
Monday, January 26, 2015

The 4 of Swords and the 4 of Wands

Monday, January 26th, 2015.  The weekend started and ended well however it was not long enough for me to accomplish everything I set out and hoped to do.  However, I must simply enjoy the pursuit of my model railroad hobby and allow my new website and proposed new career to take shape at the right pace and blossom at the most appropriate time.

My pursuits of both has been enhanced with a new purchase, a "Table-Mate", a table that slides to me and under the chair I'm sitting on.  I was looking for something simple and compact so I can easily put it away and have it "out of sight and out of mind".  Since I reconfigured my crafting table into a model railroad layout table I have no work surface nor desk on which to work so this purchase was somewhat essential and made sense.  My new laptop sits on it very nicely as do my magazines and other reading materials.  I'll be doing model building work on it in the near future and I see it working very well for this too!  I need to build structures and other things for my model railroad so I need a nice surface on which to work.

I slept well until I awoke before the alarm.  We were up late both Friday and Saturday nights and slept in both Saturday and Sunday but all is well.  Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”" with a little seasoning added by the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage.  Opening night finally arrives.  A venture has been established.  Celebrating initial achievements."

Rest and celebration are the messages of the day even at this late time in the day.  We need to move in our lives but there is always a need for rest and celebration of what we've achieved no matter how small such achievements may be and they may be bigger than you think.

Each day is a celebration of sorts and each day should have moments of rest and relaxation built into them.  Take time to notice the small stuff once in a while and make time to cherish those a-ha moments that come around.  They may not be "big" in terms of the larger picture however they may very well be the piece that holds everything together or gets us through a roadblock we could not see our way around.

By the way, take a moment to check out and let me know what you think.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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