relax and truly let Spirit, Tarot, and Magick into my life so I can become a better person as well as the person I am meant to be.  And as part of this I must give up some control to them so they can provide me with much direction and advice and steer me onto the path I must be on in this life in order to live the life of my dreams.

Thanks for stopping by.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sleepless Night and Enjoying the Work I Do

Last night was one of little sleep however I am enjoying the work I'm doing at my crafting table.  I'm making quite a few handcrafted cards and in discovering the cards I've already made I discover that my work is better than what I imagine it to be.  I'm quite critical of my abilities and the cards I make however I'm always complimented on how talented I am i making cards and making them come to life.

Spirit is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the "9 of Coins" and is reflective of the feelings I awoke to this morning.  I'm happy and content to make cards and sell them as I can.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Wednesday, November 14, 2012.  I just awoke not long ago.  I opened my eyes and noticed how bright it was and thought to myself “that’s odd, so bright, so early”.  Then I looked at the time and it isn’t early, it was 7:44am.  I slept like a baby, slept very well last night, nothing awoke me, no thoughts or worries were circling around in my mind and this is a good thing.

I believe I broke through some issues and blockages I’ve been having and am now truly turning that corner that has been just out of my grasp for so long.  However there is still a lot of work for me to do in order to truly be a better person inside and out as today’s visiting Tarot Card is telling me.  Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway.  Restriction.  Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices.  Feeling lonely in a crowd."  I need to overcome, to transcend these biases and prejudices that are trapping me, imprisoning me in my own self-imposed prison and move on in life.  For years now I’ve just been spinning my wheels doing a whole lot of nothing and it needs to stop.  It’s time for me to move on and forward and this movement starts today.  Well maybe it started last night but today’s message is clear, I still have biases and prejudices that I must work through in order to truly live and be the author of my own life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012.  Another good night’s sleep.  I awoke after 7am again.  Woohoo! 

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is the “4 of Swords: Napping between rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”.”  I’m a bit confused by this however the day has some time left for me to garner the exact message of this card today.  Perhaps, I’m going to start something new next week or I’m about to embark upon some major work, projects, or travel.  I did visit my home this morning, the RV that is and I took a long Edith and Eugene Tokalot.  I snapped a few photos of them sitting in the RV.  Oh, and I started the installation of the new water hose for the fresh water tank.

Now I’m trying to make handcrafted cards, write this, and drink a mug of coffee.  The cards are coming along nicely and I do appreciate my work.  It is far from perfect but that is the way I want it to be and I hope customers will appreciate the imperfections too!

Spirit is.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Confusion and Doubt

Last night as I was trying to relax by reading the many blogs I read as well as catch up on one of the few shows I watch I had an anxiety attack.  For the rest of the evening, I guess over about two hours I was doubting myself and my life, that I had wasted the last twenty odd years of my life trying to fit into a mold that I know is just no longer something I can do.  I went to bed questioning my worth in life as I was wondering if I had any real ambitions or desires.  Going to work five days a week at a "regular" job and working for someone else simply rubs me the wrong way yet this is the direction I'm being pushed into again.

I've been "between" jobs, if you will for a month and sitting on the sofa being lazy is something I cannot simply do so I've been working on my handcrafted cards and doing house chores and preparing meals and desserts for my partner and I.  So not working is not something I can handle well so I'm planning to make cards and sell them.

Not so fast my partner is telling me and then during lunch with my brother as well as my partner I have them telling me that it is foolish for me to think I can make and sell cards and make a living at it.  I know that!  I just want to try my hand at for awhile to see where it goes but do I get any support in this regard?  Not a chance.  I'm told to get a real job.

So I'm in bed and almost miserable however I just leave the question hanging about what I should do with my future and fall asleep. . .

This morning I awake feeling pretty good and I just relax and simply "be" with Spirit.  Then once I'm out of bed I work with Tarot, and up come two cards out of the deck.  As soon as I see these cards I'm filled with answers, joy, knowing, confident, and optimistic.  Today's visiting Tarot Cards are the "10 of Coins" and "V The Priest".

Meditation, Spiritual practice, controlling my own life are the keys to my future, to the future I want and I must never forget this.  I am the author of my own life!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Away

May the Spirits be Well.

On Friday we hopped on the ferry for a quick weekend get-a-way to Victoria.  We stayed at the Marriott on Humboldt right near the Inner Harbour, what a great location.  We could walk everywhere.

Shortly after our arrival we found ourselves taking a quick tour of the BC Legislature and then walking into downtown Victoria.  I love the feel of the city.  We eventually had our fill for the first few hours in the city so we headed back to our room to rest a little before freshening up and heading out to dinner.  But on our way back to the hotel we cam across Dark Horse Books, what great little bookstore.  The proprietor really fit the space and energy of her little business.  I wanted to return again before the weekend was out but we never made it back.

On Saturday, we stopped in at Triple Spiral Metaphysical Gifts where I browsed and only walked away with a new 2013 calendar.  This is another great little store with an abundance of beautiful energy and it's location cannot be beat, Fan Tan Alley.

Another place we loved is Murchie's. The place is always busy and seems designed to keep you there for hours on end enjoying your beverage and food of choice and the company you're with.  We spent an hour or more just enjoying the relaxing atmosphere and our time together.

By late Saturday though we were a bit bored and spent a good part of the late afternoon and evening in our room before heading out for dinner and drinks at The Ledge Lounge.

Saturday, November 10th - X The Wheel of Life
Sunday, November 11th - 8 of Cups

These two cards are the perfect reflection of the weekend thus far.  I really felt a desire to just retreat into my own space and just “be” and move on to a new journey in life, just head on down the highway and let the directions I go be decided on a whim.

and today's visiting Tarot Card is the "Man of Wands".

Well I can honestly say that my personal situation is always unstable and when in the RV perhaps dangerous however, “The Establishment” is not something I like to associate myself with but perhaps I’m more “establishment” than I think.  Yuck!

Spirit is.

Blessed Be

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What the Heck?

I must have been dreaming over the past several days because I could swear that I've blogged many days since the 3rd but that is the last post I see.  What was I doing if I didn't actually write the posts that I thought I wrote since the 3rd?

So since my last post I have not worked a single day for the new employer that hired me.  I called the local office in my area and they seemed surprised, confused and not at all interested in what I was telling them.  I called and managed to talk with the contact person who's name I'd been given but he stated that he was not the person in charge of new hires or their training and would email the parties responsible and they'd call me the next day.  Well, the week is coming to a close and I called on Monday, should have heard something on Tuesday and Friday is just a sleep away.  I'll call the human resources department of this company and see what if anything I can learn or get going in regards to my employment with this company.  I have a feeling that I'll be moving onto other opportunities.

I gotta have faith in myself, my dreams, and my goals.

Since last Friday these are the Tarot cards that have visited me:

Sunday, November 4th - XI Strength
Monday, November 5th - 3 of Swords
Tuesday, November 6th - Man of Swords
Wednesday, November 7th - III The Protector

and today's visiting Tarot card is the "4 of Swords" and yes I'm resting up and taking a time out this weekend.  We're going to visit Victoria on Vancouver Island.  This will be a nice little mini vacation so I can recharge and revive my faith in myself and my plans for the future.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gainfully Employed But. . .

. . .it feels so wrong.

I like the company that I found employment with however being employed in this way or in such a manner feels wrong to me.  A certain part of me is happy as I am fullfilling the expectations of others but another part of me feels like I'm selling myself short by not following or fully pursuing my dreams.

This morning as I looked for and found my watercolour pencils and tested out a few colours I was filled with happiness and joy in knowing that this was me, this is what I enjoy doing yet I'm trying yet again to satisfy the expectations of others at the expense of dashing my dreams yet again.

Don't get me wrong though, I understand the need to be employed however I wish that employment to be for myself, me employing me and not having earn my keep through working for someone else, as in this case, a corporation.  It is a great company but again I'm not working for myself and again am putting my dreams on hold to satisfy others.

With that being said, I see this employment as temporary as I cannot fathom putting my dreams on hold for another three or four years in order to meet the expectations of others.  And in addition, the Tarot cards I've been visited by over the past months point to the need for me to have the courage to move forward for myself and yet here I am folding under the expectations and needs of others.  I need to rebuild my courage and stand up for myself and my needs and deal with the consequences as they come.  My needs have to be my priority.

It's so difficult to talk with anybody as everybody seems to be tied into telling me what I need and should be doing and that my dreams are unrealistic and it's better to look for work and do that instead of following my dreams.  I believe in my talents and abilities however my faith and trust in myself dwindles when others challenge and badger me into following the rest of the herd.  I need to have faith in myself and the courage to live my life for me.  I really need to be the author of my own life.


Yesterday's visiting Tarot card is the "Man of Cups" and today's is "II The Intuitive".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Movement and New Beginnings

The last couple of days have been quite good to me.  Oh, a belated Happy Samhain wish to you all or if it suits you better a belated Happy Halloween.  Spirit is.

Yesterday's visiting Tarot card is the "8 of Wands" and what a decent day it was.  I accomplished a lot and I do believe that I was hired by a courier company yesterday as I was asked to come in for orientation tomorrow.  Also, I accomplished a few things at the RV yesterday as well and made some decisions to make my life in the RV a little easier.

Today's visiting Tarot card is "XIII Death" and new beginnings are at my doorstep and the energy emanating around and through is super charged, strong, and very positive and loving.

Blessed Be.