
Thursday, January 1, 2015

XV Self-Hatred and XI Strength and Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 1st, 2015.  HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2015 bring us all a much brighter, more peaceful, and more loving planet.

We spent the day yesterday cleaning and preparing for the evening's festivities.  It was super nice to have the day off to clean and make dinner for all the guests that were in attendance last night.

We prepared ham and lasagne and picked up a prepared super kale salad from the grocery store.  Appetizers brought by our guests were a tortilla/frittata, spinach dip with pumpernickel bread, a shrimp ring, and bruschetta.  For dessert a couple of our guests made pies.  We had apple, a raspberry tart, and chocolate pecan--all of which were very delicious.

As 2014 gave way to 2015, we popped three bottles of bubbly for the ten of us and as toasted and rang in this new year we hugged and kissed and wished each other "Happy New Year".  Then as the morning ticked along, our guests slowly departed and made their way home.  We slipped into bed around 2:00am.  What a great evening we had.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem" with support and much clarification from “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

These two cards have awoken within in the desire to spend more time and effort in researching and studying Tarot as well as making more time for my spirituality and spiritual endeavours.  Tarot is very much a part of the fabric of my being.  Tarot courses through my veins and is a part of every atom of my being and a working and educational spiritual life is my new state of being.

May 2015 allow us all to be the "original's" that we are.  Let's all strive to display our uniqueness to the world and change the world one day at a time, change it by changing ourselves and becoming the change that we desire.  May 2015 be year of peace and love.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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