
Saturday, April 30, 2016

'VI The Lovers' and Opening the Door of Possibility and Opportunity

Saturday, April 30, 2016.  Here is the fourth month of the year coming to a close.  Today is May Eve, Walpurgis, Bealtaine, the fertility Sabbat.  How will you celebrate the gift of life, you've been given?

I doing better at getting into my "zone".  Yesterday was a day of finding my zone, my focus...that place of concentration that allows everything to seemingly fall into place on its own without much effort from me.  Thank You Spirit for helping me to find and get into my "zone".  I love it!

Spirit's time is now and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility. can spawn new creative forces in our lives if we allow love to emanate from us and flow out into the world.  Love opens the doors of possibilities and opportunities as it allows us to accept, recognize, and understand all sides of a relationship and the circumstances that make the relationship what it is as well as to allow it to succeed.  Love is another important facet to our natural state of being.  If its missing in your life call it back to you, welcome it back into your life and let it flourish and blossom into a wellspring of grace and beauty in your life.

Thank You Spirit.


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