
Monday, June 2, 2014

VII The Chariot - Confidence and Belief Can Carry Us Forward

Monday, June 2, 2014.  Although, I awoke 2-3 hours before the alarm and struggled to stay asleep the day went well and I was never at any time struggling with trying to stay awake or keep a clear mind.  I guess I slept soundly enough before that time to make-up for the lack of sleep the last few hours of my sleep cycle.

I did my best to commune and work with Spirit and Tarot and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot:  Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

I feel a high level of confidence in myself and have a solid belief in my business plan and goal to get it off the ground.  Yesterday after spending several hours out and about I made significant progress on reading through and editing my website template to the point where I am almost ready to submit it.  A couple of things are holding me back.  One is photos for the website.  The photos I have are not large enough for to send to the web designer to use.  So I’ll be asking a friend with a keen eye and interest in photography to assist me with a photo shoot.  The second thing holding me back is the business name.  I can easily create a website with the name but I should submit it for approval as well as register it so I’m not breaking any rules as I’ll be selling services and products through my website.

I’m focused on the result I wish to achieve with my undertaking and this is allowing me to focus on and go to work each day.  This is a decent job and well paying job I have and I’d be foolish to give it up when the income I earn is helping pay down my debt and save a little each month so I’ll have some savings to cushion me while I transition from being solely an employee and a somewhat guaranteed paycheque to a self-employed business person.  But I’m hoping to see interest in website and requests for coaching and tarot services so I can see some merit in quitting a full-time well-paying job.

I’m confident though that I’m on the right track as my idea fits in very well with images I’ve had popping up in my mind on and off for many years now.  More to come

So “VII The Chariot” is letting us know that we can exert a lot of control on our success and if we pay attention  perhaps, we’ll some external influences to help push us along as well on our journey to whatever goals each of us is hoping to achieve.  Additionally, we are also encouraged to enjoy the good times as much as we can by focusing on them more than what we may be lacking.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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