
Friday, June 19, 2015

12 The Mirror and Inner Discovery

Friday, June 19, 2015.  We are slowly getting our home back in order.  The kitchen is coming together and we are reclaiming use of our dining and living room spaces.  A dozen or more boxes have been emptied in waiting cupboards.  We'll get more finishing work done on the kitchen tomorrow before heading off to friends for a barbeque and we'll do the same on Sunday...a little bit of work, then off to others friends and their barbeque.

Sleep was okay as I awoke a few times and then just as I was getting in my last fifteen minutes, the phone rang, not once but twice...a private number and no message left...aarrrggghhh.  So I simply communed with Spirit while awaiting the sound of the alarm.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "12 The Mirror: Patience and prudence are the keywords here, although trust plays a large part in the process of crossing to the island where insights into our own unconscious workings may be revealed.  This process differs from the journey of the Hooded Man, who makes a conscious decision to withdraw and contemplate the universe.  In the Mirror, a surrender of will is required.  Insights may come from dreams and meditations, but now is the time to force the pace or drive on with a plan or desire until you have heard what your soul has to say, and your bruised and wounded spirit has been healed.  Be patient.  Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy, ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises."

The mirror is the reflection of our true selves, the inner core of our being that few ever catch a glimpse of, or even get to know as we are too focused on the outer busyness of our lives to take notice of and really get to know who we really are.  Surrender yourself to the inner you, to the gift of Spirit so you can learn to truly and wholeheartedly live life and live it to the fullest and most deep and meaningful way possible.  Learn the real value of your life.  You will be amazed at what you discover.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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