
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Youth of Coins and Getting Physical

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014.  I awoke early but in a happy mood.  I knew I didn’t quite get enough sleep and that the alarm was likely about hour off but was not superbly bothered by this as before.  And when the alarm sounded I knew that I’d like to fall back into sleep mode but instead allowed myself to simply be for a few minutes before hopping out of bed to get on with the day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

Speaking of the physical and the “Youth of Coins”, I need to balance my base or root chakra.  I do have piece of red jasper so I can meditate with this crystal/stone and find balance this way.  I can also devote some time to nature and enjoying the great outdoors.  The other day, Saturday evening as we were strolling along Comox Street in Vancouver a large tree caught my attention.  One of the more elder trees in the neighbourhood I think and the bark especially drew me to this tree.  Thick bark with deep crevasses, and much wisdom and Divine energy did this tree have.  It was hard to keep walking by as I could myself having great conversations with this humble and wise tree.

Thank You Spirit.

And of course, I need to devote more consistent time to keeping myself physically active as well as exercising my brain.  So tomorrow is gym day no matter what and I need to do more with Tarot.  If you ever feel energetic grasp hold of and use such energy to improve your life and the lives around you.  Or simply get out and enjoy the great outdoors and soak in the offerings of Gaia, of this wonderful planet we are so privileged to call home.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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