Monday, June 8th, 2015. The kitchen cabinets are finally in! Now all we need to do is to find a countertop to make the kitchen almost complete, a backsplash will be the final item. We're getting a butcher block countertop from IKEA for the food preparation side and hoping to get a quartz one for the wet side where the ink and dishwasher are located.
I had another sleepless night, tossing and turning, thinking about a thousand and one things that might be wrong with our new kitchen. Unfortunately, our favourite quartz countertop as well as five subsequent choices are unavailable so we are now going ahead with our seventh choice.
Tuesday, June 9th, 2015. I was struggling to stay awake last night as I was doing my nightly writing and reflections on Tarot so I stopped my attempts and subsequently fell asleep during the 'The National' on CBC. Being as tired as I was I'm not surprised so I crawled into bed and slept through the night.
Yesterday's visiting Tarot is "5 The Ancestor: You have made the leap and started a new cycle. Your instinctive spirit has felt it necessary to lead you to the gateway and a new path. You may have been reluctant or concerned at first, but whether you realize it or not a shift has occurred. You may feel wary of the unknown denizens that await you in the forest, but the ancient Ancestor within you will guide and reassure you as you relearn and greet new experiences on the path. Trust your inner voice. Listen to your instinctive and inquisitive nature. Your inner Ancestor is strong, patient and wise. Let them lead you into the forest with new eyes and a joyful heart."
Today's visiting Tarot is the " Four of Bows, Celebration: While focus, effort and dedication are inherent in the mastery of any skill that requires patience and practice, a time for relaxation and thankful celebration is also valuable. Without the timely and earned reward of indulgence, pleasure and friendship we become detached and isolated from those with whom we share a kinship and a common moral code and bond. To be able to relax and share in the bounty is a part of the human spirit's healing process and is how we refresh and nourish our soul. Whether the celebration is traditional festival or the marking of a personal achievement, to allow the empowering energy of carefree celebration and laughter to revitalize our resolve and rekindle our desire is a gift from which reflection on the beauty, generosity and natural wonder becomes available. To share and exchange the bounty of good fortune with those we love and respect is the most rewarding celebration in which we can indulge ourselves."
Change is a process that may take mere seconds or many days, months, or even years to fully complete, understand, and even celebrate. Change in life is inevitable for many of us and many a time multifaceted. One change may precipitate another and so forth where our lives may be turned upside down and sideways where things will and can never be the same.
Change can lead to knowledge, wisdom, and finely honed skills that came as a result of our intense focus and dedication. And now it is a time for us to lift our heads up, to come up for air and celebrate what we have accomplished...celebration with family and friends who likely have missed being in their lives as we hid away to become masters of our lives.
Work has been busy and I'm learning new skills, skills that I did not think I had or could even incorporate into my work ability skills and knowledge. But I'm doing it!
The kitchen is slowly coming back together. The microwave is back in place and we ate our first dinner in since we dismantled our kitchen last Thursday. We ordered our new countertop today, our seventh choice in colour and look however it should blend in nicely with our new look and current setup. I'll be glad when this undertaking is finally over but again I'm learning and putting new skills to good use so I'm happy that I can do some things that will save us time and money by hiring outside help to do them.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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