
Sunday, April 17, 2016

The 'Ace of Cups', the Gift of Love, Partnership and Friendship from Spiritually Working for and with Others

Sunday, April 17, 2016.  Relaxed a good part of the day yesterday after bringing Serenity into the shop for an oil change and maintenance check.  Four hours later I got a call from the service department letting me know that the oil change was completed but that they had some recommended service that should be.  It's not an absolute necessity that it be completed now so I opted to wait.  The upper and lower ball joints need to be replaced and an alignment completed however with parts, labour and taxes the bill is upwards of $1800.00.  I'll discuss this with my favoured repair shop to see if they can handle the repair at all since they couldn't bring the van into their shop to do the required maintenance check as she's a bit too large.

If they can't do it I'll check with another place I know of through my job.  I'm anticipating the bill will be less than what the Ford dealership quoted me but then again who knows.  For now, we'll wait.  We'll take her out next week , the 25th as planned and then I'll go from there.

Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love.  The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.
I love my morning routine on the weekends, a routine that I need to carry over to the rest of the week.  As I envision myself living not only a spiritual life but also a spiritual career I am witness to how fulfilling and gratifying my days are as the entire day is filled with Spirit and spiritual matters.  Whether it be a Tarot Reading for someone, spiritual coaching and guidance for another or chakra work for yet another, or mystical research I live a complete and full day that is more beneficial and satisfying for both those whom I serve as well as myself.

This is the "gift of love", "friendship, or partnership" that I see this wonderful "Ace of Cups" offering us today.

Thank You Spirit.


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