
Sunday, August 31, 2014

The 6 of Cups and Spreding Love and Kindness This Day

Sunday, August 31st, 2014.  Yesterday was a productive day.  We did a bit shopping, picked up some items to complete a home chore and a few items to further move along my burgeoning model railroad empire.

So today, my crafting cabinet is now resting on some feet, and the plywood yet to be converted into doors for the cabinet fit the space now that the cabinet is a little taller by about an eighth of an inch.  We picked up a couple of clothing items, pyjamas, I guess you can so we have something more comfortable to lounge around the apartment in, and we also picked some dishwasher detergent.

Thank You Spirit.

Today is full of love, sweetness and light.  I give of my love freely and will do all that I can to send forth loving and caring energy throughout the day. 

The reason for this might be related to today’s visiting Tarot Card, from my “Whimsical” deck, the “6 of Cups: Your personal magnetism is on the rise.  Be firm in affairs of the heart.  Don’t let the past detract from the present.  This is an excellent time to start a new love affair, renew vows, or relocate.  When reversed: Make good on all your promises, but don’t give in to unreasonable demands from others.  Be constructive in your efforts to solve problems; refrain from being pushy.  Find time for deep belly laughs and new friends.”

Let’s fill our hearts to overflowing with love, let the divine touch our hearts so we can send out the overflowing love to those around as well as to those in need so they can sense and even feel that someone is thinking and caring about them in some way.

Spread love, kindness, and generosity throughout the day in whatever fashion is most comfortable for you.  Be kind and loving, starting with yourself.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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