
Monday, June 29, 2015

'7 The Archer'

Monday, June 29th, 2015.  I had a very relaxing Sunday evening.  We made our way to the beach early in the day arriving at our chosen spot around 11:30am or so, leaving shortly after 1:30pm.  We had lunch on the beach, opting for two Bison Dogs from Norman's Spirit Grill.  They were very good.  Not too sure how the rest of the afternoon played out but the evening was great.  Oh, we had a grilled chicken salad for dinner.
I was sitting on the sofa and not relaxing very much so I decided to take my stuff outside onto the deck where I must have sat for a couple of hours or more reading the June 2015 issue of Science of Mind magazine.  What an uplifting and spiritual read.  Awesome!

I'm a changed man.  I'm a spiritual activist.  My choices are aimed at bringing more love and good into this world.  Humility, clarity, forgiveness and love are my states of being.  I've claimed my authentic power.  I'm standing my ground.  I've overcome my ego and Spirit is my loving guide.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "7 The Archer: The dawn of a new adventure, folded in the web of universal potential, waits for you to string the bow of your imagination and loose the arrows of creativity.  This is a time to be bold and commit to the hunting of new life and a better relationship with the world, as well as the fulfillment of wholesome ambition.  Take a moment to gather your tools and steady your state of mind.  Take careful stock of what you want to achieve, why and how you will go about it.  Then harness your potential by filling your quiver with all the talents, knowledge and cunning you possess and string the 'bow of burning gold' with the 'arrows of desire'.  Take a deep breath and be calm.  It is time to let your soul take flight."

Be still and know deep down in your heart that you will find success.  Leave no room for doubt and instead fill your soul with the love of the universe and let pour forth and shine through in all that you do.  Let love lead the way knowing that your arrows will always find their mark.

You know without a doubt that which you must do.  Follow your hearts innermost desires and let loose your yearning for a better way of living and a better life all around.  Follow your arrows as the glide through the air for they will lead to where you need to go.  You have the knowledge, skills and talents to fulfill your potential.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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