
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The 7 of Coins Being Challenged by the 10 of Swords

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015.  We had another quiet evening at home.  I sat and rested as this cold I've been battling came back stronger yesterday.  My weekend of recovery disappeared.  So last night when I arrived home from work I made myself a nice hot cup of tea and nursed it down as we watched the local evening news.  We had leftovers for dinner--steak and kidney pie.  We picked it up from Meridian Meats in White Rock.  It's a decent pie, not my favourite savory pie but I'd eat it again.

I awoke before the alarm but dozed off and on as I gave thanks for the blessings in my life and communed with Spirit.  Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Coins: Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new” with opposition coming from the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction."

I'm doing my best to reflect on my achievements as well as what is and what is not working for me at the moment.  It's tough work as it tasks me with being brutally honest with what I've achieved, where I am, what more I wish to achieve and where more I want to go in and with my life.  One thing I've done is try not to see things I do as "chores".  Instead, I'm trying to appreciate and understand them to be educational and spiritual experiences and reflections.  This has helped a lot.

I'm also now that I think about approaching all of my work tasks in a very positive light and do my best to go into every situation with a smile on my face and in my heart.  I must remember as I just did to approach people on a spiritual level more than a human level--Namaste.

Life is about growing, evolving and becoming better than we think we can be and the best way to do this is by giving ourselves a chance, patting ourselves on the back when do something right, and by living independent of others advice, thoughts, and opinions.  Let's be responsible and accountable to ourselves and the guiding light of Spirit and we shouldn't go wrong.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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