Saturday, January 3rd, 2015. Yesterday was an awfully long work day but one where my roles and responsibilities at work have expanded and grown tremendously. I do not mind taken on these on however I'd like to have a better outline and understanding of what is expected of me. Information given in a piecemeal fashion is difficult to comprehend and understand is at is so fluid and changes constantly. I'll do my best to manage.
I've also come down with a cold. I hate colds especially when they interfere so much with my breathing--congestion and a stuffed up nose make me pretty darned miserable but I'll get through and over this soon enough.
Having a cold brought about a very quiet evening and an early bedtime that I truly appreciated as I did awake a few times throughout the night.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script. You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one. The end of a bad situation. Hysterical overreaction" with further clarification from “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions. Wisdom. Advice. A ceremony or ritual.”
I choose the loving guidance and love of Spirit to take on my new roles and responsibilities as well as to steer me away from and clear of negative thoughts and thinking patterns. I grasp hold of my hidden talents and bring them into the light of day so that I can fulfill my new roles and responsibilities with my spiritual gifts of an open mind, objectivity, strength, honour, and the courage to move ahead when more is expected of me.
Thank You Spirit.
Let's not let the apparent burdens in our lives get us or weigh us down. Choose the loving light and guidance of Spirit to see you through. Grasp hold of the strength and courage that resides within you to overcome and rise above what is holding you down, likely of your own doing. Face the music as the saying goes and choose for yourself a new path that brings you out of the mud ad mire you've gotten yourself into and rise above it all as Spirit guides you onto your new path.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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