
Saturday, January 17, 2015

The 7 of Coins and XVII The Star

Saturday, January 17th, 2015.  Thank goodness yesterday was Friday and that I survived the week.  The week started off in a panic and was a somewhat stressful one right to the end.  As I unwound during the evening doing a whole lot of nothing the stress melted away and the more relaxed I became.  The only hiccup being a severe case of heartburn and the pushing away of my plate during dinner.  We were in bed before 11:00pm and although I awoke just after 6:00am I soon found myself fast asleep on the sofa and upon opening my eyes after what I perceived o be only minutes, I discovered that I slept or "rested my eyes" for over an hour.

Thank You Spirit.

It's a lazy morning as I'm still in my pajamas but Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Coins: Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new” with much support and further guidance from “XVII The Star: Spirit is Real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying spirit.  A dream becomes real.”

Chores are not necessarily a bad thing and with a bit of thought and foresight can be great learning experiences and very beneficial to the heart and spirit of our being.  With some chores a certain degree of skills may be required and as we about certain chores perhaps we can gain insight s to we might use such skills to better ourselves and our lives.

With “XVII The Star" also being present today I see that we are the right path for the realization of our innermost dreams.  If e understand and appreciate that we are all a part of the fabric of life and thus interconnected with one another the better our chances of success as we go about our lives.  The power, strength, and Spirit of the universe dwells within all of us and is there to guide us if we dare to believe and take the next steps to move ahead with our lives.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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