Yesterday was a lazy day at home. Piddled around doing a whole lot of nothing save for maybe a little bit planning.
I washed up a few model components of a building I need to put together for my model railroad as they've been collecting dust for the past few months. Unfortunately some if not most of the Humbrol paints I bought have dried up a lot so I'm not sure how much of any of the dozen or colours I will be able to use. I picked them up over the past several years and only started to use them in the last few months so I shouldn't be surprised that they are kind of past the best before dates.
I read a little and also shuffled my Tarot Decks here and there as I watched an episode of "The Walking Dead". I tuning into this show more in a purely spiritual sense than mere entertainment and the it's changed the way I see and understand the show. I did this after the season opener which I found to be highly disturbing and brutal.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "6 of Coins: Dependence. Resentment because of financial dependence on another. Charity. An unequal relationship."
Although the description of today's "6 of Coins" is about dependence the energy I feel from this particular "6 of Coins" is anything but that. I feel more of a prosperous energy in the air where harmony, success and good fortune abound. The image is one where the young man is withdrawing money that he rightfully earned and is rightfully able to withdraw as he pleases. In a sense I guess "Dependence" is maybe a matter of interpretation such as dependence on the banks to hold our money for us and having it there for us when we have need of it. Or being dependent on ourselves to earn our own keep through self-employment such as what I moving toward.
Thank You Spirit.
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
The 6 of Coins and Being Dependent On Ourselves
6 of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Friday, December 30, 2016
"21 The World Tree" and Lifelong Learning
I don't really remember much of, that is to say, if I had any dreams last night. I have a vague sense that I was in the midst of or had just finished speaking to a crowd, all the while I was sleeping. I felt like I had a real presence somewhere but not in a way where any attention was placed or focused on me. Realistically speaking, I feel like I closed my eyes around 11pm and then was simply awake around 5:30am.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "21 The World Tree: The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart. On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfillment. No matter how long the journey of life may be, however many twists and turns the maze may offer us, in the end, if we persevere, we will reach the point of fulfillment. This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph. Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force."
Meditating with candle flames and the rich scent of burning incense, shuffling the Wildwood Tarot as the "21 The World Tree" leaps out of the deck not once but twice to become the Tarot Energy of the Day. I "Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force" as I humbly "bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph."
I know.
I understand.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "21 The World Tree: The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart. On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfillment. No matter how long the journey of life may be, however many twists and turns the maze may offer us, in the end, if we persevere, we will reach the point of fulfillment. This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph. Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force."
Meditating with candle flames and the rich scent of burning incense, shuffling the Wildwood Tarot as the "21 The World Tree" leaps out of the deck not once but twice to become the Tarot Energy of the Day. I "Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force" as I humbly "bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph."
I know.
I understand.
Thank You Spirit.
21 The World Tree,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The "Ace of Cups" and Feeling the Light and Love of Spirit
What a dream I was having until the alarm sounded...arrggghhh.
In this dream I was anticipating and or being expected to put on a performance of some kind. But first I had to get down to the beach to find my partner but had to have permission first. So I slid down some sort of slide to a grassy area before hitting the sand. Before knowing whether or not my search was successful I suddenly found myself talking about my performance and asking "Where are my lights?" The sun was blazing outside, and it's light was blinding. Then I found myself walking with my partner somewhere then we were retracing our steps to a front desk of sorts, a hotel maybe not sure but not the place we needed to be. We were going to take some stairs then the alarm awoke me.
Spirit Is and today's energy is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
"A gift of love" is what I feel I've been given this day. Between the dream and the energy of the “Ace of Cups" I feel much more light and love in my life. The day has a different feel about it. And the dream I had this morning felt like a glimpse into the very near it felt imminent and on the verge of happening...let's see what tonight brings and where my dreams take me as I sleep the night away.
Thank You Spirit.
In this dream I was anticipating and or being expected to put on a performance of some kind. But first I had to get down to the beach to find my partner but had to have permission first. So I slid down some sort of slide to a grassy area before hitting the sand. Before knowing whether or not my search was successful I suddenly found myself talking about my performance and asking "Where are my lights?" The sun was blazing outside, and it's light was blinding. Then I found myself walking with my partner somewhere then we were retracing our steps to a front desk of sorts, a hotel maybe not sure but not the place we needed to be. We were going to take some stairs then the alarm awoke me.
Spirit Is and today's energy is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
"A gift of love" is what I feel I've been given this day. Between the dream and the energy of the “Ace of Cups" I feel much more light and love in my life. The day has a different feel about it. And the dream I had this morning felt like a glimpse into the very near it felt imminent and on the verge of happening...let's see what tonight brings and where my dreams take me as I sleep the night away.
Thank You Spirit.
Ace of Cups,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
"I The Magician" and Finally Making Something Happen
Sleep was going very well until about 4am and then it was tossing and turning until the alarm serenaded of us from a good sleep and me from an annoying couple of hours of wanting to sleep more...I was not wanting to get out of bed this morning. And I wanted to have more dreams like I was having earlier in the night where I was sitting in one of the big leather chairs at Old Crow Coffee doing a reading for a young blond guy who had some questions about his life and seeing the 4 of Wands, 4 of Cups, the 4 of Coins and the 4 of Swords appear gave him some heightened concern...but the reading went well and he left feeling relieved and looking forward to the days ahead.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Energy is "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
When I contemplate the appearance of "The Magician" today, the first thought that came to mind is that he's a reminder that I am now actively "Making something happen” with my life. With the creation my "manifestation box" and through becoming more in tune with Nature I'm doing more today than I have in a long time to transition from an external job to self-employment and engaging myself full-time in the world of Spiritual Guidance and Tarot Card Reading.
Back in November I do believe, I picked up an Italian Stone Pine "Yule Tree" from our local Safeway store and last night I finally introduced myself to her. However, it was not until the middle of night that I learned her name, Rowena so I went out and let her know that it was night to meet her and finally know her name. She's grown about an inch since I brought her home and is likely in need of a bigger pot. I'm going to keep her around as long as I can before finding a new home for where she can really stretch out her branches and become a loving tree for generations to come.
This is a great for all of us to reflect on our lives to see if we like our lives as they are or perhaps a desire for change has been brewing for a spell. What better time than now is to "create a life, not merely react to it". Out with the old life and in with the new one along with a new year! Sounds like a great plan to me.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Energy is "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
When I contemplate the appearance of "The Magician" today, the first thought that came to mind is that he's a reminder that I am now actively "Making something happen” with my life. With the creation my "manifestation box" and through becoming more in tune with Nature I'm doing more today than I have in a long time to transition from an external job to self-employment and engaging myself full-time in the world of Spiritual Guidance and Tarot Card Reading.
Back in November I do believe, I picked up an Italian Stone Pine "Yule Tree" from our local Safeway store and last night I finally introduced myself to her. However, it was not until the middle of night that I learned her name, Rowena so I went out and let her know that it was night to meet her and finally know her name. She's grown about an inch since I brought her home and is likely in need of a bigger pot. I'm going to keep her around as long as I can before finding a new home for where she can really stretch out her branches and become a loving tree for generations to come.
This is a great for all of us to reflect on our lives to see if we like our lives as they are or perhaps a desire for change has been brewing for a spell. What better time than now is to "create a life, not merely react to it". Out with the old life and in with the new one along with a new year! Sounds like a great plan to me.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
I The Magician,
Old Crow Coffee,
Spiritual Guidance Counsellor,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Gift of Spirit, Nature, and Tarot, the Eight of Swords and Walking Our Path with Confidence
Our weekend trip to Victoria has come and gone and we're back home. I've gained new knowledge, wisdom, and power knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I'm on the right path as Spirit Guide and Tarot Card Reader.
Whether it was the weekend get-a-way, visiting Sooke Potholes Regional Park and witnessing the awesome beauty and power of the Sooke River and being reminded of our connection with nature or being visited by Crow who landed on the top of the car in what I think is a dream or the spiritual and magical power contained in the pages of Sage Woman magazine or the book Spells of Blood and Kin or the power and energy of Tarot as a card is revealed each day or by the power of thoughts and dreams, I am changed this day, having reached for something greater than myself.
Friday, December 23, Shaman, 5 of Stones.
Saturday, December 24, Gay, Ace of Swords.
Sunday, December 25, Pagan, XIII Death.
Monday, December 26, Pagan, 0 The Fool.
We were pulling up to the ferry terminal in Swartz Bay yesterday at about ten minutes before the 4pm sailing, too late for that sailing I thought to myself and way too early for our reserved 5pm sailing however the booth attendant gave us the option to make our way to the 4pm sailing so we took her up on her offer. Arriving home an hour earlier was a welcomed blessing and our local Boston Pizza was our choice for dinner.
We had time to continue our relaxation and enjoy the quiet time we had. Sleep was great and having no alarm to wake up to makes this day even better. Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Eight of Swords: Our Witch is faced with a difficult situation indeed. Blindfolded and tied up, she is surrounded by a circle of swords. Her coven mates surround the outside of the situation - they are there for support but not for direct help. She is imprisoned and must find her own way out. The exit is unblocked and right in front of her, but she has no way of knowing that. You may be feeling alone and powerless. While this is a situation you must face alone, your loved ones are with you in spirit and will help whenever and however they can. Most importantly, your way out is not difficult. Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom."
With the "Eight of Swords" confirming that we "Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom" is a continuation of the Fool's advice yesterday for us to "reach for something greater than ourselves". This a firm reminder that the path we are on is the correct one for each of us and that we must never let our confidence be shaken by another for this is who we are meant to be and is the fulfilment of our purpose in life.
Thank You Spirit.
Whether it was the weekend get-a-way, visiting Sooke Potholes Regional Park and witnessing the awesome beauty and power of the Sooke River and being reminded of our connection with nature or being visited by Crow who landed on the top of the car in what I think is a dream or the spiritual and magical power contained in the pages of Sage Woman magazine or the book Spells of Blood and Kin or the power and energy of Tarot as a card is revealed each day or by the power of thoughts and dreams, I am changed this day, having reached for something greater than myself.
Friday, December 23, Shaman, 5 of Stones.
Saturday, December 24, Gay, Ace of Swords.
Sunday, December 25, Pagan, XIII Death.
Monday, December 26, Pagan, 0 The Fool.
We were pulling up to the ferry terminal in Swartz Bay yesterday at about ten minutes before the 4pm sailing, too late for that sailing I thought to myself and way too early for our reserved 5pm sailing however the booth attendant gave us the option to make our way to the 4pm sailing so we took her up on her offer. Arriving home an hour earlier was a welcomed blessing and our local Boston Pizza was our choice for dinner.
We had time to continue our relaxation and enjoy the quiet time we had. Sleep was great and having no alarm to wake up to makes this day even better. Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Eight of Swords: Our Witch is faced with a difficult situation indeed. Blindfolded and tied up, she is surrounded by a circle of swords. Her coven mates surround the outside of the situation - they are there for support but not for direct help. She is imprisoned and must find her own way out. The exit is unblocked and right in front of her, but she has no way of knowing that. You may be feeling alone and powerless. While this is a situation you must face alone, your loved ones are with you in spirit and will help whenever and however they can. Most importantly, your way out is not difficult. Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom."
With the "Eight of Swords" confirming that we "Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom" is a continuation of the Fool's advice yesterday for us to "reach for something greater than ourselves". This a firm reminder that the path we are on is the correct one for each of us and that we must never let our confidence be shaken by another for this is who we are meant to be and is the fulfilment of our purpose in life.
Thank You Spirit.
0 The Fool,
5 of Stones,
Ace of Swords,
Eight of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Pagan Tarot,
Shaman Tarot,
Sooke Potholes Regional Park,
Spirit Guide,
Tarot Card Reader,
Wizard Oron,
XIII Death
Thursday, December 22, 2016
The "King of Stones"
The alarm interrupted odd but curious dreams I was having. I was in no way ready to leave my dreams but awake I was and getting up is what I had to do...and now I cannot remember one of the dreams...drat!
Spirit Is and today's Shaman Tarot Energy is the "King of Stones, Spirit of the Pure Waters: A jovial man with an innate talent for business and opportunities. Unorthodox ideas, negotiations."
"Unorthodox ideas" seem to win the day for me as I reflect on this "King of Stones". Curious...hhhmmm...I had an unorthodox idea last evening...I'll take this as a confirmation of that idea. And unorthodox ideas can give new meaning and life to allow yourself to feel a little empowered if you're thinking outside the box at the moment for such thinking might very well lead you to better and brighter things. Is it time to go for it?
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Shaman Tarot Energy is the "King of Stones, Spirit of the Pure Waters: A jovial man with an innate talent for business and opportunities. Unorthodox ideas, negotiations."
"Unorthodox ideas" seem to win the day for me as I reflect on this "King of Stones". Curious...hhhmmm...I had an unorthodox idea last evening...I'll take this as a confirmation of that idea. And unorthodox ideas can give new meaning and life to allow yourself to feel a little empowered if you're thinking outside the box at the moment for such thinking might very well lead you to better and brighter things. Is it time to go for it?
Thank You Spirit.
King of Stones,
King of Stones Spirit of the Pure Waters,
Shaman Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
The "Ace of Drums" and Moving in Sync With Life
I had an understandably sleepless night. For a spell I perturbed that thoughts and worries about the job took over my night but then it came to me as to why these thoughts were occurring--unfinished job related duties. If I want to move on to my spiritual career I need to tie up a few loose ends at this job. I sense that I'm leaving the company and job early in the new year.
Spirit Is and today's Shaman Tarot Energy is Ace of Drums, Drum of the Dance: Life is vibration and movement. Material affluence, health, the joy of existence, sensuality.
Listen to the drum, let yourself hear it naturally, feel the rhythm with your whole being, let yourself go, carried away with every beat. You're finally moving in sync with the vibration and movement of life. You're in harmony with the world and the natural order of things and your life is benefiting from it. You finally appreciate, understand and embrace the joy of existence.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Shaman Tarot Energy is Ace of Drums, Drum of the Dance: Life is vibration and movement. Material affluence, health, the joy of existence, sensuality.
Listen to the drum, let yourself hear it naturally, feel the rhythm with your whole being, let yourself go, carried away with every beat. You're finally moving in sync with the vibration and movement of life. You're in harmony with the world and the natural order of things and your life is benefiting from it. You finally appreciate, understand and embrace the joy of existence.
Thank You Spirit.
Ace of Drums,
Ace of Drums Drum of the Dance,
Shaman Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
XI Strength and Knowing Your Passions So You Control Them Instead of Them Controlling You!
I took different cold medication last night at dinner time and found myself falling asleep around 8:30pm. Granted it was a night time pill but the night before I took a different brand and did not feel very sleepy at all and in fact awoke throughout the night. Last night I slept quite soundly.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
If we take the time to get to know our passions and the power they hold for and can have over us we can then plan and execute the best means of directing them. This then allows us to harness the power of our passions in the best way possible and achieve the best outcomes as possible.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
If we take the time to get to know our passions and the power they hold for and can have over us we can then plan and execute the best means of directing them. This then allows us to harness the power of our passions in the best way possible and achieve the best outcomes as possible.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron,
XI Strength
Monday, December 19, 2016
V The Priest and Teaching People How To Get To Know Themsleves
When someone transitions out of the physical world it touches you in ways you cannot really prepare for so yesterday we set aside time to simply contemplate life, the life of the person who transitioned and the loved ones she left behind, one them being my brother.
Then my sniffles turned into a full-fledged cold making the day even worse. I was freezing and could not stay warm...the fireplace was such a blessing. I slept okay but tossed and turned a lot...couldn't find a comfortable position and when I slept, my dreams were quite lucid with some relating to the Shaman Tarot. In one dream I was learning how to treat the skin and fur of an animal. Perhaps, sleeping with the Shaman Tarot deck on the bedside table along with red jasper, carnelian and quartz had something to do with my dreams.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions. Wisdom. Advice. A ceremony or ritual.”
And the best to help others make their own decisions is to help them get to know themselves, to accept themselves, to understand themselves, to believe in themselves and to trust themselves. We're all shaped by our experiences so my advice might not be right for another person even though it is right for me. Once they know who they are they will come to discover their place in the world and the contributions they can make to the world and make decisions for themselves that will get them to where they need to go.
Thank You Spirit.
Then my sniffles turned into a full-fledged cold making the day even worse. I was freezing and could not stay warm...the fireplace was such a blessing. I slept okay but tossed and turned a lot...couldn't find a comfortable position and when I slept, my dreams were quite lucid with some relating to the Shaman Tarot. In one dream I was learning how to treat the skin and fur of an animal. Perhaps, sleeping with the Shaman Tarot deck on the bedside table along with red jasper, carnelian and quartz had something to do with my dreams.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions. Wisdom. Advice. A ceremony or ritual.”
And the best to help others make their own decisions is to help them get to know themselves, to accept themselves, to understand themselves, to believe in themselves and to trust themselves. We're all shaped by our experiences so my advice might not be right for another person even though it is right for me. Once they know who they are they will come to discover their place in the world and the contributions they can make to the world and make decisions for themselves that will get them to where they need to go.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
V The Priest,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, December 17, 2016
The Queen of Pentacles and Allow Our Independence and Uniqueness Shine
The weekend is here! Last night was very relaxing. I think getting back to the gym has really helped with that as is working on "My Tarot Guide". And I think I pretty much wrapped up my guide last night. I still need to proofread and edit it but the task of entering all of my favourite decks is complete as far as I can tell...Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Whimsical Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Pentacles: You may be doubting your ability to live up to your responsibilities. Believe in yourself, but don’t look for too much approval from others at this time. Rewards will arrive when you work independently, in your own way. When reversed: What you lack in daring, you make up for in perseverance. Stay focused; don’t let others scatter your energies or sway you off course."
"Believe in yourself", "work independently, in your own way" and "don’t let others scatter your energies or sway you off course" is the stand out message of this visiting "Queen of Pentacles". She is telling us like it is and it is best we heed her advice, her prescription for us to take care of our own well-being and success. We need to allow our uniqueness and independence drive us and steer us forward on the right path that works for us. We need to take our own way, create our own unique path to success.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Whimsical Tarot Energy is the "Queen of Pentacles: You may be doubting your ability to live up to your responsibilities. Believe in yourself, but don’t look for too much approval from others at this time. Rewards will arrive when you work independently, in your own way. When reversed: What you lack in daring, you make up for in perseverance. Stay focused; don’t let others scatter your energies or sway you off course."
"Believe in yourself", "work independently, in your own way" and "don’t let others scatter your energies or sway you off course" is the stand out message of this visiting "Queen of Pentacles". She is telling us like it is and it is best we heed her advice, her prescription for us to take care of our own well-being and success. We need to allow our uniqueness and independence drive us and steer us forward on the right path that works for us. We need to take our own way, create our own unique path to success.
Thank You Spirit.
Queen of Pentacles,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Whimsical Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Friday, December 16, 2016
The "Ace of Coins" and Getting Comfortable Financially Speaking
The energy around is or has definitely shifted. I'm awaking in what I'm calling Wizard Oron mode, thinking about my clients, keeping track of what donations I receive and who's paying it forward...good feelings and a smile on my face, even in my sleep!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security. Starting to build or construct something. A fertile environment."
Financial security is developing in my life. How about in yours. Although, Christmas is upon us I've spent no money on gifts and only a handful of dollars for a few cards I chosen to send out this holiday season. The commercial aspects of Christmas are lost on me...if I'm going to give something I'm going to give the gift of love and friendship, of time of goodwill to all...
...building something is what I'm doing...building my life and constructing my practice of being a Wizard--Spirit Guide and Tarot Reader. I see quick growth of finances and fast elimination of debt...and it's a fertile time to break out into the world of Spiritual Guidance and Tarot.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security. Starting to build or construct something. A fertile environment."
Financial security is developing in my life. How about in yours. Although, Christmas is upon us I've spent no money on gifts and only a handful of dollars for a few cards I chosen to send out this holiday season. The commercial aspects of Christmas are lost on me...if I'm going to give something I'm going to give the gift of love and friendship, of time of goodwill to all...
...building something is what I'm doing...building my life and constructing my practice of being a Wizard--Spirit Guide and Tarot Reader. I see quick growth of finances and fast elimination of debt...and it's a fertile time to break out into the world of Spiritual Guidance and Tarot.
Thank You Spirit.
Ace of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, December 15, 2016
The Man of Swords, Being Guided By Spirit and Planning and Organizing
Sleep was a bit elusive and a few images of the external job crept into my mind and dreams. That's what happens when one is the boss for almost two weeks--much to think about and many decisions to make. But such thoughts gave way to more likeable dreams so I slept well the last half of the night and awoke feeling much like Wizard Oron.
Didn't see the moon this morning until my commute to the office so I feel that yesterday's Full Moon Ritual was really meant to be. I feel to blessed to have caught a glimpse of the Full Moon yesterday and without having to venture too far or for too long outside in the freezing temperatures. The balcony was a perfect place to be.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Man of Swords: A rational, scientific approach. A thorough investigation.”
When trying to get a business established or find a way to become self-employed this visiting "Man of Swords" is giving us the perfect advice on how to do it. Be guided by Spirit for sure but also put in some rational thinking as well as create a well thought out and organised plan on how to do it. Spirit will give us plenty of insight and ideas but we need to put them into action. Our journey in life and our pursuit of endeavours will be more successful if we put needed energy into our plans and the execution of them so that we are prepared to handle the detours or roadblocks that appear out of nowhere.
Thank You Spirit.
Didn't see the moon this morning until my commute to the office so I feel that yesterday's Full Moon Ritual was really meant to be. I feel to blessed to have caught a glimpse of the Full Moon yesterday and without having to venture too far or for too long outside in the freezing temperatures. The balcony was a perfect place to be.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Man of Swords: A rational, scientific approach. A thorough investigation.”
When trying to get a business established or find a way to become self-employed this visiting "Man of Swords" is giving us the perfect advice on how to do it. Be guided by Spirit for sure but also put in some rational thinking as well as create a well thought out and organised plan on how to do it. Spirit will give us plenty of insight and ideas but we need to put them into action. Our journey in life and our pursuit of endeavours will be more successful if we put needed energy into our plans and the execution of them so that we are prepared to handle the detours or roadblocks that appear out of nowhere.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Man of Swords,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
The Guide of Swords
My energy has definitely shifted into a much better frequency as I'm more relaxed at night and am sleeping much better. And instead of awaking thinking about the external job and the external work day ahead I'm awaking as Wizard Oron and find myself thinking about who I might be doing a Tarot Reading for today. What a wonderful feeling to have.
After finishing breakfast and my second cup of coffee I noticed the Full Moon was stilling hanging in the dark morning sky. So I quickly jumped into action and did an impromptu Full Moon Ritual and Full Moon Blessing of the five Tarot Decks I have not used yet. I always like to introduce my decks to the Full Moon and today was the day to do it! What a joyous unplanned yet meaningful ritual full of energy, spirit and the light of the Full grand it was.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self."
Am I afraid of success, of being successful? The answer to that might be "yes". How strange is that? Success is nothing to be afraid of and I realize now that it's a hidden fear that was finally revealed to me last night and more fully explained by the appearance of today's "Guide of Swords". And now that I'm sitting here thinking about my sleep and today's Tarot, my dreams alluded to this fear and why I have it. I more shy than I think I am. I'm afraid of failing and I do not want to make mistakes.
However, if I look at the "wider perspective" I see that putting myself out there for all to see I will be another voice helping others overcome their own fears and finding the success that is theirs to achieve in life. My "higher self" is also telling me to learn and grow stronger from the job I have now so that I overcome the energy I experience at this job. Going to the gym, and especially going to the gym after two weeks of not going, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet and keeping a loving home will replenish the loss of energy I experience each day.
And today I in fact had no real loss of energy as I maintained a strong spiritual balance throughout the day and Spirit supported me during the times I needed a bit of spiritual boost.
One more thing that was further emphasized by today's "Guide of Swords" that first hit me while reading another article out of Sage Woman magazine is that I need to trust and rely more on my intuition. Over the past few weeks I've seen how accurate my intuition is even though I've failed to heed it two or three times. Intuition is a gift I need to pay more attention to.
Thank You Spirit.
After finishing breakfast and my second cup of coffee I noticed the Full Moon was stilling hanging in the dark morning sky. So I quickly jumped into action and did an impromptu Full Moon Ritual and Full Moon Blessing of the five Tarot Decks I have not used yet. I always like to introduce my decks to the Full Moon and today was the day to do it! What a joyous unplanned yet meaningful ritual full of energy, spirit and the light of the Full grand it was.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the "Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self."
Am I afraid of success, of being successful? The answer to that might be "yes". How strange is that? Success is nothing to be afraid of and I realize now that it's a hidden fear that was finally revealed to me last night and more fully explained by the appearance of today's "Guide of Swords". And now that I'm sitting here thinking about my sleep and today's Tarot, my dreams alluded to this fear and why I have it. I more shy than I think I am. I'm afraid of failing and I do not want to make mistakes.
However, if I look at the "wider perspective" I see that putting myself out there for all to see I will be another voice helping others overcome their own fears and finding the success that is theirs to achieve in life. My "higher self" is also telling me to learn and grow stronger from the job I have now so that I overcome the energy I experience at this job. Going to the gym, and especially going to the gym after two weeks of not going, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet and keeping a loving home will replenish the loss of energy I experience each day.
And today I in fact had no real loss of energy as I maintained a strong spiritual balance throughout the day and Spirit supported me during the times I needed a bit of spiritual boost.
One more thing that was further emphasized by today's "Guide of Swords" that first hit me while reading another article out of Sage Woman magazine is that I need to trust and rely more on my intuition. Over the past few weeks I've seen how accurate my intuition is even though I've failed to heed it two or three times. Intuition is a gift I need to pay more attention to.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Guide of Swords,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
VI The Lovers and Creating Powerful Love Through Flexibility
Another night of perfect sleep and a morning of sleeping so well that I was tempted to ignore the alarm and continue sleeping. But I was feeling so good that I just had to get up. Feeling good as before I called it a night last night and crawling into bed I started a "manifestation box" for myself. And this simple act has changed the energy around me and how I feel. Business cards, credit card statements with "Paid In Full" written across them, money, and after tonight hours of business that I keep will also be in there. There's my box over there on our side table...looking at it right now.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.”
A powerful relationship is built on and strengthened by the flexibility of the people involved. Flexibility allows room to learn, grow, and mature in a relationship where not only does the relationship become more powerful but so do the individuals involved. This energy also translates into a warm and cozy home that is calm and serene and very welcoming and comfortable for those who visit--family and friends alike.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.”
A powerful relationship is built on and strengthened by the flexibility of the people involved. Flexibility allows room to learn, grow, and mature in a relationship where not only does the relationship become more powerful but so do the individuals involved. This energy also translates into a warm and cozy home that is calm and serene and very welcoming and comfortable for those who visit--family and friends alike.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
VI The Lovers,
Wizard Oron
Monday, December 12, 2016
The Ace of Wands and Letting Creativity Run Wild
What a grand sleep I had. Although I did awake a couple of times and knew often that I was in a somewhat of a dream state but not sleeping I feel that I slept well.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Wands: A creative inspiration. The beginning of a project or venture.”
The external job I have is something I'll contend with for now as I know full well that it is only temporary and it is after all supporting my financial needs at this time. And it will allow me to become more established as Wizard Oron. I have business cards to hand out, blogs to write, tweets to send out, photos to take and upload as well as videos to create and upload. I've got some real planning to do and still many things to learn.
Set your creative inspiration free to see where it takes you. Don't be shy you've likely got a creative streak hiding in you somewhere and it's time to let it out! And such creativity will more than get the ball rolling as it'll get it well on its way to becoming your perfect creation and a project like no other.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Wands: A creative inspiration. The beginning of a project or venture.”
The external job I have is something I'll contend with for now as I know full well that it is only temporary and it is after all supporting my financial needs at this time. And it will allow me to become more established as Wizard Oron. I have business cards to hand out, blogs to write, tweets to send out, photos to take and upload as well as videos to create and upload. I've got some real planning to do and still many things to learn.
Set your creative inspiration free to see where it takes you. Don't be shy you've likely got a creative streak hiding in you somewhere and it's time to let it out! And such creativity will more than get the ball rolling as it'll get it well on its way to becoming your perfect creation and a project like no other.
Thank You Spirit.
Ace of Wands,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Today's Tarot, 15 The Guardian and Facing Fear and Insecurity Reveals an Opportunity
It's all about Nature, it's all about being part of and in contact and in communication with Nature. Not sure where those two sentences came from as I thought that I was going to starting writing something else as I sat down at the computer. But as soon as my fingertips hit the keyboard, those are the words that flowed through's all about Nature.
And as I contemplate this one my business cards jumps into focus--"Wizard Oron", "What's Your Tarot?"
As I was with Tarot this morning my thoughts were about finding a solution regarding my desire to quit my job and do Spiritual Good Works while at the same time managing my financial obligations with or without sacrifice. As I finished this thought I completed shuffling the Wildwood and flipped over the card to reveal today's Tarot Energy, "15 The Guardian: A challenge has arrived in your life. The situation may be very complex. It may even have profound implications for your life and how you deal with the world. It may manifest itself in the form of a profound inner realignment or the facing of some physical outer predicament. Whether from the labyrinth that is the human mind or from some external source, the challenge that presents itself now must be seen for what it is: an opportunity. If something has been hidden or repressed, if a situation has been left to decay or become unhealthy, now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity. Always be aware that however threatening or difficult this situation is, you can only become stronger and more resilient from the experience of understanding and accepting inner darkness."
I see that "now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity." If we do this, we then open our eyes, hearts, minds, and spirits to "an opportunity". So, maybe these requires us to simply take the leap for if we do, we're most likely going to land on our feet. And even if we don't we will have the knowledge of the experience to build on so we can try again, living is after all about getting back up each time we're knocked down. Don't shy away from challenges, do what you can to make them the best opportunity you have. Turn your inner darkness into knowledge and strength.
Thank You Spirit.
And as I contemplate this one my business cards jumps into focus--"Wizard Oron", "What's Your Tarot?"
As I was with Tarot this morning my thoughts were about finding a solution regarding my desire to quit my job and do Spiritual Good Works while at the same time managing my financial obligations with or without sacrifice. As I finished this thought I completed shuffling the Wildwood and flipped over the card to reveal today's Tarot Energy, "15 The Guardian: A challenge has arrived in your life. The situation may be very complex. It may even have profound implications for your life and how you deal with the world. It may manifest itself in the form of a profound inner realignment or the facing of some physical outer predicament. Whether from the labyrinth that is the human mind or from some external source, the challenge that presents itself now must be seen for what it is: an opportunity. If something has been hidden or repressed, if a situation has been left to decay or become unhealthy, now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity. Always be aware that however threatening or difficult this situation is, you can only become stronger and more resilient from the experience of understanding and accepting inner darkness."
I see that "now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity." If we do this, we then open our eyes, hearts, minds, and spirits to "an opportunity". So, maybe these requires us to simply take the leap for if we do, we're most likely going to land on our feet. And even if we don't we will have the knowledge of the experience to build on so we can try again, living is after all about getting back up each time we're knocked down. Don't shy away from challenges, do what you can to make them the best opportunity you have. Turn your inner darkness into knowledge and strength.
Thank You Spirit.
15 The Guardian,
Spirit Guide,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Reader,
What's Your Tarot?,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, December 10, 2016
8 The Stag, Personal Responsibility and Being Open to Adjusting Our Thinking
I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything since Tuesday. It's been a tough week for some reason. I lost my focus and seemed to be operating aimlessly and mindlessly as I was just not into or feeling anything. I perked up briefly when I discovered that Sage Woman, Witches and Pagans and Circle magazines all have issues out that are right up my alley. But then I withered a little bit and felt like a living breathing human shell without mind or brain...and then yesterday afternoon upon returning to the office I discovered that I messed up some shipments I labelled on Tuesday. How could I do that? I'm at a loss for reason because the packages all have packing slips on them and all one needs to do is match the shipping label to the appropriate boxes. Only two mistakes have been discovered but I awoke in a panic that all six or so shipments might have been mislabelled.
I'm feeling better now that I'm out of bed and have my candle and incense burning and tarot decks out. And of course, having picked up the current issues of Sage Woman and Circle magazines yesterday has filled me with much needed energy. I might simply order a digital edition of Witches and Pagans so I can have all three but I'll wait until after Monday as I'll have an opportunity to stop by a different bookstore and see if I grab a print copy from there first. Something that gets sucked out of me at the job is my energy. And with not having gone to the gym all this week nor being spiritually focused has left me totally drained.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I totally understand this card on a personal level however it is also my wish, my desire that all people get to understand the meaning of "8 The Stag" especially in the United States where the political climate may be bring that country back into the past that so many people struggled or lost their lives in order to bring about positive and morally and ethically responsible changes to the way people were treated.
I understand my responsibilities in life and am doing my best to change my circumstances and situation so that I can better serve mankind on a personal and more intimate level, if you will. Removing myself from my current job is I admit a struggle for me but I know that it's the right thing to do and that I need to leave it and focus instead on doing spiritual good works. Perhaps, almost like following in the footsteps of Jesus. I'm not a christian, however the life and story of Jesus to me is a good one and I have no problem in believing in his existence just not the religious institution that was built upon his name and life's works.
This is the responsibility I feel and feel that I need to take on and do something with. I want to help open up hearts and minds so that people can experience the beauty of and the meaning of life as I have but as it is for them.
Thank You Spirit.
I'm feeling better now that I'm out of bed and have my candle and incense burning and tarot decks out. And of course, having picked up the current issues of Sage Woman and Circle magazines yesterday has filled me with much needed energy. I might simply order a digital edition of Witches and Pagans so I can have all three but I'll wait until after Monday as I'll have an opportunity to stop by a different bookstore and see if I grab a print copy from there first. Something that gets sucked out of me at the job is my energy. And with not having gone to the gym all this week nor being spiritually focused has left me totally drained.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I totally understand this card on a personal level however it is also my wish, my desire that all people get to understand the meaning of "8 The Stag" especially in the United States where the political climate may be bring that country back into the past that so many people struggled or lost their lives in order to bring about positive and morally and ethically responsible changes to the way people were treated.
I understand my responsibilities in life and am doing my best to change my circumstances and situation so that I can better serve mankind on a personal and more intimate level, if you will. Removing myself from my current job is I admit a struggle for me but I know that it's the right thing to do and that I need to leave it and focus instead on doing spiritual good works. Perhaps, almost like following in the footsteps of Jesus. I'm not a christian, however the life and story of Jesus to me is a good one and I have no problem in believing in his existence just not the religious institution that was built upon his name and life's works.
This is the responsibility I feel and feel that I need to take on and do something with. I want to help open up hearts and minds so that people can experience the beauty of and the meaning of life as I have but as it is for them.
Thank You Spirit.
8 The Stag,
Circle Magazine,
Sage Woman,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Reader,
Wildwood Tarot,
Witches and Pagans,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
The Guide of Cups, Trusting Our Intuition and Following Spirit's Lead
The energy at the job has improved a bit however I'm still not interested in investing any more of my time there though. I'm committed to moving into my role as Wizard Oron, a role that is becoming more fine-tuned and well-defined. I'm excited to be fulfilling such a role and feel more than ready to do it.
A good investment of sleep last night was very welcome and I slept through the entire night only awaking maybe ten or fifteen minutes before the alarm.
Spirit Is and today's continuing Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
Trust your inner intuition. Trust yourself. Trust that you are doing the right thing. No second guessing and simply go where Spirit wants you to go. These are the messages I'm receiving today. I also understand that my heart and my spirit are in the right place and innately know that I'm doing the right thing. Through the gift of spirit, nature, and tarot we will help one another get to where we all need to be.
Thank You Spirit.
A good investment of sleep last night was very welcome and I slept through the entire night only awaking maybe ten or fifteen minutes before the alarm.
Spirit Is and today's continuing Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
Trust your inner intuition. Trust yourself. Trust that you are doing the right thing. No second guessing and simply go where Spirit wants you to go. These are the messages I'm receiving today. I also understand that my heart and my spirit are in the right place and innately know that I'm doing the right thing. Through the gift of spirit, nature, and tarot we will help one another get to where we all need to be.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Guide of Cups,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Monday, December 5, 2016
The Guide of Cups and Messages from My Dreams and Sleepless Night
As is fairly common on Sunday I had a sleepless night. I slept but more in a state of dozing on and off, mostly off where I was sleeping but somewhat conscious of the fact that I was not really in a good sleeping state.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
"Messages from your heart" are telling me to stay true to myself, my dreams, aspirations and goals. To stay on course and strive to do all that I can to immediately fulfill my role as Wizard Oron so that I can pay it forward as much as I can so that I can help others discover, fall in love with and be their authentic selves. All of these messages coming to me through the night as I slept, dozed, and lied awake hoping to sleep well enough before the alarm serenaded us from our slumber.
What is this “Guide of Cups" telling you?
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
"Messages from your heart" are telling me to stay true to myself, my dreams, aspirations and goals. To stay on course and strive to do all that I can to immediately fulfill my role as Wizard Oron so that I can pay it forward as much as I can so that I can help others discover, fall in love with and be their authentic selves. All of these messages coming to me through the night as I slept, dozed, and lied awake hoping to sleep well enough before the alarm serenaded us from our slumber.
What is this “Guide of Cups" telling you?
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Guide of Cups,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, December 4, 2016
The 7 of Cups and the Time To Act Without Delay
Was hoping to read more this weekend but my reading has been very sporadic and interrupted. So I decided to just work with this energy of the day and whip up some shortbread cookies--my first and thankfully successful attempt. They are delicious.
Before cookie making though we had to run an errand and so decided to do a grocery run as well. We ended up at five, six maybe seven different stores so we could get everything we need. Why so many stores? We checked out a recently opened Choices Market in south Burnaby only to discover they have a very limited inventory of goods. We made our meagre purchases their and then ran off to the other stores to make up for what they didn't have which led us to also check out the outdoor Farmer's Market in Uptown New Westminster.
I'm glad that running around is over with. It's that time of year though where I just want to stay home and avoid the crowds. The Christmas rush and madness is now upon us!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting."
"Contemplating choices when you should be acting" is where I'm stuck it seems. I'm not really stuck though as I'm simply not acting and not acting for all the wrong reasons--FEAR! I'm scared to act, to take that step to just up and quit my job even though I really feel and sense beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm being pushed to do it!
Thank You Spirit.
Before cookie making though we had to run an errand and so decided to do a grocery run as well. We ended up at five, six maybe seven different stores so we could get everything we need. Why so many stores? We checked out a recently opened Choices Market in south Burnaby only to discover they have a very limited inventory of goods. We made our meagre purchases their and then ran off to the other stores to make up for what they didn't have which led us to also check out the outdoor Farmer's Market in Uptown New Westminster.
I'm glad that running around is over with. It's that time of year though where I just want to stay home and avoid the crowds. The Christmas rush and madness is now upon us!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting."
"Contemplating choices when you should be acting" is where I'm stuck it seems. I'm not really stuck though as I'm simply not acting and not acting for all the wrong reasons--FEAR! I'm scared to act, to take that step to just up and quit my job even though I really feel and sense beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm being pushed to do it!
Thank You Spirit.
7 of Cups,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Energy
Saturday, December 3, 2016
The Novice of Swords and III The Empress Strive for Prosperity But Without Sacrifice and Neglect
I got so wrapped up in other things last night that I forgot to come back here to my writing. I guess it's the late dinner we had as my partner hosted some co-workers for afternoon coffee, drinks, and desserts. By the time dinner was done and we had our showers I was in a different frame of mind and got onto other things like running a locomotive around my model railroad layout a few times, reading a book I rediscovered on the bookshelves as well as reading a little bit about my latest Tarot purchase, the Golden Dawn. I do indeed like this deck. Then I decided to grab the Shaman deck and read a little more about it too! Another deck I'll enjoy working with for sure.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Novice of Swords" (The suit of Swords and its corresponding element, Air, is masculine and intellectually oriented, so a youthful male with blond hair represents this Novice. He wears along yellow robe and hematite necklace. He intently examines a ritual dagger and burning incense. A cardinal perches in a nearby tree. This Novice can be someone with a goal in sight and who pursues it very single-mindedly. He can accomplish much very quickly and extremely well. However, he can be so focused that he misses changing developments, thereby going full steam ahead without considering a change of plan.) and "III The Empress" (All abundance is possible if we focus on what we can bring to ourselves and remember most of all that it is the life we create for ourselves, and those we love that matters most. Put out positive energy, and accept that everything good is possible for us.)
These two cards together, the "Novice of Swords" and "III The Empress" bring very strong "drawing to us" energy into our day. We can create and bring to us the life we want the goals we wish to achieve. But we're also made aware that we should remain open-minded and flexible as well as keep our focus on living positive lives where the kind of life we live as well what we create for our loved ones should be our top priority. Bringing abundance into our lives should not require sacrifice or neglect.
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, December 2, 2016. Friends visiting is always a nice thing even though it interrupts or better put postpones one's routine. Such as my reflections and writings about each day's Tarot Energy.
Last night was no different. A friend popped by for a quick visit so our usual night of doing what we do, mostly what each of us loves to do is put aside so we can visit and enjoy each other's company...always a good thing to make time for friends.
Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy was the "Six of Chalices: In a happy, playful reversal of roles, our Witch's daughter sets up her afternoon tea party. She makes sure everyone (dolls included!) has a cup of flowers before the event can begin. There is a gentle, sweet, carefree feel to the entire scene. Take the time for little kindnesses toward those around you. Making people feel comfortable or pleasantly surprised or pampered makes situations and emotions flow smoothly. Don't shun small gestures as childish or a waste of time...these small efforts are often what touch people the most."
Today's Tarot Energy is the "Six of Swords: Unlike the imagined or overly dramatized tragedy in the Three of Swords, in this card we see an actual tragedy. Something has gone horribly wrong. Destruction is unavoidable. Luckily, our Witch and her young man are escaping before any harm befalls them. They are leaving a terrible situation and heading for a better place. Unfortunately, you're facing something that is unpleasant and probably going to get worse. You may want to gather your belongings and head for a safer harbour. This could refer to many situations...including physical danger, an unhealthy relationship, or an unproductive way of thinking."
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Novice of Swords" (The suit of Swords and its corresponding element, Air, is masculine and intellectually oriented, so a youthful male with blond hair represents this Novice. He wears along yellow robe and hematite necklace. He intently examines a ritual dagger and burning incense. A cardinal perches in a nearby tree. This Novice can be someone with a goal in sight and who pursues it very single-mindedly. He can accomplish much very quickly and extremely well. However, he can be so focused that he misses changing developments, thereby going full steam ahead without considering a change of plan.) and "III The Empress" (All abundance is possible if we focus on what we can bring to ourselves and remember most of all that it is the life we create for ourselves, and those we love that matters most. Put out positive energy, and accept that everything good is possible for us.)
These two cards together, the "Novice of Swords" and "III The Empress" bring very strong "drawing to us" energy into our day. We can create and bring to us the life we want the goals we wish to achieve. But we're also made aware that we should remain open-minded and flexible as well as keep our focus on living positive lives where the kind of life we live as well what we create for our loved ones should be our top priority. Bringing abundance into our lives should not require sacrifice or neglect.
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, December 2, 2016. Friends visiting is always a nice thing even though it interrupts or better put postpones one's routine. Such as my reflections and writings about each day's Tarot Energy.
Last night was no different. A friend popped by for a quick visit so our usual night of doing what we do, mostly what each of us loves to do is put aside so we can visit and enjoy each other's company...always a good thing to make time for friends.
Spirit Is and yesterday's Tarot Energy was the "Six of Chalices: In a happy, playful reversal of roles, our Witch's daughter sets up her afternoon tea party. She makes sure everyone (dolls included!) has a cup of flowers before the event can begin. There is a gentle, sweet, carefree feel to the entire scene. Take the time for little kindnesses toward those around you. Making people feel comfortable or pleasantly surprised or pampered makes situations and emotions flow smoothly. Don't shun small gestures as childish or a waste of time...these small efforts are often what touch people the most."
Today's Tarot Energy is the "Six of Swords: Unlike the imagined or overly dramatized tragedy in the Three of Swords, in this card we see an actual tragedy. Something has gone horribly wrong. Destruction is unavoidable. Luckily, our Witch and her young man are escaping before any harm befalls them. They are leaving a terrible situation and heading for a better place. Unfortunately, you're facing something that is unpleasant and probably going to get worse. You may want to gather your belongings and head for a safer harbour. This could refer to many situations...including physical danger, an unhealthy relationship, or an unproductive way of thinking."
Thank You Spirit.
III The Empress,
Novice of Swords,
Pagan Tarot,
Six of Chalices,
Six of Swords,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Professional,
Tarot Reader,
Wizard Oron
The Two of Pentacles and Going From a Rushed to a More Balanced Life
Another month comes to a close. The end of November already. I've decided that come next year I will not work the month of December and will do whatever it takes not to. By this time next year I expect to be working hard, smartly, and diligently as Wizard Oron and doing nothing else but the spiritual good works for all those that need it.
I awoke in the middle of night feeling a bit hot as we put the duvet on the bed and as I awoke I was trying to hold onto the dream I was having but it disappeared in a "poof" as my consciousness took over. Then upon awaking with the alarm I had no recollection of having had any dreams.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Two of Pentacles: Pentacles are a symbol of our mundane life and our Witch is feeling every pressure possible in trying to balance her mundane life and spiritual lives. Rushing home from work, she passes two Witches already garbed and waiting for her. One looks at her watch with obvious impatience and the other waits calmly, almost serenely. She has learned that taking a deep breath and relaxing is better than getting angry in a situation like this. Which of the Witches are you? Are you having trouble balancing everything in your life? Are you doing quite well at it, but looking down on those who aren't? Or have you achieved a patient acceptance of where others are in their path? If you are the first, perhaps you should ask for advice from someone you admire. If you're the second, you may want to examine your motives. And if you're the last, those of us who are rushed appreciate your calming energy."
I'm doing a pretty decent job of balancing everything in my life however I'm now at a point where I feel a need to devote more time to spiritual matters while at the same time making a career out of it.
How are you doing with balancing different and often competing aspects of your life? Especially these days where our lives seem to be ever faster paced and far more hectic than in the past. It's challenging for sure but can be done oftentimes, though, needing much more effort than we anticipate. But we need to find that balance as it'll help make our lives a little easier and even help us simplify them without us feeling like we're losing out or missing something. We'll have simpler yet more fulfilling lives simply by finding and bringing much balance to our lives.
Thank You Spirit.
I awoke in the middle of night feeling a bit hot as we put the duvet on the bed and as I awoke I was trying to hold onto the dream I was having but it disappeared in a "poof" as my consciousness took over. Then upon awaking with the alarm I had no recollection of having had any dreams.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Two of Pentacles: Pentacles are a symbol of our mundane life and our Witch is feeling every pressure possible in trying to balance her mundane life and spiritual lives. Rushing home from work, she passes two Witches already garbed and waiting for her. One looks at her watch with obvious impatience and the other waits calmly, almost serenely. She has learned that taking a deep breath and relaxing is better than getting angry in a situation like this. Which of the Witches are you? Are you having trouble balancing everything in your life? Are you doing quite well at it, but looking down on those who aren't? Or have you achieved a patient acceptance of where others are in their path? If you are the first, perhaps you should ask for advice from someone you admire. If you're the second, you may want to examine your motives. And if you're the last, those of us who are rushed appreciate your calming energy."
I'm doing a pretty decent job of balancing everything in my life however I'm now at a point where I feel a need to devote more time to spiritual matters while at the same time making a career out of it.
How are you doing with balancing different and often competing aspects of your life? Especially these days where our lives seem to be ever faster paced and far more hectic than in the past. It's challenging for sure but can be done oftentimes, though, needing much more effort than we anticipate. But we need to find that balance as it'll help make our lives a little easier and even help us simplify them without us feeling like we're losing out or missing something. We'll have simpler yet more fulfilling lives simply by finding and bringing much balance to our lives.
Thank You Spirit.
2 of Pentacles,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Two of Pentacles,
Wizard Oron
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