Sunday, January 31, 2016. The first thirty-one days and the first month of the year are almost behind us. What a quick start to the year it's been. Although, the last couple of weeks were slower than usual at the job...a job I need to part from so I can really live my life. Often people run away from things but in this case I feel like I'm running to something or at least I want to run to something. And that is toward living life, living my life with purpose, my true purpose, the reason I'm here at this time and in this place. I'm Wizard Oron--Reverend, Spiritualist, Tarot Intuitive, Chakra Worker and Mystical Researcher. How may I be of service to you?
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery. Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds. Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution.”
If it's been a bit of or maybe even a wholly rough emotional weekend for you up to this point, today is all about overcoming those rough raw emotions with a peaceful salve that will return balance and harmony to your household so that you can discover a plan and draw up a solution for what brought about the discord in the first place.
Don't, don't rush. Allow the peacefulness and serenity of Spirit be your guide. Don't fret, don't panic and don't try so hard. Let the plan and solution come to you. And it will. Believe and have faith.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
The '6 of Swords' and Overcoming an Emotional Storm
6 of Swords,
Chakra Worker,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, January 30, 2016
The 'Youth of Coins' a good day to start living a healthier lifestyle
Saturday, January 30, 2016. Today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical. Beginning a regimen. Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”
I've been making a real effort to further improve my eating and exercise habits. Working late at the job affects this seemingly once or twice a week now, especially going to the gym. I've increased the size of my lunch by having two sandwiches however I made need to find an alternative so I'm not eating so much bread. I love bread but am likely filling myself up with too many carbohydrates. Perhaps, I can load up on more fruits and then add nuts to the mix. Nuts though can be pricey so I'll put more thought into it. I can go with eating more fruit for now and see how it goes.
Good eating habits and daily exercise go a long way in improving our daily lives and daily living. We tend to have more energy, less mood swings, and feel a whole lot better in all areas--mind, body, and spirit. The best way to introduce new eating habits is to take baby steps by changing and tweaking it slowly over time. The same goes for exercise, start out slow, easy, and steady and keep at it. You need to making eating healthier and exercise habits and habits come through repetition.
Also, don't deny yourself foods that you like all at once simply reduce how much of it you eat...portion control and moderation. Oh, and don't forget to drink water and make drinking water a habit too!
What great Tarot Energy we have today. Must be a good day to start living a healthier lifestyle.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I've been making a real effort to further improve my eating and exercise habits. Working late at the job affects this seemingly once or twice a week now, especially going to the gym. I've increased the size of my lunch by having two sandwiches however I made need to find an alternative so I'm not eating so much bread. I love bread but am likely filling myself up with too many carbohydrates. Perhaps, I can load up on more fruits and then add nuts to the mix. Nuts though can be pricey so I'll put more thought into it. I can go with eating more fruit for now and see how it goes.
Good eating habits and daily exercise go a long way in improving our daily lives and daily living. We tend to have more energy, less mood swings, and feel a whole lot better in all areas--mind, body, and spirit. The best way to introduce new eating habits is to take baby steps by changing and tweaking it slowly over time. The same goes for exercise, start out slow, easy, and steady and keep at it. You need to making eating healthier and exercise habits and habits come through repetition.
Also, don't deny yourself foods that you like all at once simply reduce how much of it you eat...portion control and moderation. Oh, and don't forget to drink water and make drinking water a habit too!
What great Tarot Energy we have today. Must be a good day to start living a healthier lifestyle.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Page of Coins,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
Youth of Coins
Friday, January 29, 2016 “Guide of Wands"
Friday, January 29, 2016. It's pushing close to bedtime now and I haven't written anything and more importantly haven't spent any time with Tarot and today's Tarot Energy, the “Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration. Being inspired to help others. Doing what’s right.”
The “Guide of Wands" is a confirmation of my desire to be of service to others that came to light yesterday. How can I, Wizard Oron be of service to you?
This has come about from my desire to be "Doing what’s right.” And I cannot do "what’s right” unless I'm helping others and helping others will help me do "what’s right”. And this can be the same for you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
The “Guide of Wands" is a confirmation of my desire to be of service to others that came to light yesterday. How can I, Wizard Oron be of service to you?
This has come about from my desire to be "Doing what’s right.” And I cannot do "what’s right” unless I'm helping others and helping others will help me do "what’s right”. And this can be the same for you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Guide of Wands,
Queen of Wands,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The '6 of Wands" Hi There Everybody, I Wizard Oron, How May I Be of Service To You?
Thursday, January 28, 2016. My semi-conscious thoughts, possibly dreams are being haunted by images and worries of and about my job. Ugh! I try to move away from them and focus instead on my spiritual career and desires but the images of the job come back to haunt me. So, if it happens again tonight, I'll simply let the thoughts of run their course.
However, I also aim to minimize them through a pre-bedtime ritual of meditation as well as mentally running through images from my various Tarot decks. And perhaps, stash my small bag of stones under my pillow again along with a small deck of Tarot Cards.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “6 of Wands: The Parade. Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves. The courage of one’s convictions. Admiration, acclaim, pride.”
The courage of our convictions should also motivate us to stand up beside those who stand up for themselves. We should stand arm in arm whether it be physically or spiritually with those who muster the strength to stand up and be noticed for who they are, what they believe in and what makes them tick.
I was once again waffling on diving into being a full time Spiritual Coach, Tarot Intuitive and Chakra Worker and then on the way to the job a lightbulb glared at me and a loud thunderous voice said to me, "You're Wizard Oron and you have a duty to fulfill and a desire to grant yourself so don't be afraid and dive in with both feet."
Well, okay then. Hi there everybody I'm Wizard Oron. How can I be of service to you?
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
However, I also aim to minimize them through a pre-bedtime ritual of meditation as well as mentally running through images from my various Tarot decks. And perhaps, stash my small bag of stones under my pillow again along with a small deck of Tarot Cards.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “6 of Wands: The Parade. Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves. The courage of one’s convictions. Admiration, acclaim, pride.”
The courage of our convictions should also motivate us to stand up beside those who stand up for themselves. We should stand arm in arm whether it be physically or spiritually with those who muster the strength to stand up and be noticed for who they are, what they believe in and what makes them tick.
I was once again waffling on diving into being a full time Spiritual Coach, Tarot Intuitive and Chakra Worker and then on the way to the job a lightbulb glared at me and a loud thunderous voice said to me, "You're Wizard Oron and you have a duty to fulfill and a desire to grant yourself so don't be afraid and dive in with both feet."
Well, okay then. Hi there everybody I'm Wizard Oron. How can I be of service to you?
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
6 of Wands,
Gay Tarot,
Six of Wands,
Spiritual Coach,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The 'Man of Coins' and Understanding and Becoming...
Wednesday, January 27, 2016. My heart, mind, body and spirit are open and accepting of Spirit's presence, guidance and love. I'm an open vessel and channel of Spirit and do my best to communicate with others on the spiritual plane. I move spiritually through life.
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working. Reliable. Dependable."
This is my brother to a "T". I mean if you need someone to turn to in an emergency of on short notice it's him. And come to think about it this is my Dad too! He always made an effort to help when asked even when the work had a degree of danger to it. Maybe I'm like this but I'll let this card be the reminder it is...that my brother is always there for me no matter what and I need to do more and make more effort to keep in touch and do things with him. And I need to do the same for my Dad!
And now as I reflect on the “Man of Coins" I'm reminded that I need to have these same qualities as I move forward with this career change of mine. I'm likely making slow progress because I need to be more responsible, hard-working, reliable, and dependable because I'm the one and only employee and one and only Wizard Oron and will make or break it by my lonesome. I'm holding all of the power in this venture o mine so I better get on with it and be the stand up guy that's needed to get "this show on the road" as the old saying goes.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Gay Tarot Energy is “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working. Reliable. Dependable."
This is my brother to a "T". I mean if you need someone to turn to in an emergency of on short notice it's him. And come to think about it this is my Dad too! He always made an effort to help when asked even when the work had a degree of danger to it. Maybe I'm like this but I'll let this card be the reminder it is...that my brother is always there for me no matter what and I need to do more and make more effort to keep in touch and do things with him. And I need to do the same for my Dad!
And now as I reflect on the “Man of Coins" I'm reminded that I need to have these same qualities as I move forward with this career change of mine. I'm likely making slow progress because I need to be more responsible, hard-working, reliable, and dependable because I'm the one and only employee and one and only Wizard Oron and will make or break it by my lonesome. I'm holding all of the power in this venture o mine so I better get on with it and be the stand up guy that's needed to get "this show on the road" as the old saying goes.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Knight of Pentacles,
Man of Coins,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot of he Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
The 'Six of Pentacles' and the 'Elemental of Pentacles'
Tuesday, January 26, 2016. My apologies for being tardy and not writing anything here yesterday. I chose not to write anything because I was mentally and physically exhausted upon my return home from work. I didn't sleep well Sunday night and I had a long and busy day on the job working beyond my scheduled hours. I was beat and could barely stand or stay awake and hardly had the energy or inclination to eat but I amazingly found the energy to not only eat but also shower and stay awake until just after 10:00pm.
Yesterday's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Five of Pentacles: In this challenging scene, our Witch joins others in an unemployment line. No one looks happy and people are in various states of poverty. Outside the window, a church is visible. He circle mates are also outside by the window. She holds a pentacle, unsure whether she should hide it or not. This card is about the challenge to be spiritual in the face of physical hunger and deprivation. If feel your spirituality would get in the way of getting the help you need, would you hide it? Is it anyone's business? Are you more apt to hide your beliefs when you're in need then when everything is going well? How does your spirituality help you during physically trying times?"
My spirituality not only guides me through physically trying times, it helps me survive physically trying times. My spirituality is the only reason I'm alive today.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Elemental of Pentacles - Gnome: In the Pagan Tarot the Elementals are recognized as the purest form of energy. The elemental for Earth is the Gnome. Gnomes are found throughout the world. They are dwarf faeries who appear to be quite old because they mature very young though they live about a thousand years. They have a tendency to look like small bark-like tree men, about a foot tall, with acorn hats and clothing in natural hues of red, brown and green. They are active all year round. They live deep in ancient forests under old oak trees and make their dwellings in their intricate root systems. Their main job is the protection and healing of wildlife, though they occasionally help humans along their spiritual quest. The Gnome represents someone with a natural, deep, strong connection to the earth and animals. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to finances, resources, health, or a project that's been completed."
Since Friday evening the number 250,000 has floated in and out of my mind and I'm not sure what it's importance is, if it has any but it's there in a flicker or a flash and then it's gone. And yesterday as I was in awe of my surroundings during my time in Chilliwack yesterday I felt like I was on top of the world. The open vast spaces that are filled with more greenery and other signs of nature and the mountains off in the distance rather than concrete man-made buildings and a whole lot of blacktop helped feel more connected to Earth than I've felt in a long time. I enjoyed my time out there even if I was out there on company time.
Then on the drive back along the highway who knows where nature once again grabbed my attention. The brown leaves on the ground and the barren trees made me want to stop and walk in this small patch of trees along the highway. I envisioned myself feeling the brown, dry leaves in my hands as I scooped them up as a token of gratitude and thanks for the life I'm living.
I welcome Spirit into my life. I welcome visitors to view and read my blogs and website. I welcome clients contacting me and I welcome comments on my writings and intuitions of Spirit and Tarot.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Yesterday's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Five of Pentacles: In this challenging scene, our Witch joins others in an unemployment line. No one looks happy and people are in various states of poverty. Outside the window, a church is visible. He circle mates are also outside by the window. She holds a pentacle, unsure whether she should hide it or not. This card is about the challenge to be spiritual in the face of physical hunger and deprivation. If feel your spirituality would get in the way of getting the help you need, would you hide it? Is it anyone's business? Are you more apt to hide your beliefs when you're in need then when everything is going well? How does your spirituality help you during physically trying times?"
My spirituality not only guides me through physically trying times, it helps me survive physically trying times. My spirituality is the only reason I'm alive today.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Elemental of Pentacles - Gnome: In the Pagan Tarot the Elementals are recognized as the purest form of energy. The elemental for Earth is the Gnome. Gnomes are found throughout the world. They are dwarf faeries who appear to be quite old because they mature very young though they live about a thousand years. They have a tendency to look like small bark-like tree men, about a foot tall, with acorn hats and clothing in natural hues of red, brown and green. They are active all year round. They live deep in ancient forests under old oak trees and make their dwellings in their intricate root systems. Their main job is the protection and healing of wildlife, though they occasionally help humans along their spiritual quest. The Gnome represents someone with a natural, deep, strong connection to the earth and animals. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to finances, resources, health, or a project that's been completed."
Since Friday evening the number 250,000 has floated in and out of my mind and I'm not sure what it's importance is, if it has any but it's there in a flicker or a flash and then it's gone. And yesterday as I was in awe of my surroundings during my time in Chilliwack yesterday I felt like I was on top of the world. The open vast spaces that are filled with more greenery and other signs of nature and the mountains off in the distance rather than concrete man-made buildings and a whole lot of blacktop helped feel more connected to Earth than I've felt in a long time. I enjoyed my time out there even if I was out there on company time.
Then on the drive back along the highway who knows where nature once again grabbed my attention. The brown leaves on the ground and the barren trees made me want to stop and walk in this small patch of trees along the highway. I envisioned myself feeling the brown, dry leaves in my hands as I scooped them up as a token of gratitude and thanks for the life I'm living.
I welcome Spirit into my life. I welcome visitors to view and read my blogs and website. I welcome clients contacting me and I welcome comments on my writings and intuitions of Spirit and Tarot.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Elemental of Pentacles,
Elemental of Pentacles Gnome,
Pagan Tarot,
Page of Coins,
Six of Pentacles,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, January 24, 2016
The '3 of Coins' and Creating Energy to Work From and Create A Great Home Environment
Sunday, January 24, 2016. We had a great day yesterday. I finally got to meet my true self and I made some good progress on my model railroad. More significantly, we had good visits with friends, here at home in the afternoon and then for dinner at Rocky Mountain Flatbread on Main Street.
I slept well through the night however, made the mistake of looking at the time (6:07am) and then couldn't get back to sleep so I reluctantly slipped out of bed to start my day. I did lie down on the sofa for a several minutes after lighting a candle and a "Precious Chandan Incense Cone" (enlivens your surroundings) but sleep was just not there again for me so I changed into my spiritual ware and tuned into Spirit, Nature, and Tarot.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it." and Sunday's Energy is "Healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection" and with the Moon being in Leo, it's energy "Draws emphasis to the self, central ideas, or institutions, away from connections with others and other emotional needs. People tend to be melodramatic."
The energy of the “3 of Coins" has been under the surface within me for several days now as I come to understand how I'd like to live life on the road and create a great home for my partner and myself. I'm doing my best to create the energy needed as well as steer my life toward working from home both here in the condo and in Serenity, our camper van so that I can take care of the home in terms of cooking, baking, cleaning and organizing as well as do my spiritual works which are enhanced by my creating a positive and welcoming home environment.
If you have some energy and positive vibes to spare please send some my way so that I can move away from and outside job so I can work out of home and do what needs to be done. I'm open to your guidance and other suggestions as well for this has been a long held dream of mine for many years, more years than I wish to count.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I slept well through the night however, made the mistake of looking at the time (6:07am) and then couldn't get back to sleep so I reluctantly slipped out of bed to start my day. I did lie down on the sofa for a several minutes after lighting a candle and a "Precious Chandan Incense Cone" (enlivens your surroundings) but sleep was just not there again for me so I changed into my spiritual ware and tuned into Spirit, Nature, and Tarot.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it." and Sunday's Energy is "Healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection" and with the Moon being in Leo, it's energy "Draws emphasis to the self, central ideas, or institutions, away from connections with others and other emotional needs. People tend to be melodramatic."
The energy of the “3 of Coins" has been under the surface within me for several days now as I come to understand how I'd like to live life on the road and create a great home for my partner and myself. I'm doing my best to create the energy needed as well as steer my life toward working from home both here in the condo and in Serenity, our camper van so that I can take care of the home in terms of cooking, baking, cleaning and organizing as well as do my spiritual works which are enhanced by my creating a positive and welcoming home environment.
If you have some energy and positive vibes to spare please send some my way so that I can move away from and outside job so I can work out of home and do what needs to be done. I'm open to your guidance and other suggestions as well for this has been a long held dream of mine for many years, more years than I wish to count.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
3 of Coins,
Gay Tarot,
Moon Sign,
Rocky Mountain Flaybread,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The '5 of Wands' and Being Emboldened Through Competition, Struggle, and Resistance
Saturday, January 23, 2016. The Power of a Full Moon enhanced by a burning candle and Dragon's Blood Incense is how I've started my morning. Although the Full Moon is not visible to me in the sky, its power and beauty fill my heart, mind, body, and spirit and I hold a powerful image of the Full Moon in my gaze as the flickering candle flame and rising incense carry my spirit forth to infinite cosmos.
This morning as I slipped on my Wizard Oron Jacket, Pants, T-Shirt and Hat I felt more wholesome and pure than any time previous that I worked with Tarot. Maybe only once have I felt this way before and that was back in 2002 when I was living on East 6th Avenue in Vancouver. I feel like ME! I finally feel like I'm encompassing my true self, my true nature, and for the first time being the ME who I'm supposed to be. I feel empowered and connected to something greater than myself, something that is all-encompassing and truly everlasting...the ultimate Energy and Spirit of the Universe itself!
The Dragon's Blood Incense is from Wise Owl Incense, a natural incense made right here in Canada. I picked it up in Montreal from Charme & Sortilege during our visit there in the Fall of 2013. This particular incense offers "Protection, cleansing, and banishing, drawing prosperity, love and passion, sex and Red Magick. Enhance any intention."
Today's Tarot Energy is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace."
Though, the “5 of Wands" speaks of "Competition in the marketplace" I feel quite confident that my Tarot perspective and readings are filling a niche market that is allowing me to be a successful spiritual intuitive and guide, helping others awaken and discover their own true spiritual nature thus enhancing their lives and allowing them to do the same for others. I am merely a vessel of Spirit here in the physical world filling a void and thus enriching and strengthening the light, energy and love of the cosmos.
Resistance and/or competition should not scare or frighten us or be cause for concern. It should rather encourage us to work harder and do better for our clients. Struggle, resistance, and competition should guide us to reach for our highest potentials and truly engage with Spirit, Nature, and those around us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
This morning as I slipped on my Wizard Oron Jacket, Pants, T-Shirt and Hat I felt more wholesome and pure than any time previous that I worked with Tarot. Maybe only once have I felt this way before and that was back in 2002 when I was living on East 6th Avenue in Vancouver. I feel like ME! I finally feel like I'm encompassing my true self, my true nature, and for the first time being the ME who I'm supposed to be. I feel empowered and connected to something greater than myself, something that is all-encompassing and truly everlasting...the ultimate Energy and Spirit of the Universe itself!
The Dragon's Blood Incense is from Wise Owl Incense, a natural incense made right here in Canada. I picked it up in Montreal from Charme & Sortilege during our visit there in the Fall of 2013. This particular incense offers "Protection, cleansing, and banishing, drawing prosperity, love and passion, sex and Red Magick. Enhance any intention."
Today's Tarot Energy is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace."
Though, the “5 of Wands" speaks of "Competition in the marketplace" I feel quite confident that my Tarot perspective and readings are filling a niche market that is allowing me to be a successful spiritual intuitive and guide, helping others awaken and discover their own true spiritual nature thus enhancing their lives and allowing them to do the same for others. I am merely a vessel of Spirit here in the physical world filling a void and thus enriching and strengthening the light, energy and love of the cosmos.
Resistance and/or competition should not scare or frighten us or be cause for concern. It should rather encourage us to work harder and do better for our clients. Struggle, resistance, and competition should guide us to reach for our highest potentials and truly engage with Spirit, Nature, and those around us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
5 of Wands,
Charme & Sortilege,
Dragon's Blood Incense,
Gay Tarot,
Red Magick,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wise Owl Incense,
Wizard Oron
Friday, January 22, 2016
'X The Wheel of Life' and Experiencing Life
Friday, January 22, 2016. A nice, peaceful night of sleep gave way to a very frustrating day on the job. It progressively got worse as the day wore on but we survived. Whew!
Today's Tarot Energy that came to light upon my awaking and getting out of bed this morning is “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self.”
Now I absolutely have no doubt that I had dreams that relate to “X The Wheel of Life" however I have no really recollection of what they were about or what my past or future self was saying to me in these dreams. "A change in fortunes." also stands out to me and as I let this phrase drift in my mind for awhile earlier this evening I didn't feel any sense of concern so this may be pointing to a more positive "change in fortunes", whatever "fortunes" this may refer to this day.
I'd like to consider myself being in the slow or slower lane of life but these early days of 2016 as were the final days of 2015 are more hectic and busier than I'd like them to be and signs are pointing to my days at the job becoming more frantic and even possibly unnerving. So, I'd like to shift down to a lower gear and change lanes for awhile, if I may.
I'd really like to sense, feel and experience the air I breathe into lungs. To have life stand still for a second or two so I can see the wings of a hummingbird. To be awed by the slowly falling raindrop before it splashes on the ground. To just experience the wholesomeness of life as its meant to be experienced.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Tarot Energy that came to light upon my awaking and getting out of bed this morning is “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self.”
Now I absolutely have no doubt that I had dreams that relate to “X The Wheel of Life" however I have no really recollection of what they were about or what my past or future self was saying to me in these dreams. "A change in fortunes." also stands out to me and as I let this phrase drift in my mind for awhile earlier this evening I didn't feel any sense of concern so this may be pointing to a more positive "change in fortunes", whatever "fortunes" this may refer to this day.
I'd like to consider myself being in the slow or slower lane of life but these early days of 2016 as were the final days of 2015 are more hectic and busier than I'd like them to be and signs are pointing to my days at the job becoming more frantic and even possibly unnerving. So, I'd like to shift down to a lower gear and change lanes for awhile, if I may.
I'd really like to sense, feel and experience the air I breathe into lungs. To have life stand still for a second or two so I can see the wings of a hummingbird. To be awed by the slowly falling raindrop before it splashes on the ground. To just experience the wholesomeness of life as its meant to be experienced.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
X The Wheel of Life
Thursday, January 21, 2016
'VI The Lover's' and Love, Flexibility, and Compromise
Thursday, January 21, 2016. Hhhmmm...I had really nice dreams last night but eight hours later I've forgotten what they were. Oh...wait a model railroad partnership with Eugene was floating around in my dreams somewhere and perhaps, our camper van, and Wizard Oron...oh yeah, that's me. If I remember correctly I was wearing my Wizard Oron Jacket and handling my Tarot at a time but I had quite a few of them in my hands.
And with that today's Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.”
Relationships can be a lot of fun but we must learn what it means to compromise and how to find balance so that the relationship remains vibrant, loving, and successful. As much as we need to let ourselves blend with the other so that we can bring understanding and flexibility into the relationship we must almost keep a degree of our independence as well as our individuality for this is what helped bring us to and into this relationship in the first place.
You must be aware of who you are and never lose that. Additionally, you must not be afraid to formulate and have your own opinions either. A strong, loving and powerful relationship will value and respect differences of opinion and encourage vibrant discussions on all matters of importance in the relationship.
Relationships are indeed all about love and flexibility however they are also about understanding and valuing our differences. When we approach our conversations with our love for each other being top of mind. We'll always find ways to compromise.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
And with that today's Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences. A powerful relationship. Seeing both sides of an issue. Flexibility.”
Relationships can be a lot of fun but we must learn what it means to compromise and how to find balance so that the relationship remains vibrant, loving, and successful. As much as we need to let ourselves blend with the other so that we can bring understanding and flexibility into the relationship we must almost keep a degree of our independence as well as our individuality for this is what helped bring us to and into this relationship in the first place.
You must be aware of who you are and never lose that. Additionally, you must not be afraid to formulate and have your own opinions either. A strong, loving and powerful relationship will value and respect differences of opinion and encourage vibrant discussions on all matters of importance in the relationship.
Relationships are indeed all about love and flexibility however they are also about understanding and valuing our differences. When we approach our conversations with our love for each other being top of mind. We'll always find ways to compromise.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
model railroad,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Trot Deck,
VI The Lover's,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
The '5 of Cups' and Turning Regret Into Action and Opportunity
Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Natural disaster-like images filled my dreams last night and unfortunately involved some of my family members in very troubling and frightening scenes. Mudslides, landslides, a sister and nephew that cannot be found, and a brother-in-law and niece frightened beyond belief. Where we were...seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the location not relevant and many people were involved in one capacity or another.
This style of dream is all I remember from the seven or so hours of sleep I had last night. I had a few other dreams I'm sure and I do vaguely recall something spiritual happening in one dream or another, perhaps to do with Tarot, can't be sure though.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath. Regret over past actions.”
Regret is always tough to overcome and keep from coming back and haunting us again and again so if regret is plaguing you once again, toss it out t the universe to take care of once and for all and hopefully, it's not a new regret either. To overcome regrets coming back into your life be accountable and take responsibility for your life and your actions. Then make decisions with confidence and live and learn by them whatever way they turn. Mistakes happen and the best way to minimize them and overcome them is by turning them into opportunities rather losing sleep over them and then being regretful because of them.
And this is further evidence by the image on the card. Take a look, three cups are broken on the floor however two unbroken cups are sitting on the countertop...opportunities waiting to be taken...taken by you. Always look around you. Change your focus for a moment and let new ideas and new hopes and brighter horizons come into focus, you'll be glad you did.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
This style of dream is all I remember from the seven or so hours of sleep I had last night. I had a few other dreams I'm sure and I do vaguely recall something spiritual happening in one dream or another, perhaps to do with Tarot, can't be sure though.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath. Regret over past actions.”
Regret is always tough to overcome and keep from coming back and haunting us again and again so if regret is plaguing you once again, toss it out t the universe to take care of once and for all and hopefully, it's not a new regret either. To overcome regrets coming back into your life be accountable and take responsibility for your life and your actions. Then make decisions with confidence and live and learn by them whatever way they turn. Mistakes happen and the best way to minimize them and overcome them is by turning them into opportunities rather losing sleep over them and then being regretful because of them.
And this is further evidence by the image on the card. Take a look, three cups are broken on the floor however two unbroken cups are sitting on the countertop...opportunities waiting to be taken...taken by you. Always look around you. Change your focus for a moment and let new ideas and new hopes and brighter horizons come into focus, you'll be glad you did.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
5 of Cups,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
'XV Self-Hatred' and Learning to and Challenging Yourself to Be Yourself
Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Thankfully, I had a much better night of sleep. I sleep quite soundly and awoke feeling quite refreshed.
Today's visiting Tarot Energy is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem."
Yes, I must admit I'm having up and down days. This past weekend was full of ups until Sunday evening rolled around and new work day was approaching. I was dreading awaking and having to go to work Monday morning.
However, as I awoke on Monday I decided to be very spiritual about the day ahead and the day turned out very well. I'm having issues with going to a job when I'd rather be doing spiritual works and helping others along their spiritual journeys. The job feels right at times and not so much at others especially the last week or so. The job is rubbing me the wrong way but the money is good and helps me to manage my debts.
I've got caught in a trap and have a mundane job that is at a cross-purposes with the journey I need to be taking in my life right now. Actually, it's I've been needing to take for a long, long, very long time.
If you've got ideas for your life, how you want to live your life, how you want to go about living give them some real thought even though they might go against the grain of society. After thinking about them for awhile ask yourself just how outlandish are my ideas and is there a way that I mesh my ideas together with the rest of the world around me. Is there a way for your blend in without blending in? Can you earn a living and still be the person you wish to be?
It might be a challenge but what a worthy challenge it is to find a way to be yourself and live freely and happily with the rest of society.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's visiting Tarot Energy is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem."
Yes, I must admit I'm having up and down days. This past weekend was full of ups until Sunday evening rolled around and new work day was approaching. I was dreading awaking and having to go to work Monday morning.
However, as I awoke on Monday I decided to be very spiritual about the day ahead and the day turned out very well. I'm having issues with going to a job when I'd rather be doing spiritual works and helping others along their spiritual journeys. The job feels right at times and not so much at others especially the last week or so. The job is rubbing me the wrong way but the money is good and helps me to manage my debts.
I've got caught in a trap and have a mundane job that is at a cross-purposes with the journey I need to be taking in my life right now. Actually, it's I've been needing to take for a long, long, very long time.
If you've got ideas for your life, how you want to live your life, how you want to go about living give them some real thought even though they might go against the grain of society. After thinking about them for awhile ask yourself just how outlandish are my ideas and is there a way that I mesh my ideas together with the rest of the world around me. Is there a way for your blend in without blending in? Can you earn a living and still be the person you wish to be?
It might be a challenge but what a worthy challenge it is to find a way to be yourself and live freely and happily with the rest of society.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Social Norms,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
XV Self-Hatred,
XV The Devil
Monday, January 18, 2016
The '8 of Swords' and Acknowledging and Recognizing Our Own BIases
Monday, January 18, 2016. I had a tormented night of sleep, tormented in the fact that I did not stay asleep for long periods of time where I think I was awake more often than not and after the alarm serenaded us out of our slumber I almost fell back to sleep.
However, Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
What's holding you back? Others? Or is it more likely only yourself that's binding your movement forward toward that better place you seek. Sometimes what we see in others is what we project onto them and has more to do with us than them. On occasion the "biases and prejudices" we see in others is simply a reflection of our own.
Look into a mirror and look into your own eyes. What do you see? If it's something you don't like, change it by acknowledging it, bringing it to the surface and facing it head on. Transcend it and move on.
Then take another look at yourself. You look different, don't you? And I bet you feel better too! And likely you've even made a friend or two along the way.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
However, Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
What's holding you back? Others? Or is it more likely only yourself that's binding your movement forward toward that better place you seek. Sometimes what we see in others is what we project onto them and has more to do with us than them. On occasion the "biases and prejudices" we see in others is simply a reflection of our own.
Look into a mirror and look into your own eyes. What do you see? If it's something you don't like, change it by acknowledging it, bringing it to the surface and facing it head on. Transcend it and move on.
Then take another look at yourself. You look different, don't you? And I bet you feel better too! And likely you've even made a friend or two along the way.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive Wizard Oron,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading
Sunday, January 17, 2016
The 'King of Arrows, Kingfisher' and Casting Aside That Which You Do Not Need
Sunday, January 17, 2016. Our weekly shopping is done and most of our home chores are taken so today is a relaxing day.
Today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "King of Arrows, Kingfisher: You may need to exercise judgement, power, force of will. The king is impartial and helps you see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto. Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down. Intelligence, Strength, Watchfulness, Counselling, The ability to judge true from false."
I wonder of the idea of living in the van once the weather warms up is an early message of this card as this idea came to me last night somewhere around dinner time I think, maybe even a little earlier. Regardless, it's an idea that I'd like to run with as I'm tired of doubting myself and fearing the unknown. I have no more time for self-pity and lack of action. I have to accept my feelings, my desires, and long held need to be more mobile than a stationary home allows me to be.
I'm a conduit of Spirit and the Energy of Tarot and I need to do my best to share with others the wonderful connection we have with Spirit and the wonderful, knowledge, wisdom, and experiences, Spirit has to offer and the eye-opening story that Tarot can weave together for you.
I have to accept and acknowledge the fact that my current job is robbing me of my energy as well as sucking life right out of me and if I continue on with it I will quite simply become walking bones and flesh void of life and's time for me to move on...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "King of Arrows, Kingfisher: You may need to exercise judgement, power, force of will. The king is impartial and helps you see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto. Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down. Intelligence, Strength, Watchfulness, Counselling, The ability to judge true from false."
I wonder of the idea of living in the van once the weather warms up is an early message of this card as this idea came to me last night somewhere around dinner time I think, maybe even a little earlier. Regardless, it's an idea that I'd like to run with as I'm tired of doubting myself and fearing the unknown. I have no more time for self-pity and lack of action. I have to accept my feelings, my desires, and long held need to be more mobile than a stationary home allows me to be.
I'm a conduit of Spirit and the Energy of Tarot and I need to do my best to share with others the wonderful connection we have with Spirit and the wonderful, knowledge, wisdom, and experiences, Spirit has to offer and the eye-opening story that Tarot can weave together for you.
I have to accept and acknowledge the fact that my current job is robbing me of my energy as well as sucking life right out of me and if I continue on with it I will quite simply become walking bones and flesh void of life and's time for me to move on...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
King of Arrows Kingfisher,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Interpreter,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, January 16, 2016
'Zero, The Fool, 8 of Swords, Elder of Swords', Three Simultaneous Tarot Cards of the Day
Saturday, January 16, 2016. A quiet evening at home soon gave way to crawling into bed for a good night's sleep.
This morning the idea came to me to work with three random Tarots so there are three visiting Tarot Cards of the Day.
The first is from Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "ZERO, The Fool. Take things as they are. Matters are proceeding as planned. Do your part to settle outstanding disagreements. Kill others with kindness and let them suffer the consequences of their actions. This is a good time to build your investments or remodel your home. When reversed: Schedules are full, time is at a premium. Take time to enjoy life’s pleasures. Postpone business decisions temporarily. Use discretion and patience."
The second is from the Gay Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
The third is from the Pagan Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "Elder of Swords: The suit of Swords and its corresponding element, Air, is masculine and intellectually oriented, so an older male with gray hair represents this Elder. He wears a long gray robe, ornate yellow ritual stole, and three necklaces. He holds a ritual dagger and black leather bound Book of Spells. Nearby, two cardinals feed their newly hatched babies. This Elder can be person whose confident intelligence forms the core of his personality. He uses his wisdom and analytical abilities to make decisions for himself and his coven. He counsels and teaches others. If he doesn't continually seek balance in his life, he could be prone to dogmatic beliefs and pedantic behaviour."
Now what?
This "ZERO, The Fool" intrigues me. It's energy is one of relaxing, no stress, simple trust that things are proceeding smoothly and there's nothing to worry about. Kindness prevails so disagreements have been settled and come to an end.
The "8 of Swords" is a bit of a surprise but understandable. Many times we focus too much attention on what's outside of and heaping blame on external attitudes, circumstances, or events for our predicaments one of which may be loneliness. However, should we be brave and courageous enough to look within ourselves we just might discover that what ails us are our own "biases and prejudices" and luckily these can be quickly rectified by our acknowledgement that we have them and then face them head on and deal with them.
The "Elder of Swords" is about maintaining balance in our lives and sharing our knowledge, wisdom, and intuition with others. Assisting them in discovering the knowledge, wisdom, and intuition that can come from within themselves if they only open their eyes and acknowledge that such things have always been within themselves but only hidden until now.
There we have the different Tarot Cards of the day, each worthy of its presence this day. I rather enjoyed this interaction and play with Tarot and feel deeply moved by Spirit as a result. Today is a day of Tarot and I look forward to further communion with the cards, energy, and spirit of the Tarot filling our home today.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
This morning the idea came to me to work with three random Tarots so there are three visiting Tarot Cards of the Day.
The first is from Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "ZERO, The Fool. Take things as they are. Matters are proceeding as planned. Do your part to settle outstanding disagreements. Kill others with kindness and let them suffer the consequences of their actions. This is a good time to build your investments or remodel your home. When reversed: Schedules are full, time is at a premium. Take time to enjoy life’s pleasures. Postpone business decisions temporarily. Use discretion and patience."
The second is from the Gay Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "8 of Swords: The Crowded Subway. Restriction. Being trapped by your own biases and prejudices. Feeling lonely in a crowd.”
The third is from the Pagan Tarot, this Tarot Energy of the Day is "Elder of Swords: The suit of Swords and its corresponding element, Air, is masculine and intellectually oriented, so an older male with gray hair represents this Elder. He wears a long gray robe, ornate yellow ritual stole, and three necklaces. He holds a ritual dagger and black leather bound Book of Spells. Nearby, two cardinals feed their newly hatched babies. This Elder can be person whose confident intelligence forms the core of his personality. He uses his wisdom and analytical abilities to make decisions for himself and his coven. He counsels and teaches others. If he doesn't continually seek balance in his life, he could be prone to dogmatic beliefs and pedantic behaviour."
Now what?
This "ZERO, The Fool" intrigues me. It's energy is one of relaxing, no stress, simple trust that things are proceeding smoothly and there's nothing to worry about. Kindness prevails so disagreements have been settled and come to an end.
The "8 of Swords" is a bit of a surprise but understandable. Many times we focus too much attention on what's outside of and heaping blame on external attitudes, circumstances, or events for our predicaments one of which may be loneliness. However, should we be brave and courageous enough to look within ourselves we just might discover that what ails us are our own "biases and prejudices" and luckily these can be quickly rectified by our acknowledgement that we have them and then face them head on and deal with them.
The "Elder of Swords" is about maintaining balance in our lives and sharing our knowledge, wisdom, and intuition with others. Assisting them in discovering the knowledge, wisdom, and intuition that can come from within themselves if they only open their eyes and acknowledge that such things have always been within themselves but only hidden until now.
There we have the different Tarot Cards of the day, each worthy of its presence this day. I rather enjoyed this interaction and play with Tarot and feel deeply moved by Spirit as a result. Today is a day of Tarot and I look forward to further communion with the cards, energy, and spirit of the Tarot filling our home today.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 of Swords,
Elder of Swords,
Gay Tarot,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
Zero The Fool
Friday, January 15, 2016
The 'Four of Wands' and Great or Small Reason to Celebrate
Friday, January 15, 2016. I've reached 1% fluency in Spanish according to my daily Duolingo undertakings. Perhaps, I'll soon be able to have some basic conversations with a few people I know. That'd be great!
Awoke early this morning, a good thirty minutes before the alarm however I did have a quick doze again so I awoke feeling quite well rested and ready to take on another day at the job.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Four of Wands: Seven people gather together for a ritual. Our Witch is dressed entirely in white and a handsome young man stands with her dressed in black. Around them four witches hold four wands in a ritual circle and are dressed to represent the elements: Yellow for Air, Red for Fire, Blue for Water, and Green for Earth. The group's priestess stands in the background, blessing the newly married couple as they begin their life together. This card can represent marriage or any other significant milestone or ritual. Whatever the event, it is one worthy of special celebration. Surround yourself with those who can mark the occasion with the honour and joy it deserves."
I'm celebrating the last day as the boss and that I was able to hold it together along with company for the week the bosses were away. Next time it happens is March...not too far away at all but I survived, the company survived, and the week was pretty calm and easygoing all things considered. I guess we all have things we can celebrate whether they are great or small and sometimes the seemingly most insignificant things are worthy of great celebration.
I'm also more clear and ready to accept and embark on a new path. I've put it out there in words, voice, and energy for all the cosmos to see, read, hear, and feel and I've asked for assistance and direction on how I can make it happen. I'm ready to celebrate a new career in spirituality however it may unfold. Tarot, Coaching, Videos on YouTube, Ventriloquism alongside Edith and Eugene Tokalot, Teaching or a new direction that Spirit wishes me to take.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Awoke early this morning, a good thirty minutes before the alarm however I did have a quick doze again so I awoke feeling quite well rested and ready to take on another day at the job.
Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Four of Wands: Seven people gather together for a ritual. Our Witch is dressed entirely in white and a handsome young man stands with her dressed in black. Around them four witches hold four wands in a ritual circle and are dressed to represent the elements: Yellow for Air, Red for Fire, Blue for Water, and Green for Earth. The group's priestess stands in the background, blessing the newly married couple as they begin their life together. This card can represent marriage or any other significant milestone or ritual. Whatever the event, it is one worthy of special celebration. Surround yourself with those who can mark the occasion with the honour and joy it deserves."
I'm celebrating the last day as the boss and that I was able to hold it together along with company for the week the bosses were away. Next time it happens is March...not too far away at all but I survived, the company survived, and the week was pretty calm and easygoing all things considered. I guess we all have things we can celebrate whether they are great or small and sometimes the seemingly most insignificant things are worthy of great celebration.
I'm also more clear and ready to accept and embark on a new path. I've put it out there in words, voice, and energy for all the cosmos to see, read, hear, and feel and I've asked for assistance and direction on how I can make it happen. I'm ready to celebrate a new career in spirituality however it may unfold. Tarot, Coaching, Videos on YouTube, Ventriloquism alongside Edith and Eugene Tokalot, Teaching or a new direction that Spirit wishes me to take.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Edith Tokalot,
Eugene Tokalot,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016. Slipping into bed last night with thoughts of doing a Tarot Reading for a client. As pulled the covers up around me and closed my eyes the "7 of Wands", “Man of Wands", “XIX The Sun", “XI Strength" and “Ace of Swords" came to mind. Love it!
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
Sometimes the struggles of life get us down and we start digging ourselves into a hole that gets deeper and deeper no matter how hard we try to make things better. We become angry and bitter and more often than not this always aimed at and taken out on the ones we love. We seldom do this intentionally however it's because of the intimacy we share with them that seemingly allows us to unload on them. Love conquers all, right? Not always. We can hurt the ones we love and one of the quickest ways to do so is build walls around ourselves in an effort to avoid getting hurt when the world around us is out to get least in our minds.
If you are having difficulties in life, communicate with those near and dear to you, ask them for help if need be, lean on them and don't go it alone and try and solve things on your own, it's not always the best or easiest way to go about things. It more often than not leads to more turmoil.
Reflect on past struggles with clarity of mind and utmost respect for such struggles only make us stronger and more capable to handle any rough patches that may come into the future.
Don't be ruled by anger and frustration, know that the one('s) you love care about you and are more than willing to help and support you in any way they can. So don't shut them out! Tear down those walls, open the door to your heart and let their love pour in.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me. Defensiveness. Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy."
Sometimes the struggles of life get us down and we start digging ourselves into a hole that gets deeper and deeper no matter how hard we try to make things better. We become angry and bitter and more often than not this always aimed at and taken out on the ones we love. We seldom do this intentionally however it's because of the intimacy we share with them that seemingly allows us to unload on them. Love conquers all, right? Not always. We can hurt the ones we love and one of the quickest ways to do so is build walls around ourselves in an effort to avoid getting hurt when the world around us is out to get least in our minds.
If you are having difficulties in life, communicate with those near and dear to you, ask them for help if need be, lean on them and don't go it alone and try and solve things on your own, it's not always the best or easiest way to go about things. It more often than not leads to more turmoil.
Reflect on past struggles with clarity of mind and utmost respect for such struggles only make us stronger and more capable to handle any rough patches that may come into the future.
Don't be ruled by anger and frustration, know that the one('s) you love care about you and are more than willing to help and support you in any way they can. So don't shut them out! Tear down those walls, open the door to your heart and let their love pour in.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
9 of Wands,
Gay Tarot,
Nine of Wands,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
The 'Knight of Bows - Fox' And Good Old Fashioned Determination
Wednesday, January 13, 2016. Here's a quote from Page 190 of "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, Little, Brown and Company, Boson, MA, May 1991:
Mr. Antolini said to Holden Caufield "Something else an academic education will do for'll begin to give you an idea what size of mind you have. What it'll fit in and, maybe, what it won't. After a while, you'll have an idea what kind of thoughts your particular size mind should be wearing. For one thing, it may save you an extraordinary amount of time trying on ideas that don't suit you, aren't becoming to you. You'll begin to know your true measurements and dress your mind accordingly."
For me I think that life, the mere act of living will also give you an idea of what size mind you have and what will and will not fit in...that's if you pay attention.
I slept through the entire night...likely a result of studying Spanish using Duolingo and finishing "The Catcher in the Rye" after starting the book almost two years ago. I never read the book in school so I thought after hearing about the book in many different social circles it was time to delve into it so I could see what it's all about for myself. A very good read even though it took me awhile to finish it.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is the "Knight of Bows - Fox. Determination leads you to success but sometimes at personal cost. Your life may change or enter a different path at any moment. Native wit and cleverness guide your steps towards fulfillment, as does your gift of anticipating the future."
My plans or path hasn't changed much. What about yours?
I'm still as determined as ever to make a go of reading Tarot cards for others and weaving together a story for them as their energy mixes and mingles with that of the Tarot and what a story to be told. Tarot is such a great medium to use in looking at the possibilities of our day and what could possibly be in store for us as we walk out our front door. And when you weave together 2, 3, 4, 5 or more cards that's when your story really comes together and the plot revealed.
Tarot is my career and Wizard Oron is who I am. I can't change that. The only thing to change is moving away from an outside job so I can focus more time and effort on you, what you mean to the world, what the world means to you, what your influence is on the world, how you can best utilize your skills to make the most of your influence and how Tarot can bring it altogether.
I chatted with a Google rep earlier this evening and we made a few changes to my ad campaigns in an effort for me to draw more people to my blog(s) while at the same time earning a bit of income too! Let's see how it works.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Mr. Antolini said to Holden Caufield "Something else an academic education will do for'll begin to give you an idea what size of mind you have. What it'll fit in and, maybe, what it won't. After a while, you'll have an idea what kind of thoughts your particular size mind should be wearing. For one thing, it may save you an extraordinary amount of time trying on ideas that don't suit you, aren't becoming to you. You'll begin to know your true measurements and dress your mind accordingly."
For me I think that life, the mere act of living will also give you an idea of what size mind you have and what will and will not fit in...that's if you pay attention.
I slept through the entire night...likely a result of studying Spanish using Duolingo and finishing "The Catcher in the Rye" after starting the book almost two years ago. I never read the book in school so I thought after hearing about the book in many different social circles it was time to delve into it so I could see what it's all about for myself. A very good read even though it took me awhile to finish it.
Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is the "Knight of Bows - Fox. Determination leads you to success but sometimes at personal cost. Your life may change or enter a different path at any moment. Native wit and cleverness guide your steps towards fulfillment, as does your gift of anticipating the future."
My plans or path hasn't changed much. What about yours?
I'm still as determined as ever to make a go of reading Tarot cards for others and weaving together a story for them as their energy mixes and mingles with that of the Tarot and what a story to be told. Tarot is such a great medium to use in looking at the possibilities of our day and what could possibly be in store for us as we walk out our front door. And when you weave together 2, 3, 4, 5 or more cards that's when your story really comes together and the plot revealed.
Tarot is my career and Wizard Oron is who I am. I can't change that. The only thing to change is moving away from an outside job so I can focus more time and effort on you, what you mean to the world, what the world means to you, what your influence is on the world, how you can best utilize your skills to make the most of your influence and how Tarot can bring it altogether.
I chatted with a Google rep earlier this evening and we made a few changes to my ad campaigns in an effort for me to draw more people to my blog(s) while at the same time earning a bit of income too! Let's see how it works.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
JD Salinger,
Knight of Bow Fox,
Knight of Wands,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
The Catcher in the Rye,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
The 'Ten of Vessels' and Deep and Everlasting Happiness
Tuesday, January 12, 2016. I'm worn out today and it's only Tuesday with three more days to go before the week's end, three more days of being the "boss". This time around I'm not liking it one little bit.
Today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Ten of Vessels, Happiness: With the deep and profound calm of true and lasting happiness flowing through your life, a sense of homecoming, safety and beauty shines from an individual that lights others' lives and is infectious to everyone. Healing rays of affection and warmth radiate from your inner core. For those in love, the joy is in the sharing of tender and intimate support and understanding. Giving love and seeing that love reflected in the eyes of the one you care for is the most powerful and healing magic known to mankind. For those who thrive on happiness derived from the fulfillment of ambitions and life-goals, happiness is fueled by a sense of affirmation of self-worth and ideals. Being effective and productive in the practical world brings a sense of stability which can be shared and used as a vehicle to motivate and inspire others. No greater act of humanity can be achieved than by showing the way and opening a person's heart to the possibility of happiness. However much we love, however much we achieve, we empower ourselves to be emotionally alive by accepting that the circuit of life requires giving, as well as receiving. As we revel in the bliss of the journey, we remember with gratitude the patience, wisdom, and synchronicity that brought that blessing into our lives."
When we hold other people up above ourselves, lifting them up so they can reach their truest and best potential we will be filled with true and everlasting happiness. When we respect and love ourselves and do our best to push ourselves to our highest and best potential then we love and respect others and hope that they can do the same and if they excel and pass us we applaud and encourage them to keep going. And then we use them as examples in pushing ourselves to do better and strive to reach and surpass our highest potential.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Ten of Vessels, Happiness: With the deep and profound calm of true and lasting happiness flowing through your life, a sense of homecoming, safety and beauty shines from an individual that lights others' lives and is infectious to everyone. Healing rays of affection and warmth radiate from your inner core. For those in love, the joy is in the sharing of tender and intimate support and understanding. Giving love and seeing that love reflected in the eyes of the one you care for is the most powerful and healing magic known to mankind. For those who thrive on happiness derived from the fulfillment of ambitions and life-goals, happiness is fueled by a sense of affirmation of self-worth and ideals. Being effective and productive in the practical world brings a sense of stability which can be shared and used as a vehicle to motivate and inspire others. No greater act of humanity can be achieved than by showing the way and opening a person's heart to the possibility of happiness. However much we love, however much we achieve, we empower ourselves to be emotionally alive by accepting that the circuit of life requires giving, as well as receiving. As we revel in the bliss of the journey, we remember with gratitude the patience, wisdom, and synchronicity that brought that blessing into our lives."
When we hold other people up above ourselves, lifting them up so they can reach their truest and best potential we will be filled with true and everlasting happiness. When we respect and love ourselves and do our best to push ourselves to our highest and best potential then we love and respect others and hope that they can do the same and if they excel and pass us we applaud and encourage them to keep going. And then we use them as examples in pushing ourselves to do better and strive to reach and surpass our highest potential.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
10 of Cups,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Ten of Cups,
Ten of Vessels Happiness,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Monday, January 11, 2016
'XV Self-Hatred' and Being Okay With Not Fitting In
Monday, January 11, 2016. A perplexing, mish-mash of hectic and recurring dreams made for a long, sweaty night and little sleep.
Today's Tarot Energy is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem."
During my lunch break today I was thinking about “XV Self-Hatred" as I was walking by IHOP and into the Lougheed Mall. With this thought came along a notice of people enjoying lunch at the restaurant and the desire to be stringing together a Tarot story for a client. And as I sat back in my office doing my job I envisioned myself working with clients as I travelled even if I'm enjoying an overseas vacation somewhere in Europe...
....societal norms are just not for me. I need to do something different, really different and perhaps my meeting tomorrow evening with a Google Client Services Representative will lead to me doing just that. I'm better than I give myself credit for and have a lot to offer so I need to get a move on and be more active in blogging pro-actively, effectively, diligently, and meaningfully and doing more to solicit clients who will appreciate the services I have to offer.
We must strive to accept ourselves for who we are and love ourselves regardless of the opinions of others. Yes, we may have challenges and issues that make us stand out from others but we have a right to be our true selves even if this bucks societal norms and maybe rubs people the wrong way. It's not always bad to be and live our lives a bit differently than others.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Tarot Energy is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem."
During my lunch break today I was thinking about “XV Self-Hatred" as I was walking by IHOP and into the Lougheed Mall. With this thought came along a notice of people enjoying lunch at the restaurant and the desire to be stringing together a Tarot story for a client. And as I sat back in my office doing my job I envisioned myself working with clients as I travelled even if I'm enjoying an overseas vacation somewhere in Europe...
....societal norms are just not for me. I need to do something different, really different and perhaps my meeting tomorrow evening with a Google Client Services Representative will lead to me doing just that. I'm better than I give myself credit for and have a lot to offer so I need to get a move on and be more active in blogging pro-actively, effectively, diligently, and meaningfully and doing more to solicit clients who will appreciate the services I have to offer.
We must strive to accept ourselves for who we are and love ourselves regardless of the opinions of others. Yes, we may have challenges and issues that make us stand out from others but we have a right to be our true selves even if this bucks societal norms and maybe rubs people the wrong way. It's not always bad to be and live our lives a bit differently than others.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Lougheed Town Centre,
Societal Norms,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitive,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron,
XV Self-Hatred
Sunday, January 10, 2016
The 'Five of Chalices' and Respecting Sorrow and Mourning
Sunday, January 10, 2016. We're finally having a nice quiet weekend at home, just the two of us and how sweet it is. Relaxing and no time pressures of cleaning house for visitors or having to stop everything we're doing to go out and meet up with someone. Not that we dislike either of these but the holiday season was way too busy for us. Let's spread these gatherings over the course of the year--why does it always have to wait till year's end?
I piddled around with my model railroad yesterday and still might do a few things with it today however, I have an inkling that I need to spend more time with Spirit so this is for now my focus of the day.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Five of Chalices: Three spilled cups lay on the ground in front of our blue and white clad Witch. Her handsome young man stands behind her, offering her a fresh cup. Although, he is positive, supportive, and smiling, she is preoccupied with what has been lost. While a time of sorrow or mourning is normal, don't let it stop you from continuing with your life. Lift yourself up and start over. Trust that your life and your magic will find new balance and you will find peace for yourself."
We must strive to understand and respect the sorrow and the mourning that enters our lives so that we know when the time for sorrow and mourning must to come to an end. Otherwise, we may find ourselves being swallowed up by a state of misery, fear, and loathing--none of which are a benefit to our natural state of being...LOVE.
Although, "a time of sorrow or mourning is normal" we must also remember that recovery from such things is also normal and that it is also normal to celebrate that which is lost whether it be a person, place or thing. Find the strength and courage to shift your focus away from the sadness of loss and instead focus on the goodness of what you lost and how they or it may have changed your life and made you a better person for having them or it in your life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I piddled around with my model railroad yesterday and still might do a few things with it today however, I have an inkling that I need to spend more time with Spirit so this is for now my focus of the day.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Five of Chalices: Three spilled cups lay on the ground in front of our blue and white clad Witch. Her handsome young man stands behind her, offering her a fresh cup. Although, he is positive, supportive, and smiling, she is preoccupied with what has been lost. While a time of sorrow or mourning is normal, don't let it stop you from continuing with your life. Lift yourself up and start over. Trust that your life and your magic will find new balance and you will find peace for yourself."
We must strive to understand and respect the sorrow and the mourning that enters our lives so that we know when the time for sorrow and mourning must to come to an end. Otherwise, we may find ourselves being swallowed up by a state of misery, fear, and loathing--none of which are a benefit to our natural state of being...LOVE.
Although, "a time of sorrow or mourning is normal" we must also remember that recovery from such things is also normal and that it is also normal to celebrate that which is lost whether it be a person, place or thing. Find the strength and courage to shift your focus away from the sadness of loss and instead focus on the goodness of what you lost and how they or it may have changed your life and made you a better person for having them or it in your life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
5 of Cups,
Five of Chalices,
Five of Cups,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The 'Elemental of Chalices: Undine' and Creativity at its Peak!
Saturday, January 9, 2016. Headed towards downtown Vancouver after work yesterday so we could meet up with a friend for a pre-birthday dinner for her as she will be out of town next week. We enjoyed great pizza, beer and conversation at Pizzeria Farina on Main Street in the Strathcona Neighbourhood of Vancouver. We made it an early evening and were home by about 7:30pm and in bed about three hours later.
After a good night's sleep an early morning was easily welcomed and a candle was soon lit and incense smoking and the Tarot Energy of the Day revealed:
"Elemental of Chalices - Undine: In the Pagan Tarot the elementals are recognized as the purest source of energy. The elemental for Water is the Undine. Undines are thought by many to be the most beautiful of all Elementals. Visually, they appear to be a cross between a fairy and a mermaid. Undines have a gentle shimmer to them and a slight fishy scaled look to their skin. Etheric in nature, they exist within the water itself. Beautiful and graceful, they often ride the waves of the ocean and lounge in rocky pools or marshlands. The Undine represents someone experiencing a new relationship or emotion. Everything is new and anything is possible to this person. This person cannot see herself existing outside of her current emotional experience. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to romance, a creative or artistic project, or an emotionally charged situation."
..."a creative or artistic project" is what stands out for me this morning. As soon as my eyes focused on the "Elemental of Chalices" working with my spiritual garb as well as working on my model railroad came to mind. My desire or maybe even need these days is to wear my spiritual jacket when meditating, working, and communing with Spirit and Tarot. M Spiritual Jacket is a work in progress as is my model railroad and this card symbolizes the beautiful, rich and emotionally charge energy that comes from working on such passion and creative projects such as these.
What does the "Elemental of Chalices" represent to you?
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
After a good night's sleep an early morning was easily welcomed and a candle was soon lit and incense smoking and the Tarot Energy of the Day revealed:
"Elemental of Chalices - Undine: In the Pagan Tarot the elementals are recognized as the purest source of energy. The elemental for Water is the Undine. Undines are thought by many to be the most beautiful of all Elementals. Visually, they appear to be a cross between a fairy and a mermaid. Undines have a gentle shimmer to them and a slight fishy scaled look to their skin. Etheric in nature, they exist within the water itself. Beautiful and graceful, they often ride the waves of the ocean and lounge in rocky pools or marshlands. The Undine represents someone experiencing a new relationship or emotion. Everything is new and anything is possible to this person. This person cannot see herself existing outside of her current emotional experience. This Elemental can indicate a message, often pertaining to romance, a creative or artistic project, or an emotionally charged situation."
..."a creative or artistic project" is what stands out for me this morning. As soon as my eyes focused on the "Elemental of Chalices" working with my spiritual garb as well as working on my model railroad came to mind. My desire or maybe even need these days is to wear my spiritual jacket when meditating, working, and communing with Spirit and Tarot. M Spiritual Jacket is a work in progress as is my model railroad and this card symbolizes the beautiful, rich and emotionally charge energy that comes from working on such passion and creative projects such as these.
What does the "Elemental of Chalices" represent to you?
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Elemental of Chalices Undine,
Intuitive Tarot,
model railroad,
Pagan Tarot,
Page of Cups,
Pizzeria Farina,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Friday, January 8, 2016
The '2 of Cups' Step Into Your Partner's Shoes and Take a Look at Yourself
Friday, January 8, 2015. Yesterday's Tarot Energy is “VIII Justice: Even today, gays can be the victims of “justice”. An unfair judgment. Being too judgemental or righteous. Feeling restricted by others’ expectations.”
Be wary of which side of the judgement equation you are on. Are you being judged too harshly or are you the one judging too harshly. I believe that most of us are judging each and every day of our lives without even necessarily knowing that we are doing it. It's best not to judge and simply try to understand the situation and find ways to resolve, solve or transcend it.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
A reminder to be more involved in our relationships and that our relationships with our significant others are two way streets where give and take are essential. Relationships are all about compromise and respect and this can only come from authentic and unconditional love as well as a willingness to understand and a complete understanding of our partners and why we're in the relationship with them in the first place. Our relationships are not only about us as individuals but about us as couples, two people in a relationship. So step in your partner's shoes for a moment and see yourself through their eyes...I sure hope that you and I like what we see.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thursday, January 7, 2016. We are having dinner with a friend tonight but I'm trying to maintain my daily writing and Tarot intuitions. I really appreciate and love the influence and energy of Tarot and Spirit in life. I'm doing more to recognize and forever be thankful for this each and every day. For I am, for we are spirit, spirits having occasional physical experiences and what the physical world has to offer both good and bad. It's an experience worth living and an experience I cherish 24/7.
Be wary of which side of the judgement equation you are on. Are you being judged too harshly or are you the one judging too harshly. I believe that most of us are judging each and every day of our lives without even necessarily knowing that we are doing it. It's best not to judge and simply try to understand the situation and find ways to resolve, solve or transcend it.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue. A balanced relationship. Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
A reminder to be more involved in our relationships and that our relationships with our significant others are two way streets where give and take are essential. Relationships are all about compromise and respect and this can only come from authentic and unconditional love as well as a willingness to understand and a complete understanding of our partners and why we're in the relationship with them in the first place. Our relationships are not only about us as individuals but about us as couples, two people in a relationship. So step in your partner's shoes for a moment and see yourself through their eyes...I sure hope that you and I like what we see.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thursday, January 7, 2016. We are having dinner with a friend tonight but I'm trying to maintain my daily writing and Tarot intuitions. I really appreciate and love the influence and energy of Tarot and Spirit in life. I'm doing more to recognize and forever be thankful for this each and every day. For I am, for we are spirit, spirits having occasional physical experiences and what the physical world has to offer both good and bad. It's an experience worth living and an experience I cherish 24/7.
2 of Cups,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Intuitions,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Tarot Tarot Card,
VIII Justice,
Wizard Oron
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
The '4 of Cups' and Finding Doors To Open
Wednesday, January 6th, 2016. Going to sleep at a decent hour, getting a good night's rest however awaking before the alarm...both good and bad as I'd much rather awake with the alarm when going to an outside job and then am more than happy to awake early when I get to go straight to work with Spirit and Tarot.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “4 of Cups: The Audition. A new opportunity or choice presents itself. Everything hangs in the balance. Nervousness, excitement.”
"Everything hangs in the balance" because it's up to us as to whether or not we see or pay attention to this "new opportunity or choice" that "presents itself". We cannot let either boredom or fear stop us from taking advantage of the opportunities coming our way. Let's each find the door we need to open and step through so we are on our way to the future, our future that awaits us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “4 of Cups: The Audition. A new opportunity or choice presents itself. Everything hangs in the balance. Nervousness, excitement.”
"Everything hangs in the balance" because it's up to us as to whether or not we see or pay attention to this "new opportunity or choice" that "presents itself". We cannot let either boredom or fear stop us from taking advantage of the opportunities coming our way. Let's each find the door we need to open and step through so we are on our way to the future, our future that awaits us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
4 of Chalices,
4 of Cups,
4 of Vessels,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot of the Day,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
The '8 of Cups' and Grieving Yet Celebrating the Past
Tuesday, January 5th, 2016. Had a hard time staying and feeling warm yesterday so after work instead of going to the gym I stayed home and hot cup of "Cold 911" Tea from David's Tea. It warmed me up in an instant and I was feeling great for the remainder of the evening.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “8 of Cups: Farewell. Moving on. Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself."
Yes, it may be time to move on and make a fresh start however there is also a good chance that all you need to do is to leave a part of yourself behind you...stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop being so darned pessimistic all of the time. The time for that is over. Today is a good day to finally accept that you deserve as much good fortune, however you may define it, as anyone else does. So ask for it!
There is so much overflowing potential about you that all you now need to do is work it into your life and use it to move away from the shadows and chains of the past and step forward with wonder into the brightly lit future that beckons the "new" you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Today's Tarot Energy is the “8 of Cups: Farewell. Moving on. Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself."
Yes, it may be time to move on and make a fresh start however there is also a good chance that all you need to do is to leave a part of yourself behind you...stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop being so darned pessimistic all of the time. The time for that is over. Today is a good day to finally accept that you deserve as much good fortune, however you may define it, as anyone else does. So ask for it!
There is so much overflowing potential about you that all you now need to do is work it into your life and use it to move away from the shadows and chains of the past and step forward with wonder into the brightly lit future that beckons the "new" you.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 of Cups,
Cold 911,
David's Tea,
Gay Tarot,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Wizard Oron
Monday, January 4, 2016
'VII The Chariot' and Seizing Opportunity Through Change and Transition
Monday, January 4th, 2016. We had more guests over yesterday as I mentioned however as the afternoon rolled around I made a point of forcing myself to relax and watch some television shows I recorded on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. It felt so good. I'm going to do more of this by reading the many books and magazines I have on shelves and piled up here and there. I enjoy my day more and I sleep very well. Model railroading is more fun and I feel more in touch and in tune with Spirit and Tarot as well as with the crystals and gems I have kicking around and with the health of my chakras.
Been watching the news for the last forty or so minutes but also staring at today's Tarot. I also looked at the card during my lunch break. And as I felt this morning, I felt at lunch and still feeling it now and this is that today's Tarot Energy, "VII The Chariot" is a continuation of the theme from yesterdays cards..."Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely).”
Opportunity and enjoying life through change and transition...yesterday's "Four of Swords" and "Six of Arrows" leading to today's "VII (The) Chariot". This only makes sense because yesterday I clearly defined my near and distant futures through clearly defined goals, as involving my work around Tarot and how I can best use Tarot to assist others in growing and evolving to their true spiritual potential.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Been watching the news for the last forty or so minutes but also staring at today's Tarot. I also looked at the card during my lunch break. And as I felt this morning, I felt at lunch and still feeling it now and this is that today's Tarot Energy, "VII The Chariot" is a continuation of the theme from yesterdays cards..."Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely).”
Opportunity and enjoying life through change and transition...yesterday's "Four of Swords" and "Six of Arrows" leading to today's "VII (The) Chariot". This only makes sense because yesterday I clearly defined my near and distant futures through clearly defined goals, as involving my work around Tarot and how I can best use Tarot to assist others in growing and evolving to their true spiritual potential.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Gay Tarot,
Intuitive Tarot,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
VII The Chariot,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Sunday, January 3, 2016
The 'Six of Arrows, Transition' and the Four of Swords' Speak of challenges and Change Leading to Opportunity
Sunday, January 3rd, 2016. Another day of activity yesterday and another today as we host once again, this time it's brunch and with only two other people but a busy day none-the-less. I'll get over it but for it's an utter waste of a long weekend when you do nothing but run around doing things to keep busy instead of taking advantage of the extra days off to simply sit back, relax, and chill out. I think I'll be escaping in my camper van just so I can awake every day and do nothing when it comes to a long weekend or vacation time as it's killing me every time I have an extra day off and I can't use it to relax.
Enough complaining and enough about me...
Late last night's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Six of Arrows, Transition: The primal impulse here is to move beyond old boundaries and personal thought processes and deploy new methods of reasoning to resolve important issues. Some obstacle may challenge older methods, and new, more dynamic responses are required to adapt to a new set of paradigms. This can be an exciting process. The journey may be scary, since letting go of old and previously effective processes can be unsettling, but the unseen tides that drive the need to evolve are already pulling you to new experiences and places. Trusting in your own instincts and skills to absorb change is essential to overcome new situations. Take advantage of your subconscious forward momentum and ride the new wave with an open heart and positive mental attitude. Welcome any new process with confidence and apply your skills to effect healing renewal. Embrace well-tried experiences also, as the Wheel inevitably turns, and enter into these personal changes with a stoical enthusiasm."
As I was trying to relax before bed watching "Fear the Walking Dead" of all things I was shuffling different decks of Tarot one of which is the Wildwood and as I was shuffling and relaxing, the "Six of Arrows" flipped over and as soon as my eyes glimpsed this card, it's energy filled every atom of my being and I simply knew that I had to take a moment and be consumed by this important energy at this time.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Four of Swords: The rumpled bedclothes indicate a sleepless night for our Witch. The swords mounted on the wall represent her reason and wisdom. The sword she holds is the problem she's been facing. After a restless night, the morning finds her filled with clarity and purposefulness. There are lots of ways to solve problems. One way is to examine it from every possible angle, using all your experience and logic to determine solutions and outcomes. You are currently facing a problem that won't go away on its own. You need to use all your mental resources to solve this one. The result will be worth your effort."
Divesting myself of my debt as well as transitioning away from my traditional job are my challenges and opportunities for the coming year. I believe in myself and I know that my natural talents, skills, and abilities can support me financially and I just need to find the best and most suitable and effective ways to do this. The debts I have are my responsibility and also an investment in my hobby and my not-so-distant future life on the road as we have a vast variety of social media and unique forms of communication available to us that I can work on the road and still offer effective services to my clients who potentially live all over the globe. However, if we're both local whether it be where I live, in the metro Vancouver region or local to you during my travels I have no problem with meeting you face-to-face should that work better for you as I said I'm flexible and will work with where your spirit and energy lead you as this is all about you and meeting your needs.
I'm offering 4 and a half hours of my time through my coaching, guidance, teaching, and intuitive Tarot services to any of you for $69.99. My idea is to offer as I mentioned before an initial three hour session followed up by 3, 30 minute sessions at times of your choosing as long as I'm available and not working with other clients at the time. However, I can be flexible and do my best to work with your schedule.
I have a few changes to make and updates to do so both my website and blog reflect these new changes. This feels good to me as I'm offering a single service that combines a variety of services and doing so at what I believe is a very reasonable price...coaching, guidance, teaching, intuitive tarot, and not to forget chakra work for a very low $69.99...
...yes, I must say that I'm ready to go...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Enough complaining and enough about me...
Late last night's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "Six of Arrows, Transition: The primal impulse here is to move beyond old boundaries and personal thought processes and deploy new methods of reasoning to resolve important issues. Some obstacle may challenge older methods, and new, more dynamic responses are required to adapt to a new set of paradigms. This can be an exciting process. The journey may be scary, since letting go of old and previously effective processes can be unsettling, but the unseen tides that drive the need to evolve are already pulling you to new experiences and places. Trusting in your own instincts and skills to absorb change is essential to overcome new situations. Take advantage of your subconscious forward momentum and ride the new wave with an open heart and positive mental attitude. Welcome any new process with confidence and apply your skills to effect healing renewal. Embrace well-tried experiences also, as the Wheel inevitably turns, and enter into these personal changes with a stoical enthusiasm."
As I was trying to relax before bed watching "Fear the Walking Dead" of all things I was shuffling different decks of Tarot one of which is the Wildwood and as I was shuffling and relaxing, the "Six of Arrows" flipped over and as soon as my eyes glimpsed this card, it's energy filled every atom of my being and I simply knew that I had to take a moment and be consumed by this important energy at this time.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Four of Swords: The rumpled bedclothes indicate a sleepless night for our Witch. The swords mounted on the wall represent her reason and wisdom. The sword she holds is the problem she's been facing. After a restless night, the morning finds her filled with clarity and purposefulness. There are lots of ways to solve problems. One way is to examine it from every possible angle, using all your experience and logic to determine solutions and outcomes. You are currently facing a problem that won't go away on its own. You need to use all your mental resources to solve this one. The result will be worth your effort."
Divesting myself of my debt as well as transitioning away from my traditional job are my challenges and opportunities for the coming year. I believe in myself and I know that my natural talents, skills, and abilities can support me financially and I just need to find the best and most suitable and effective ways to do this. The debts I have are my responsibility and also an investment in my hobby and my not-so-distant future life on the road as we have a vast variety of social media and unique forms of communication available to us that I can work on the road and still offer effective services to my clients who potentially live all over the globe. However, if we're both local whether it be where I live, in the metro Vancouver region or local to you during my travels I have no problem with meeting you face-to-face should that work better for you as I said I'm flexible and will work with where your spirit and energy lead you as this is all about you and meeting your needs.
I'm offering 4 and a half hours of my time through my coaching, guidance, teaching, and intuitive Tarot services to any of you for $69.99. My idea is to offer as I mentioned before an initial three hour session followed up by 3, 30 minute sessions at times of your choosing as long as I'm available and not working with other clients at the time. However, I can be flexible and do my best to work with your schedule.
I have a few changes to make and updates to do so both my website and blog reflect these new changes. This feels good to me as I'm offering a single service that combines a variety of services and doing so at what I believe is a very reasonable price...coaching, guidance, teaching, intuitive tarot, and not to forget chakra work for a very low $69.99...
...yes, I must say that I'm ready to go...
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Fear The Walking Dead,
Four of Swords,
Pagan Tarot,
Six of Arrows Transition,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Wildwood Tarot,
Wizard Oron
Saturday, January 2, 2016
The 'Two of Chalices' and Bringing Change One One Small Step at a Time
Saturday, January 2, 2016. We spent a good part of the afternoon trying to solve a phone related matter and having lunch out. Smartphones are technological wonders but they have a glitch in them it's no fun at all.
Upon returning home I piddled around with my model railroad layout. I plunked down a few of the pre-constructed buildings I have on the layout so I can start designing the footprint of the little hamlet that will find a home there. I snapped quite a few photos so I could look at the layout in a photo collage so I can get more of a bird's eye view of the layout and buildings as well as close-ups a views from many different angles. Looks good so far so I'll have to get busy constructing the other buildings so that I have an entire town to work with including a couple of industrial buildings.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Two of Chalices. Our Witch sits at her vanity table, preparing for bed. She uses the powerful magick of visualization to achieve her goals. In her mirror, she sees an image of her ideal self. This self is who she is striving to be, a representation of the goals she has set for herself. She silently toasts this image and knows that each day, if she works at it, brings her one step closer to her goals. While it's great to have goals and know how you want to change and grow, you must balance that desire with loving and being comfortable with yourself as you are now. Working toward your goals in small, consistent steps every day will get you further faster than huge, random leaps."
Many different thoughts and ideas swirling around my sometimes disorganized mind however one steady thought, idea, goal, and plan remain and that is for me to be a spiritual coach, guide and teacher through the offering of intuitive tarot through a spiritual connection with clients that seek out my services. Speaking of clients, I'm as ready as I'll ever be to start working with any of you out there that are willing to give my talents a try...I may stumble a bit but someone out there has to be first. Will that be you?
One step at a time is the way I'm patience is still holding in there but I'm eager to get working for myself where my paycheques are solely reliant on my natural and spiritual abilities to help others on their own spiritual journeys through this life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Upon returning home I piddled around with my model railroad layout. I plunked down a few of the pre-constructed buildings I have on the layout so I can start designing the footprint of the little hamlet that will find a home there. I snapped quite a few photos so I could look at the layout in a photo collage so I can get more of a bird's eye view of the layout and buildings as well as close-ups a views from many different angles. Looks good so far so I'll have to get busy constructing the other buildings so that I have an entire town to work with including a couple of industrial buildings.
Today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Two of Chalices. Our Witch sits at her vanity table, preparing for bed. She uses the powerful magick of visualization to achieve her goals. In her mirror, she sees an image of her ideal self. This self is who she is striving to be, a representation of the goals she has set for herself. She silently toasts this image and knows that each day, if she works at it, brings her one step closer to her goals. While it's great to have goals and know how you want to change and grow, you must balance that desire with loving and being comfortable with yourself as you are now. Working toward your goals in small, consistent steps every day will get you further faster than huge, random leaps."
Many different thoughts and ideas swirling around my sometimes disorganized mind however one steady thought, idea, goal, and plan remain and that is for me to be a spiritual coach, guide and teacher through the offering of intuitive tarot through a spiritual connection with clients that seek out my services. Speaking of clients, I'm as ready as I'll ever be to start working with any of you out there that are willing to give my talents a try...I may stumble a bit but someone out there has to be first. Will that be you?
One step at a time is the way I'm patience is still holding in there but I'm eager to get working for myself where my paycheques are solely reliant on my natural and spiritual abilities to help others on their own spiritual journeys through this life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
2 of Cups,
Pagan Tarot,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Deck,
Tarot Energy,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Tarot Reading,
Two of Chalices,
Two of Cups,
Wizard Oron
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year, Card of the Day, Card of the Year and Know Thyself
Friday, January 1, 2016. Happy New Year 2016!
We hosted another successful New Year's Eve Dinner. The food was highly complimented and everyone except we hosts went up for seconds and maybe even thirds. We rang in the new year watching our local broadcaster and their live coverage of the first new year's eve celebration in Vancouver that included two fireworks shows, one short two minute burst at 9pm for families with young children and a ten minute burst of pyrotechnics at the stroke of midnight.
Today, I briefly meditated with flickering candle flame and the swirling smoke of "Spiritual Guides" incense and these are the Tarot Cards revealed to me this morning:
CARD of the Day: “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labour. Well-deserved enjoyment.”
Time to celebrate our achievements of 2015. And if I look back over the year I can see many areas where I improved my life, my outlook on life, my acceptance of how fluid life is as well as what my life is about and what I to do in life. A part of this is to take a look my...
...CARD of the Year: “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely).” and then a...
...quick look to "Know Thyself" using the Wildwood Tarot:
Who am I? "8 The Stag:
"The Stag, forest king and guardian, half human and half animal and verdant with greenery, looks out from the card with a steady and calm gaze. He holds a polished hafted axe and shield. His horns reach into the sky and are mirrored in the branches of the tree, before which he stands as a reminder of our cosmic connection to the universe and its manifestation in all organic life on the planet. The polished axe head is a manifestation of the human will to change the environment - and not always for the better, so a weighing-up of action and responsibility is necessary. The shield, which bears the image of the symbolic Major Oak, reminds us that we must preserve and protect our natural resources."
I am human, animal, and nature spirit.
"On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place. The key word here is 'responsibility'. We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."
I must accept responsibility for my life and my actions and with such recognition always keep my thoughts, words, deeds and actions in check so as to honour and respect my human, animal, and nature spirit "cosmic connection to the universe and its manifestation in all organic life on the planet".
What are my needs? "King of Stones, Wolf:
"Revered as a ruthless tracker and hunter, the Wolf has had a special symbolism for thousands of years and was the subject of ancient Pictish stone carvings. Comfortable in the dark and cold of winter, it was seen as a guardian of the dead on their journey through the night to the otherworld."
"Love of the land and of the natural world guides much of what you do. You look often to the wisdom of others and to traditional values to colour your life choices. Security brings pleasure; loyalty crowns every endeavour. Trading, speculation, Mathematical ability, Loyalty and conservation, Steadfastness, Robust health, Determination."
How do I go about meeting my needs? "Seven of Vessels, Mourning:
"This is a time to honour what is dead and mourn for what has gone. Learn the lesson of letting go by offering thanks for the cherished memories and being at peace with the past."
"Mourning begins the process of recovery after failure or bereavement. This process may be unconscious, for we often do not realize what things were significant to us until they are gone. Mourning serves to ritualize the process of being at peace with loss and honour the passing of what is important and significant in a personal relationship. It allows the tidal flow of emotions to rise and fall naturally through the psyche, and bring a sense of closure or completion and peace. This may take time, of course, and some losses are felt more acutely than others as mourning is a very personal and individual process, sometimes taking years to complete. In Ireland, the wake exemplifies one way of processing and dealing with loss by turning the ritual into a celebration of life and achievement. The celebration of the completed journey and the beginning of a new one has been a part of the human mourning process since the dawn of time. Whatever the loss, whoever the wake id being held for, let them go with love, and honour their passing with fond memories. Hold the golden, beautiful moments of life close and let their passing not go without a note of reverence for a life fully lived."
I need to "honour what is dead and mourn for what has gone" and "learn the lesson of letting go by offering thanks for the cherished memories and being at peace with the past". For these are the necessary actions I need to take in order to really move ahead with the achievement of my goals instead of having them always be just barely out of reach. Now I have a reliable home on wheels to combine with the knowledge and wisdom gained over the past year as well as the recognition of the role I must play in this life.
This combined with the Tarot Energy for the coming year as in the...CARD of the Year: “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely)” points to a cosmic desire for me to see my goals through to the end...honouring my desire and need to teach, coach, and guide people on their (renewed) spiritual quests as the cosmic transformation and shift occurs as the "Force" is awake and WE ARE the "Force" spreading much needed light, love, and peace around the globe.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
8 The Stag,
9 of Coins,
Card of the Day,
Card of the Year,
Happy New Year,
King of Stones Wolf,
Know Thyself,
Seven of Vessels Mourning,
Tarot Reading,
VII The Chariot,
Wizard Oron
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