
Monday, August 11, 2014

The 5 of Coins and the 9 of Swords

Sunday, August 10th, 2014.  We had an easygoing day yesterday for the most part as I was just running around do this and that while my other half marked final exams.  Then as evening approached we made our way downtown Vancouver to connect with some friends as they hosted us and fed us a great dinner of barbequed red peppers and chicken with a mango and blueberry salad and coconut and pineapple rice.  A great evening of food and conversation.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Coins: Hard Times.  Material difficulties.  Lack of money.  People in adversity helping each other.”

This appearance of the “5 of Coins” is a challenge to me to real give my spirituality the kind of attention it deserves.  I must have my spirituality as a state of mind and put into practice what I preach.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, August 11th, 2014.  A new day and another early morning where I kept myself awake by over thinking and not letting things go.  I have a good life and I must accept it as it is for now.  I’m making my life better by being challenged by this well paying and rather secure job so I must continue to have patience and solidify the dreams and goals I have for my life.  I must create and build a solid foundation for myself so I can reduce the stress and worry of living life on the road.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Swords: Unquiet Dreams.  Stress.  Worries.  Mental tapes which play over and over.”

I knew I’d see the “9 of Swords” this morning.  Since I pretty dread having to awake at 6am and then rush off to work I often wake up in the wee hours of the morning and my thoughts just start flying around with no end in sight and I can lay awake for several hours because of this.  Luckily though I’ve often been able to overcome this through thinking thing all matter of Spirit and suddenly find myself being awakened by the alarm.  My perfect way of sleeping is by not having a fixed schedule so this is why I find myself struggling.  But all in due course, and much patience is required to get me through the next ten or twelve months.

Belief, knowledge, faith and trust in one’s self are where the “9 of Swords” must take us.  We need to get on with living life and adjusting as necessary in order to make our way through life’s journey and living true to ourselves.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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