
Friday, January 30, 2015

The Youth of Wands and the 5 of Coins

Friday, January 30, 2015.  Another quiet evening at home and another day of not going to the gym but I will make up for it this weekend as I'll go Saturday and Sunday morning.  I love the early morning gym routine--certainly wish I could do this during the work week too!

I also piddled around with my model railroad however I did more mental visualization than anything else as I need to get some more sectional track to complete the new track plan for the once again revised layout.  This is as far as I can tell my final revision.  I'm eager to get to landscaping the layout ad continue with the design of the town layout and street grid.

I slept rather well and awoke early and even went so far as to get out of bed early so as to allow the one of us who does not have regular work day today to sleep in.  How nice is that?

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Wands: Focusing attention on something.  Reaching for a goal from a possibly unsteady foundation" with some extra guidance coming from the “5 of Coins: Hard Times.  Material difficulties.  Lack of money.  People in adversity helping each other.”

Resiliency, an openness to study, learning and developing skills to move forward with experience, determination and influence are the orders of the day.  Developing a strong spirit and being free enough to bend and flex with the winds of the day, of change, and of necessity can give us a smoother ride in and through life.

We must develop, grow, and move forward in live by empowering ourselves and accepting the "truth" that "yes" it is possible for each of us to change and shape our own futures.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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