
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The 4 of Swords and a Little Bit of Rest Before the Activity That Must Come

Thursday, August 14th, 2014.  Another odd night of sleep.  I was awakened by the alarm however, I was in a semi-conscious state most of the evening.  And it was somewhat slow going this morning and I was trying to work with Tarot when the TV was turned on.  This did not minimize the impact and message of today’s visiting Tarot Card, the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”.”

I’ve rested for a spell and need to get on with producing the future I want for myself by moving forward with my plans.  I need to set aside time to sit down and create an agenda and other plans as to how I wish to move forward with my coaching efforts, Tarot Readings and Chakra Balancing.  In order to do this I need to read and study so I can do this in the best interests of my clients.  The next two weeks though look like a complete write-off as the in-laws will be here anywhere from 5 to 10 days.

So time to rest and contemplate and possibly record my thoughts on these matters as I do have a 60 minute lunch hour and a nice little digital voice recorder.  Ah…a solution has come to me…as I can eat my lunch in about fifteen minutes which gives me almost 45 minutes in which to read and record my ideas and resulting plans.  Perfect!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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