Whether it was the weekend get-a-way, visiting Sooke Potholes Regional Park and witnessing the awesome beauty and power of the Sooke River and being reminded of our connection with nature or being visited by Crow who landed on the top of the car in what I think is a dream or the spiritual and magical power contained in the pages of Sage Woman magazine or the book Spells of Blood and Kin or the power and energy of Tarot as a card is revealed each day or by the power of thoughts and dreams, I am changed this day, having reached for something greater than myself.
Friday, December 23, Shaman, 5 of Stones.
Saturday, December 24, Gay, Ace of Swords.
Sunday, December 25, Pagan, XIII Death.
Monday, December 26, Pagan, 0 The Fool.
We were pulling up to the ferry terminal in Swartz Bay yesterday at about ten minutes before the 4pm sailing, too late for that sailing I thought to myself and way too early for our reserved 5pm sailing however the booth attendant gave us the option to make our way to the 4pm sailing so we took her up on her offer. Arriving home an hour earlier was a welcomed blessing and our local Boston Pizza was our choice for dinner.
We had time to continue our relaxation and enjoy the quiet time we had. Sleep was great and having no alarm to wake up to makes this day even better. Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Eight of Swords: Our Witch is faced with a difficult situation indeed. Blindfolded and tied up, she is surrounded by a circle of swords. Her coven mates surround the outside of the situation - they are there for support but not for direct help. She is imprisoned and must find her own way out. The exit is unblocked and right in front of her, but she has no way of knowing that. You may be feeling alone and powerless. While this is a situation you must face alone, your loved ones are with you in spirit and will help whenever and however they can. Most importantly, your way out is not difficult. Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom."
With the "Eight of Swords" confirming that we "Continue walking confidently on your path and it will take you straight to freedom" is a continuation of the Fool's advice yesterday for us to "reach for something greater than ourselves". This a firm reminder that the path we are on is the correct one for each of us and that we must never let our confidence be shaken by another for this is who we are meant to be and is the fulfilment of our purpose in life.
Thank You Spirit.
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