As we drove over on Sunday to pick Serenity up for our trip I was as nervous as I was last October. I was nervous the entire drive home. I guess I'm still adjusting to being an RVer. It's still all so new to me and I guess I'm scared to do something wrong or make some kind of mistake when I/we go about camping.
Monday, April 25, 2016, 9 o'clock sharp:
After a relaxing morning we were underway cruising along in Serenity. After about a five minute wait, and a minute of questions we were through the border and cruising down the I-5.
We stopped at a Fred Meyer near Bellingham for groceries and then Jack In The Box in Oak Harbor for a quick lunch. And we are now aboard the Kennewick crossing Admiralty Inlet from Coupeville (Whidbey Island) to Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula. After a 25 minute float on the water the ferry is docking.
My nerves settled down once we returned to Serenity after our grocery run. I was getting into the "zone", my "zone" of being a happy camper and feeling totally at home on the road. As we got Serenity parked and levelled I was getting more comfortable and was feeling quite at ease as we made the necessary hookups for water, electricity and waste. Parked in Site 39 of Elwha Dam RV Park.
It's now 6:15pm and we're sitting comfortably in Serenity simply relaxing and "being". With me being Wizard Oron through and through...thank you Spirit.
I love the natural landscape that surrounds us, that we also drove through...tree lined and canopied two lane blacktop...stunning and beautiful... I sit and look out the window as I struggle with a crossword puzzle I'm filled with happiness and contentment...this is life, my life... on the road suits me and I most certainly suit life on the road.
Thank You Spirit.
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Trip to the Olympic Peninsula and Our Stay at the Elwha Dam RV Park & Campground (Part 1)
Admirality Inlet,
Crossword Puzzle,
Elwha Dam RV Park,
Fred Meyer,
Jack In The Box,
Oak Harbor,
Port Townsend,
Whidbey Island,
Wizard Oron
'VI The Lovers' and Opening the Door of Possibility and Opportunity
Saturday, April 30, 2016. Here is the fourth month of the year coming to a close. Today is May Eve, Walpurgis, Bealtaine, the fertility Sabbat. How will you celebrate the gift of life, you've been given?
I doing better at getting into my "zone". Yesterday was a day of finding my zone, my focus...that place of concentration that allows everything to seemingly fall into place on its own without much effort from me. Thank You Spirit for helping me to find and get into my "zone". I love it!
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.” can spawn new creative forces in our lives if we allow love to emanate from us and flow out into the world. Love opens the doors of possibilities and opportunities as it allows us to accept, recognize, and understand all sides of a relationship and the circumstances that make the relationship what it is as well as to allow it to succeed. Love is another important facet to our natural state of being. If its missing in your life call it back to you, welcome it back into your life and let it flourish and blossom into a wellspring of grace and beauty in your life.
Thank You Spirit.
I doing better at getting into my "zone". Yesterday was a day of finding my zone, my focus...that place of concentration that allows everything to seemingly fall into place on its own without much effort from me. Thank You Spirit for helping me to find and get into my "zone". I love it!
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.” can spawn new creative forces in our lives if we allow love to emanate from us and flow out into the world. Love opens the doors of possibilities and opportunities as it allows us to accept, recognize, and understand all sides of a relationship and the circumstances that make the relationship what it is as well as to allow it to succeed. Love is another important facet to our natural state of being. If its missing in your life call it back to you, welcome it back into your life and let it flourish and blossom into a wellspring of grace and beauty in your life.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
May Eve,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
VI The Lovers,
Wizard Oron
Friday, April 29, 2016
The 'Seven of Pentacles' and Tweaking Our Efforts with Stronger Focus Through Meditation with Nature
Friday, April 29, 2016. Still enjoying our vacation although Serenity is now parked in storage again. On a selfish note, at point during our stay at the Elwha Dam RV Park I thought to myself how nice it would be to be alone right now, alone with my own thoughts only having Spirit by my side. Oh, Edith and Eugene would likely be sitting somewhere too!
Such a thought is not a bad thing and rather more likely an indication that I and perhaps we both some alone simply be the individuals that we are. Yes, I need to go camping by myself with only Spirit and as my guide and companion...
Spirit's time is now and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Seven of Pentacles: Our Witch is practicing magick on plants again! This time she is feeling frustrated because the plant isn't growing at all. What she doesn't see is that while she is doing something wrong, she is doing something right. Although the potted plant isn't growing, the rosebush behind her is growing and blooming like crazy. If you are working really hard at something and don't see results, step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Your power and ability may very well be in great working order - you might just need a little tweaking of your practices or stronger focus."
This is what the "Seven of Pentacles" is emphasizing for me today, "If you are working really hard at something and don't see results"..."you might just need a little tweaking of your practices or stronger focus."
This is been brought home to me in another area as well, working on my Experimental Railroad. As I'm getting closer permanently affixing the track to the layout I see how tweaking I need to do to the roadbed in order to have a smooth flowing and easy transition of track from a flat run to a grade or hill, if you will. Lots of minor adjustments are needed to get the trains running smoothly without hesitating as they go from one piece of track to another including through switches/turnouts.
So as with my model railroad so too does my spiritual life need some fine tuning and some minor adjustments made. And especially in the area of focus, I really do need a stronger focus on my spirit and this can happen through the simple act of meditation, meditation that can take the form of a walk or hike through nature, of finding a place to stop and let nature take control where I become a part of the natural setting I'm in.
And now that I think about it Elwha was such a spot and perhaps why I not only had the thought but the desire to be alone. The RV Park had what I think I called a wonderful and stunning silence...nature in all her glory...beautiful and amazing!
Thank You Spirit.
Such a thought is not a bad thing and rather more likely an indication that I and perhaps we both some alone simply be the individuals that we are. Yes, I need to go camping by myself with only Spirit and as my guide and companion...
Spirit's time is now and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Seven of Pentacles: Our Witch is practicing magick on plants again! This time she is feeling frustrated because the plant isn't growing at all. What she doesn't see is that while she is doing something wrong, she is doing something right. Although the potted plant isn't growing, the rosebush behind her is growing and blooming like crazy. If you are working really hard at something and don't see results, step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Your power and ability may very well be in great working order - you might just need a little tweaking of your practices or stronger focus."
This is what the "Seven of Pentacles" is emphasizing for me today, "If you are working really hard at something and don't see results"..."you might just need a little tweaking of your practices or stronger focus."
This is been brought home to me in another area as well, working on my Experimental Railroad. As I'm getting closer permanently affixing the track to the layout I see how tweaking I need to do to the roadbed in order to have a smooth flowing and easy transition of track from a flat run to a grade or hill, if you will. Lots of minor adjustments are needed to get the trains running smoothly without hesitating as they go from one piece of track to another including through switches/turnouts.
So as with my model railroad so too does my spiritual life need some fine tuning and some minor adjustments made. And especially in the area of focus, I really do need a stronger focus on my spirit and this can happen through the simple act of meditation, meditation that can take the form of a walk or hike through nature, of finding a place to stop and let nature take control where I become a part of the natural setting I'm in.
And now that I think about it Elwha was such a spot and perhaps why I not only had the thought but the desire to be alone. The RV Park had what I think I called a wonderful and stunning silence...nature in all her glory...beautiful and amazing!
Thank You Spirit.
Elwha Dam RV Park,
model railroad,
Pagan Tarot,
Seven of Pentacles,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, April 28, 2016
The '4 of Coins' and Resisting The Urge to Control How People Think
Thursday, April 28, 2016. Had a very restful and relaxing evening followed by a superb sleep. Nice to be home so I can get back to work on my "Experimental Railroad". I browsed through a hobby shop, a true hobby shop that carries goodies for all kinds of hobbies one of which is model railroading. And as much as I tried to resist buying anything I walked out of there with a small bag of goods worth $74 US or about $96 Canadian or so. Yikes! There's that nasty exchange rate...but these are items I don't see locally at the only real hobby shop in town, town being Metro Vancouver.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director. A position of power. Wanting to control how others perceive things.”
This time the energy of the “4 of Coins" is letting me know that I'm in danger of trying to control how others perceive things and that I must do more in order to avoid this trap of 'control'. I need to meditate, commune with, and be fully guided by Spirit when I interact with others whether it be as spiritual coach, tarot intuitive, or chakra worker. I must strive to allow the people I work to be in control. The messages, the answers they seek must come from within themselves, not through or by me!
I must act merely as a guide, a vessel and messenger of Spirit where Spirit through me inspires you to not only believe but know, understand and accept that you are more than you believe yourself to be!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director. A position of power. Wanting to control how others perceive things.”
This time the energy of the “4 of Coins" is letting me know that I'm in danger of trying to control how others perceive things and that I must do more in order to avoid this trap of 'control'. I need to meditate, commune with, and be fully guided by Spirit when I interact with others whether it be as spiritual coach, tarot intuitive, or chakra worker. I must strive to allow the people I work to be in control. The messages, the answers they seek must come from within themselves, not through or by me!
I must act merely as a guide, a vessel and messenger of Spirit where Spirit through me inspires you to not only believe but know, understand and accept that you are more than you believe yourself to be!
Thank You Spirit.
4 of Coins,
Experimental Railroad,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Elwha Dam RV Park
We're making ourselves at home, at least for a couple of days, at the above mentioned RV park near Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula.
Elwha Dam RV Park,
Olympic Peninsula,
Port Angeles,
Washington State
Monday, April 25, 2016
The 'Guide of Swords' and Being Reminded of the Gift of Life
Monday, April 25, 2016 at 7:08am. What an honour and privilege it is to be writing this early in the morning during a weekday. I'm on, we're on vacation for one week. Heading down to the Olympic Peninsula for a few days. Just a quick trip to get Serenity out and experience a bit of nature.
I'm using this trip and this week as a springboard to launch myself fulltime into operating as Wizard Oron every single day, 24/7. Not that I'm not doing this now but I need to really make this my state of being, my way of life and modus operandi for the foreseeable future.
After some frustration on Saturday yesterday was a much more productive and uplifting day, not that Saturday wasn't but yesterday really made my spirit soar. My model railroad is operating as best as I can do for now. I need to connect a few more electronic gadgets to get it to operate every which way as the way it is set-up trains can only go around in simple loops otherwise the layout will short circuit--can't have that now, can we?
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self."
Belief, confidence, trust, knowledge and loving one's self and what and who we are is key to living a full, productive and fruitful life. The other day a homeless gentleman was crossing a busy street with a full shopping cart while I was attempting to make a left turn and since it was hot day I had my window rolled down. In the happiest of voices he stops and tells me to go ahead and make my turn. My heart filled with respect for this man and I knew I had to strive to continue to keep myself from judging individuals like him or arrogantly thinking I'm better than any of them. I can almost say that I never judge these folks and have a high degree of empathy for them as I know that any of us can find ourselves in the same situation.
Thank You Spirit.
I'm using this trip and this week as a springboard to launch myself fulltime into operating as Wizard Oron every single day, 24/7. Not that I'm not doing this now but I need to really make this my state of being, my way of life and modus operandi for the foreseeable future.
After some frustration on Saturday yesterday was a much more productive and uplifting day, not that Saturday wasn't but yesterday really made my spirit soar. My model railroad is operating as best as I can do for now. I need to connect a few more electronic gadgets to get it to operate every which way as the way it is set-up trains can only go around in simple loops otherwise the layout will short circuit--can't have that now, can we?
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self."
Belief, confidence, trust, knowledge and loving one's self and what and who we are is key to living a full, productive and fruitful life. The other day a homeless gentleman was crossing a busy street with a full shopping cart while I was attempting to make a left turn and since it was hot day I had my window rolled down. In the happiest of voices he stops and tells me to go ahead and make my turn. My heart filled with respect for this man and I knew I had to strive to continue to keep myself from judging individuals like him or arrogantly thinking I'm better than any of them. I can almost say that I never judge these folks and have a high degree of empathy for them as I know that any of us can find ourselves in the same situation.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Guide of Swords,
Olympic Peninsula,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, April 24, 2016
'IV The Emperor' and Emotionally Detached Decision-making
Sunday, April 24, 2016. I had a bit of a frustrating afternoon yesterday. I was working on my model railroad and had little success with my second attempt at soldering sections of track together. If this was not enough when I was trying to create a folded paper template for a "Fortune Telling Mat" I also ran into problems and the first template found itself in the garbage. However, something helped calm me down and I got a train running on my model railroad layout...Spirit is good!
Last night we joined friends for dinner. Our hosts laid out a great meal and another friend a heavenly dessert. Conversation was as lively as ever and time disappeared and we did not find ourselves heading home until almost midnight so we didn't crawl into bed until after 1:00am--a late night for us!
Spirit's time is now and today's Whimsical Tarot Energy is the "IV The Emperor: Play by the rules and don’t take shortcuts. Use common sense when managing your resources. Now is the time to be organized and make plans. Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success. When reversed: Despite your obvious talents, success comes slowly at this time. Respect the past and learn from it. Frustrations, obstacles, delays, or setbacks will test your perseverance. Don’t react too hastily; make sure all your decisions are unemotional. Balance work with play."
Sometimes as much as we like to rely on our heart and emotions and let them take the lead role in our decision-making at times we must ask them to take a backseat to common sense, logic and reason. And today is such day and time for this to happen. We need to keep our heart and emotions in check and ensure that we are emotionally detached from our process of making important choices today.
Thank You Spirit.
Last night we joined friends for dinner. Our hosts laid out a great meal and another friend a heavenly dessert. Conversation was as lively as ever and time disappeared and we did not find ourselves heading home until almost midnight so we didn't crawl into bed until after 1:00am--a late night for us!
Spirit's time is now and today's Whimsical Tarot Energy is the "IV The Emperor: Play by the rules and don’t take shortcuts. Use common sense when managing your resources. Now is the time to be organized and make plans. Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success. When reversed: Despite your obvious talents, success comes slowly at this time. Respect the past and learn from it. Frustrations, obstacles, delays, or setbacks will test your perseverance. Don’t react too hastily; make sure all your decisions are unemotional. Balance work with play."
Sometimes as much as we like to rely on our heart and emotions and let them take the lead role in our decision-making at times we must ask them to take a backseat to common sense, logic and reason. And today is such day and time for this to happen. We need to keep our heart and emotions in check and ensure that we are emotionally detached from our process of making important choices today.
Thank You Spirit.
Fortune Telling Mat,
IV The Emperor,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Whimsical Tarot
Saturday, April 23, 2016
The 'Initiate of Pentacles' and Focusing Too Much on the Creation and Not Enjoying the Ride
Saturday, April 23, 2016. I hope we all had a successful Earth Day and a safe and productive celebration of the Full Moon.
I didn't get to see the Full Moon. For one, it was cloudy and rainy and then I was totally exhausted and was barely functioning after I got home and my adrenaline rush from a hectic work day waned. I was numb. However, I was spiritually strong and fully engaged with Spirit as I recorded my thoughts yesterday.
Spirit's time is now and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Initiate of Pentacles: The suit of Pentacles and its corresponding element, Earth, is feminine and is the mother of comfort, security and a solid foundation of grounding, so a woman with long, simple dark hair represents the Initiate. She wears a green robe with a brown stole and two necklaces. She holds a bowl of crystal points and an altar pentacle. The Initiate is preparing to hand the pentacle to her priestess for ritual use. A large basket of fruit and a loaf of bread are nearby. This Initiate has been particularly industrious and productive. She takes great pleasure in the act of creating but can be in danger of focusing too much on the creation itself."
What stands out for me today is that I am "focusing too much on the creation itself." And then it hit me, I don't need to struggle or strive or aim to be Wizard Oron, I am Wizard Oron. I often think I am but doubt always follows. Doubt based on fear of being different, of not fitting perfectly into the mold that society wants me to fit into. Well, no more.
Though I will not officially change my name to Wizard Oron, for all intents and purposes, I am and my name is Wizard Oron. I am a travelling Wizard and a spiritual nomad. The road is my home. As long as the wheels of Serenity are rolling along and the blacktop is passing by underfoot I'm at one with myself and more importantly with the cosmos. However, with having said that I am still Wizard Oron even though I'm in a stationary home for now and Serenity is parked in storage.
I am, have always been and always will be Wizard Oron, a vessel and messenger of and fully guide by the loving grace and presence of Spirit, doing my best to inspire others and get them to know that they are more than they believe they can be and they thus in return do the same for me.
Thank You Spirit.
I didn't get to see the Full Moon. For one, it was cloudy and rainy and then I was totally exhausted and was barely functioning after I got home and my adrenaline rush from a hectic work day waned. I was numb. However, I was spiritually strong and fully engaged with Spirit as I recorded my thoughts yesterday.
Spirit's time is now and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Initiate of Pentacles: The suit of Pentacles and its corresponding element, Earth, is feminine and is the mother of comfort, security and a solid foundation of grounding, so a woman with long, simple dark hair represents the Initiate. She wears a green robe with a brown stole and two necklaces. She holds a bowl of crystal points and an altar pentacle. The Initiate is preparing to hand the pentacle to her priestess for ritual use. A large basket of fruit and a loaf of bread are nearby. This Initiate has been particularly industrious and productive. She takes great pleasure in the act of creating but can be in danger of focusing too much on the creation itself."
What stands out for me today is that I am "focusing too much on the creation itself." And then it hit me, I don't need to struggle or strive or aim to be Wizard Oron, I am Wizard Oron. I often think I am but doubt always follows. Doubt based on fear of being different, of not fitting perfectly into the mold that society wants me to fit into. Well, no more.
Though I will not officially change my name to Wizard Oron, for all intents and purposes, I am and my name is Wizard Oron. I am a travelling Wizard and a spiritual nomad. The road is my home. As long as the wheels of Serenity are rolling along and the blacktop is passing by underfoot I'm at one with myself and more importantly with the cosmos. However, with having said that I am still Wizard Oron even though I'm in a stationary home for now and Serenity is parked in storage.
I am, have always been and always will be Wizard Oron, a vessel and messenger of and fully guide by the loving grace and presence of Spirit, doing my best to inspire others and get them to know that they are more than they believe they can be and they thus in return do the same for me.
Thank You Spirit.
Earth Day,
Full Moon,
Initiate of Pentacles,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Friday, April 22, 2016
The '2 of Coins' and Giving Back to Mother Earth Instead of Asking For More
Friday, April 22, 2016. Happy Earth Day! Also, let's celebrate the Full Moon and it's relationship with our host Gaia or Mother Earth!
Spirit's time is now and today's visiting Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi. Flexibility. “Going with the flow”. Living in tune with your environment.”
Let's find better ways to live in harmony with our beautiful hostess, Mother Earth. How can we give back to her in return for the infinite number sacrifices she has made for us. Our greed appears to be unstoppable for all we do is to continue ask for more, more than we deserve and much more than she should have to give. We must stop our abuse of this wonderful planet we are so fortunate to be able to call home. Let us be the examples of how we all be "living in tune with your environment.”
And in other aspects of our lives we must always find ways to improve our "flexibility" in dealing with all that is thrown at us each and every day. What can we do and how can we bend in yet another without compromising everything that we are about while at the same time educating others on what it means to be flexible without sacrificing one's principles.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's visiting Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi. Flexibility. “Going with the flow”. Living in tune with your environment.”
Let's find better ways to live in harmony with our beautiful hostess, Mother Earth. How can we give back to her in return for the infinite number sacrifices she has made for us. Our greed appears to be unstoppable for all we do is to continue ask for more, more than we deserve and much more than she should have to give. We must stop our abuse of this wonderful planet we are so fortunate to be able to call home. Let us be the examples of how we all be "living in tune with your environment.”
And in other aspects of our lives we must always find ways to improve our "flexibility" in dealing with all that is thrown at us each and every day. What can we do and how can we bend in yet another without compromising everything that we are about while at the same time educating others on what it means to be flexible without sacrificing one's principles.
Thank You Spirit.
2 of Coins,
Chakra. Gaia,
Earth Day,
Gay Tarot,
Mother Earth,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tai Chi,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, April 21, 2016
The 'Sage of Coins' and Paying More Respect to Mother Earth
Thursday, April 21, 2016. Awoke a little earlier than the alarm but fell right back to sleep and completely forgot that the alarm would serenade us this morning so when it did it caught me by surprise.
One thing I noticed though is that while I was semi-consciously awake I did my best to commune with Spirit which seemed to strengthen my connection with Spirit for after awaking with the alarm I felt the presence and love of Spirit all about me. More than I've felt in recent days. Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather than trying to control them. A mature appreciation of the natural world. Patience."
As I'm sitting here and contemplating the "Sage of Coins" a local news piece caught my attention. A municipality passed a by-law that is going into effect, I guess today, so land developers killed 30 plus trees in order to beat the bylaw in an effort to create views but most of all increase the value of the land they are developing. What a sad story. We are so destructive and uncaring of this world of wonder we are so privileged to get to call home. What abuse we inflict upon her. One day, a day that might be sooner than we think we'll suffer the karma and karmic payback for our destructive actions.
I love nature and do certainly know that I'm not doing enough to show my love and appreciation for her so let's all be honest here and fully understand just how little we do for this wonderful planet and how realistically it is that we do more to abuse her than appreciate her.
I know I can do more and I do want to do more for I never feel more at home than I do when I'm one with nature whether it be walking through a forest, riding my bike along the trails winding through a wetland or enjoying the sandy beaches here at home or down in Florida or Mexico, oh what a treat it is to wrapped in the loving arms of nature...
...Spirit's kiss fills my heart and soul with overflowing bliss!
"Working with resources rather than trying to control them" is great advice and I'm doing just that and this case I'm referring to my financial resources. I had an open and frank conversation with a representative from my bank and boy do I ever feel better. Things will go the way they must go and I completely accept that. The "Sage of Coins" has made me feel much better today!
Thank You Spirit.
One thing I noticed though is that while I was semi-consciously awake I did my best to commune with Spirit which seemed to strengthen my connection with Spirit for after awaking with the alarm I felt the presence and love of Spirit all about me. More than I've felt in recent days. Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather than trying to control them. A mature appreciation of the natural world. Patience."
As I'm sitting here and contemplating the "Sage of Coins" a local news piece caught my attention. A municipality passed a by-law that is going into effect, I guess today, so land developers killed 30 plus trees in order to beat the bylaw in an effort to create views but most of all increase the value of the land they are developing. What a sad story. We are so destructive and uncaring of this world of wonder we are so privileged to get to call home. What abuse we inflict upon her. One day, a day that might be sooner than we think we'll suffer the karma and karmic payback for our destructive actions.
I love nature and do certainly know that I'm not doing enough to show my love and appreciation for her so let's all be honest here and fully understand just how little we do for this wonderful planet and how realistically it is that we do more to abuse her than appreciate her.
I know I can do more and I do want to do more for I never feel more at home than I do when I'm one with nature whether it be walking through a forest, riding my bike along the trails winding through a wetland or enjoying the sandy beaches here at home or down in Florida or Mexico, oh what a treat it is to wrapped in the loving arms of nature...
...Spirit's kiss fills my heart and soul with overflowing bliss!
"Working with resources rather than trying to control them" is great advice and I'm doing just that and this case I'm referring to my financial resources. I had an open and frank conversation with a representative from my bank and boy do I ever feel better. Things will go the way they must go and I completely accept that. The "Sage of Coins" has made me feel much better today!
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
King of Coins,
Sage of Coins,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
The 'Eight of Arrows' and Transforming Our Struggles Into Learning and Opportunity
Wednesday, April 20, 2016. An odd night of sleep yet a sleep that had me sleeping more or less until the sweet serenade of the alarm and a bright, beautiful and welcoming day.
Spirit's time is now and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Eight of Arrows: However much we wish that divisive and conflicting issues and moral dilemmas didn't exist in our lives, sometimes they are an unavoidable part of the journey. If we are lucky, we have the support and sympathy of friends and loved ones to help us del with the struggle, but not always. Sometimes, because of the very personal nature of the problem, we are alone, dealing with a thorny dilemma that only the individual at the centre of the issue can negotiate. The choices can be painful and stark. The path may appear fraught with unfamiliar obstacles and pitfalls, and with no obvious remedy. All these elements may strain our core beliefs, causing us to doubt the validity of previous choices. Such profound personal struggles require calm, decisive and resolute action. Reach down into the very core of your being and summon all the reserves of your courage and wisdom. See honestly what the issue will require for you to resolve it and present those who might be a part to the problem with an implacable and unyielding dedication. View this necessary sojourn with clear eyes and a resolute heart, for to overcome these tests of life makes us stronger."
This particular "Eight of Arrows" for me at least in one way revolves around my desire to take better control of and manage my debt load in a much better and more dedicated way than I am doing now. It's about me being more focused on my finances and making them work for me rather than me working for them.
The second area that this "Eight of Arrows" is focusing attention on is how I can better transition my life and financial means and support toward a more risky career, a spiritual one, than the job I'm working at now. Ideas pop into my head and I'm doing my best to execute the ones I can but obviously I need to be doing a better job of it.
And this "Eight of Arrows" is also asking me "just how dedicated I am to living and working a spiritual life? A life that involves helping others, helping those in need, guiding people through the power of Spirit and Tarot and doing so without burning out or putting myself in the poorhouse. I do believe. I love living and leading a spiritual life and especially love the world and adventure of Tarot, the world beyond our normal senses and I'm absolutely okay with the struggle and financial struggle that such a life career may put me through.
Struggles are opportunities waiting for us to make them happen through seeing them as a form of education and learning. And let's face we always have room for more learning and besides what learn from these struggles makes us more capable of handling the workload and effort required to make something better of ourselves.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Eight of Arrows: However much we wish that divisive and conflicting issues and moral dilemmas didn't exist in our lives, sometimes they are an unavoidable part of the journey. If we are lucky, we have the support and sympathy of friends and loved ones to help us del with the struggle, but not always. Sometimes, because of the very personal nature of the problem, we are alone, dealing with a thorny dilemma that only the individual at the centre of the issue can negotiate. The choices can be painful and stark. The path may appear fraught with unfamiliar obstacles and pitfalls, and with no obvious remedy. All these elements may strain our core beliefs, causing us to doubt the validity of previous choices. Such profound personal struggles require calm, decisive and resolute action. Reach down into the very core of your being and summon all the reserves of your courage and wisdom. See honestly what the issue will require for you to resolve it and present those who might be a part to the problem with an implacable and unyielding dedication. View this necessary sojourn with clear eyes and a resolute heart, for to overcome these tests of life makes us stronger."
This particular "Eight of Arrows" for me at least in one way revolves around my desire to take better control of and manage my debt load in a much better and more dedicated way than I am doing now. It's about me being more focused on my finances and making them work for me rather than me working for them.
The second area that this "Eight of Arrows" is focusing attention on is how I can better transition my life and financial means and support toward a more risky career, a spiritual one, than the job I'm working at now. Ideas pop into my head and I'm doing my best to execute the ones I can but obviously I need to be doing a better job of it.
And this "Eight of Arrows" is also asking me "just how dedicated I am to living and working a spiritual life? A life that involves helping others, helping those in need, guiding people through the power of Spirit and Tarot and doing so without burning out or putting myself in the poorhouse. I do believe. I love living and leading a spiritual life and especially love the world and adventure of Tarot, the world beyond our normal senses and I'm absolutely okay with the struggle and financial struggle that such a life career may put me through.
Struggles are opportunities waiting for us to make them happen through seeing them as a form of education and learning. And let's face we always have room for more learning and besides what learn from these struggles makes us more capable of handling the workload and effort required to make something better of ourselves.
Thank You Spirit.
8 of Swords,
Eight of Arrows,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The '9 of Wands' and Discovering That What Fear Is of My Own Creation
Tuesday, April 19, 2016. A better night's sleep allowed me to awake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day even though I still head out to the job Monday to Friday, at least for now.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
I've thrown down all of my barriers, all of the barriers I've put up in a confused attempt to protect myself from a threatening entity that is only there because of my imagination and then discover is only myself. Nothing to defend myself against except my own fears that get in the way and create nothing but chaos and confusion in my life that only lead to poor decision making and a thousand and one missteps.
But the last couple of days only prove to me that I have more than enough stamina and perseverance to live my life, my way. And that Spirit, the energy of the cosmos is strong in my life and that I've finally aligned myself with universe and that my life, my energy is in tune and harmony with it too!
So what's the message here? Look into the mirror, look within yourself and see where your defensiveness is truly coming from. What barriers have you built that keep you away from getting close to others? We need to first look within ourselves before casting our eyes to others as to the blockages or hiccups we have in our lives.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
I've thrown down all of my barriers, all of the barriers I've put up in a confused attempt to protect myself from a threatening entity that is only there because of my imagination and then discover is only myself. Nothing to defend myself against except my own fears that get in the way and create nothing but chaos and confusion in my life that only lead to poor decision making and a thousand and one missteps.
But the last couple of days only prove to me that I have more than enough stamina and perseverance to live my life, my way. And that Spirit, the energy of the cosmos is strong in my life and that I've finally aligned myself with universe and that my life, my energy is in tune and harmony with it too!
So what's the message here? Look into the mirror, look within yourself and see where your defensiveness is truly coming from. What barriers have you built that keep you away from getting close to others? We need to first look within ourselves before casting our eyes to others as to the blockages or hiccups we have in our lives.
Thank You Spirit.
9 of Wands,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Monday, April 18, 2016
The '8 of Wands' and the Universe Aligning Things in Our Favour
Monday, April 18, 2016. A sleepless night on Sundays is starting to become a regular occurrence and one that I'm not liking one little bit. I'll see what happens next week as I will be on vacation. Will my sleep improve? Hhhmmm...good question!
My mind was racing a lot as many thoughts, ideas, and decisions came to mind some of which I followed through on to a degree today and will follow up on in more detail tomorrow. Some things are difficult to do when one works during the week and trying to fit everything in on a lunch break is pretty near impossible.
Last night was a night of crossword puzzles and relaxing. I watched an old movie for a good part of the evening, Earthquake, the 1974 release. I also flipped through a bunch of papers and read tidbits of my writing where one paragraph stood out in particular...something I wrote back in 2008. I wrote this bit about two years after I left the evangelical church I was attending for three years or so.
This is what I wrote:
"January 17, 2008 – I have always felt that the Bible is/was a stripped down version of a much greater and larger story. Although going to church felt good at times I couldn't overcome this sense of emptiness in what I was hearing/what I was being taught. Church told me how to think instead of teaching me how to think for myself. The Bible and especially, the teachings of Jesus I feel are watered down statements of a much greater voice, a much greater teacher."
The cosmos, the universe, nature are energy/spirit of which we are a part. It's unfortunate that so many seemingly do not see it this way or understand the intrinsic and very dependent relationship we have with this world and universe at large. We're not separate and we definitely are not better than or greater than the cosmos or energy/spirit that makes it up.
And that's all I have to say for now...
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “8 of Wands: Movement. Everything is falling into place. People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals. Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion. A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality.”
I know without a doubt that the “8 of Wands" is here today to inspire me to believe that I can BE more than, that I am more than I believe I can be, that I already am. Here to let me know that I need not worry. That all will be alright...that I am after all, Wizard Oron, I always have been. And that wizards are wizards and have the power and ability to do a lot, often times more than they expect they can do so don't fret Wizard Oron.
Things are going to be okay!
Thank You Spirit.
My mind was racing a lot as many thoughts, ideas, and decisions came to mind some of which I followed through on to a degree today and will follow up on in more detail tomorrow. Some things are difficult to do when one works during the week and trying to fit everything in on a lunch break is pretty near impossible.
Last night was a night of crossword puzzles and relaxing. I watched an old movie for a good part of the evening, Earthquake, the 1974 release. I also flipped through a bunch of papers and read tidbits of my writing where one paragraph stood out in particular...something I wrote back in 2008. I wrote this bit about two years after I left the evangelical church I was attending for three years or so.
This is what I wrote:
"January 17, 2008 – I have always felt that the Bible is/was a stripped down version of a much greater and larger story. Although going to church felt good at times I couldn't overcome this sense of emptiness in what I was hearing/what I was being taught. Church told me how to think instead of teaching me how to think for myself. The Bible and especially, the teachings of Jesus I feel are watered down statements of a much greater voice, a much greater teacher."
The cosmos, the universe, nature are energy/spirit of which we are a part. It's unfortunate that so many seemingly do not see it this way or understand the intrinsic and very dependent relationship we have with this world and universe at large. We're not separate and we definitely are not better than or greater than the cosmos or energy/spirit that makes it up.
And that's all I have to say for now...
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “8 of Wands: Movement. Everything is falling into place. People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals. Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion. A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality.”
I know without a doubt that the “8 of Wands" is here today to inspire me to believe that I can BE more than, that I am more than I believe I can be, that I already am. Here to let me know that I need not worry. That all will be alright...that I am after all, Wizard Oron, I always have been. And that wizards are wizards and have the power and ability to do a lot, often times more than they expect they can do so don't fret Wizard Oron.
Things are going to be okay!
Thank You Spirit.
8 of Wands,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Being Bold and Asking For Your Help!
Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 11:25am. An emerging picture is forming in my mind and it's a path forward but only path forward with your help, financial if I may be so bold as to put this out there. My current job is sapping me of my energy, my spirit and my life force and in not wanting to jump from one to another and maybe from the frying pan into the fire so-to-speak I simply wish to move from my current life sucking job and go to work fulltime as Wizard Oron.
And as you all know finances are important and in order to work for myself and offer my spiritual services to others I'd like to earn $100 per day, with a goal of working every single day of the month and the year, spiritual services never rest. And I need to be on the road. My spirit soars, my life force lights up each and every time I'm out driving and what better way to serve folks like you than being out on the road where I can meet and interact with you in person!
Heck, if you need me to help you in other ways, I'm more than willing to help...mending a fence, working in your garden pulling up weeds or giving it a good watering I'm there for you. What chores can I assist you with? What a wonderful way for me nurture my spirit and soothe my soul...working hard to make your life just a little bit easier...
...since I live in the Metro Vancouver region let me start working for you here...a simple card of the day, a quick glance at what's at hand, or a bit of spiritual coaching and guidance I'm ready, willing and able to serve...and I thank YOU all in advance...
Thank You Spirit.
And as you all know finances are important and in order to work for myself and offer my spiritual services to others I'd like to earn $100 per day, with a goal of working every single day of the month and the year, spiritual services never rest. And I need to be on the road. My spirit soars, my life force lights up each and every time I'm out driving and what better way to serve folks like you than being out on the road where I can meet and interact with you in person!
Heck, if you need me to help you in other ways, I'm more than willing to help...mending a fence, working in your garden pulling up weeds or giving it a good watering I'm there for you. What chores can I assist you with? What a wonderful way for me nurture my spirit and soothe my soul...working hard to make your life just a little bit easier...
...since I live in the Metro Vancouver region let me start working for you here...a simple card of the day, a quick glance at what's at hand, or a bit of spiritual coaching and guidance I'm ready, willing and able to serve...and I thank YOU all in advance...
Thank You Spirit.
Metro Vancouver,
Mystical Research,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Spiritual Guidance,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
The 'Ace of Cups', the Gift of Love, Partnership and Friendship from Spiritually Working for and with Others
Sunday, April 17, 2016. Relaxed a good part of the day yesterday after bringing Serenity into the shop for an oil change and maintenance check. Four hours later I got a call from the service department letting me know that the oil change was completed but that they had some recommended service that should be. It's not an absolute necessity that it be completed now so I opted to wait. The upper and lower ball joints need to be replaced and an alignment completed however with parts, labour and taxes the bill is upwards of $1800.00. I'll discuss this with my favoured repair shop to see if they can handle the repair at all since they couldn't bring the van into their shop to do the required maintenance check as she's a bit too large.
If they can't do it I'll check with another place I know of through my job. I'm anticipating the bill will be less than what the Ford dealership quoted me but then again who knows. For now, we'll wait. We'll take her out next week , the 25th as planned and then I'll go from there.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
I love my morning routine on the weekends, a routine that I need to carry over to the rest of the week. As I envision myself living not only a spiritual life but also a spiritual career I am witness to how fulfilling and gratifying my days are as the entire day is filled with Spirit and spiritual matters. Whether it be a Tarot Reading for someone, spiritual coaching and guidance for another or chakra work for yet another, or mystical research I live a complete and full day that is more beneficial and satisfying for both those whom I serve as well as myself.
This is the "gift of love", "friendship, or partnership" that I see this wonderful "Ace of Cups" offering us today.
Thank You Spirit.
If they can't do it I'll check with another place I know of through my job. I'm anticipating the bill will be less than what the Ford dealership quoted me but then again who knows. For now, we'll wait. We'll take her out next week , the 25th as planned and then I'll go from there.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
I love my morning routine on the weekends, a routine that I need to carry over to the rest of the week. As I envision myself living not only a spiritual life but also a spiritual career I am witness to how fulfilling and gratifying my days are as the entire day is filled with Spirit and spiritual matters. Whether it be a Tarot Reading for someone, spiritual coaching and guidance for another or chakra work for yet another, or mystical research I live a complete and full day that is more beneficial and satisfying for both those whom I serve as well as myself.
This is the "gift of love", "friendship, or partnership" that I see this wonderful "Ace of Cups" offering us today.
Thank You Spirit.
Ace of Cups,
Gay Tarot,
Mystical Research,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, April 16, 2016
'V The Priest' and XX Beyond Jugdement' Bring Freedom and Success
Saturday, April 16, 2016. What a busy and hectic work day that started as soon as I walked in the door and didn't end until I walked out. And on Monday it will start all over again but I'm not going to think about that. As last night we unwound with a visit from a friend, good conversation, and pretty darned good food at Boston Pizza.
Spirit's Time Is Now!
Yesterday's visiting Gay Tarot Energy is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions. Wisdom. Advice. A ceremony or ritual.”
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation. Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others. Altruism. Pride. Self-acceptance.”
Freedom and success can only come from self-acceptance and freeing one's self from the expectations of others. I'm truly a non-conformist and find more often than not that I really do not fit into the same mold as everyone else. I often feel at odds with the rest of society as I do not buy into the expectations of and the "right way" to live in the world. I am an oddball, for sure!
Are we living to work? Or working to live?
I don't want to offend anyone here but why is chasing the almighty dollar the right way to live? What about quality of life? What about chasing after doing what's right for everyone and making sure the world is fair to everyone and that we all have food, shelter, clothing, freedom, safety and security and so forth?
That's enough of me standing on my soapbox...
I wholeheartedly accept myself for who I am and the way I think for I firmly believe that my thoughts, idea, actions and decisions are guided by Spirit and that the path I'm taking is truly the right and only one for me regardless of what others may think!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's Time Is Now!
Yesterday's visiting Gay Tarot Energy is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions. Wisdom. Advice. A ceremony or ritual.”
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation. Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others. Altruism. Pride. Self-acceptance.”
Freedom and success can only come from self-acceptance and freeing one's self from the expectations of others. I'm truly a non-conformist and find more often than not that I really do not fit into the same mold as everyone else. I often feel at odds with the rest of society as I do not buy into the expectations of and the "right way" to live in the world. I am an oddball, for sure!
Are we living to work? Or working to live?
I don't want to offend anyone here but why is chasing the almighty dollar the right way to live? What about quality of life? What about chasing after doing what's right for everyone and making sure the world is fair to everyone and that we all have food, shelter, clothing, freedom, safety and security and so forth?
That's enough of me standing on my soapbox...
I wholeheartedly accept myself for who I am and the way I think for I firmly believe that my thoughts, idea, actions and decisions are guided by Spirit and that the path I'm taking is truly the right and only one for me regardless of what others may think!
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Mystical Research,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
V The Priest,
Wizard Oron,
XX Beyond Judgement
Thursday, April 14, 2016
The '6 of Swords' is Here For You
Thursday, April 14, 2016. was a very nice sleep that I had. Glad to awake with a strong sense of Spirit in thought, mind, and body.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
The “6 of Swords" is speaking to some of you and Spirit is asking you to listen. Look carefully at where your emotions and emotions of your household having taken you over the last couple of days. See that you need to take a moment to find a small oasis of serenity to allow a peaceful spiritual salve to wash over you and soothe your raw emotions.
Solutions will come as a plan forms in your heart and mind thus allowing your spirit to take positive action and bring a spiritual light that will guide you to where you need to go.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
The “6 of Swords" is speaking to some of you and Spirit is asking you to listen. Look carefully at where your emotions and emotions of your household having taken you over the last couple of days. See that you need to take a moment to find a small oasis of serenity to allow a peaceful spiritual salve to wash over you and soothe your raw emotions.
Solutions will come as a plan forms in your heart and mind thus allowing your spirit to take positive action and bring a spiritual light that will guide you to where you need to go.
Thank You Spirit.
6 of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
The '6 of Swords' is Here For You,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
The '3 of Coins' and Getting Lost in Pleasurable Work
Wednesday, April 13, 2016. I awoke well before the alarm this morning and did not sleep a wink for ninety minutes, I just tossed and turned waiting for the alarm to start its serenade at 6:00am sharp. Luckily, I did not get out of bed feeling tired nor did the busy work day allow me to feel tired.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it."
I don't often wash the dishes but after arriving home work yesterday I got right into washing the few breakfast dishes left in the sink so my partner didn't have to do them. I downright enjoyed doing those dishes. It was to my surprise an activity that filled me with pleasure and gratitude.
And although I more often than not dislike my job, well perhaps dislike is too strong of word but more often than not I do not feel at home with my job or that I'm doing the right thing by remaining at the job, the one aspect I do enjoy is my interaction with customers and/or potential customers.
Also, I'm doing a far, far, far better job of keeping a more peaceful and relaxing home environment with the energy that I bring into the home by my thoughts, decisions, and actions. I'm enjoying the loving and peaceful person that is more and more each day shining through...that would be me! And this is reflected in and also radiates from my partner.
And then of course, this writing, my blogs, my model railroad, my relationship and my spiritual life and activities are never tiring to do nor do I ever get bored with any of them.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it."
I don't often wash the dishes but after arriving home work yesterday I got right into washing the few breakfast dishes left in the sink so my partner didn't have to do them. I downright enjoyed doing those dishes. It was to my surprise an activity that filled me with pleasure and gratitude.
And although I more often than not dislike my job, well perhaps dislike is too strong of word but more often than not I do not feel at home with my job or that I'm doing the right thing by remaining at the job, the one aspect I do enjoy is my interaction with customers and/or potential customers.
Also, I'm doing a far, far, far better job of keeping a more peaceful and relaxing home environment with the energy that I bring into the home by my thoughts, decisions, and actions. I'm enjoying the loving and peaceful person that is more and more each day shining through...that would be me! And this is reflected in and also radiates from my partner.
And then of course, this writing, my blogs, my model railroad, my relationship and my spiritual life and activities are never tiring to do nor do I ever get bored with any of them.
Thank You Spirit.
3 of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Mystical Research,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Spiritual Camping Trips Planned
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:50pm. My first short circle travel with Serenity our camper van came to light this afternoon as I was enjoying my lunch break, one of my favourite parts of the work day, by the way. I've decided that since I or we need to use the van more often than not I'll take weekend trips to campgrounds within a two or three hour drive of Vancouver.
My first stop will be the Othello Tunnels Campground and RV Park as it just happens to be conveniently located next to the Othello Tunnels, a part of the TransCanada Trail network. Besides that, the cozy little town of Hope is down the road. My next outing will take me to the Emory Creek Campground near Yale. I've always wanted to stay in this campground as far back as I can remember.
Can't wait to see how my plans fall into place over the next several months...
Thank You Spirit.
My first stop will be the Othello Tunnels Campground and RV Park as it just happens to be conveniently located next to the Othello Tunnels, a part of the TransCanada Trail network. Besides that, the cozy little town of Hope is down the road. My next outing will take me to the Emory Creek Campground near Yale. I've always wanted to stay in this campground as far back as I can remember.
Can't wait to see how my plans fall into place over the next several months...
Thank You Spirit.
Camper Van,
Emory Creek Campground,
Othello Tunnels,
Othello Tunnels Campground and RV Park,
Spiritual Camping,
'XXI The World' and Believing in Yourself and Own Ability to Change Your Life
Tuesday, April 12, 2016. A quiet evening led to a restful and good night's sleep albeit awaking before the alarm before falling asleep again just a few minutes before it serenaded us out of our slumber.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you. Transcending your circumstances by changing them or accepting what can’t be changed.”
Life is not always easy and is sometimes downright difficult as we struggle to find our place in society and ways to fit in, in an ever changing and increasingly fast-paced world that gets faster with each passing year.
Often I find it challenging to be who I am and fit into a world that wants more from me than I can give. Lesson learned is that I should have worked on me being me a lot sooner however it is never too late as long as we try, try and try again. Most things and circumstances in my life can be changed heck, even my debt can be dealt with if I really wanted to explore such options.
But plans continue to percolate and I may only take small steps toward the life I believe I need but I am moving and that's what's important.
And for the most my life is a joyful one and I've erased regret from my life as it's a waste of energy thinking in those terms and only takes us backwards when what we need to be doing is living in the present and moving forward.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you. Transcending your circumstances by changing them or accepting what can’t be changed.”
Life is not always easy and is sometimes downright difficult as we struggle to find our place in society and ways to fit in, in an ever changing and increasingly fast-paced world that gets faster with each passing year.
Often I find it challenging to be who I am and fit into a world that wants more from me than I can give. Lesson learned is that I should have worked on me being me a lot sooner however it is never too late as long as we try, try and try again. Most things and circumstances in my life can be changed heck, even my debt can be dealt with if I really wanted to explore such options.
But plans continue to percolate and I may only take small steps toward the life I believe I need but I am moving and that's what's important.
And for the most my life is a joyful one and I've erased regret from my life as it's a waste of energy thinking in those terms and only takes us backwards when what we need to be doing is living in the present and moving forward.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
XXI The World
Monday, April 11, 2016
The '6 of Swords' and Recognizing Bad Energy and Bringing it to an End
Monday, April 11, 2016. Sundays are an odd day for me as I really like to do nothing more than relaxing the entire day. I like my Sundays to be quite literally, boring!
But at the same time I do enjoy the odd outing or two such as we did yesterday. First driving out to Serenity and giving her a jump followed by a quick drive around a big block. Then we headed over to take a peak in Simons in West Vancouver. A small purchase there was followed by a great lunch at the in store cafe "éve". We then returned home and relaxed before having to meet up with a friend a for drinks. He had a meal while we each had tea and dessert.
Spirit's time has come...and today's Gay Tarot Spirit is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
I was a bit short with my partner throughout the day yesterday. I recognized it and did my best stem the flow of bad energy I was producing as a result. Thankfully, it subsided by the evening and I had positive thoughts and emotions throughout the remainder of the evening and this also extended into my dreams. Very nice.
I was filled with the idea to create some great positive energy when I got home this evening as I have the place to myself for almost two hours so that's what I did. I first lit a candle and incense before finding Parachute Club's - Rise up on YouTube and cranked the music up and filled the place with much spirit and energy that did indeed rise up with me.
A solutions rises with us, a solution to move forward with my continuing studies of Tarot and relying more on Spirit's guidance, knowledge, and wisdom as I contemplate each card, each card of the day, and each reading I do whether for me or someone else. I have the knowledge, the wisdom, the nature of Tarot within me.
Thank You Spirit.
But at the same time I do enjoy the odd outing or two such as we did yesterday. First driving out to Serenity and giving her a jump followed by a quick drive around a big block. Then we headed over to take a peak in Simons in West Vancouver. A small purchase there was followed by a great lunch at the in store cafe "éve". We then returned home and relaxed before having to meet up with a friend a for drinks. He had a meal while we each had tea and dessert.
Spirit's time has come...and today's Gay Tarot Spirit is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
I was a bit short with my partner throughout the day yesterday. I recognized it and did my best stem the flow of bad energy I was producing as a result. Thankfully, it subsided by the evening and I had positive thoughts and emotions throughout the remainder of the evening and this also extended into my dreams. Very nice.
I was filled with the idea to create some great positive energy when I got home this evening as I have the place to myself for almost two hours so that's what I did. I first lit a candle and incense before finding Parachute Club's - Rise up on YouTube and cranked the music up and filled the place with much spirit and energy that did indeed rise up with me.
A solutions rises with us, a solution to move forward with my continuing studies of Tarot and relying more on Spirit's guidance, knowledge, and wisdom as I contemplate each card, each card of the day, and each reading I do whether for me or someone else. I have the knowledge, the wisdom, the nature of Tarot within me.
Thank You Spirit.
6 of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Parachute Club Rise Up,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, April 10, 2016
'XI Strength' and Redirecting Passions and Powerful Energies
Sunday, April 10, 2016. We decided to do an urban hike yesterday so we headed to Vancouver. We exited the train at the Main Street/Science World Station and walked along the north side of False Creek. It was as always a beautiful walk. We took our walk onto the streets and grabbed a coffee at one of our favourite coffee and pastry places, Baguette and Co on Davie Street near Thurlow. And to no surprise both our Americanos and muffins were superb! We picked a couple of items before returning home.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
Directing passion and giving healthy outlets to powerful energies that come from within are absolutely key in each of us finding our individual paths to success or to have continued success in our lives. Unbridled passions and unchecked energies can run amok in our lives so be on guard so that neither your passions nor the powerful energy that swells from within gets away from you.
This really just hit home for me as I sit here writing this. Although, I thought was directing my passions and energy in a good way I was somewhat missing the point and the mark of how and where I should be directing them. I guess in a way today is a day of review for me and allows me to realign and redirect my energies so they have both a better and stronger impact on the direction where I am taking my life.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
Directing passion and giving healthy outlets to powerful energies that come from within are absolutely key in each of us finding our individual paths to success or to have continued success in our lives. Unbridled passions and unchecked energies can run amok in our lives so be on guard so that neither your passions nor the powerful energy that swells from within gets away from you.
This really just hit home for me as I sit here writing this. Although, I thought was directing my passions and energy in a good way I was somewhat missing the point and the mark of how and where I should be directing them. I guess in a way today is a day of review for me and allows me to realign and redirect my energies so they have both a better and stronger impact on the direction where I am taking my life.
Thank You Spirit.
Baguette and Co,
False Creek,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Enery,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
XI Strength
Saturday, April 9, 2016
'VI The Lovers' and Letting a Decision Sing to Your Soul
Saturday, April 9, 2016. A few nights ago as I was falling asleep a Gay Tarot Reading came into my mind and these were the cards that found their way into the reading:
WHAT'S AT HAND - "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
PAST INFLUENCES - “7 of Swords: The Messenger. Carrying your plans through obstacles. Speed is important. Someone brings news or a message. Carelessness.”
PONDER THIS - “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
WHAT TO DO - “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
An interesting grouping of cards and a great message. Thank You Spirit.
Slept rather well last night, did awake a few times but slept in and got out of bed to be welcomed by a bright and beautiful morning.
With candle lit, and Dragon's Blood Incense smoking Spirit, Pagan Tarot and meditated together and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers - A decision, a commitment, is placed before us, much like a fork in the road or two opposite paths which beckon to us. We must ask ourselves which of the choices open to us is the one that speaks to our soul. We must make our choices for the right reasons."
Which choice sings to our soul? For me my soul soars, leaps, runs, jumps, and sings when I envision living life on the road. In fact, each time I find myself driving long distances my soul is soothed and filled with much light, love and peace. I am a true spiritual nomad and find life much more enjoyable when I'm on the move. My roots are with Spirit and wherever I go.
I believe that when we are guided by Spirit our decisions will always be the right ones. We may find bumps in the road and have one or more detours to take along the way but the decision is the best one we can make at this time.
Thank You Spirit.
WHAT'S AT HAND - "XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
PAST INFLUENCES - “7 of Swords: The Messenger. Carrying your plans through obstacles. Speed is important. Someone brings news or a message. Carelessness.”
PONDER THIS - “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
WHAT TO DO - “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
An interesting grouping of cards and a great message. Thank You Spirit.
Slept rather well last night, did awake a few times but slept in and got out of bed to be welcomed by a bright and beautiful morning.
With candle lit, and Dragon's Blood Incense smoking Spirit, Pagan Tarot and meditated together and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers - A decision, a commitment, is placed before us, much like a fork in the road or two opposite paths which beckon to us. We must ask ourselves which of the choices open to us is the one that speaks to our soul. We must make our choices for the right reasons."
Which choice sings to our soul? For me my soul soars, leaps, runs, jumps, and sings when I envision living life on the road. In fact, each time I find myself driving long distances my soul is soothed and filled with much light, love and peace. I am a true spiritual nomad and find life much more enjoyable when I'm on the move. My roots are with Spirit and wherever I go.
I believe that when we are guided by Spirit our decisions will always be the right ones. We may find bumps in the road and have one or more detours to take along the way but the decision is the best one we can make at this time.
Thank You Spirit.
2 of Cups,
6 of Swords,
7 of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Pagan Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reading,
VI The Lovers,
Wizard Oron,
XI Strength
Friday, April 8, 2016
The '5 of Coins' and Not Feeling Sorry For Ourselves
Friday, April 8, 2016. Another good night of sleep albeit with awaking early, maybe thirty minutes before the alarm. Signs that I am alive and well as Wizard Oron and my burgeoning spiritual career. Very cool!
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “5 of Coins: Hard Times. Material difficulties. Lack of money. People in adversity helping each other."
Hhhmmm...although some of us may be facing "Hard Times", "Material difficulties" and a "Lack of money" do not let this get you too far down in the dumps. Such difficulties can be only temporary that is, if we are paying attention to the road map that can take us beyond such lack. Patience is required as difficult as this may be and if patience was not enough we also need to remain optimistic, lighthearted and maintain a willingness to keep an open mind so that we can receive guidance as to how we can create a path so that we can move beyond the tough situation we find ourselves in. With faith comes belief and experience. Your lesson has been learned, you've been honest with yourself, you have been humbled and you are ready to move on. Let Spirit take you there!
Thank You Spirit.
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “5 of Coins: Hard Times. Material difficulties. Lack of money. People in adversity helping each other."
Hhhmmm...although some of us may be facing "Hard Times", "Material difficulties" and a "Lack of money" do not let this get you too far down in the dumps. Such difficulties can be only temporary that is, if we are paying attention to the road map that can take us beyond such lack. Patience is required as difficult as this may be and if patience was not enough we also need to remain optimistic, lighthearted and maintain a willingness to keep an open mind so that we can receive guidance as to how we can create a path so that we can move beyond the tough situation we find ourselves in. With faith comes belief and experience. Your lesson has been learned, you've been honest with yourself, you have been humbled and you are ready to move on. Let Spirit take you there!
Thank You Spirit.
5 of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, April 7, 2016
The '2 of Cups' and Bringing Balance, Dialogue and Equilibrium Back to Life
Thursday, April 7, 2016. I think I almost slept through the entire night without awaking once however I did get up to use the facilities and not long after returning to bed and simply dozing the alarm was serenading us once again.
The work week has, thankfully, been relatively calm and peaceful for me. The amount of stress I was feeling last week was reaching the tipping point and I'm sure I was on the verge of walking out the door and leaving the job behind me.
Spirit works wonders and through my faith and trust in Spirit, Spirit has once again come through for me, providing me with yet again with proof that my faith is not going unheeded and most certainly not wasted. Thank You Spirit! You are wonder to behold!
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
It's all about balance, dialogue and creating equilibrium in one's life. This was at one time a natural state of being for me. It's time for me to bring it back and make these a part of me once again. I see examples of these important aspects and qualities in life all around me so why have I not kept them in my life?
Also important is that on April 2nd, the “2 of Cups" was in the "Past Influences" position and I missed a piece of the puzzle on Saturday as I doing that reading for myself. And the “2 of Cups" saw this and so appeared again today. Thank you, “2 of Cups".
During a brief work related outing I noticed out of the corner of my eye on the drive back the office a "Crystal Ball Reader" sign hanging in the window of one of the houses I drove by on Brighton Avenue in Burnaby. I've never noticed it before and I drive on this road quite often. Seeing this filled me with an air of confidence and reminded me that we can all succeed if only we set our minds to it and keep all of our senses open for the signs that lead us to success.
Give and take, understanding, openness, compromise, humility, forgiveness, love, support, caring, freedom, and a willingness to let go...
Thank You Spirit.
The work week has, thankfully, been relatively calm and peaceful for me. The amount of stress I was feeling last week was reaching the tipping point and I'm sure I was on the verge of walking out the door and leaving the job behind me.
Spirit works wonders and through my faith and trust in Spirit, Spirit has once again come through for me, providing me with yet again with proof that my faith is not going unheeded and most certainly not wasted. Thank You Spirit! You are wonder to behold!
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
It's all about balance, dialogue and creating equilibrium in one's life. This was at one time a natural state of being for me. It's time for me to bring it back and make these a part of me once again. I see examples of these important aspects and qualities in life all around me so why have I not kept them in my life?
Also important is that on April 2nd, the “2 of Cups" was in the "Past Influences" position and I missed a piece of the puzzle on Saturday as I doing that reading for myself. And the “2 of Cups" saw this and so appeared again today. Thank you, “2 of Cups".
During a brief work related outing I noticed out of the corner of my eye on the drive back the office a "Crystal Ball Reader" sign hanging in the window of one of the houses I drove by on Brighton Avenue in Burnaby. I've never noticed it before and I drive on this road quite often. Seeing this filled me with an air of confidence and reminded me that we can all succeed if only we set our minds to it and keep all of our senses open for the signs that lead us to success.
Give and take, understanding, openness, compromise, humility, forgiveness, love, support, caring, freedom, and a willingness to let go...
Thank You Spirit.
2 of Cups,
Crystal Ball,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
'I' The Magician' and Testing Our Limits
Wednesday, April 6, 2016. I'm being just me and as a result I've decided to write a resignation letter, resigning from the my current job. Although, I'm writing the letter I'm not planning to hand it in...yet! I'm simply writing it as I really need to move on from this job and I want to have this written to further put the energy out there that I'm moving on.
One thing I've realized from this job is that I've learned a few thing, lessons learned that give me an appreciation for all the other jobs and opportunities that I've had as well as recognizing, finally, the great freedoms and luxuries I've had in both my working life and life in general. Much appreciated, truly appreciated, and forever grateful but again it's time for me to move on.
Today's Whimsical (Tarot) Tarot Energy is "I The Magician. Do you feel the adrenaline running through your veins? Now is the time to stretch yourself and test your limits. Be adventurous, daring, and competitive—within limits. Success and recognition will follow. It’s an excellent time to begin new projects. When reversed: Pay attention to rules and think twice before acting. Don’t close yourself off from the help and guidance of others. Beware of arrogance. Make friends, not enemies."
I do feel adrenaline running through my veins and I most certainly will stretch myself and test my limits. It's time to be adventurous and daring and even competitive. I'm ready to take risks's been awhile well, that is if I don't count buying Serenity, our new camper van. The bank was kind enough to provide the loan. But I'm talking about different risks such as quitting a job and finding another one such as I did in the past. However, this time after quitting the job I'll simply get back to work or better put, continue to work as Wizard Oron, fulltime and doing what I can to improve the world through helping others improve their own lives.
What do you feel?
Thank You Spirit.
One thing I've realized from this job is that I've learned a few thing, lessons learned that give me an appreciation for all the other jobs and opportunities that I've had as well as recognizing, finally, the great freedoms and luxuries I've had in both my working life and life in general. Much appreciated, truly appreciated, and forever grateful but again it's time for me to move on.
Today's Whimsical (Tarot) Tarot Energy is "I The Magician. Do you feel the adrenaline running through your veins? Now is the time to stretch yourself and test your limits. Be adventurous, daring, and competitive—within limits. Success and recognition will follow. It’s an excellent time to begin new projects. When reversed: Pay attention to rules and think twice before acting. Don’t close yourself off from the help and guidance of others. Beware of arrogance. Make friends, not enemies."
I do feel adrenaline running through my veins and I most certainly will stretch myself and test my limits. It's time to be adventurous and daring and even competitive. I'm ready to take risks's been awhile well, that is if I don't count buying Serenity, our new camper van. The bank was kind enough to provide the loan. But I'm talking about different risks such as quitting a job and finding another one such as I did in the past. However, this time after quitting the job I'll simply get back to work or better put, continue to work as Wizard Oron, fulltime and doing what I can to improve the world through helping others improve their own lives.
What do you feel?
Thank You Spirit.
I The Magician,
Taot Intuitive,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Whimsical Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
The '9 of Coins' with Thankfulness and Much Humility
Tuesday, April 5, 2016. Awoke earlier than the alarm this morning but resisted looking at the time and instead communicated with Spirit which then invoked images of me performing Tarot readings for a variety of different people. And suddenly the alarm was serenading us and it was time to get up.
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labour. Well-deserved enjoyment.”
As I listened to the news and heard some sad statistics on a couple of accidents during lunch I was reminded of my accident, being t-boned and surviving unlike the two victims of similar accidents the past two days. I am very thankful and humbled that I survived such an accident and that it was not as bad as the two reported on today.
Another reward or what I am classifying as an award is the fact that as I worked out tonight, I said to myself that "I just want to be me! Let me be me, once and for all!" I was likely talking to myself more than anyone else. I have to be in order to really live my purpose and with each day I am being more me than I have been in long time, if ever. Another reward, if you will, is the declaration I made before entering the job and that was that I was not going to work there past April, April 2016!
Will it happen. YES! As the energy I'm sending out is of me being me, Wizard Oron and doing my own thing in order to financially support myself. Spirit and Tarot are who I am! Moving forward, I am Wizard Oron. I awake each morning with the sole purpose of improving the world with the energy I send out and the energy we raise as I interact with others, guided by Spirit and bringing to light through the voice and energy of Spirit and Tarot, the stories of those who work with me allowing Tarot to reveal all that they are to the world.
I'm also rewarded with the gift of life, of living and seeing a brand new day. Although, I have a few aches and pains once in awhile I'm healthy, have a nice place to live, clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, plenty of food to eat, and clean clothes on my back. I'm in a healthy and loving relationship and I live in lace where I have many freedoms that many can only imagine!
Thank You Spirit.
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labour. Well-deserved enjoyment.”
As I listened to the news and heard some sad statistics on a couple of accidents during lunch I was reminded of my accident, being t-boned and surviving unlike the two victims of similar accidents the past two days. I am very thankful and humbled that I survived such an accident and that it was not as bad as the two reported on today.
Another reward or what I am classifying as an award is the fact that as I worked out tonight, I said to myself that "I just want to be me! Let me be me, once and for all!" I was likely talking to myself more than anyone else. I have to be in order to really live my purpose and with each day I am being more me than I have been in long time, if ever. Another reward, if you will, is the declaration I made before entering the job and that was that I was not going to work there past April, April 2016!
Will it happen. YES! As the energy I'm sending out is of me being me, Wizard Oron and doing my own thing in order to financially support myself. Spirit and Tarot are who I am! Moving forward, I am Wizard Oron. I awake each morning with the sole purpose of improving the world with the energy I send out and the energy we raise as I interact with others, guided by Spirit and bringing to light through the voice and energy of Spirit and Tarot, the stories of those who work with me allowing Tarot to reveal all that they are to the world.
I'm also rewarded with the gift of life, of living and seeing a brand new day. Although, I have a few aches and pains once in awhile I'm healthy, have a nice place to live, clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, plenty of food to eat, and clean clothes on my back. I'm in a healthy and loving relationship and I live in lace where I have many freedoms that many can only imagine!
Thank You Spirit.
9 of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Monday, April 4, 2016
The '8 of Swords' and Removing Our Self-imposed Chains That We Find Ourselves Locked In
Monday, April 4, 2016. Awoke 35 minutes before the alarm and could not fall back to sleep even though I was still feeling quite sleepy. That's alright I often awake early on the weekends to but I look forward to the early morning then. I'm always excited to grab a cup of coffee and get myself set-up then have a conversation with Spirit and Tarot. It feels so good to spend real quality time doing this as I'm filled with great energy and enthusiasm for the day, for the entire weekend really.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
I'm tearing down the walls of my own biases and prejudices mostly my opinionated attitude, ways and outlook on life. Time to free myself of the chains I've locked myself up in. Interesting how we can become a bit jaded, not recognize it, and live with it for so long. Nothing too serious but such opinions likely block many an opportunity. So I'm open, free and receptive to the world around me, welcoming all the love, warmth, joy, happiness and opportunities that have been waiting for me to get over myself, my opinions, and stubborn ways!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
I'm tearing down the walls of my own biases and prejudices mostly my opinionated attitude, ways and outlook on life. Time to free myself of the chains I've locked myself up in. Interesting how we can become a bit jaded, not recognize it, and live with it for so long. Nothing too serious but such opinions likely block many an opportunity. So I'm open, free and receptive to the world around me, welcoming all the love, warmth, joy, happiness and opportunities that have been waiting for me to get over myself, my opinions, and stubborn ways!
Thank You Spirit.
8 of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Spiritual Coach,
Spiritual Coaching,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading
Sunday, April 3, 2016
The 'Man of Cups' and Helping Others Through the Guidance of Spirit
Sunday, April 3, 2016. Our dinner gathering, another celebration of the gift of living five decades for me was a great success. The conversation was lively and the food and drink well received and thoroughly enjoyed. Thank You Spirit! I am forever grateful and truly humbled...
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Man of Cups: An emotional adventurer. Tendency to want to emotionally rescue others. Drawn to emotional crises."
If we have found ourselves to be drawn to emotional crises we must guard against rescuing others by pulling their emotions away from them and placing them upon/within ourselves. If wish to aid others in their time of need we must instead equip them the ability to work through this or these emotional storms themselves. Yes, we can be a shoulder to lean on but we cannot carry their load for them. This is something that they must do themselves and can be best done through the presence and guidance of Spirit in their lives. This is how we can best help people in crises--help them find Spirit when they may not feel or think Spirit is anywhere around them.
This is also a good reminder for us, that is to allow Spirit to guide us and provide us with the knowledge and wisdom necessary for us to help others but to do so where we are not the ones taking on the responsibilities of another unless absolutely needed such as when a person is incapacitated in some way and cannot take responsibility or make a decision themselves.
So continue helping others but do so with the presence and guidance of Spirit and allowing the other person to feel and work through their emotions. Be there as a guide and support and not so much a rescuer. Emotions must stay the property, if you will, of the person where they originated.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Man of Cups: An emotional adventurer. Tendency to want to emotionally rescue others. Drawn to emotional crises."
If we have found ourselves to be drawn to emotional crises we must guard against rescuing others by pulling their emotions away from them and placing them upon/within ourselves. If wish to aid others in their time of need we must instead equip them the ability to work through this or these emotional storms themselves. Yes, we can be a shoulder to lean on but we cannot carry their load for them. This is something that they must do themselves and can be best done through the presence and guidance of Spirit in their lives. This is how we can best help people in crises--help them find Spirit when they may not feel or think Spirit is anywhere around them.
This is also a good reminder for us, that is to allow Spirit to guide us and provide us with the knowledge and wisdom necessary for us to help others but to do so where we are not the ones taking on the responsibilities of another unless absolutely needed such as when a person is incapacitated in some way and cannot take responsibility or make a decision themselves.
So continue helping others but do so with the presence and guidance of Spirit and allowing the other person to feel and work through their emotions. Be there as a guide and support and not so much a rescuer. Emotions must stay the property, if you will, of the person where they originated.
Thank You Spirit.
Gay Tarot,
Knight of Cups,
Man of Cups,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, April 2, 2016
A Reading From the Fortune Telling Mat: I The Magician, 2 of Cups, 9 of Wands and 6 of Swords
Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 2:01pm and I'd like to write here that I did a reading for myself a little more than 30 minutes ago using my Fortune Telling Mat that came with "Tarot: The Complete Kit" and my Gay Tarot Deck. This is what the reading came up with:
WHAT'S AT HAND - "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
PAST INFLUENCES - “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
PONDER THIS - “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
WHAT TO DO - “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
To live life fully, have an honest conversation with yourself; stop being so defensive about everything; have some patience and let your wounds heal and once and for all leave your emotional scars behind you.
I want to control the direction of my life so therefore I must honestly look at myself and pull away layer after layer until all that's left is the raw material that is me. I must shed the layers skin and mask so that I reveal my real identity to myself thus revealing why I tend to be and am always seemingly on the defensive. In this process I'm likely to open up old unhealed wounds that once put out to the open can finally be dealt with honestly, truthfully so everlasting love and healing can wrap around me, allowing me to heal fully and entirely inside and out. Light, love and peace all around. Then an honest a true solution will be revealed and found giving me the life I not only ultimately want but also deeply need.
Thank You Spirit.
WHAT'S AT HAND - "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it. Creativity. Ability. Making something happen.”
PAST INFLUENCES - “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
PONDER THIS - “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
WHAT TO DO - “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
To live life fully, have an honest conversation with yourself; stop being so defensive about everything; have some patience and let your wounds heal and once and for all leave your emotional scars behind you.
I want to control the direction of my life so therefore I must honestly look at myself and pull away layer after layer until all that's left is the raw material that is me. I must shed the layers skin and mask so that I reveal my real identity to myself thus revealing why I tend to be and am always seemingly on the defensive. In this process I'm likely to open up old unhealed wounds that once put out to the open can finally be dealt with honestly, truthfully so everlasting love and healing can wrap around me, allowing me to heal fully and entirely inside and out. Light, love and peace all around. Then an honest a true solution will be revealed and found giving me the life I not only ultimately want but also deeply need.
Thank You Spirit.
2 of Cups,
6 of Swords,
9 of Wands,
Fortune Telling,
Gay Tarot Tarot The Complete Kit,
I The Magician,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Today is All About 'IV The Emperor' and Yesterday About the 'Elemental of Swords - Sylph'
Saturday, April 2, 2016. Didn't post anything to my blog yesterday as we did a grocery run as we are hosting some friends and my brother for dinner tonight. I think they are coming around 5:00pm, an earlier than usual time for our dinners but we'll work with it. When we got home, we were more in the mood to just clean up a bit, shower, relax for a moment then go to bed.
Not that I can remember my dreams last night but I think they revolved around camping and Tarot. Likely because I was glancing through some camping related books and longed to visit the wonderful scenery of British Columbia. I think that this was my thought before going to bed. As much as I have dreamed of visiting some wonderful places in the United States, BC has some stunning places I need to visit first.
And on that note I just remembered flipping through a few papers that I printed out a couple of years ago that could lead to me traveling throughout the province if I get a good plan in order. Let me see if I can organize my thoughts and ideas around this rough plan so I can set this ball and this energy in motion. Perhaps, it's still early enough to start this, this year!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot (Whimsical) Tarot Energy is "IV The Emperor: Play by the rules and don’t take shortcuts. Use common sense when managing your resources. Now is the time to be organized and make plans. Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success. When reversed: Despite your obvious talents, success comes slowly at this time. Respect the past and learn from it. Frustrations, obstacles, delays, or setbacks will test your perseverance. Don’t react too hastily; make sure all your decisions are unemotional. Balance work with play."
And just look at what "IV The Emperor" is telling us, "Now is the time to be organized and make plans" as this combined with "Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success". What a fitting card for today as my thoughts, dreams, and recollections bring about renewed inspiration and rough yet firm ideas on where I'd like to take my life. And to ensure that we have our feet firmly on the ground, we should "make sure all" our "decisions are unemotional". This is what Deepak Chopra refers to in his book "Seven Spiritual Laws for Success" as "detachment", focused intention without an emotional attachment.
After all, I am Wizard Oron, the traveling wizard and spiritual nomad so I best get on with it and start traveling and reclaiming my nomadic ways!
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, April 1, 2016. Aaaahhhh......Friday, the long week is finally over and I had a good night's sleep but didn't want to get out of bed though. It was just so comfortable lying there but the work day had to be tackled and out of bed we got.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Elemental of Swords - Sylph: In the Pagan Tarot the elementals are recognized as the purest source of energy. The Elemental for Air is the Sylph. Sylphs can live hundreds of years, often reaching one thousand and never seeming to get old, looking ageless at all times. Sylphs often assume human form but only for short periods of time. They vary in size from being as large as a human to being much smaller. They are volatile and changeable. The winds are their particular vehicle. They work through the gases and ethers of the Earth and are kindly toward humans. They are usually seen with wings, looking like cherubs or faeries. Because of their connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration. The Sylphs are drawn to those who use their minds or those involved in the creative arts. The Sylph represents someone with great potential for intellectual prowess and tremendous logic. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to a current problem, issue, or belief system."
Interestingly, one of my dreams pertained to my job and the bosses wanting to discuss my wages or remuneration with me and I was a bit aloof I guess about the whole idea but in a very friendly and comical way. Maybe aloof isn't quite the right word but it's what came to mind when wanting to describe my reaction.
I'm trying to remember the other dream that stood out but I'm afraid it has faded into the ether of forgotten dreams. I must train myself to record my dreams as soon as I awake. It feels like it was an inspirational dream to as I do remember feeling quite confident and full of courage as if I was ready to take on something pertaining to maybe't be sure but I'm getting glimpses of a desert like environment...and maybe of my sister. A strong feeling of freedom and no ties to a job or anything that will keep me away from driving and traveling whenever and wherever I want fills my mind as I try to recall this dream....
Have you received some much needed inspiration or is there a message that has been revealed to you in an unusual or some unsuspecting way? Seldom do these things come in a direct fashion. They tend to hidden or obscured in dreams or in something you read, hear or see during the day. Open your mind, your spirit and you're like to see them. Use your other senses perhaps, close your eyes for a yourself to new ways of experiencing the world and of receiving messages from the "Sylph".
Thank You Spirit.
Not that I can remember my dreams last night but I think they revolved around camping and Tarot. Likely because I was glancing through some camping related books and longed to visit the wonderful scenery of British Columbia. I think that this was my thought before going to bed. As much as I have dreamed of visiting some wonderful places in the United States, BC has some stunning places I need to visit first.
And on that note I just remembered flipping through a few papers that I printed out a couple of years ago that could lead to me traveling throughout the province if I get a good plan in order. Let me see if I can organize my thoughts and ideas around this rough plan so I can set this ball and this energy in motion. Perhaps, it's still early enough to start this, this year!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot (Whimsical) Tarot Energy is "IV The Emperor: Play by the rules and don’t take shortcuts. Use common sense when managing your resources. Now is the time to be organized and make plans. Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success. When reversed: Despite your obvious talents, success comes slowly at this time. Respect the past and learn from it. Frustrations, obstacles, delays, or setbacks will test your perseverance. Don’t react too hastily; make sure all your decisions are unemotional. Balance work with play."
And just look at what "IV The Emperor" is telling us, "Now is the time to be organized and make plans" as this combined with "Careful use of logic and reason will deliver success". What a fitting card for today as my thoughts, dreams, and recollections bring about renewed inspiration and rough yet firm ideas on where I'd like to take my life. And to ensure that we have our feet firmly on the ground, we should "make sure all" our "decisions are unemotional". This is what Deepak Chopra refers to in his book "Seven Spiritual Laws for Success" as "detachment", focused intention without an emotional attachment.
After all, I am Wizard Oron, the traveling wizard and spiritual nomad so I best get on with it and start traveling and reclaiming my nomadic ways!
Thank You Spirit.
Friday, April 1, 2016. Aaaahhhh......Friday, the long week is finally over and I had a good night's sleep but didn't want to get out of bed though. It was just so comfortable lying there but the work day had to be tackled and out of bed we got.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Elemental of Swords - Sylph: In the Pagan Tarot the elementals are recognized as the purest source of energy. The Elemental for Air is the Sylph. Sylphs can live hundreds of years, often reaching one thousand and never seeming to get old, looking ageless at all times. Sylphs often assume human form but only for short periods of time. They vary in size from being as large as a human to being much smaller. They are volatile and changeable. The winds are their particular vehicle. They work through the gases and ethers of the Earth and are kindly toward humans. They are usually seen with wings, looking like cherubs or faeries. Because of their connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration. The Sylphs are drawn to those who use their minds or those involved in the creative arts. The Sylph represents someone with great potential for intellectual prowess and tremendous logic. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to a current problem, issue, or belief system."
Interestingly, one of my dreams pertained to my job and the bosses wanting to discuss my wages or remuneration with me and I was a bit aloof I guess about the whole idea but in a very friendly and comical way. Maybe aloof isn't quite the right word but it's what came to mind when wanting to describe my reaction.
I'm trying to remember the other dream that stood out but I'm afraid it has faded into the ether of forgotten dreams. I must train myself to record my dreams as soon as I awake. It feels like it was an inspirational dream to as I do remember feeling quite confident and full of courage as if I was ready to take on something pertaining to maybe't be sure but I'm getting glimpses of a desert like environment...and maybe of my sister. A strong feeling of freedom and no ties to a job or anything that will keep me away from driving and traveling whenever and wherever I want fills my mind as I try to recall this dream....
Have you received some much needed inspiration or is there a message that has been revealed to you in an unusual or some unsuspecting way? Seldom do these things come in a direct fashion. They tend to hidden or obscured in dreams or in something you read, hear or see during the day. Open your mind, your spirit and you're like to see them. Use your other senses perhaps, close your eyes for a yourself to new ways of experiencing the world and of receiving messages from the "Sylph".
Thank You Spirit.
Deepak Chopra,
Elemental of Swords,
IV The Emperor,
Pagan Tarot,
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Whimsical Tarot,
Wizard Oron
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