
Monday, June 15, 2015

'20 The Great Bear' Hanging Around Another Day

Monday, June 15th, 2015.  We had lunch with my brother, a quick walk along the quay and through Pier Park, and a little sit down and rest conversation with him before he headed off to do his own thing.  Before my brother's visit we did a little bit of work to make further progress on wrapping up work on our kitchen.  Then as three o'clock approached we headed over to Landmark Cinemas to take in 'San Andreas' okay movie but nothing too special in my books however it was some easy entertainment for the afternoon and I walked out of the movie feeling good about myself.  Before heading home we stopped by 'Subway' to grab dinner as we had more work to do get ourselves more organized and functional in terms of meal preparation and use of the kitchen as much as we can use it.

I slept well and spiritual matters were top of mind as I slept.  I also kept my attention focused on '20 The Great Bear'.  So my night was filled with Spirit, Tarot-- The Great Bear', van conversions as well as visiting and talking to my sister.  I awoke earlier though and struggled with sleep until the alarm sounded...then it was on with a new day...

...Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "20 The Great Bear: The only thing in life that is assured is that, if you wait long enough, it will change.  How you survive that change and who you are after it is up to you.  The major element in this process is judgement of yourself and others.  This may relate to an assessment regarding a personal matter or situation, and could be linked to the process of forgiving.  It may also relate to a group or social decision.  In the process of judgement, both as an individual and on the universal level, honesty is the key.  Be honest, be forgiving, be patient, but most of all, be assured change is at hand.  Remember, the universe has a long memory.  Nothing is ever forgotten."

Major changes are in the works with '20 The Great Bear' hanging around for a second day.  We need to take a long hard look in the mirror and have a deep and meaningful conversation with ourselves too!  We need some perhaps brutal honesty to be had so real change can occur where forgiveness and patience play a big role.

I'm not surprised by seeing '20 The Great Bear' again this morning.  In fact, I think I was almost expecting it considering how much I spent on thinking about it while sleeping.

I'm ready...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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