
Friday, December 30, 2016

"21 The World Tree" and Lifelong Learning

I don't really remember much of, that is to say, if I had any dreams last night.  I have a vague sense that I was in the midst of or had just finished speaking to a crowd, all the while I was sleeping.  I felt like I had a real presence somewhere but not in a way where any attention was placed or focused on me.  Realistically speaking, I feel like I closed my eyes around 11pm and then was simply awake around 5:30am.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "21 The World Tree: The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart.  On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfillment.  No matter how long the journey of life may be, however many twists and turns the maze may offer us, in the end, if we persevere, we will reach the point of fulfillment.  This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph.  Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force."

Meditating with candle flames and the rich scent of burning incense, shuffling the Wildwood Tarot as the  "21 The World Tree" leaps out of the deck not once but twice to become the Tarot Energy of the Day.  I "Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force" as I humbly "bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph."

I know.

I understand.

Thank You Spirit.

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