
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

'21 The World Tree'

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015.  A interrupted night of sleep.  I think it was a little on the hot side and having a disorganized household doesn't help much either.  Although the kitchen is nearing completion we still have work to do.  The 'Smart Tiles' peel and stick backsplash tiles arrived yesterday or rather we picked them up from our local Canada Post outlet down the street in the back corner of Pharmasave.  Now we are waiting on the plumber to come in a reconnect the plumbing under the kitchen sink.  With that the kitchen will at least be functional and all the other little projects should come together rather quickly.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "21 The World Tree: The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart.  On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfillment.  No matter how long the journey of life may be, however many twists and turns the maze may offer us, in the end, if we persevere, we will reach the point of fulfillment.  This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph.  Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force."

Approach life and all that you do with a sincere heart and a willingness to grow, evolve, and learn as this will bring great rewards and much fulfillment.  Life is a journey and as we all know a journey is something that we should savour and enjoy as much as we can for as long as we can regardless of the twist, turns, detours, and bumps and bruises we may get along the way.

"21 The World Tree" should fill us with eternal joy and happiness as it is clear sign that we are on the cusp of becoming one with the universal consciousness, soon to be filled with infinite wisdom and knowledge and a greater understanding of who we are and why we are here.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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