
Saturday, December 10, 2016

8 The Stag, Personal Responsibility and Being Open to Adjusting Our Thinking

I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything since Tuesday.  It's been a tough week for some reason.  I lost my focus and seemed to be operating aimlessly and mindlessly as I was just not into or feeling anything.  I perked up briefly when I discovered that Sage Woman, Witches and Pagans and Circle magazines all have issues out that are right up my alley.  But then I withered a little bit and felt like a living breathing human shell without mind or brain...and then yesterday afternoon upon returning to the office I discovered that I messed up some shipments I labelled on Tuesday.  How could I do that?  I'm at a loss for reason because the packages all have packing slips on them and all one needs to do is match the shipping label to the appropriate boxes.  Only two mistakes have been discovered but I awoke in a panic that all six or so shipments might have been mislabelled.

I'm feeling better now that I'm out of bed and have my candle and incense burning and tarot decks out.  And of course, having picked up the current issues of Sage Woman and Circle magazines yesterday has filled me with much needed energy.  I might simply order a digital edition of Witches and Pagans so I can have all three but I'll wait until after Monday as I'll have an opportunity to stop by a different bookstore and see if I grab a print copy from there first.  Something that gets sucked out of me at the job is my energy.  And with not having gone to the gym all this week nor being spiritually focused has left me totally drained.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place.  The key word here is 'responsibility'.  We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change.  Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due.  This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation.  Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I totally understand this card on a personal level however it is also my wish, my desire that all people get to understand the meaning of "8 The Stag" especially in the United States where the political climate may be bring that country back into the past that so many people struggled or lost their lives in order to bring about positive and morally and ethically responsible changes to the way people were treated.

I understand my responsibilities in life and am doing my best to change my circumstances and situation so that I can better serve mankind on a personal and more intimate level, if you will.  Removing myself from my current job is I admit a struggle for me but I know that it's the right thing to do and that I need to leave it and focus instead on doing spiritual good works.  Perhaps, almost like following in the footsteps of Jesus.  I'm not a christian, however the life and story of Jesus to me is a good one and I have no problem in believing in his existence just not the religious institution that was built upon his name and life's works.

This is the responsibility I feel and feel that I need to take on and do something with.  I want to help open up hearts and minds so that people can experience the beauty of and the meaning of life as I have but as it is for them.

Thank You Spirit.

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