
Monday, June 1, 2015

The 'Six of Bows - Abundance'

Monday, June 1st, 2015.  Welcome to a new month, 2015 is five months old and it only seems to have started yesterday.  Well, not really.  I can feel that it's been five busy months since the year started and the next six to seven months are already busy and they haven't even arrived yet.  The company I work for is experiencing much forward momentum and growth that has not been felt in years and the owners as well as myself are very happy to be a part of it even though our days blur one into the next sometimes.

We had a friend pop by for a last minute visit and dinner.  We hit the Spud Shack for dinner, then had a leisurely stroll along the quay and Pier Park before returning where we visited a little bit more before parting with hugs and 'see ya laters'.

Sleep came quickly however the evening was long and the quality of sleep was very much a welcome and joyous experience.  I awoke before the alarm and knew it but stayed in bed, rested a little more and communed with Spirit as I waited for the singing of the alarm.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Six of Bows, Abundance: The Wheel turns and the time to enjoy the fruits and rewards of the summer season has arrived.  Patience acknowledges the plentiful bounty which delivers gifts and rewards for your efforts.  Now is the time to allow this generous feeling of well-being to flow freely through and around you, and to enjoy the pleasures and sustenance these healing and revitalizing gifts can offer.  Sometimes, after a period of stress and hard struggle, the process of healthy relaxation is vital to re-arm and re-energize the spirit in preparation for the challenges of the coming winter.  The joy of sharing and gifting your own abundance with others is also a natural part of the process and brings its own inner peace and satisfaction.  Your gifts to others will bring solace during the coming seasons and remind everyone that the Wheel continues to turn on its inevitable and stoical journey.  Give thanks and accept the blessings of the changes that occur in life at this time.  We share the bounty of the forest and commune with the Wildwood denizens in our everyday life."

On adopting and living a minimalist lifestyle a whole new world of experiences and possibilities has opened up before me.  I have yet to part with possessions but regardless an amazing weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I feel at ease with life and feel very much alive and a part of the everlasting cosmos.  It's truly amazing and once again, I exclaimed to myself that "I love my life.  I really do love my life."
On a whim, I decided to submit a pre-approval application for financing on a van conversion, also known as a camper van.  I submitted the application yesterday and this morning I received an email and voicemail that I was approved to for an RV loan as per the application and the camper van that I've expressed interest in.  Further paperwork has to be completed before such a loan is given final approval as well as the fact I need to not only test-drive the unit but like it enough to in order buy it.

I freely give of my smiles and lighted hearted presence during my travels.  Yes, the odd time I get a tad frustrated with the way people drive but I'm getting used to driving in rush hour traffic as well as the fact that I can't do much to control or influence the way other people drive in this region.

I've opened myself to Spirit and do all that I can to lead by example as well as allow Spirit to work through and do her blessing as I go about day.  Additionally, have and display heart-felt gratitude for each and every blessing and gift I receive.  Love, light, respect, wisdom, knowledge, comfort, and openness are examples of Spirit's blessings in my life.  The pre-approved RV loan application is another gift that will give me much joy and happiness as I/we take many a road trip to here and there and nowhere in particular.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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