
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

'I The Shaman'

Wednesday, June 10th, 2015.  Mid-week and another weekend fast approaching.  Another weekend of dealing with the kitchen.  Will we have new countertops in place or will we continue to struggle to work in an incomplete kitchen?  Tomorrow we'll pick up our butcher block style countertop from IKEA and get that squared away hopefully on Friday.  Although, the suggestion is that we apply three coats of oil to it before installing and using it.  So the weekend will likely be all about that.  That's alright.  I know my place and will do everything and all that I need to do to see this project through to completion.

I slept well again last night however the consequences of it is that I awake before 6:00am but then I simply meditate on Spirit and Tarot and relax this way until the sound of the alarm.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is ' I The Shaman: You may hear the beat of a drum or the song of the wind.  It may be the dancing of light on water or the midnight barking of the fox, but whatever awakens your desire to return to the wild, the Shaman in you is ready for initiation into the mysteries.  This may manifest itself in the form of a desire to study esoteric science or philosophy and apply what you learn to the world.  It may involve travel for the sake of gaining confidence and experience.  But however the desire to begin a new spiritual chapter emerges, you are now in an emotional and intellectual position to bring forth real change in your life for the benefit of everyone.  This process of focusing, mediating and applying wisdom from the otherworld to everyday reality is the true work of the Shaman.'

It's time to allow ourselves to become one with the universe, to allow and re-establish consciously the connection that's always been there and take our rightful place in the cosmos.  We must accept that we are very much a part and always been a part of nature.  We've never been separate from nature or are we superior to her.  Let's work with the mysteries and wonders of nature and the otherworld and make magic in the here and now, the physical world and bring awesome change to our lives.

Change is afoot.  Are you ready for it?

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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